Get all objects of a specific developer - axapta

Is there any quick and easy way to get all created / programmed objects of a specific developer?
I often search something that i programmed a while ago and i want to save the time.
Greetz, Orangeman

If you don't have version control active, you can query the UtilElements table. For example:


SQLite SELECT very slow on Windows Phone

Simple SQLite SELECT query on Windows Phone is very slow on a high-end device (Lumia 930).
select * from tableName
It's fetching around 15000 records (yeah, I need them all) and normally I'd expect it to not be this slow. However, it takes around 12-13 seconds to get all the records. I'm using SQLite.Net-PCL client.
What could be causing it? Is it true that it's due to the very slow wrapper? Is there a workaround, any way to improve it?
EDIT: I tried using SQLite PCL from Microsoft Open Technologies and I manually mapped property by property and I got much better results. So it seems that the count of rows, count of columns and the reflection, all combined, cause things to slow down. I am now working on trying to expose a similar functionality through SQLite.NET-PCL, the library which I'm using, to see how that would go.
EDIT2: I marked Peter's answer as answer to my question as I was able to improve performance dramatically by manually mapping type by type using Prepare call and stepping through row by row.
SQLite can easily return 15,000 records from a simple table in a fraction of a second on a Windows Phone (tested on a Lumia 920).
There are other things causing your poor performance. If you have a huge number of columns, that might be a problem. Depending on how the SQLite wrapper is implemented (I don't know), two possible culprits are use of Reflection to fill your result objects or per-row Async overhead. But again, I don't know how that wrapper is implemented specifically.
The way to speed it up (other than to return less data) is to write your code in C++ and wrap it in a WinRT component to be called by your managed app.
Depends on what information you want from your entities you may try using Query<>() method that alows you to write raw SQL query and then you can select only fields that you are interested in and map it to lighter entities if that is possible, even if you getting all fields for your entitiy Query<>() still should be quicker.Also check if you are using lates SQLite driver for WP

Possible to search through all JSPs in Adobe CQ5 repository with CRXDE?

We have a couple of relatively simple websites running on Adobe CQ 5.5 that were developed by a third party. I'm pretty familiar with how CQ works, but I'm working with somebody else's code here and I need to be able to search through all components in the system for a particular string.
The issue is that I can't seem to find a way to search across all of the various .jsp files stored with the various system components. I would have figured that the query tool in CRXDE Lite would have done the trick with something like this:
/jcr:root//*[jcr:contains(., 'Find this exact string in a JSP')] order by #jcr:score
But I've had no luck.
What I am looking for is some sort of global search that includes JSP files. Is that possible? Were I using a regular Java system, any IDE worth the download would be able to do this.
Might not be easiest way, but you can use the VLT tool to checkout the repository into your filesystem. Then you can lookup using whatever tool you prefer. It might even be faster in the long run
I don't have the actual answer but I suppose the JSPs are indexed via a filter that strips out some of their content.
It should be possible to configure the repository to index them as is instead, based on the info at and
Sorry about the vagueness of this answer - I know the basic principles but to provide the details I would need more time than I can afford now ;-)

What is a strategy for a simple site site search in a SQL Server 2008 and ASP.NET MVC environment?

I am trying to hash out a strategy for implementing a very simple site search in ASP.NET MVC and SQL Server 2008.
Really, all I want to to do is to be able to rank search results based on the number of times a search word or phrase is found in the webpage. I attempted to do this using LINQtoSQL but I ran into a lot of issues where some LINQ commands don't have a SQL equivalent. This was a few months ago so I don't remember specific errors.
So, I'm just trying to figure out an approach. What I'm thinking is this:
Approach 1:
I should probably write a program to spider the site and somehow index the site's text - I'm thinking I should save information in a table like:
I could then query that and rank based on how many time that word is associated with a certain URL. But then I realized that this technique would completely breakdown if a user was searching for a phrase.
Approach 2:
Then I was toying with the idea of using SPROCs to create a temporary table with a record for each URL that would somehow parse the text and determine how many times the phrase or word appeared in each individual URL. and then we would return the results from the temp table. I am thinking the temporary table would look something like this:
And then select * from temptable order by Frequency asc or something like that.
However, I'm not sure if SPROCs are capable of parsing text like that, or if simultanious searching would be possible.
I am looking for something very lightweight. I'm not really interested in using Lucene or Solr or anything like that because the learning curve seems very steep and those applications' features are far away more than what I need.
Any thoughts on how I should approach this problem? Is there a different approach that I should consider?
For your phrase versus word issue, why not use wildcards and LIKE operators?
Select Count(*) from temptable where SearchPhrase LIKE '%Apple%'
Maybe not exactly what you want, but Windows SharePoint Search Server isn't all that bad.
Yes, it has the word 'SharePoint' in it, which would usually make me grab the scissors on my desk and start stabbing my eyes out, but having to use it once in a pinch, I was actually somewhat impressed with it.
It's free, so maybe worth a couple of hours playing with it for comparison to writing something custom.
After a little poking around, it looks like SQL Server 2008's Full Text Search is what I would want to use. I'm not 100% sure yet, but it looks promising.
If you're considering Full Text Search, then also check out
I used FTS for one project, and later used for another, and although the requirements were different from yours, I'd never go back to FTS now.

What is a typical scenario for and end-user reports design?

I'm wondering what would be the typical scenario for using an end-user report designer.
What I'm thinking of is to have a base report with all the columns that I can have, also with a basic view of the report (formatting, order of columns, etc.) and then let the user to change that format and order, take out or add (from the available columns) data to it, etc.
Is that a common way to address what is called end-user designer for reports or I'm off track?
I know it depends on the user (if it's someone that can handle SQL or not for example), but is it common to have a scenario where the user can build everthing from the sql query to the formatting?
The first thing I would think about is to put them in a very tightly controlled sandbox, both for security and also to prevent monstrous, server-eating queries. Beyond that, I think giving them a "menu" of limited options is a good path. I would not give them direct access to SQL.
First question is do you want users creating SQL that could become a run away query (think Cartesian join gone wild).
Depending upon your tooling you might want to publish your report as Excel. Creating a pivot table or a simple spreadsheet may provide the flexibility you are looking for but in a safe environment. Most users can handle removing columns, formatting, etc, in Excel and there are lots of self-help references that you might not find in a report writer tool.

Best way to create a search function ASP.NET and SQL server

I have an SQL database with multiple tables, and I am working on creating a searching feature. Other than having multiple queries for the different tables, is there a different way to go about said searching function?
I should probably add that a lot of my content is database driven to make upkeep easier. Lucene will not work for this, correct?
Different approaches to consider:
1) Multiple queries pre-baked, like you described.
2) Dynamic sql that you put together on the fly based on user-entered criteria.
3) If text is involved, based on SQL Server full text search or Lucene.
In my open source app BugTracker.NET, I do both 2 and 3 (using Lucene.NET).
I documented how I use Lucene.NET here:
Since you have tagged the question with I suppose you want to search your webpages. In that case you can use Indexing Server to perform freetext searches easily that search the generated html and any keywords you have set up.
As Corey Trager suggested, using Lucene.NET is also an option. It has a good reputation of being fast and quite easy to use.
Although the other answers provide good suggestions such as using Lucene, I have much preferred using a custom caching method.
So for a website that I help create, we cached the searchable data every couple of hours, from many tables, into one simple table with columns such as:
Item/Page Name
Main Keywords
Text Only Contents
Date Updated
I would then write my SQL statement to search this field using different functions to determin the rank.
You might want to check out this post i wrote on writing full text queries, its in C#, but its easilly portable, or just stick it in a library and use it as it.
How to build an SQL full text index search term in c#
