I am asked to implement a REST Web API to a specific route, where either of two different Json Datatypes may be posted.
This results in the following exception being thrown:
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Matching.AmbiguousMatchException: The request matched multiple endpoints.
Is there an Attribute that can be placed on the Web Methods, referencing Properties of the Json payloads so as to disambiguate the two possible Datatypes?
This was covered here but I'll add a little bit.
It's not good API design to do that and goes against Swagger / OpenAPI specifications to do what you're asking.
The only way to do this with the same HTTP method (POST in your case) is to have one action that takes in both models. Check which one isn't null to then route to the correct method to handle that logic.
If you can get away with using a different HTTP verb you could technically do that and have two separate action methods (like POST and PUT), but you wouldn't be using them "correctly" and based on your question and need, I doubt you can do that anyway.
You can read the request body as a string and then try to decide which type to deserialize in:
public async Task<IActionResult> MyMethod()
request.Body.Position = 0;
var reader = new StreamReader(request.Body, Encoding.UTF8);
var body = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
var A = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<A>(body);
var B = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<B>(body);
And add a middleware to enable request buffering:
app.Use(next => context => {
return next(context);
You can read more about it here
How do you properly create a Web API POST of complex object or multiple parameters using Angular2?
I have a service component in Angular2 as seen below:
public signin(inputEmail: string, inputPassword: string): Observable<Response> {
return this.http.post('/api/account/signin', JSON.stringify({ Email: inputEmail, Password: inputPassword}), this.options);
The targeted web api is seen below:
public async Task<IActionResult> Signin(string email, string password)
This does not work because I need to convert the parameters of the web api into a single POCO class entity with Email and Password properties and put the [FromBody] attribute: Signin([FromBody] Credential credential)
Without using [FromURI] (POST requests with query strings?), how can I make POSTs of multiple parameters or complex objects without converting these parameters into a single POCO class?
Because what if I have numerous Web API POST actions with parameters like (string sensitiveInfo1, string name, int sensitiveInfo2) or (ClassifiedInfo info, string sensitiveInfo1, string sensitiveInfo2), do I need to convert them all to POCO classes and always use [FromBody]?
I was using RestangularJS before and it can posts anything (mulitple primitive objects and complex objects) without my Web API actions having [FromBody] attributes. Will about to investigate how RestangularJS do it.
Without using [FromURI] (POST requests with query strings?), how can I make POSTs of multiple parameters or complex objects without converting these parameters into a single POCO class?
I know its not what you want to hear but out of the box this is not possible. It is not a limitation of the browser code that is making the request. This means it does not matter if you are using Angular, JQuery, straight JavaScript, or even RestangularJS. This is a limitation (I use that word loosely as I am sure this is by design) of Web API (any version). Here is the documentation on this design: Parameter Binding in ASP.NET Web API by Mike Wasson.
At most one parameter is allowed to read from the message body. So this will not work:
// Caution: Will not work!
public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody] int id, [FromBody] string name) { ... }
So the question becomes, what are your options?
Create a model
This is the thing you were trying to avoid but I list it first because this is how Web API was intended to behave. I have not yet heard a compelling reason not to do this. This approach allows you to extend your model easily without having to change the method signature. It also allows for model validation on the model itself. Personally I really like this approach.
public class SignInModel{
public string Email {get;set;}
public string Password {get;set;}
public async Task<IActionResult> Signin(SignInModel signInModel)
// ....
I did not repeat your existing JavaScript code because what you have works as is with the above web api code
Again, what you were trying to avoid. This does make what you want possible with the limitation that you have to pass these parameters using the Query string on the URL. The JavaScript would change but the signature you had on the Web API method would not.
public signin(inputEmail: string, inputPassword: string): Observable<Response> {
return this.http.post('/api/account/signin/?email=inputEmail&password=inputPassword', null, this.options);
I did not repeat your existing Web API code because what you have works as is with the above web JavaScript code (by default FromUri is assumed I believe)
Custom Model Binder
See Passing multiple POST parameters to Web API Controller Methods by Rick Strahl. This option allows you to create a custom model binder that could do what you are asking. It is a whole bunch of extra code though for, IMHO, not much benefit. Maybe there are situations where it would be useful although I really cannot think of any off the top of my head.
Finally you could also pass in a dynamic object as the parameter of your Web API. This is essentially the same as receiving the JSON as a string and making your Controller code responsible for the deserialization of content. Again, I believe that this would make your code worse in most situations as you have to implement custom validation and type checks. This answer was proposed previously on SO by Bes Ley. Again, maybe there are situations where it would be useful although I really cannot think of any off the top of my head.
If you call Web API 2.2 post method from Angular 2 type script, dont forget to add following header content and parameter object.
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' });
var params = new URLSearchParams();
params.set('userid', '102');
params.set('username', 'foo');
return this._http.post('http://localhost:6579/api/PostUser', params.toString(), { headers: headers }).map(res => res.json());
Perhaps you should post with options:
headers: new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
and encode data like
jQuery.param({user:'bla', password: 'bla'});
WebAPI does not provide this out of the box. If you try to get understanding of web API bindings, you might be able to figure out why.
I think this article might help.
The generic rules are:
– simple, string-convertible parameters (value types, strings, Guids, DateTimes and so on) are by default read from URI
– complex types are by default read from the body
– collections of simple parameters are by default read from the body too
– you cannot compose a single model based on input from both URI and request body, it has to be one or the other
I have fixed the issue of Angular2 HTTP Post ASP.NET MVC Web API
let headers = new Headers();
headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8');
let params: URLSearchParams = new URLSearchParams();
params.set('value', '2');
let options = new RequestOptions({
headers: headers//,
//search: params
let content = new URLSearchParams();
content.set('StudentName', 'Inderjit Singh';
content.set('Mobile', '+919041165398');
content.set('Nationality', 'Indian');
content.set('AdmissionNo', '6');
content.set('SectionCode', '1');
content.set('Gender', 'Male');
content.set('RegNo', '18585');
content.set('ClassCode', '1');
this.http.post('YOUR_URL', content.toString(), { headers: headers }).map((res: Response) => { console.log("data is==>" + res.text()); }).subscribe();
WebApi will be able to deserialize your Credential object provided the JSON object has the same field names (I am not sure about case so you may be right here). You seem to be missing the headers from the post call in your Angular2 component.
Can you check the Content-Type using Chrome Debugger or Fiddler? It should be application/json.
Try this, passing a complex class object into a single data parameter.
var SearchQuery = function () {
this.Alphabet = null;
this.Search = false;
this.Keyword = null;
this.RegionList = null;
var para = new SearchQuery();
{ data: JSON.stringify(para) } - Post Data
you can receive it using a JObject in your API controller and deserialize it as according to your classes.
I'm trying to put together my first CRUD app using AngularJS and Asp.Net Web Api. I have setup the controller with a newMember object:
$scope.newMember = {};
And then call the insert in the factory method as:
This calls the method in the dataService:
var _insertMember = function(member) {
return $http.post("/api/clubmembers/", member);
which fires the Web Api Post method
public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody]PersonViewModel member)
//if (_repo.AddClubMember(member) && _repo.Save())
if (_repo.AddClubMember(member) && _repo.Save())
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, member);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
I have checked the data in the Angular part of the app and the correct data is passed via $scope.newMember, but when it reaches the Web Api Post method the member parameter is always Null.
If I modify the controller method to the following it passes the data to the Post method as expected:
var testData2 = {
FirstName: $scope.newMember.FirstName,
LastName: $scope.newMember.LastName
var a = 1;
Is it possible to pass $scope.newMember as the parameter or do I have to fill in the details as of the amended code?
Check your code carefully, I would say (based on your experience described in the question) there will be some typo.
Call with explicit {} - empty object
If you will call your service like this:
dataService.insertMember({}); // just created empty object
you will get instantiated object on your API Post method PersonViewModel member
Call with explicit null or undefined
but in case, that you will call one of these
the API Post method will be provided with NULL.
typo (incorrect property name), i.e. undefined
And what that means? that you most likely, somewhere in the call chain used something like this
$scope.newMember ...
where newMemberXXX represents any undefined property, resulting in undefined to be passed
If you add FirstName and LastName properties to newMember it should work fine:
$scope.newMember = {};
$scope.newMember.FirstName = "First Name";
$scope.newMember.LastName = "Last Name";
Thing is, $scope.newMember has to match the properties and structure of PersonViewModel for the Web Api to be able to match the two types.
Let us know if this works.
Please be gentle, as I'm still new to web programming and -very- new to Ajax!
I've created a C# function which extracts data from an mssql database, formats it to a json string and returns that. Now I need to make a call from my javascript (jQuery) slider through an aspx page that is related to the C# code file.
I have actually never done anything like this before, from what I could tell by googling I need to use xmlHttpRequest, but how exactly do I make the function get hold of this string?
It would be awesome if someone had some example code that shows how this works.
The simplest way to do this is to convert your function into an ASHX file that writes the JSON to the HTTP response.
You can then call it using XmlHttpRequest, although you can call it much more easily using jQuery.
You can call it with jQuery like this:
$.get("/YourFile.ashx", function(obj) { ... }, "json");
It's relatively easy with jQuery if you mark the C# function as a [WebMethod] or make it part of a ASP.NET webservice. Both these techniques make it easy to have the response automatically converted into a JSON object by ASP.NET, which makes processing on the client easier (IMHO).
The example below is if the page has a WebMethod named GetData, but it's trivial to change the URL if you create a service.
$.ajax({ url: "somepage.aspx/GetData",
method: "POST", // post is safer, but could also be GET
data: {}, // any data (as a JSON object) you want to pass to the method
success: function() { alert('We did it!'); }
On the server:
public static object GetData() {
// query the data...
// return as an anonymous object, which ASP.NET converts to JSON
return new { result = ... };
Hi I am developing an application with Flex for the GUI and Restlet for the webservices. I have a strange problem. I put my XML as a property on a generic object, and send it as part of a POST request. But in the Restlet webservice, this XML is irretrievable. How do I retrieve it?
I tried initialising the received Representation object to a DomRepresentation, but thats not working. If I put the received Representation object into a Form object, then getFirstValue is returning that XML as a string!
I noticed that the contentType of the HTTPService was application/www-form-encoded so I set it to application/xml and its not helping either.
I use restlet 2.0m6 and here is the code snippet that I use -
public Representation process(Representation entity)
DomRepresentation dom = new DomRepresentation(entity);
Document d = dom.getDocument();
catch(Exception e)
and it throws a Null Pointer exception at the dom.getDocument() line. Which means no data actually arrived.
And my flex bit looks like this -
var service : HTTPService = new HTTPService();
var token :AsyncToken = service.send(params);
where params is an XML object.
Here is the answer - http://vatsalad.wordpress.com/2010/02/08/how-to-handle-xml-received-as-part-of-a-post-request-in-restlet/