SignalR cross-domain connections with self-hosting and authentication - signalr

I have a CORS problem when self-hosting SignalR with OWIN, which only happens when I try to enable authentication.
The error I get in my web browser is:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://.../signalr/negotiate?[snip] Origin ... is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin
This only happens if I enable authentication in my self-hosted server using the approach in this answer:
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var listener = (HttpListener)app.Properties[typeof(HttpListener).FullName];
listener.AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Ntlm;
app.MapHubs(new HubConfiguration { EnableCrossDomain = true });
If I comment out the AuthenticationSchemes line then CORS works (and I've checked everything in these instructions). I get the same problem if I use other authentication schemes than NTLM.
Using Fiddler to examine what's going on, without authentication enabled I see the necessary CORS headers coming back from the server:
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: [my server]
However once I enable authentication I get a 401 response which is missing these headers. All the requests have the necessary Origin header.
Having examined the SignalR source code it looks like the headers are being set, but presumably with authentication enabled the HttpListener is sending the initial 401 response without hitting this code.
So I think my question is: How do I get the HttpListener to include an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in its negotiation of authentication protocols?

I have gotten NTLM authentication to work with cross domain signalR self-hosted in OWIN by allowing the preflight requests anonymous access.
What one needs to do is create a delegate for choosing the authentication scheme which looks for the preflight request headers, and allows these through anonymously. All other requests will use NTLM.
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder appBuilder)
var listener = (HttpListener)appBuilder.Properties[typeof(HttpListener).FullName];
listener.AuthenticationSchemeSelectorDelegate += AuthenticationSchemeSelectorDelegate;
private AuthenticationSchemes AuthenticationSchemeSelectorDelegate(HttpListenerRequest httpRequest)
if (httpRequest.Headers.Get("Access-Control-Request-Method")!=null)
return AuthenticationSchemes.Anonymous;
return AuthenticationSchemes.Ntlm;

I presume you're using Chrome, which very unhelpfully tells you that these headers are missing and that this is the problem, when actually you have probably just forgot to set your XMLHttpRequest's withCredentials property to true.
If you're using jQuery you can do this for all requests with:
$.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR) {
options.xhrFields = { withCredentials: true };
You also need to do the right thing with OPTIONS requests as in the other answer.


Asp.Net Cors returns headers on OPTIONS but not on GET request

Using Microsoft.Owin.Cors in a .Net Mvc (not core) project I configure cors on startup like this:
var cors = new CorsPolicy {
AllowAnyHeader = true,
SupportsCredentials = true,
app.UseCors(new CorsOptions {
PolicyProvider = new CorsPolicyProvider {
PolicyResolver = ctx => Task.FromResult(cors)
When I do a cross-origin query from a site on localhost:3006 I get a successful OPTIONS preflight request followed by a successful yet blocked GET request.
When I inspect the response, I see
access-control-allow-credentials: true
access-control-allow-headers: authorization
access-control-allow-origin: http://localhost:3006
on the OPTIONS response, but not on the GET!
Why on earth not? What do I need to make it work correctly?
So after plugging at this for a full day I finally got it working. I couldn't get it working using the Owin handler. The hint for me is that OPTIONS succeeded but GET failed.
What I suspect is that on .Net Framework, Mvc actually happens outside of the Owin pipeline, as it ties directly into System.Web. While I'm sure sure there's a way to fix that by messing with my web.config, in my case I really only need CORS for my web api handled routes, therefore switching to Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors did the trick.

How do I get log output from JwtSecurityTokenHandler?

I have an ASP.NET Core 2.1 Web Application project that uses JWT tokens for authenticating the Web API that's built-in to the project. It works fine when I run it locally on my machine, but when I deploy it to Azure (with identical environment and app-settings) it simply returns empty HTTP 401 responses to requests from my authenticated clients and I need to find out why so I can fix it.
I enabled logging of every detail in ASP.NET Core, however I never received any useful output.
First, I added Serilog.AspNetCore and the Console sink to the project through NuGet, then configured logging at Verbose level in Program.cs:
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", LogEventLevel.Verbose)
.MinimumLevel.Override("System", LogEventLevel.Verbose)
.MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication", LogEventLevel.Verbose)
.WriteTo.Console(outputTemplate: "[{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} {Level}] {SourceContext}{NewLine}{Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}{NewLine}", theme: AnsiConsoleTheme.Literate)
CreateWebHostBuilder( args ).Build().Run();
public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(String[] args)
return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder( args )
.ConfigureLogging( (ctx, cfg ) =>
} )
But when I run my web-application on Azure (with console stdout logging to file) I got this output:
[04:13:10 Verbose] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker
Authorization Filter: Before executing OnAuthorizationAsync on filter
[04:13:10 Verbose]
HandleAuthenticateAsync called
[04:13:10 Debug]
AuthenticationScheme: Bearer was not authenticated.
[04:13:10 Information]
Authorization failed.
[04:13:10 Verbose] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker
Authorization Filter: After executing OnAuthorizationAsync on filter
[04:13:10 Information]
Authorization failed for the request at filter 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Authorization.AuthorizeFilter'.
[04:13:10 Verbose] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker
Before executing action result Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ChallengeResult.
[04:13:10 Information] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ChallengeResult
Executing ChallengeResult with authentication schemes (["Bearer"]).
[04:13:10 Verbose]
Forwarding challenge to scheme: BearerIdentityServerAuthenticationJwt
Note how despite verbose logging, the error messages (repeated below) don't give me any explanation:
AuthenticationScheme: Bearer was not authenticated.
Authorization failed.
I dug around the ASP.NET Core Security source-code to see that JwtBearerHandler.HandleAuthenticateAsync doesn't do much logging of its own, but it does call into the not-open-sourced System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityTokenHandler which does normally do a lot of logging, including detailed reasons (e.g. (with IDX10209-type error codes in strings), but I don't know why it isn't outputting anything I can capture.
How do I log messages from JwtSecurityTokenHandler?
I found the problem:
My HttpClient (that was sending the HTTP Authorization header Bearer token) was unintentionally sending it to a http:// URI that immediately received a 301 redirect to a https:// URI. The redirect was performed by IIS without the ASP.NET Core pipeline getting involved.
The HttpClient class does not re-send the Authorization header following a redirect (this is by-design).
I never noticed this because my HttpClient's received HttpResponseMessage had a reference to the original request which had the Authorization header, not the post-redirect request that lacked the header. I had to use Fiddler with the HTTPS proxy to see the second request was lacking the Authorization header.
When IdentityServerAuthenticationHandler or ASP.NET Core's own JwtBearerHandler receives a request with no Authorization header it does not call into JwtSecurityTokenHandler at all. To see this, open the JwtBearerHandler.cs file in the ASP.NET Core Security Git repo and look at HandleAuthenticateAsync: It has this logic:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
string authorization = Request.Headers["Authorization"];
// If no authorization header found, nothing to process further
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorization))
return AuthenticateResult.NoResult();
So in my case, it never actually called JwtSecurityTokenHandler at all, hence the lack of output messages about JWT validation.
However the output messages I did receive did not help. They're both misleading:
"AuthenticationScheme: Bearer was not authenticated." should have been something like "AuthenticationScheme: No Bearer token was present in the request." instead.
And "Authorization failed." should have been "Authorization skipped because no token was present in the request."
So in the end, the fix was to change the original request URI's scheme from http:// to https://.

Using Identity Server 3, ClaimsPrinciple null even after successful bearer token authentication

I have a test console app which I'm pointing at a local instance of Identity Server 3 to request an access token. The following code does this and returns my token fine (passing a single scope "scope.test.client").
static TokenResponse GetClientToken(string clientId, string clientSecret, string[] scopes)
var uri = new Uri(string.Concat(ID_BASE_URI, ID_URL_TOKEN));
var client = new TokenClient(
return client.RequestClientCredentialsAsync(string.Join(" ", scopes)).Result;
I then use this token to call an API also running locally. This takes the TokenResponse obtained above and passed it to this method:
static void CallApi(string url, TokenResponse response)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
catch (Exception x)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", x.Message));
The API (an ASP.NET WebApi project) uses an Owin Startup class to enforce bearer token authentication for all requests:
appBuilder.Map(baseApiUrl, inner =>
// Enforce bearer token authentication for all API requests
inner.UseIdentityServerBearerTokenAuthentication(new IdentityServerBearerTokenAuthenticationOptions
Authority = "https://identityserver/core",
ValidationMode = ValidationMode.ValidationEndpoint,
RequiredScopes = new[] { "scope.test.client" }
It also ensures all API requests are handled by a custom authorize attribute:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Filters.Add(new DefaultApiAuthorizeAttribute());
Debugging this API, the first line in my overridden OnAuthorize method (in DefaultApiAuthorizeAttribute) is this:
var caller = actionContext.RequestContext.Principal as System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal;
If I break on this line I can see that actionContext.RequestContext.Principal is always null. However, I can see that ((System.Web.Http.Owin.OwinHttpRequestContext)actionContext.RequestContext).Request.Headers contains an Authorization header with the bearer token passed from my console app.
So it would seem that the API project is not authenticating the bearer token. Certainly the Identity Server logs suggest it isn't being hit at all after issuing the initial access token. So I'd appreciate your expert advice about why this might not be happening, or at least some pointers about where to look.
I suspect it might have something to do with SSL. Both sites are hosted locally under self-signed SSL certs, although Identity Server is configured to not require SSL and uses the idsrv3test.pfx development certificate for signing. I do have another test MVC web app which delegates authentication to the same IS3 instance which works fine locally, so I believe my IS3 instance is configured correctly.
You need to call UseIdentityServerBearerTokenAuthentication before you call UseWebApi. When you set up an OWIN Middleware Pipeline, the order is important.
In your case, Web API will be handling your requests before they get sent onto Identity Server (if they get sent on at all).
I imagine a range of possible issues could have the impact I described, but in my case I was able to find the cause by adding a diagnostics log to my consuming API. This led me to discover that the problem was an assembly conflict. The Owin middleware was looking for a Newtonsoft.JSON assembly with version but my consuming API (actually running on top of a CMS intance) was using
For anyone else who wants to find the answer fast, rather than spend hours tweaking configurations, here's the documentation that describes how to add this logging:

The anti-forgery cookie token and form field token do not match when using WebApi

I have a single-page app (user loads a bunch of HTML/JS and then makes AJAX requests without another call to MVC - only via WebAPI). In WebAPI I have the following:
public sealed class WebApiValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(
System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
if (actionContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(actionContext));
if (actionContext.Request.Method.Method == "POST")
string requestUri = actionContext.Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri.ToLower();
if (uriExclusions.All(s => !requestUri.Contains(s, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) // place some exclusions here if needed
HttpRequestHeaders headers = actionContext.Request.Headers;
CookieState tokenCookie = headers
.Select(c => c[AntiForgeryConfig.CookieName]) // __RequestVerificationToken
string tokenHeader = string.Empty;
if (headers.Contains("X-XSRF-Token"))
tokenHeader = headers.GetValues("X-XSRF-Token").FirstOrDefault();
AntiForgery.Validate(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenCookie?.Value) ? tokenCookie.Value : null, tokenHeader);
base.OnActionExecuting(actionContext); // this is where it throws
Registered in Global.asax:
private static void RegisterWebApiFilters(HttpFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new WebApiValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute());
filters.Add(new AddCustomHeaderFilter());
Occasionally, I see the The anti-forgery cookie token and form field token do not match error in my logs. When this is happening, both tokenCookie.value and tokenHeader are not null.
Clientside, all of my AJAX requests use the following:
beforeSend: function (request) {
request.setRequestHeader("X-XSRF-Token", $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').attr("value"););
With Razor generating the token once on my SPA page:
I have my machine key set in Web.config.
What could be causing this?
I just checked logs and I'm seeing this sometimes as well:
The provided anti-forgery token was meant for user "", but the current user is "". a few seconds ago
This occurs when a user refreshes their instance of the SPA while logged in. The SPA then drops them into the landing page instead of the inner page for some reason (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is true) - then they can't log in because of this error. Refreshing pulls them back inside. Not sure what this means, but I figured more info can't hurt.
My answer will recommend to not try to use CSRF protections based on tokens in AJAX calls, but rather to rely on the native CORS features of the web browser.
Basically, any AJAX call from the browser to the back-end server will check for the domain origin (aka the domain where the script was loaded from). If the domains match (JS hosting domain == target AJAX server domain) the AJAX calls performs fine, otherwise returns null.
If an attacker tries to host a malicious AJAX query on his own server it will fail if your back-end server has no CORS policy allowing him to do so (which is the case by default).
So, natively, CSRF protections are useless in AJAX calls, and you can lower your technical debt by simply not trying to handle that.
More info on CORS - Mozilla Foundation
Code example - use your console inspector!
function reqListener () {
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.addEventListener("load", reqListener);"GET", "");
Run it and look at the Security error:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading
the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header
‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).
Mozilla is pretty clear regarding the Cross-site XMLHttpRequest implementation:
Modern browsers support cross-site requests by implementing the Web
Applications (WebApps) Working Group's Access Control for Cross-Site
Requests standard.
As long as the server is configured to allow requests from your web
application's origin, XMLHttpRequest will work. Otherwise, an
INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception is thrown.
I try to give an answer the same, also if in the comments we exchange, yours it seems a not related scenario with mine..
A such type of issue can be due to the XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader() behaviour, because this function "combines" the values of an header that has been already assigned in the context of an http request, as stated by MDN and Whatwg:
If this method is called several times with the same header, the
values are merged into one single request header.
So, if we have a SPA for example that executes all ajax POSTs setting a given http header, in your case:
beforeSend: function (request) {
request.setRequestHeader("X-XSRF-Token", $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').attr("value"););
the first ajax POST request sets a clear header ("X-XSRF-Token") and so, server side, you should have a "valid" header value to compare to.
But, in absence of a page refresh, or a new GET request, all subsequent ajax POSTs, as well as stated in the MDN and Whatwg documentation, will make a dirty assignment of the same header ("X-XSRF-Token"), because they combine the new values with the olds.
To avoid this issue, you could try to reset "X-XSRF-Token" value (but there isn't much documentation on that and it seems a not reliable solution...)
beforeSend: function (request) {
request.setRequestHeader("X-XSRF-Token", null); //depends on user agents..
//OR.. request.setRequestHeader("X-XSRF-Token", ''); //other user agents..
//OR.. request.setRequestHeader("X-XSRF-Token"); //other user agents..
request.setRequestHeader("X-XSRF-Token", $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').attr("value"););
Other solutions can rely on some client-side state handing mechanism that you have to implement on your own, because it is not possible to get values or state access of the http request headers (only response headers can be accessed).
Update - revision of the following text:
So, if we have a SPA for example that executes all ajax POSTs recycling the XMLHttpRequest object for each calling and setting a given http header, in your case:

SignalR cross-domain without CORS

I'm trying to get a confirmation that yes, a client can send and receive messages to an ASP.NET site on another domain without requiring that the IIS server running the SignalR-enabled ASP.NET supports CORS.
Can someone provide me with an example I can look at where CORS is not used as the cross-domain mechanism?
We have IE 9 clients and want to have three sites on different domains push/pull to a single ASP.NET + SignalR server. Can this be done? How?
If cors is not available SignalR uses longPolling transport with jsonp.
Keep in mind jsonp is insecure by design AND can limit your data you send over the wire since all data is sent via the query string.
You should not have to provide any additional information on the client for SignalR to use jsonp, it should just work.
To ensure that cross domain communication works on the server you'll have to enable it:
Routes.RouteTable.MapHubs(new HubConfiguration { EnableCrossDomain = true });
To enable this when using SignalR 2.0 with the OWIN middleware instead of the regular ASP.NET pipeline, install the Microsoft.Owin.Cors package from NuGet, then do something like this:
[assembly: OwinStartupAttribute(typeof(OwinStartup))]
namespace Website.App_Start
public partial class OwinStartup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
app.Map("/signalr", map =>
map.RunSignalR(new HubConfiguration {EnableJSONP = true});
More details here:
Just to add, WebSockets (cross origin) will require CORS, so eventually (if you want to use web sockets) you will need to support this on the server.
