Sort Evernote notes by date deleted? - evernote

When my app starts up, I want it to grab the latest changes from Evernote - that is, the changes since it last updated. As part of that process, I want to see what's been moved to the trash recently. Looking at a Note type, it has a created, updated and deleted timestamp.
I went to the NoteStore.findNotesMetadata function, which takes a NoteFilter as an argument. NoteFilter has a NoteSortOrder argument, which is the way in which the notes returned are sorted. NoteSortOrder has the options:
There isn't an option to sort notes by date deleted. The date created and modified remain the same as they did before, and so without grabbing the metadata of every note there's ever been, there doesn't seem to be a way for me to see what's been deleted recently.
Any thoughts as to how I could go about sorting by the deleted timestamp?

You will need to get all the metatdata and then sort it. You can use the NotesMetadataResultSpec to limit the amount of data you get. In this case you can set the includeDeleted flag to TRUE, which will only the deleted timestamp of all notes. You can then do another metadata fetch to get the rest of the metadata.

This is not directly related to sort by date deleted. However, I found it to be useful, so I am posting it here.
If you want to control the sort order regardless of when the notes were created or last updates, just put 0., 1., 2., and so on, in front of each note title. That will keep the notes in the order you assign.


check duplicate values in oracle forms multi record block

What I wanted is to display an alert when I move to the next row if the record that I inserted is already one of the records in the multi record block.
and in what trigger must I put it?
There are several options you can use.
One is to POST values entered (in WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE) trigger. It will, well, post everything you entered so far. Then, you can write a WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger which SELECTs from that table and checks whether such a value already exists. Alternatively, if there's the UNIQUE CONSTRAINT on that (those) column(s), database will do its job itself, i.e. raise an exception.
Another option is to literally loop through all rows in a block and compare the first row's value with all the others, then the second row's values with all of them, etc.
Or, you can use a Record Group (usually used for Lists of Values). Basically, you'd check whether value you entered exists in a record group. More info, along with a FMB file, on Craig's blog.
Or, you can use calculated items, as described enter link description here (FMB attached as well).
As you can see, quite a few ways to do that; explore each of them and pick the one you find the most useful / attractive / easy to implement.

How can I be notified of an index being updated on DynamoDB?

I have a table (key=username, value=male or female) and an index on the values.
After I add an item to the table, I want to update the counts of males and females. However, after a successful write, as the index is a Global Secondary Index, the count query is not consistent.
Is there a way (dynamo db Streams, Lambda, ...) to monitor when the index is up to date?
Note that Im not looking for a solution that involves something else (keep count of increments in redis or ...), what I describe here is a simplified problem to especially ask a question about how can I monitor an index in dynamo.
I am not sure if there is any mechanism currently provided to check this but, you can easily solve this problem by adding a single line of code to your query.
ConsistentRead = True
DynamoDB has a parameter when set as true will make sure that you get latest updated value.
Now, when you add/update the item and then query the data add ConsistentRead option in it, this will ensure that you will have latest count value.
Here is the reference link.
If you are able to accomplish using other technique then please do share it.
Hope that helps.

Access 2010 Query with Parameter and Sort

I have a problem that I've been going round and round with in Access 2010. Imagine a table with these columns:
Name Date Time
Now, I have a query that asks the user to input a begin date and an end date and returns all records that are between those two dates. This works fine. However, as soon as I add a sort to the Date column things go awry. Once you put a sort on a column with a parameter the user gets asked to enter the parameter twice. From what I've been able to find out this is normal (although annoying) behavior in Access.
If I add the Date column in a second time and show the column with the sort and don't show the column with the parameter it works fine. The query would look something like:
Name Date (shown & sorted) Date (not shown & parameters) Time
Now when I run the query it all works well and comes out the way I want it to. This would obviously be a great solution then. However, there's another problem. When I save the query, leave, and reopen the query the two columns are merged back into each other. Thus, the change is lost and the user again sees two inputs.
My question is this: what can I do differently to achieve the desired results?
Some possible things I've thought about but don't know the answer to are:
Is there a way to make it so the columns don't merge? Do I have to use a form with the input boxes and take the data from that (I'd prefer not to do that as it will require a lot of additional work to handle the various things I am doing in the database). Is there some obvious thing I'm missing?
Thanks for any suggestions.
FYI: Here is the SQL from the query
SELECT Intentions.Intention, Intentions.MassDate, Intentions.[Time Requested], Intentions.[Place Requested], Intentions.[Offered By], Intentions.Completed
FROM Intentions
WHERE (((Intentions.MassDate) Between [Enter start date] And [Enter end date]))
ORDER BY Intentions.MassDate, Intentions.[Time Requested];
It is true that sometimes the Query Designer in Access will "reorganize" a query when you save it. However, I don't recall an instance where such a reorganization actually broke anything.
For what it's worth, the following query seems to do what you desire. After saving and re-opening it looks and behaves just the same:
For reference, the SQL behind it is
PARAMETERS startDate DateTime, endDate DateTime;
SELECT NameDateTime.Name, NameDateTime.Date, NameDateTime.Time
FROM NameDateTime
WHERE (((NameDateTime.Date) Between [startDate] And [endDate]))
ORDER BY NameDateTime.Date DESC , NameDateTime.Time DESC;
I have had the same problem and I have discovered the reason:
If, after you have run your query, sort a collumn in the result grid and the say yes to save changes to the query the sort action will be stored with the query. This will actually cause the query to run twice. First to create the result and then one more time to sort. You'll therefore be asked twice for the parameters.
SOLUTION: Run the query (entering your parameters twice ;-) ). Then remove the Sorting by clicking on the AZ-eraser symbol in the task bar above (in the sorting compartment).
Then open your query in design-mode and add the sorting order to the appropriate collumn.
Your are then good to go.

Firebase reading ordered data reversed order?

I have an ordered list of firebase locations. I'm using a property ut (update time) as their priority. I want to make the list such that it's easy to get the latest updated documents.
So I set the priority to be negative ut.
var query = fb.child('view/documents').limit(20)
query.on('child_added', function(child) {
I expect something like this to return the latest 20 documents, but it doesn't, it returns the oldest 20. In the forge I see the listing the way I expect it, the latest documents are on top, but the query is sending me the bottom 20. It seems contrary to my expectations for the query to send me the bottom 20 instead of the top 20.
What really confuses me is that the child_added returns the expected order, latest (smallest priority) first. But again it's the oldest in the list.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in firebase.
I understand your confusion, but that's really how it's supposed to work: limit(20) returns the 20 greatest-priority children, starting with the 20th-greatest-priority child and ending with the absolute-greatest-priority child (and then updating whenever a new child is added whose priority is great enough to make the list).
You can see the example at, where the priority is the Unix timestamp of when the message was sent, and messageListRef.limit(100) is used to get the 100 most recent messages (i.e., the 100 greatest-priority messages).
I think what you are looking for is : .startAt()
before the limit(), that will return the data in correct order, without the keyword you will always get the last specified number of children.
Here is the reference :

Update WordPress Posts Inside Loop

I have some processing inside my WordPress loop, and I want to "cache" the results so that the next time the post is displayed I can use the pre-processed info. The obvious place to store the results is as post metadata.
I have therefore incorporated a number of Update_post_meta calls into my code, along the following lines:
update_post_meta($imagePostID, "imageMeta", $imageMeta);
In this the value of $imagePostID is just the numeric Post ID, which I have already used to retrieve other metadata, so that's OK. I have also confirmed that the code is getting called at the right point.
However, the values are not getting saved, and it looks like for some reason the updates are just being ignored.
Does anyone understand why this is, and if there's any way to get the behaviour I want?
