Why is there a difference in sizing between interface builder and the simulator? - xcode4

I am working in xcode4 and I am really confused by why there is a difference in sizing between the interface builder and the simulator, see the difference below.
Interface builder:

On the storyboard, click on the following button:
This sets the size of the elements of the storyboard for bigger screens.


How to set LaunchScreen image width constraint to superview in xamarin iOS project storyboard file?

I am implementing a splash screen for my app. I just came to know about storyboard constraints to support multiple devices. Basically, I feel it very difficult to understand it as a beginner in this, also I see there is no apt documentation in xamarin also. I want to know the steps to set an imageview width to its super view (View controller).
I see what I should do from here, Visual studio Xamarin iOS launchscreen storyboard layout. But, how do I add those constraints, totally no idea..?! Particularly imageview width and height to superview, trailing and leading
Now, I can only know how to set the constraints in designer by dragging, I'v only learnt to center the image to super view in X and Y (Horizontally and vertically). There is no button to add constraints. How to add leading and trailing constraints? I'm using Visual Studio 2017 for Windows
I got it working.
Step 1: Open storyboard file with lowest screen resolution device set (iPhone 4s) and drag & drop an imageview to fill the view controller.
Step 2: Set the uiimageview source from resources/image assets.
Step 3: Click on the image -> Properties Tab -> Layouts section. You will see like this
Step 4 : Properties -> Layout -> Under View group, there is title called Arrange, there is a autosizing box and example box.
Step 5 : You should click all the I-bars and lines in the center to make it red like below to fill the width (you can see that reflecting in the example box as you click)
Now, SAVE and then switch to other devices, you should have that UIImageview filling the device's height and width.
This will be very useful for important UI auto designs like splash screen.

How can I make my app look alike in both portrait and landscape view?

This is my constraint
I have made use of auto layout in my app, all the UI elements are visible in portrait mode:
But the view is incomplete in landscape mode.
How can I make my app look alike in both portrait and landscape view?
I am using Swift 2 in Xcode7.2.
use autolayout With Sizeclasses.
read this artical
When handling screen with UITextField you should always use something scrollable, either a UIScrollView or a UITableView. By using, you can easily update your screen UI. I'm highly recommended not to use UIScrollView, UITableView will be more easy. And yes, there's one well maintained library (3rd party) https://github.com/michaeltyson/TPKeyboardAvoiding which will handle your tableview position when your textfield will get focus.

Xcode 6 - iOS8 Constraints for Universal Apps

Anyone know how to configure constraints or whatever, to achieve the correct implementation of a view object for all iPhones sizes?
Let me explain with an example:
In Xcode 6 (iOS 8) you do not have storyboard for iPad and storyboard for iPhone, but you want to implement a UIWebView for iPad and iPhones (3.5, 4, 4.7 and 5.5)
If you want to fill the entire screen with the UIWebView (it is only an example), what do you must do?
I have tried with parameters as "Scale to Fill" in the "Interface Builder", I have tried with:
[self.webView setBounds:self.view.bounds];
You need to specify every size programmatically with "setFrame" ? I do not think so.
Some suggestion?
I solve the problem but I am not happy because I do not understand "Interface Builder Constraints" yet. I am not quiet.
My solution:
UIWebView *webView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
[self.view addSubview:webView];
But I would like to know the way to build an "Object View" (UIWebview in example) that fits all screen sizes, and do it through the constraints tool.
Considering the new situation (xCode 6): an unique storyboard for iPad and iPhone.
I found the solution to my question. This is approximately, what I was looking for.
It is a tutorial from Skip Wilson. The link:
iOS8 Constraints and Size Classes

Flex 4.6 Mobile force all views to portrait except one

I´m trying to do this for 2 days and no success.
One, and only one view (the video record view) I need to force to start in landscape. All the other views must start in portrait. And... Landscape view and the others portrait views must not rotate if the user rotates the device.
I´m trying with stage.setAspectRatio(StageAspectRatio.PORTRAIT) for portrait views and stage.setAspectRatio(StageAspectRatio.LANDSCAPE) for landscape view. Sometimes works... Sometimes not.
Sometimes going from a portrait to landscape works but when I return to the caller portrait view, its rotate to landscape too.
Thanks for some help.
If you didn't already, take a look at this article that should be really useful to you: StageAspectRatio Enhancements in AIR 3.3
You could of course play with setAspectRatio to define starting orientation, but that's only part of the problem.
You can modify the autoOrients property located in your app descriptor file if you want to get rid of the automatic behavior and handle everything manually.
Or you could listen for every orientationChanging event of the Stage object and preventDefault() them to cancel any screen orientation.
Once this is done, you simple have to handle the loading orientation of your views and this should be it.

QML: Issue while renderring qml screen

I am facing problem while rendering QML screen on one of the development boards
On some of the screens I have throbber gif image where I can see the background color of the screen as shown in this image.
on some screen I have list view which I am updating through JavaScript, which is not taking effect as I am not able to see the updated image/text in the list view elements.
Is this some kind of issue related to refreshing screen .
The same code runs fine on Ix86 when compiled with QML on IX86.
If the same code is fine when compiled for another platform, I expect the first platform has a buggy library.
