Azure Virtual Network Point-to-Site (ex. Azure Connect) autoconnect - networking

While Azure Connect is being retired and Azure Virtual Network provides similar feature with better speed, i've noticed few drawbacks though.
Azure Connect was capable of maintaining connection automatically, without user even having to log in. Azure Virtual Network however requires user to interactively connect/reconnect to VPN. This makes it quite unusable in production environment. Are there any ways to overcome this obstacle?

To solve this problem you can use rasdial.
First time i used rasdial i run into this problem:
This function is not supported on this system. Don't get fooled by this message because its just that you didn't give the correct syntax.
rasdial "Your VPN name" /phonebook:%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Cm\Your-VPN\Your-VPN.pbk"
%userprofile% is de user profiel you used to install Azure vpn with.
Your-VPN is de name of the azure vpn connection.
A simpel methode is to make a batch script:
rasdial %VPN_NAME% /PHONEBOOK:C:\Users\bas\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Cm\%VPN_NAME%\%VPN_NAME%.pbk
timeout 10
goto loop
result will be:
Connecting to test...
Verifying username and password...
Registering your computer on the network...
Successfully connected to test.
Command completed successfully.
after 10 seconds:
You are already connected to test.
Command completed successfully.
To let this script start when the computer starts use the taskscheduler.

This works you just need to go to the folder and get the long name for the phone book from that folder. Also the AzureVPN (the name) should be replaced with the same thing without .pbk


R studio server browser freezes upon login

I have been working on my R studio session hosted by a Linux server and recently, ran a piece of code that was taking way too long to execute and I decided to kill it.
Here is the sequence of steps that I took - none of them helped me restore the health of my session.
1) Hit the stop button on R studio and be patient.
2) Ssh into my Linux server and ran the following command to kill all the processes running with my userid
killall -u myuserid
3) Removed the.RData,.Renviron,.Rhistory files from my workspace.
4) Ran the following R command via the Linux server for garbage collection
4) Restarted the entire Linux server.
I am running out of ideas and would really appreciate any other suggestions before I take more drastic steps like revoking access and granting it again(not sure if that would be the right fix)
Note: The browser window freezes every time I login, and it happens only for my R studio session, the rest of the users in the same network have no issues.
I solved this problem - Rstudio-serverfreezing. I think it was a network problem since I couldn't receive any response from calling "~~~~~~.cache.js". In this case, you can find out "~~~~~~~~~.cache.js" no response with pushing key before you click log-in button.
Anyway, here is my way.
Reset your Network with following orders
you can insert these into cmd terminal as an admin mode.
netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
The IP information may be erased. So if you're using fixed IP address, fill the blanks with as-is IP address.
That's all.
You may follow this way to recover the connection.

How do I send keystrokes/interative gui to another Win10 machine?

I'm currently using AutoHotKey to create a variety of macros. I have two desktops side-by-side in a private (home) network. It is my desire to have the AHK Run command on PC1 make some sort of call to PC2. Both PCs are running Windows 10 (non-domain), and both use the same login credentials (same account via
What I've tried: I have tried a few things, such as WMI, WinRM, schtasks. Each of these options work when dealing with non-interactive scripts. I am trying to call scripts that a) open GUI windows or b) send key strokes to PC2.
Other requirements:
The solution cannot require the password to be type in a prompt nor provided in the command-line call. The desired effect is that I press a button on my keyboard -> ahk command triggers -> script on PC2 is called.
As this network is shared with roommates (and whoever they allow to connect to our wifi), basic security is still a necessity.
This is not a language specific question - I am looking for the simplest/easiest/cleanest method. Thanks for reading.
Try a remote access connection app like TeamViewer. They allow you to control one PC from another across a network.
I have an astronomical observatory in my yard with four computers connected to all the observatory equipment. These four computers are controlled over my home network from one PC in the house.
The remote access app allows you to run an .exe on another computer which in my case is usually a compiled AHK script.
I have a number of tasks that require several PC's. A script running on the main PC will start secondary scripts on the observatory PC'c which in turn will send messages back and forth by sending text files to each others shared files. The PC receiving the text file will perform a specific action based on the message.
Here's a link to the observatory startup procedure. I a startup script on the main PC which turns on all the observatory equipment then starts a secondary startup script on each of the observatory PC's to load and position all the software and then connect all the cameras and associated equipment.
This just shows how the various scrips running on the observatory PC's load and position all the various app windows. Not exactly what you may need but it may give you some ideas about what you can do with the remote access software.

How do I configure a Windows task to ping database every few minutes

The firewall setting at the server breaks the connection to an application I am using every 2 hours it sees it idle.
How to i write/configure a task from Windows Scheduler to Ping the database every 30 minutes so that the Firewall is not able to break the connection.
I know I need to use the query "select * from dual"
But I am beginner with zero experience on windows administrative tools.
Can someone please help me, how to do it.
Download SQL*Plus from the Oracle website (
Then create a bat file with the select * from dual command.
Create a scheduled task that runs the command, such as:
sqlplus user/password #query.sql
I would however get your firewall configured correctly.
This explains how to schedule a task:
This explains how to connect to Oracle from the command line.
How to connect to Oracle 11g database remotely
When configuring the action for the task, use sqlplus in the "Program/Script" field and username/password#hostA:1521 /XE for "Add arguments (optional)".

How does jupyterhub work?

I have to construct the infrastructure so that multiple users can work on the same jupyter(ipython notebook) service, yet via different sessions, so the users can't interrupt each other.
I thought jupyterhub( is there to control everything, yet it still seems like the session is bound to one since if I logout of it on one window, an instance on another window also logs out.
Is there a way to control multi-sessions on jupyter?
Jupyter doesn't support multiple users editing the same notebook at the same time without data loss. I don't believe it is meant to. I believe Jupyter is meant to provide a relatively easy to configure and install instance of python that contains the same installed modules and environment to minimize problems caused by environmental differences between developer workstations.
Also, it's meant to make the barrier for entry to programming python and working in data science much lower than it otherwise would be. That is, it's much easier to talk an analyst into visiting a website than learning a new programming language.
More to the point of your question, though: The way Jupyter handles 'sessions' is that (unless configured otherwise), every Jupyter user corresponds to a user on the on the server that is running Jupyter and every time you log in to Jupyter you are effectively creating a new login to that server's operating system. It immediately follows that if you log out of Jupyter from one window, you're logging out of not just that browser's session, but also the login to the Jupyter server's operating system as well, which would kill all other open browser windows.
You question is a bit unclear, JupyterHub is meant to support multi-user across many machines. If course if you use the same browser from the same machine, you get logged out too, as the browser is carrying the connexion information that get revoked.
Jupyterhub is a web based multiuser application, that provides session and authentication services.
Jupyterhub will be hosted in unix/linux server, the client can access it using the ip address and port number,Once it is accessed by client, the client must enter the userid and password which is associated with the sytem users in server (PAM authentication) which will redirect to the home directory of the current user.
You can build a infrastructure by using jupyterhub, which is meant for multi-user. The jupyterhub just provides multi user interface and PAM authentication, you have to configure security, file access permission everything in kernel level using shell script.
Normally, you host a jupyterhub or jupyter notebook in command line. In the same way you can write a shell script to setup multi-user environment.

Machine's uptime in OpenStack

I would like to know (and retrieve via REST API) the uptime of individual VMs running in OpenStack.
I was quite surprised that OpenStack web UI has a colon called "Uptime" but it actually show time since the VM was created. If i stop the VM, the UI shows Status=Shutoff, Power State=Shutdown, but the Uptime is still being incremented...
Is there a "real" uptime (I mean for a machine that is UP)?
Can I retrieve it somehow via the OpenStack's REST API?
I saw the comment at How can I get VM instance running time in openstack via python API? but the page with the extension mentioned there does not exists and it looks to me that this extension will not be available in all OpenStack environment. I would like to have some standard way to retrieve the uptime.
(Version Havana)
I haven't seen any documentation saying this is the reason, but the nova-scheduler doesn't differentiate between a running and powered off instance. So your cloud can't be over-allocated or leave an instance in a position that would be unable to be powered on. I would like to see a metric of actual system runtime as well, but at the moment the only way to gather that would be through ceilometer or via Rackspaces StackTach
