ReportViewer Report Header - report-viewer2010

I am using ReportViewer in VS 2010 to port certain legacy MS Access reports to a C# application. I need to create a report header that is shown at the very top of the first page above the page header much in the same way that it's done in Access, but I'm not having any luck.
Surely there's a way to do this?
Edit Here's my progress so far.
Attempt #1: Put the report header elements in the page header and have them turn hidden for every page other than the first one. Unfortunately this leaves a big empty space in subsequent pages because the page header height cannot be adjusted on a per-page basis based on the content.
Attempt #2: Put the report header elements in the report body. This can work if the page header only contains the column headers for a table. You can set the column header row to appear for every page. However you cannot have other things like the page number appear since it cannot be displayed in the report body.
Attempt #3: Use a master report to display the report header and a subreport to display everything else. This fails miserably since you can't use the page header or footer of a subreport.
At this point I'm out of options. Is there something I haven't tried or do I need to switch to another reporting platform?

In the end I had to get creative. I placed my report header data on the report body. Underneath that I put the items that should be on the page header. I also copied those on the actual page header but set the header so it wouldn't show up on the first page. This works well for simple static text although it'd need more work if the page header contained any short of aggregate data.
It's a horrible hack, but it gets the job done until I can move to a better reporting platform.


Google Optimise - How to test a page that only loads the required content when called in a specific way

I have a multiple-step flow that I would like to run A/B testing on, in this case by hiding/removing a single checkbox on one screen to find out if it impacts on the CTR of the Continue button on that screen. I haven't done this before so I might be missing some basic knowledge. The issue I have is that the target page doesn't load the required control by default, i.e. if you just type the URL into the search bar it comes up blank, because it's missing required data that normally comes from the referer page (which identifies the charity they want to donate to). To complicate things further, the control I want to test is on the second screen of the flow, and all screens have the same URL. When I set it up in Google Optimize, it doesn't show any editable content.
To be a bit more specific, the content displayed is dependent on POST parameters passed in before the stage I want to test. Is there any way to either (a) force Google Optimize to load the page using specific POST values, showing the relevant control so I can disable it for the B variant, or (b) bypass using the visual editor and disable the control by ID? Or will we need to rewrite the whole flow to use separate URLs for each stage and to load relevant content even when required data is missing?

SSRS How to Extend a Tablix till the End of the Page?

I am working on a Purchase Order report. now there is a requirement that totals and department name, manager signature etc should come at the bottom of the page. In SSRS it seems to be impossible to attain such a design. Things i have tried
Put empty rows in dataset but some items have name that comes in two
or three lines so addition of empty lines is disturbed and total is
coming on undesired place.
Manipulated borders and put lines but they
don't appear on the second.
Put totals and signature etc in footer
and show footer only on last page, but pages before the last page
have that unwanted empty space.
Tried to set the height of the footer dynamically to set the height to 0 on pages other then the last page but couldn't find anything related.
Please anything i missed or any suggestion to solve the problem would be deeply appreciated. Thanks
The easiest would would be what Abdul suggested, I'd have thought. Add a page break after your table, then on the last (blank) page position the text boxes exactly where you want them to go, with formulae summing the required fields over the dataset on which the table is based. The only drawback of this approach is the end of the table and the totals and footer textboxes will be on different pages.
If this really isn't acceptable (and it's by far the easiest option), then you need to include your totals in the report footer, and set a property for this to have a page break immediately before it. Not certain if this is possible (and SSRS isn't running on my machine at the moment, so I can't test this).

Drupal 7 Blocks not respecting weight

We have added a block to one of our pages that contains normal content.
For this page we have ensured that the block only displays on the specific page.
In the Blocks admin control panel we have ordered the block so that it is supposed to appear below the main content block by giving it a heavier weight.
When we save and clear the cache, then reload the page the block is still at the top.
I checked the generated HTML and indeed it is putting the block first, so it's not css reordering it.
Any ideas?
there can be several reasons:
website is using context module which has higher priority blocks
weight are changed in the code somewhere (custom module)
look into your database and check what height those blocks have
if non of these helps, try turning off your modules one after another and check the results

Loading different aspx pages into an area without reloading the entire page

I have written a longer text on this subject posted earlier today. Perhaps the text was too long, so I rephrase it very briefly here:
I want to design a very standard site where the user gets the opportunity to navigate to different aspx pages with the aid of navigation menus (left, top). I do not want the entire page to be reloaded when changing the content page for three reasons: state handling, flickering and bandwidth conservation. I just want to load a new aspx page into a "main content area" with the rest of the site untouched.
What is the best way to achieve this? I must not rely on master pages or not master pages or AJAX or not AJAX. It must not rely on anything specific. I just wonder what the standard method would be to achieve this. It must be a pretty common wish.
You can use iframe for this.
The <iframe> tag specifies an inline frame.
An inline frame is used to embed another document within the current HTML document.
<iframe src=""></iframe>

Adding a pagefooter to custAccountStatementExt that will appear for every customer

I have been asked to modify the Customer account statement (custAccountStatementExt) report in Dynamics AX 2009. I need to add a page footer to each statement showing an overdue balance at different time intervals (ie 30, 60, 90 etc days overdue).
I have written display methods to calculate these values and I have added a reportFooter section to the report but it does not show.
If I add the code to a report Epilogue it works fine so I am reasonably confident that the code is correct.
It seems as if the page footers are turned on and off as required for displaying of the giro sections. I have tried commenting out all the disable page footer code but my footer still will not show.
Is there a way to get this footer to display on every page regardless of the giro printing?
You would need to override the method "executeSection()" in that section (pageFooter). Within that method, you would need to figure out whether or not you want to show it or not, and if you want to show it, you'll call "super()". Otherwise you won't.
Take a look at the report "SalesInvoice" and the PageFooter named "PrepaidTotalsEuro". Look at the "executeSection()"-method. Don't get confused by the boolean variable, it is there to make sure the footer is only printed on the first page.
