how to use factory/service for sharing information between multiple controllers in angularjs? - http

Im trying to load a JSON when app starts, and spread the data between all my controllers.
I know this is not very hard to do, but Im confused from all articles/answers I've read because they use different syntax than I do, can someone Please direct me on how to to that?
Im currently making the controller make the $http.get :
myApp = angular.module("myApp", [])
myApp.controller "HomeCtrl", ($scope, $http, $routeParams) ->
$http.get('gethome.php').success (data) ->
$scope.home = data
But I have to repeat myself in each and every controller I want to have access to that Data

I will recommend you using Memoization pattern along with service and reuse the service in the controller
Pls check the below sample code
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.service('cache', function ($http,$q) {
var mycache={};
return {
getdata: function (key) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
if (mycache[key]) {
else {
$http.get('TextFile.txt').then(function (data) {
mycache[key] =;
return deferred.promise;
app.controller('test', function ($scope, cache) {
cache.getdata('cache').then(function (data) {
$ = data;
app.controller('test1', function ($scope, cache) {
//since data is already cached now it will server the cached data
cache.getdata('cache').then(function (data) {
$ = data;

You can access to $scope with :
After, you can init data in all your controllers.


How to create an Angular factory service to access ASP.NET server-side cache

We are creating an ASP.NET MVC application which uses AngularJS framework. This is a multi-lingual application and resource values in each language are stored in the database.
On the server-side, we load all of our resources from the database into HttpRuntimeCache when the user logs in to the application and use it throughout our views.
We want to create an AngularJS factory service which we can use to access the resources in HttpRuntimeCache.
For example:
User clicks login
ASP.NET MVC Application loads resources into HttpRuntimeCache
User is redirected to root of application (Home/Index).
Angular application is initialized
When user views a page which needs these resources from HttpRuntimeCace, we will get the value via the service
When this service is called, it will first check if it has already loaded the resource dictionary
If it has not yet loaded, it will call an MVC action method, which will return the resource dictionary as JSON, and the service will use that response to load the dictionary
If it has already been loaded, it will just return the value from the dictionary based on the key which has been requested
What is the best way to achieve this scenario?
Below is what we have so far. The issue with our current solution is that the service is returning the value before the dictionary has a chance to load.
angular.module("MyApp").factory('cacheService', ['$rootScope', '$http', function ($rootScope, $http, $q) {
var obj = { resourcesLoaded: false };
obj.loadResourceDictionary = function () {
obj.resourcesLoaded = false;
.success(function (data) {
obj.resourceDictionary = data;
obj.resourcesLoaded = true;
obj.getResourceValue = function (resourceKeyName) {
if (!obj.resourcesLoaded) {
return obj.resourceDictionary[resourceKeyName];
return obj;
EDIT w/ Usage example in Angular controller (we also want to use this service in a directive):
angular.module("MyApp").controller("MyAppCtrl", ['cacheService', function (cacheService) {
var self = this;
self.test = function () {
var value = cacheService.getResourceValue('Err_lbl_UserExist');
<div ng-controller="MyAppCtrl as myAppCtrl">
<button ng-click="myAppCtrl.test()">Test Angular CacheService</button>
There you go:
angular.module("MyApp").factory('cacheService', ['$rootScope', '$http', function ($rootScope, $http, $q) {
var service = {
obj.getResourceValue = function () {
return $http.get("/MyApp/Cache/GetResourceDictionary")
.success(function (data) {
return data
return service;
And for your controller method:
angular.module("MyApp").controller("MyAppCtrl", ['cacheService', function (cacheService) {
var self = this;
self.test = function () {
var value = null;
cacheService.getResourceValue().then(function (data){
value = data['Err_lbl_UserExist'];
<div ng-controller="MyAppCtrl as myAppCtrl">
<button ng-click="myAppCtrl.test()">Test Angular CacheService</button>
$http.get is an asynch function , therefore will block until data is received. All you have to do is handle errors which is not implemented.

Meteor wrapasync save Twitter REST response to Mongo collection giving an error "Error: Meteor code must always run within a Fiber."

I am trying to use Twitter REST API GET followers/ids and save it to Mongo using Mongo collection insert method
Code inside /server/server.js:
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
TwitterFollowersIDsCollecions = new Mongo.Collection("twitterFollowersIDs");
var Twit = Meteor.npmRequire('twit');
var T = new Twit({
consumer_key: '###',
consumer_secret: '###',
access_token: '###',
access_token_secret: '###'
var getTwitterFollowersIDsAsync = function (screenname, cb) {
T.get('followers/ids', { screen_name: screenname }, function (err, data, response) {
var vids = data.ids;
for(var i in vids) {
getTwitterFollowersIDsCollectionsClient : function (screenname){
var getTwitterFollowersIDsNow = Meteor.wrapAsync(getTwitterFollowersIDsAsync);
var result = getTwitterFollowersIDsNow('meteorjs');
return result;
Error in server console:
Error: Meteor code must always run within a Fiber.
Try wrapping callbacks that you pass to non-Meteor libraries with Meteor.bindEnvironment.
Objective is to save twitter followers to a Mongo collection.
Meteor v.
Meteor packages:
npm modules being used inside Meteor through meteorhacks:npm: "twit": "1.1.20" (added inside packages.json)
**UPDATE Second attempt **
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
TwitterFollowersIDsCollecions = new Mongo.Collection("twitterFollowersIDs");
var Twit = Meteor.npmRequire('twit');
var T = new Twit({
consumer_key: '###',
consumer_secret: '###',
access_token: '###',
access_token_secret: '###'
// this is the server method called from the client
getTwitterFollowersIDsCollectionsClient : function (){
setTimeout(function(){'getTwitterFollowersIDsNow', 'meteorjs');
getTwitterFollowersIDsNow : function (screenname) {
T.get('followers/ids', { screen_name: screenname }, function (err, data, response) {
I'm then calling the below code from browser console:'getTwitterFollowersIDsCollectionsClient');
The server crashes with the same error:
Error: Meteor code must always run within a Fiber. Try wrapping callbacks that you pass to non-Meteor libraries with Meteor.bindEnvironment.
getTwitterFollowersIDsCollectionsClient : function (screenname){
T.get('followers/ids', { screen_name: screenname }, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function (err, data, response) {
console.log("from getTwitterFollowersIDsCollectionsClient : "+data.ids);
var vids = data.ids;
for(var i in vids)
return data;
Added Meteor.bindEnvironment to T.get callback method. This code worked and I was able to save the follower IDs to a mongo collection
Glad you got it working, but I played around with this and Meteor provides another, super easy way: wrapAsync. At least, it was easy once I figured it out! Here's the server code I wound up with -
var T = new TwitMaker({
consumer_key: '...'
, consumer_secret: '...'
, access_token: '...'
, access_token_secret: '...'
var wrapGet = Meteor.wrapAsync(T.get, T);
getTwitImg: function(target) {
data = wrapGet('users/show', {screen_name: target});
if (data) {
img_url = data['profile_image_url'];
US.update({twitter: target}, {$set: {'targetImg': img_url}});
return img_url;
For the client and template code see this gist:
Your code is a bit confusing. It seems like you're trying to execute a web service call async, but still return the result immediately (which won't work).
First of all, you probably wouldn't need to wrap the function to fetch the followers in an async block.
If you want your server method to return something immediately to the client after it has been called, I'd use a Meteor.setTimeout (see What's the point of Meteor.setTimeout() vs just setTimeout()?) block and call another method to do the fetching:
// this is the server method called from the client
getTwitterFollowersIDsCollectionsClient : function (screenname){
Meteor.setTimeout(function() {'getTwitterFollowersIDsNow', 'meteorjs');
}, 10);
getTwitterFollowersIDsNow : function (screenname) {
T.get('followers/ids', { screen_name: screenname }, function (err, data, response) {
var vids = data.ids;
for(var i in vids) {
Ideally you would use a template helper to retrieve your followers from your collection. Due to these kind of helpers being reactive, you could just call the server method from the client and let the reactivity of Meteor solve your problem of returning the followers via the helper (which is re-executed/re-rendering the template on data change).
try calling:
var wrappedInsert = Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(tweet) {
"Failed to insert tweet into Posts collection.");
from inside of api callback
getTwitterFollowersIDsNow : function (screenname) {
T.get('followers/ids', { screen_name: screenname }, function (err, data, response) {
for(var i in data)

Working with Meteor and Async balanced-payments functions

I'm using balanced-payments and their version 1.1 of balanced.js within Meteor.
I'm trying to create a new customer using
Here is my CheckFormSubmitEvents.js file{
'submit form': function (e, tmpl) {
var recurringStatus = $('[name=is_recurring]').is(':checked');
var checkForm = {
name: $('[name=name]').val(),
account_number: $('[name=account_number]').val(),
routing_number: $('[name=routing_number]').val(),
recurring: { is_recurring: recurringStatus },
created_at: new Date
checkForm._id = Donations.insert(checkForm);"balancedCardCreate", checkForm, function(error, result) {
// Successful tokenization
if(result.status_code === 201 && result.href) {
// Send to your backend, {
uri: result.href
}, function(r) {
// Check your backend result
if(r.status === 201) {
// Your successful logic here from backend
} else {
// Your failure logic here from backend
} else {
// Failed to tokenize, your error logic here
// Debuging, just displays the tokenization result in a pretty div
$('#response .panel-body pre').html(JSON.stringify(result, false, 4));
Here is my Methods.js file
var wrappedDelayedFunction = Async.wrap(balanced.marketplace.customers.create);
balancedCardCreate: function (formData) {
var response = wrappedDelayedFunction(formData);
return response;
I get nothing back when I submit the form, except that on the server console I do see the log of the form data.
I'm sure I'm not calling some of these async functions correctly. The hard part for me here is that the balanced function are async, but I don't know if they fit into the same mold as some of the examples I've seen.
I've tried to follow this example code.
Is there a specific change that needs to be done in regard to working with balanced here? Does anyone have any tips for working with Async functions or see something specific about my code that I've done wrong?
The NPM utilities Async.wrap does the same thing as the undocumented Meteor function Meteor._wrapAsync, in that it takes an asynchronous function with the last argument function(err, result) {} and turns it into a synchronous function which takes the same arguments, but either returns a result or throws an error instead of using the callback. The function yields in a Fiber until the asynchronous callback returns, so that other code in the event loop can run.
One pitfall with this is that you need to make sure that the function you wrap is called with the correct context. So if balanced.marketplace.customers.create is a prototype method that expects this to be set to something, it will not be set properly unless you bind it yourself, using function.bind or any of the other various library polyfills.
For more information, see
What I ended up doing was using a future. This works great, I just need to do better at catching errors. Which will be a question for a pro I think ; - )
Credit should go to user3374348 for answering another similar question of mine, which solved both of these.
var Future = Npm.require("fibers/future");
function extractFromPromise(promise) {
var fut = new Future();
promise.then(function (result) {
}, function (error) {
return fut.wait();
createCustomer: function (data) {
var customerData = extractFromPromise(balanced.marketplace.customers.create({
'name': data.fname + " " + data.lname,
"address": {
"state": data.region,
"line1": data.address_line1,
"line2": data.address_line2,
"postal_code": data.postal_code,
'email': data.email_address,
'phone': data.phone_number
var card = extractFromPromise({
'number': data.card_number,
'expiration_year': data.expiry_year,
'expiration_month': data.expiry_month,
'cvv': data.cvv
var associate = extractFromPromise(card.associate_to_customer(customerData.href).debit({
"amount": data.total_amount*100,
"appears_on_statement_as": "Trash Mountain" }));
As Andrew mentioned, you need to set the context for the method.
Here's the way you can do that with Async.wrap
Async.wrap(balanced.marketplace.customers, "create");

Can't get result data with $http angularjs

I'm trying to use $http, but why it return null result?
.factory('sender', function($http) {
var newData = null;
.success(function(data) {
newData = data;
.error(function() {
newData = 'error';
return newData
Console say: Why my newData first is null and then is defined? How to do it correctly?
As YardenST said, $http is asynchronous so you need to make sure that all functions or display logic that are dependent on the data that is returned by your $http.get(), gets handle accordingly. One way to accomplish this is to make use of the "promise" that $http returns:
Plunkr Demo
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.factory('AvengersService', function ($http) {
var AvengersService = {
getCast: function () {
// $http returns a 'promise'
return $http.get("avengers.json").then(function (response) {
return AvengersService;
myApp.controller('AvengersCtrl', function($scope, $http, $log, AvengersService) {
// Assign service to scope if you'd like to be able call it from your view also
$scope.avengers = AvengersService;
// Call the async method and then do stuff with what is returned inside the function
AvengersService.getCast().then(function (asyncCastData) {
$scope.avengers.cast = asyncCastData;
// We can also use $watch to keep an eye out for when $scope.avengers.cast gets populated
$scope.$watch('avengers.cast', function (cast) {
// When $scope.avengers.cast has data, then run these functions
if (angular.isDefined(cast)) {
$"$scope.avengers.cast has data");
This JavaScript code is asynchronous.
return newData
Is executed before what inside success
newData = data;
So at first time, the newData is null (you set it to be null)
And when the http response is returned (inside the success), the newData gets its new value.
This is very common in Javascript, you should do all your work inside the success.

How to $http Synchronous call with AngularJS

Is there any way to make a synchronous call with AngularJS?
The AngularJS documentation is not very explicit or extensive for figuring out some basic stuff.
myService.getByID = function (id) {
var retval = null;
url: "/CO/api/products/" + id,
method: "GET"
}).success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
retval = data.Data;
return retval;
Not currently. If you look at the source code (from this point in time Oct 2012), you'll see that the call to XHR open is actually hard-coded to be asynchronous (the third parameter is true):, url, true);
You'd need to write your own service that did synchronous calls. Generally that's not something you'll usually want to do because of the nature of JavaScript execution you'll end up blocking everything else.
... but.. if blocking everything else is actually desired, maybe you should look into promises and the $q service. It allows you to wait until a set of asynchronous actions are done, and then execute something once they're all complete. I don't know what your use case is, but that might be worth a look.
Outside of that, if you're going to roll your own, more information about how to make synchronous and asynchronous ajax calls can be found here.
I hope that is helpful.
I have worked with a factory integrated with google maps autocomplete and promises made​​, I hope you serve.
you only need to replace the autocompleteService by this request with $ http incuida being before the factory.
app.factory('Autocomplete', function($q, $http) {
and $ http request with
var deferred = $q.defer();
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
return deferred.promise;
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="myController">
<input type="text" ng-model="search"></input>
<div class="bs-example">
<table class="table" >
<tr ng-repeat="direction in directions">
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.factory('Autocomplete', function($q) {
var get = function(search) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var autocompleteService = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteService();
input: search,
types: ['geocode'],
componentRestrictions: {
country: 'ES'
}, function(predictions, status) {
if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
return {
get: get
app.controller('myController', function($scope, Autocomplete) {
$scope.$watch('search', function(newValue, oldValue) {
var promesa = Autocomplete.get(newValue);
promesa.then(function(value) {
$scope.directions = value;
}, function(reason) {
$scope.error = reason;
the question itself is to be made on:
when you have done well and the request:
when there is an error, and then:
return deferred.promise;
var EmployeeController = ["$scope", "EmployeeService",
function ($scope, EmployeeService) {
$scope.Employee = {};
$scope.Save = function (Employee) {
if ($scope.EmployeeForm.$valid) {
.then(function (response) {
if (response.HasError) {
$scope.HasError = response.HasError;
$scope.ErrorMessage = response.ResponseMessage;
} else {
.catch(function (response) {
var EmployeeService = ["$http", "$q",
function ($http, $q) {
var self = this;
self.Save = function (employee) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
.post("/api/EmployeeApi/Create", angular.toJson(employee))
.success(function (response, status, headers, config) {
deferred.resolve(response, status, headers, config);
.error(function (response, status, headers, config) {
deferred.reject(response, status, headers, config);
return deferred.promise;
I recently ran into a situation where I wanted to make to $http calls triggered by a page reload. The solution I went with:
Encapsulate the two calls into functions
Pass the second $http call as a callback into the second function
Call the second function in apon .success
Here's a way you can do it asynchronously and manage things like you would normally.
Everything is still shared. You get a reference to the object that you want updated. Whenever you update that in your service, it gets updated globally without having to watch or return a promise.
This is really nice because you can update the underlying object from within the service without ever having to rebind. Using Angular the way it's meant to be used.
I think it's probably a bad idea to make $http.get/post synchronous. You'll get a noticeable delay in the script.
app.factory('AssessmentSettingsService', ['$http', function($http) {
//assessment is what I want to keep updating
var settings = { assessment: null };
return {
getSettings: function () {
//return settings so I can keep updating assessment and the
//reference to settings will stay in tact
return settings;
updateAssessment: function () {
$http.get('/assessment/api/get/' + scan.assessmentId).success(function(response) {
//I don't have to return a thing. I just set the object.
settings.assessment = response;
controller: ['$scope', '$http', 'AssessmentSettingsService', function ($scope, as) {
$scope.settings = as.getSettings();
//Look. I can even update after I've already grabbed the object
And somewhere in a view:
Since sync XHR is being deprecated, it's best not to rely on that. If you need to do a sync POST request, you can use the following helpers inside of a service to simulate a form post.
It works by creating a form with hidden inputs which is posted to the specified URL.
//Helper to create a hidden input
function createInput(name, value) {
return angular
.attr('type', 'hidden')
.attr('name', name)
//Post data
function post(url, data, params) {
//Ensure data and params are an object
data = data || {};
params = params || {};
//Serialize params
const serialized = $httpParamSerializer(params);
const query = serialized ? `?${serialized}` : '';
//Create form
const $form = angular
.attr('action', `${url}${query}`)
.attr('enctype', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
.attr('method', 'post');
//Create hidden input data
for (const key in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const value = data[key];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
for (const val of value) {
const $input = createInput(`${key}[]`, val);
else {
const $input = createInput(key, value);
//Append form to body and submit
Modify as required for your needs.
What about wrapping your call in a Promise.all() method i.e.
Promise.all([$http.get(url).then(function(result){....}, function(error){....}])
According to MDN
Promise.all waits for all fulfillments (or the first rejection)
