SpringMVC session managament - spring-mvc

I have a simple SpringMVC v3.2.2 controller that does the following:
#RequestMapping(value = { "/login" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String login(WebRequest request) {
request.setAttribute("myattr", "myvalue", SCOPE_SESSION);
I'm using the WebRequest object in order to save attributes in the session scope. The SCOPE_SESSION is an integer stating that I want to use it in the session scope. More info on the API is here:
WebRequest API
I assume that it means that I'm adding some attribute that will be saved in the session scope. Session, I assume, will be deleted when the server restarts, during my tests, because I don't want to have any session persisted locally. Unless some default configuration keeps it persisted.
For some reason, the session doesn't get deleted even after tomcat restart(I'm using Tomcat V7, default configuration), meaning that it is persisted for some reason. Tried to find more documentation explaining how to disable it, but could not.
What Am I missing ? if the attribute is saved in the session scope, as the API states, should it get deleted if I restart the Tomcat Server ?
Thanks in advance,
I have edited the original question, which was not so clear. Sorry.

Problem solved. I totally missed that the session management is controlled by Tomcat.
The solution was to edit the Tomcat 7 context.xml configuration file and make sure it has the following element :
This disables the session persistence for good. Didn't really think that this is how it works by default. Thank you anyway.


Keep getting null reference error when setting session variables [duplicate]

I have an ASMX webservice hosted alongside my ASP.NET web app. Now, I need to get the users session into the Webservice. To test this I made this simple method:
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string checkSession()
return HttpContext.Current.Session["userid"].ToString();
So, first I login to my web app, then in the browser goto my webservice and click "checkSession" on that auto generated test page. I have tested this on 3 computers. All 3 of those work fine with the webapp(so the sessions are being created etc), and 2 of those return the value of Session["userid"] on invoking the webmethod, however the last computer returns "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" because Session is null.
So, whats the difference between these computers and why can my ASP.NET app get the sessions on all computers but the webservice cant?
maybe it's too late, but have you tried this:
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string checkSession()
return HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID
SessionIDs are stored as cookies on the client's browser by default (Session State Overview). So check if that cookie is being created properly on that problem computer. Maybe cookies are disabled for some reason? In that case it would not be sending the SessionID to the server when you are hitting that web service.
Can you check how many worker processes is your application using? You can check it in your App pool settings in IIS.
If more than one worker process are being used then it is called to be running a web garden. If that is the case then in proc session will not be useful as this session is not shared among the worker processes. Have a look at http://www.west-wind.com/weblog/posts/2005/Apr/20/Why-you-shouldnt-use-InProc-Session-State-in-ASPNET
Have you got Session disabled in IIS, this would over rule .net.
Have a look at this http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc732964(v=ws.10).aspx - it tells you how to disable session, but shows where to check the setting.
By default web services are and should be stateless. However if you must use session information be sure to use the marker interfaces IReadOnlySessionState and IRequiresSessionState in order to access, use, or modify session state information in the webservice.
Web service by default wont support Session. You need to explicitly specify the parameter in web method attribute
These two things work for me
<add name="Session"
type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule"/> under
enableSessionState="true" in <page> tag
A session object is accessible by:
var session = this.Session;
var contextSession = this.Context.Session;
best way to do this approach check before your session is not null and in the other side you
initialize the selected session with your value and then when and where web service working with httpcontext.current.session have value !
web services are stateless and best way is get value in web service instead of set or initialize session value

Spring Security OAuth2 Behind a Proxy Server

There seem to be many examples of Spring Security OAuth2, but most of them run on localhost at some specific set of ports. I was able to get my application working with ports specified for my AuthorizationServer and my ResourceServer. The next step I needed to take was move this application behind a proxy server, but the application stopped functioning. The main issues seem to be path related, but I'm struggling with lack of examples on how to accomplish the task of moving OAuth2 Spring behind a proxy server. I've focused on overriding the WhitelabelApprovalEndpoint, but I'm not sure if this is what is required.
I was able to create a controller that is nearly identical to the WhiteLabelApprovalEndpoint, but do not know how to adapt it to accommodate being behind a proxy.
public class ApprovalEndpoint {
private static String TEMPLATE = "<html><body><h1>OAuth Approval</h1>"
+ "<p>Do you authorize '${authorizationRequest.clientId}' to access your protected resources?</p>"
+ "<form id='confirmationForm' name='confirmationForm' action='authorize' method='post'><input name='user_oauth_approval' value='true' type='hidden'/>%csrf%%scopes%<label><input name='authorize' value='Authorize' type='submit'/></label></form>"
+ "%denial%</body></html>";
The only change I made to the class was to update the form action string, making the path relative by replacing
This allows the POST to go to the correct URL
instead of
The latter doesn't map when submitted through Apache (the frontend proxy). But it would seem that this creates other problems in the Java application, because this results in the error
error="invalid_request", error_description="Cannot approve uninitialized authorization request."
I see that this exception is thrown in the AuthorizationEndpoint when the authorizationRequest is null. This looks like it should be handled by my custom class having SessionAttributes set properly, but updating the just the path that I'm POSTing to seems to break this.
May be you already solved it but posting the answer as it may help someone.
It is because authorize end point URL (domain + path(including proxy)) should be consistent. I mean either it should be 'localhost' or your proxy path but it should be consistent.
As OAuth uses session internally and later fetches it from the same path (when the POST happens) . So if the URL changes (POST) it wont get the session then it throws Cannot approve uninitialized authorization request.
For my case ,I was using the authorize end point as:
but in the properties I was having :
path: /appProxy
context-path: /myapp
port: 8081
After successful authorization when POST is done on it tries to fetch the session from /appProxy/myapp instead of /myapp and resulting in Cannot approve uninitialized authorization request.
So to solve this, I can either remove Session.cookie.path property or run Oauth server on https://mydomain/appProxy/myapp/oauth/authorize to make it consistent.

Symfony2 Session - cannot find value

I'm sure that this problem is just due to a missed configuration parameter and that there is a simple answer to this, but it is driving me insane. Everything works as expected on our development machines, but on our test server, we have the following problem...
We've got a Symfony2 (version 2.5.7) application. A controller sets a session variable to hold the ID of an entity. The app then fires off Ajax requests and the controller that receives the requests uses the session variable to decide what to send back.
In the main controller, we have (after checking that $page is a valid entity)
$this->get('session')->set('pageId', $page->getId());
and then in the controller that handles the ajax, we have
$pageId = $this->get('session')->get('pageId');
On loading the main controller, I can see that a session cookie has been set and it has the expected value for 'pageId'. I can see details of the session being stored in the app/session directory on the server, so I'm pretty certain that the session is being set correctly. The permissions are correct on this folder, so apache is allowed to read and write to it. But, the Ajax controller reports that $pageId is false. If I get the ID of the session;
$session = $this->get('session');
$sessionId = $session->getId();
I can see that the ID of the session matches the value in the cookie sent with the Ajax request, and matches a file called 'sess_{sessionId}' in the app/session directory.
What I am missing?
It turns out that manually deleting all files from the app/session directory solved the problem. I have no idea why, but it did solve it.

Nhibernate with Asp.net WebForms - Session per Request

I am using an HttpModule to open a session that span each request and it works great with lazy loading and everything.
My concern is that since I open a new session per request (and stores it in HttpContext.Current.Items) it opens a session for every request even request including request for .css files and images.
I recall reading that session creation is a pretty lightwheigt operation (dont know about transactions though) but anyway it seems unnecessary to open a session for a requests for a .css file?
Anyone got some ideas about this, is it a problem and/or am I doing something stupid?
Thanks in advance
only create the session object if the file type is .aspx or .ashx:
switch (context.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePathExtension.ToLower())
case ".aspx":
case ".ashx":
context.Items[ContextKey] = CreateMySession();
or encapsulate session creation inside a property getter, and clean-up checks whether session != null

ASP.NET: Session.SessionID changes between requests

Why does the property SessionID on the Session-object in an ASP.NET-page change between requests?
I have a page like this:
SessionID: <%= SessionID %>
And the output keeps changing every time I hit F5, independent of browser.
This is the reason
When using cookie-based session state, ASP.NET does not allocate storage for session data until the Session object is used. As a result, a new session ID is generated for each page request until the session object is accessed. If your application requires a static session ID for the entire session, you can either implement the Session_Start method in the application's Global.asax file and store data in the Session object to fix the session ID, or you can use code in another part of your application to explicitly store data in the Session object.
So basically, unless you access your session object on the backend, a new sessionId will be generated with each request
This code must be added on the file Global.asax. It adds an entry to the Session object so you fix the session until it expires.
protected void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["init"] = 0;
There is another, more insidious reason, why this may occur even when the Session object has been initialized as demonstrated by Cladudio.
In the Web.config, if there is an <httpCookies> entry that is set to requireSSL="true" but you are not actually using HTTPS: for a specific request, then the session cookie is not sent (or maybe not returned, I'm not sure which) which means that you end up with a brand new session for each request.
I found this one the hard way, spending several hours going back and forth between several commits in my source control, until I found what specific change had broken my application.
In my case I figured out that the session cookie had a domain that included www. prefix, while I was requesting page with no www..
Adding www. to the URL immediately fixed the problem. Later I changed cookie's domain to be set to .mysite.com instead of www.mysite.com.
my problem was that we had this set in web.config
<httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="true" />
this means that when debugging in non-SSL (the default), the auth cookie would not get sent back to the server. this would mean that the server would send a new auth cookie (with a new session) for every request back to the client.
the fix is to either set requiressl to false in web.config and true in web.release.config or turn on SSL while debugging:
Using Neville's answer (deleting requireSSL = true, in web.config) and slightly modifying Joel Etherton's code, here is the code that should handle a site that runs in both SSL mode and non SSL mode, depending on the user and the page (I am jumping back into code and haven't tested it on SSL yet, but expect it should work - will be too busy later to get back to this, so here it is:
if (HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Count > 0)
foreach (string s in HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.AllKeys)
if (s == FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName || s.ToLower() == "asp.net_sessionid")
HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies[s].Secure = HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection;
Another possibility that causes the SessionID to change between requests, even when Session_OnStart is defined and/or a Session has been initialized, is that the URL hostname contains an invalid character (such as an underscore). I believe this is IE specific (not verified), but if your URL is, say, http://server_name/app, then IE will block all cookies and your session information will not be accessible between requests.
In fact, each request will spin up a separate session on the server, so if your page contains multiple images, script tags, etc., then each of those GET requests will result in a different session on the server.
Further information: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/316112
My issue was with a Microsoft MediaRoom IPTV application. It turns out that MPF MRML applications don't support cookies; changing to use cookieless sessions in the web.config solved my issue
<sessionState cookieless="true" />
Here's a REALLY old article about it:
Cookieless ASP.NET
in my case it was because I was modifying session after redirecting from a gateway in an external application, so because I was using IP instead on localhost in that page url it was actually considered different website with different sessions.
In summary
pay more attention if you are debugging a hosted application on IIS instead of IIS express and mixing your machine http://Ip and http://localhost in various pages
In my case this was happening a lot in my development and test environments. After trying all of the above solutions without any success I found that I was able to fix this problem by deleting all session cookies. The web developer extension makes this very easy to do. I mostly use Firefox for testing and development, but this also happened while testing in Chrome. The fix also worked in Chrome.
I haven't had to do this yet in the production environment and have not received any reports of people not being able to log in. This also only seemed to happen after making the session cookies to be secure. It never happened in the past when they were not secure.
Update: this only started happening after we changed the session cookie to make it secure. I've determined that the exact issue was caused by there being two or more session cookies in the browser with the same path and domain. The one that was always the problem was the one that had an empty or null value. After deleting that particular cookie the issue was resolved. I've also added code in Global.asax.cs Sessin_Start method to check for this empty cookie and if so set it's expiration date to something in the past.
HttpCookieCollection cookies = Response.Cookies;
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.Count; i++)
HttpCookie cookie = cookies.Get(i);
if (cookie != null)
if ((cookie.Name == "ASP.NET_SessionId" || cookie.Name == "ASP.NET_SessionID") && String.IsNullOrEmpty(cookie.Value))
//Try resetting the expiration date of the session cookie to something in the past and/or deleting it.
//Reset the expiration time of the cookie to one hour, one minute and one second in the past
if (Response.Cookies[cookie.Name] != null)
Response.Cookies[cookie.Name].Expires = DateTime.Today.Subtract(new TimeSpan(1, 1, 1));
This was changing for me beginning with .NET 4.7.2 and it was due to the SameSite property on the session cookie. See here for more info: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/aspnet/upcoming-samesite-cookie-changes-in-asp-net-and-asp-net-core/
The default value changed to "Lax" and started breaking things. I changed it to "None" and things worked as expected.
Be sure that you do not have a session timeout that is very short, and also make sure that if you are using cookie based sessions that you are accepting the session.
The FireFox webDeveloperToolbar is helpful at times like this as you can see the cookies set for your application.
Session ID resetting may have many causes. However any mentioned above doesn't relate to my problem. So I'll describe it for future reference.
In my case a new session created on each request resulted in infinite redirect loop. The redirect action takes place in OnActionExecuting event.
Also I've been clearing all http headers (also in OnActionExecuting event using Response.ClearHeaders method) in order to prevent caching sites on client side. But that method clears all headers including informations about user's session, and consequently all data in Temp storage (which I was using later in program). So even setting new session in Session_Start event didn't help.
To resolve my problem I ensured not to remove the headers when a redirection occurs.
Hope it helps someone.
I ran into this issue a different way. The controllers that had this attribute [SessionState(SessionStateBehavior.ReadOnly)] were reading from a different session even though I had set a value in the original session upon app startup. I was adding the session value via the _layout.cshtml (maybe not the best idea?)
It was clearly the ReadOnly causing the issue because when I removed the attribute, the original session (and SessionId) would stay in tact. Using Claudio's/Microsoft's solution fixed it.
I'm on .NET Core 2.1 and I'm well aware that the question isn't about Core. Yet the internet is lacking and Google brought me here so hoping to save someone a few hours.
services.AddCors(o => o.AddPolicy("AllowAll", builder =>
.WithOrigins("http://localhost:3000") // important
.AllowCredentials() // important
.AllowAnyHeader(); // obviously just for testing
const resp = await fetch("https://localhost:5001/api/user", {
method: 'POST',
credentials: 'include', // important
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(data)
namespace WebServer.Controllers
public class UserController : ControllerBase
public IEnumerable<string> Post([FromBody]LoginForm lf)
string prevUsername = HttpContext.Session.GetString("username");
Console.WriteLine("Previous username: " + prevUsername);
HttpContext.Session.SetString("username", lf.username);
return new string[] { lf.username, lf.password };
Notice that the session writing and reading works, yet no cookies seem to be passed to the browser. At least I couldn't find a "Set-Cookie" header anywhere.
