Umbraco configured with IIS 7 having hard time with the site URL? - iis-7

I am having a problem with my Umbraco installation on IIS. The site is working, apart from my home button. When I push the home button, the URL should be
instead the URL is
When I type in the link it serves me the home page but when I click on the Home button it wont and the scenario described above occurs.
I am using IIS 7 and Umbraco 6.1.1.

If you are able to get to the homepage with both hostnames but then clicking on the Home link takes you to the second host, the link in the page must be referencing the hostname directly. If this is the case, check your HTML to ensure that the hostname isn't present in the link - basic I know but you have to check.
If it isn't, contrary to what Eric Herlitz says in his answer, I would ensure that you don't have anything set in the hostnames options. I only use the hostnames option when I need to control the hostnames of multiple root nodes. Umbraco will automatically assume that the first node in the tree is the default site. In other words, if you have two sites at the root of your Umbraco instance but only one hostname bound in IIS, Umbraco will serve the first of the branches as the default site, unless as Eric Herlitz states, you have specified the hostnames for specific nodes.
Instead, I would use the settings in IIS to ensure that requests are routed to the correct hostname. I know using Eric's approach is possibly easier, but it would undoubtedly mean that users will still be able to reach and browse the site using both hostnames. Ultimately from an SEO perspective this is a bad thing. Personally, I would ensure that any requests to anything but your preferred hostname are redirected to you hostname whilst retaining the path. This can be done via IIS using the UrlRewrite 2 module.
If you don't have access to this, you can use MVC routing (see here for an explanation) or the UrlRewriting module that comes shipped with Umbraco. With the latter, settings are specified in the ~/config/UrlRewriting.config file and documentation can be found here:
I would personally recommend familiarising yourself with all these techniques as they can be quite powerful.

Did you set your hostname in Umbraco?
Right click on the site root in your solution and click "Culture and hostnames"
Fill out your hostnames and save


Redirect & mask URL to Azure subdomain

I have an ASP.NET MVC web app running on Azure as It's a white-label site that supports a number of subdomains:,,, etc. Browsing to each of them changes branding on the pages, but the underlying functionality is exactly the same.
Meanwhile I have an external domain name hosted by GoDaddy. I want to redirect this specifically to the subdomain, but I also want to maintain as the root URL for any further browsing on that site, allowing users to have a pure acme experience without any indication of the underlying generic-site-ness.
I've tried to do this using GoDaddy's Domain Forwarding with masking, but I ran into CSRF issues almost immediately.
Is there any way I can achieve this? I suspect IIS URL rewriting might be helpful, but I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.
Don't use Domain Forwarding with masking.
Just add custom domain to Azure Web App.
And you may need to do one of the following:
Add a middleware or something that change Host in HTTP request header from to
Adjust the application to
load correct branding when using domain
It is probably easier to use IIS Url Rewrite module as you mentioned in your question. There are several examples on how to do this. Please start with this post by Scott Forsyth:

Web.config redirect outside traffic for testing purposes

This is a bit of a tricky question.
I am developing a .net website, and it is hosted on our own servers.
I want to redirect outside traffic to a blank "coming soon" page, while our internal network can see the content.
How do I modify the web.config to do that?
I have already tried default document settings, but it doesn't seem to accept those, and instead displays the .NET website.
Please have a look at It shows how to use IIS URL Rewrite Module (which in turns writes to web.config) to handle your scenario.

How can I set the default page for https requests?

We have a website which has a Virtual Directory containing the secure portion of the website.
If users come to, they should get directed to default.aspx of the main site, but if they go to, they should go to default.aspx of the virtual directory.
The default page for the main site works fine, as does the secure page if I navigate to it using the full name, however I can't figure out how to set the default page for https traffic that doesn't specify a specific page. - Works - Page Not Found - Page Not Found - Works
What do I need to do to make links 2 and 3 load the default page show in 4?
My website is running on IIS 6.0 in Windows Server 2003
Overall, this is an anti-pattern as you state the entire behavior of the site changes based on the port. I am not stating definitively you are doing this, but consider the following:
If you are redirecting due to a user needing to see other things, you can make conditional controls that display only when in HTTPS. The same can be done for authenticated and authorized versus not.
If you are redirecting because an HTTP user needs to log in, the more consistent pattern is to have them click a log in button. And, you can force HTTPS at this point without breaking the pattern.
If you really need to redirect for some reason, there are a couple of ways of handling this:
HTTP Handlers
URL Rewrite - requires the URL Rewrite bits for IIS 7
I imagine there are some other ways to solve this.
I finally figured out my issue. In my case, it turns out the problem was an old URL Rewrite rule I wasn't aware of that was transferring all https traffic that didn't have a file name specified to index.php, which of course didn't exist.
I found this out by viewing the IIS error logs, which was telling me the 404 was being caused by index.php

How can I get two SSL certs to work on a two domain, shared IP configuration

I have two web site that are 99% similar. They share all of the same pages except the difference being that the logos change, a few of the links change, and the products that show up on either web site are flagged to show up on either or, or both. They use the same database.
I have written a utility method that essentially injects a where clause into any database access code I write throughout the app to determine which products to display depending on the current URL.
Problem: Website B gives the user a warning message that the site they are trying to go to is in fact Website A. I've read that the SSL cert needs a distinct IP.
Right now how I have everything set up is very clean on a maintenance perspective. I can update files in one place. Any suggestions on how to make the SSL behave, or am I looking at seperate IP's for the hosting(I really don't want to have to do this)?
If the latter, what do you suggest?
Site runs ASP.NET 4.0. Precompiled DLL.
UPDATE: Thanks to #GregS comment
If the sites share the same domain you can use a wildcard certificate
site1 -
site2 -
Otherwise you will need to get a UCC (United communications certificate) that will be for both domains.
You will need to configure IIS 7 from the command line because the GUI doesn't support setting different host headers for the same certificate. This tutorial shows how it can be done.
I setup another website in IIS that points to the same files as the first web site, got another SSL cert for the new site.

ASP.NET/IIS: 404 for all file types

I set up 404 handler page in web.config, but it works ONLY when extension of URL is .aspx (or other which is handled by ASP.NET).
I know I can setup static HTML page in website options, but I want to have a page.
Is there any options to assign ASPX handler page for all request extensions in IIS?
The direct question was whether or not there are options to assign the ASPX handler to all request extensions: Yes, there is. I'll discuss how to do that shortly.
First, I think the "hidden" question -- the answer you really want -- is whether or not there's a way to redirect all 404 errors for pages other than ASPX, ASMX, etc. Yes, there is, and this is the better choice if it'll solve the issue you're having.
To redirect all 404s in IIS 6, right click your web application root (whether it be its own site or a virtual directory in the main site), and choose "Properties." From there, choose the "Custom Errors" tab. Find 404 in the list and change it to the redirect you want.
Now, if that won't suffice -- and I really hope it does -- yes, you can run every page through the ASPX handler. However, doing so comes at a fairly high cost in terms of efficiency -- raw HTML/image serving is considerably faster than anything dynamic.
To do this, right click your web application root and choose "Properties." Choose the "Home Directory" tab. Click "Configuration;" a new window will pop up. Copy the path from one of the ASP.NET page serves, and then use it for a wildcard application map.
Bear in mind, again, this is the wrong answer most of the time. It will negatively impact your performance, and is the equivalent of using a chainsaw to carve a turkey. I highly recommend the first option over this one, if it will work out for you.
For information:
This is one of the several nice things that IIS7 brings - all pages are routed through the handler such that you can do custom 404s and - usefully - directory and file level security for any file (based on the same web.config stuff as for files prior to IIS7).
So notionally "use II7" is an answer (will be "the" answer in time) - but of course its not a terribly practical one if you're not hosting/being hosted on W2k8 (or higher).
The web.config can only set up errors pages for pages controlled by it's web site. If you have any other pages outside the purview of the ASP.Net application, then you set up handling for them in IIS. There's an option in there for configuring the 404 page where you can point it to your custom page.
Only other thing i can think of is passing ALL extensions to
This way all types of files get processed by and your custom error page will work.
In the IIS application configuration, you can set a wildcard mapping (".*") to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
You can setup wild card mapping in IIS (Application configuration/Mappings/Wildcard mappings/ - just set aspnet_isapi.dll as executable and uncheck the Verify that file exists box) that will route all incoming requests to your app - so you can control the behavior directly from it.
You don't have to setup static page in your IIS application settings. Imho, you should be able to setup valid url (e.g. /error_handler.aspx) from your app that will be used as landing page in case of specific server error.
In IIS you can set a Custom Error for 404 errors and direct it to a URL in the site properties.
It shows a static html by default
You can change it to a relative url on your site.
