Media query to turn site into mobile site - css

I've been looking at a few websites, in order to construct my own websites, and I've noticed that when you zoom in past a certain percentage, the website emulates a mobile display. No horizontal scrollbar appears, and everything fits onto the page, and only the page length increases.
Here are a few example websites -,,
I'm not sure how they implement this is their design, and have searched the web for an explanation.
If possible, could you walk me through it with example CSS?

This has nothing to do with the zoom, but with the current width of the window, ( At least in your examples, the same happens when you change your browser's window to a smaller size ) they are most likely using CSS media queries to apply conditional styles depending on the width.
Sample ( from first google result )
#media all and (max-width: 699px) and (min-width: 520px), (min-width: 1151px) {
body {
background: #ccc;


Mobile menu css

What's the best way to
achieve going from a menu like this :
to this when screensize reaches a certain width :
So basically change certain texts to icons.
Is the only way pre-defining it and changing the display property in css from none to block ? or is there a better way ?
You got it. I would start by in the correct order list all the elements for mobile and desktop together then display:none the ones you want to be hidden on desktop and go from there. Could do it with JS but that's a lot more work and could look wonky on load.
+1 on what #MPortman said, it'd be better to have a clear idea at the start;
I would use CSS Media Queries to do that.
You can for istance just use the display:none starting from a specific width.
The web inspector is useful to see some "common breakpoints" but you don't have to target #media rules at specific devices, it'd be better narrow to your desktop browser window and observe the natural breakpoints for your content.
Media queries are a good way to make responsive pages, you can hide or show elements from a certain width of the device used (mobile/desktop for example).
You can use them to set a minimum width and a maximum width.
For example:
/* If the screen size is between 768px and 900px (included), hide the element */
#media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 900px) {
div.example {
Will hide the element on a screen bigger than 768px and 900px.

How to calculate CSS zoom factor in dependence on screen width?

Why I am asking this question?
I don't want to create so many media queries for really big screens.
If the screen size is bigger than 1920px, all the existing proportions should remain the same, and the appearance should be simply bigger in dependence on screen width.
What I need is something like that:
#media screen and (min-width: 1921px) {
.content-block {
zoom: calc (100vw divided by X) // <- HERE
X = 15
Screen width = 4000px
Zoom-factor = 400 / 15 ~ 266%
X is just any magic number.
Someone might think that if 1900 is 100%, maybe 19.2 might be a better fit, but I've tried out many numbers; 15 fits very well in my current case. If the screen width is, for example, 4000px, I need a zoom of 266%. The choice of the X shall not be confusing here.
The scaling only starts from 1921px according to the set media-query, but that is also a secondary issue.
It is primarily about determining a dynamic zoom factor, which changes depending on the resolution (also on the current window width, therefore 100vw, not 100%), without creating tons of media queries.
Final Notes:
I've already started a bounty once. The given answer is wrong. I don't know why people upvote it. If you click on "run code snipped" and open the result in a new window and resize the window, you will see, it does not work when you resize the window.
In the desired solution, the zoom factor should continuously change while you resize the window.
Last but not least:
No JavaScript, please, CSS solutions only. It is enough if it works in Chrome and Edge of Today.
Something like this could work (you may have to juggle a bit with the numbers to get the intended result):
#media screen and (min-width: 1290px) {
.content-block {
zoom: calc((100% / 15) * 100)
<div class="content-block">
I used a lower screen breakpoint so I can test it with my display (I don't have a 4k display)
It has one caveat of calculating with the width of the parent, but if you use body for the calculation, it might just work.
expand the snippet so you can see the difference.
However, a better solution would be to set a root em of a given size (which approximates 10 px) and increase this value above a specific screen size using media queries. It's also important to use rem as measurement unit everywhere in your stylesheets (instead of em, px).
Linked question: How to set base size for rem
It is primarily about determining a dynamic zoom factor, which changes depending on the resolution [...] No
JavaScript, please, CSS solutions only.
This in itself would be possible, though one statement of your question limits the solutions tremendously: "I don't want to create so many media queries for really big screens.". Unfortunately, without the usage of lots of media queries this won't be solvable.
Let me elaborate on this bold statement. You can't get the screen width and/or height with CSS only (cf. this). The only possibility you have is to use #media queries - they were invented for exactly this purpose, i.e. your CSS should be displayed in a certain way if width is equal or less than 1200px would be written like that:
#media (max-width: 1200px) {
/* Specific CSS for 0px <= width <= 1200 */
If you accepted JavaScript, we obviously would be able to grasp the current width and height via $(window).width(), respectively $(window).height() or even the screen width and height via screen.width and screen.height (click here for an example). But as you specifically mentioned not to include JS, I'll go more in-depth into a CSS solution:
That out of the way, we now know we can't get the screen dimensions with CSS only, hence we're not able to dynamically solve this due to inability of calculating the "magic X factor". What are we able to do then? Well, as mentioned above #media queries were specifically designed for such a use case!
#media is available on nearly all modern browser, see here for the graph:
With #media we could build a logic similar to this:
#media all and (max-width: 2559px), (min-width: 1920px) {
/* specific CSS for this screen size */
#media all and (max-width: 3839px), (min-width: 2560px) {
/* specific CSS for this screen size */
Obviously, you could custom fit your #media queries in a way so your "dynamic" zoom still looks flawless. In my example I took the sizes for a WQHD and UHD resolution into consideration, hence the first CSS will be execute if it's 1440p, the second one if it's 4k (here is a list of common monitor/TV resolutions).
Obviously, using too many #media queries will be a disadvantage - performance-wise and from a maintainability point of view. I'd love to give you a better solution, but going with the strict rules you have enforced upon this question, it's hard to suggest anything aside the function originally developed to achieve such a goal. If you still want to go with CSS-only, may take a look at this GitHub repo - it helps to keep the #media queries more sorted.
Last but not least, I thought of going into detail regarding the zoom factor, but it seems like you got that under control (judging by your specific examples - in your case, you'd need to calculate your X value for each #media query you decide to implement in the end).
Besides the links mentioned above, I suggest the following for further reading purposes:
A general revision about viewport lengths
Regarding zoom/scale (especially if you decide to go with JS)
Documentation about CSS3 Media Queries, very useful!
Another tutorial about #media
I don't think that the zoom factor can be calculated via CSS in any way.
You can, however, get a similar result using a 3d construct.
In the snippet, a div that has a width of 400px is zoomed to full width adjusting the transform of the body.
(You need to set the snippet to "full page" to see it working.
div {
width: 395px;
background-color: tomato;
border: solid 1px black;
body {
transform: perspective(100vw) translateZ(calc(100vw - 400px));
transform-origin: left center;
do you have complete control of this website? Here is what I suggest:
For true resolution independence you need to forget about pixels.
Forget about zoom too, that's a non-standard feature.
Go to the base of your DOM and define the font-size with vw, like:
body {font-size:1.2vw;}
Then define all other sizes in em (not rem because that stays constant), ie like:
img {width:20em; height:auto;}
Then you can code exceptions for layouts based on the aspect ratio of the viewport.
/* the only use of px is to isolate the mobile version */
#media screen and (orientation: portrait) and (min-width: 981px) {body {font-size:2vw;}}
#media screen and (orientation: landscape) and (min-width: 981px) {body {font-size:1.2vw;}}
#media screen and (max-width: 981px) {body {font-size:4vw;}}
You can also consider isolating layouts for custom aspect ratios by replacing the portrait/landscape keywords with aspect ratios, as described here:
You can see this strategy in action on this website I made:

responsive navbar stops working with "mid-width" media queries - why?

My apologies for writing so much but I wanted to put what I’m doing into context. So I’ll ask my question first:
Why does the HTML and CSS this link to a responsive navbar stop working when I change its “max-width” media queries to “min-width”, pixel-based media queries?
All I need is to understand why I can’t make the HTML and CSS behave exactly the same way with min-width, pixel-based media queries. What do I not get? I’ve been working with Responsive web design and development for a few years. But this clearly proves I don’t understand responsive css the way I need to. I’m coding up a responsive website from scratch for a client of my own without Bootstrap so I can hard-wire my understanding on the principles that Ethan Marcotte sets out in the second edition of Responsive Web Design.
I’m not trying to be lazy by not posting my own code. This is the exact same structure navbar I want to use for the site I’m building, and you can go straight to the relevant HTML and CSS in the above link. I’ve tried making a linked stylesheet of the embedded CSS and HTML in the above link. I’ve injected it into my own site as a separate linked-stylesheet but I’m still running into the same brick wall.
My breakpoints structure in my own stylesheet is:
`/* ====MOBILE FIRST===== */
/* Custom, iPhone Retina */
#media only screen and (min-width: 320 px) {
/* Extra Small Devices, Phones */
#media only screen and (min-width: 480 px) {
/* Small Devices, Tablets */
#media only screen and (min-width: 768 px) {
/* Medium Devices, Desktops */
#media only screen and (min-width: 1024 px) {
/* Desktop */
#media only screen and (min-width: 1280 px) {
I also don’t want to have one big monster stylesheet, so I’m trying to link the navbar stylesheet to the main stylesheet, using:
`#import url('mainstyles.css');`
I know that essential css rules for breakpoints must go into specific media queries. But if all the CSS in the above navbar link have to go into all five “min-width” based media queries - that’s just CSS bloat - isn’t it? And too much unnecessary CSS code?
I’ve spent three days on it and I just can’t get the fundamental reason. How do I make the above nav bar BEHAVE EXACTLY THE SAME WAY after changing the “max-width” media queries to “min-width” pixel-based media queries? I’ve tried changing the “width” and all style rules relevant to display to percentages - but it’s not solving the fundamental reason. Many thanks in advance for all advice.
Keith :)
max-width means the query will work up UNTIL the specified width.
min-width means the query will START working at the specified width.
Your first query will work from 320px to 479px. Your second will work from 480px to 767px, and so on (you have no query for 0-319px).
In order to change max-width to min-width you'd need to bump each query down a level (XS would become min-width: 320px, Desktop would become min-width: 1024, etc.)
I've included a simple answer below, as I found, once you get the basics right with Media Queries, its an easy concept to then apply to more complex ideas...
The example below could be used for firstly, a smartphone, then going up to an iPad, then finally a landscape iPad and a desktop device...
#media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
/* Stylings for all devices with screens with a width of 600px or less.*/
#media screen and (max-width: 992px) {
/* all screens with a max width of 992px or less */
#media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
/* all screens with a width of 992px or higher */

How to use Firefox responsive design mode for media queries

Whenever I press ctrl+shift+m to enter responsive design mode in Firefox, it shows the screen dimensions in the upper left, but if I see 992px as the width here and then create this media query:
#media (min-width: 992px) {
/*stuff to happen at 992px*/
, the stuff that is supposed to happen at 992px actually happens at 1082px, according to Firefox. Why is this? Is there a way to get Firefox's measurements to match exactly with the results that media queries produce?
Additionally, stuff that is supposed to happen at 768px according to the media query appears to be happening at 838px.
The answer was that the amount of zoom in Firefox messes with the responsive design mode measurements. Apparently, the dimensions shown in responsive design mode aren't the virtual dimensions of the website but are instead the screen dimensions, so they don't change when Firefox is zoomed in or out.
Try this code:
#media (max-width: 992px) {
/*stuff to happen at 992px*/
background: #000;
Instead of
#media (min-width: 992px) {
/*stuff to happen at 992px*/
In Firefox, Make Sure while testing for website responsiveness , the browser zoom setting to be 100% only. It effects the screen width shown to you in RDM (Responsive Design Mode).
I am not sure about others but i got same issue earlier.

How can I get RWD to work for mobile?

I am building a SPA. I have
in index.html, and I've got a few media queries such as:
#media screen and (min-width: 640px){
.sidebar {
width: 20%;
float: left;
When I open the site in Firefox, I'm shown a selection of device sizes, and when I choose the smaller sizes, the RWD shows up. The sidebar slides down, images are smaller, etc. All great. The problem is when I open the site on a mobile phone (android), it's as if I haven't done any of that. Google doesn't recognize the RWD changes either. Am I missing something?
Keep in mind that resolution on phones is getting so ridiculous that old-style media queries are basically useless for determining device. Of course, my 5-inch phone doesn't actually have 2560 pixels on its screen, but it uses a "device pixel ratio" to treat each logical pixel as 2, 3, 4 or even more pixels.
So, accordingly, we can target that metric to determine devices. Try changing your media query to something like this:
#media screen and (min-device-width: 640px){
.sidebar {
width: 20%;
float: left;
To target mobiles and devices and basically everything properly use this media query:
#media handheld,screen and (min-width:600px){}
I would also personally use max-width over min-width it makes more sense on downsizing and code grouping but that's probably my personal preference.
The #media screen bit does work - however the host I was using wasn't allowing it. I've since moved my website, and it's mobile friendly. Just thought I'd leave this here in case anyone else runs into this problem. The hosting was previously done through my school, so I don't have a lot of info to share about it.
Moving to a proper host (godaddy, although I don't actually recommend it, since they don't have any server side scripting) fixed the problem without any other changes being made.
