AngularJS - Unknown provider configuring $httpProvider - http

In the following code example:
myApp.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider, $cookieStore) {
$httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true;
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['Authorization'] = 'Basic '+ $cookieStore.get('myToken');
return JSON.stringify(data);
I get an angularjs error like 'Unknown provider $cookieStore'.
'myApp' has dependenciy and 'ngCookies' and angular-cookies.min.js is laoded, so what's wrong with that code ?
Is that fact that i'm doing this in .config ?

Because it's only possible to pass providers when configuring, i have finally done the overwrite of my http parameter not with a request transformer but by creating a service as factory to do requests.
Here is a code example of the service (not tested, just for information):
angular.module('myapp-http-request', []);
.factory('MyRequests', function($http, $cookieStore){
return {
request: function(method, url, data, okCallback, koCallback){
method: method,
url: url,
data: data
authentifiedRequest: function(method, url, data, okCallback, koCallback){
method: method,
url: url,
data: data,
headers: {'Authorization': $cookieStore.get('token')}
And example of usage (not tested, just for information):
angular.module('sharewebapp', ['myapp-http-request'])
.controller('MyController', ['MyRequests', function(MyRequests){
MyRequests.authentifiedRequest('DELETE', '/logout', '', function(){alert('logged-out');}, function(){alert('error');})

You probably need to add the cookieStore
myApp.config(['$httpProvider', '$cookieStore', function($httpProvider, $cookieStore)

I had ran into this same problem so i'll post how I got around it. I essentially used the $injector module to manual grab an instance of the service I needed. Note this also works for user defined services.
config.$inject = ['$httpProvider'];
function config($httpProvider) {
//Inject using the $injector
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(['$injector', function($injector){
return {
request: function(config) {
//Get access by injecting an instance of the desired module/service
let $cookieStore = $injector.get('$cookieStore');
let token = $cookieStore.get('your-cookie-name');
if (token) {
config.headers['x-access-token'] = token;
return config;

Using the seems to be a cleaner way to set headers that are always needed. See my answer here: AngularJS pass requestVerificationToken to a service


ajax call status is 200 but it is not successfull

I working on mvc project. I call my controller function with ajax, the call status is 200 but it is not successful, and goes to error section.
public async Task<IEnumerable<TeamDto>> GetAllTeamsList()
var teams = await _teamRepository.GetAll().Include(u => u.Users).ThenInclude(m => m.User).ToListAsync();
return ObjectMapper.Map<IEnumerable<TeamDto>>(teams);
public async Task<IEnumerable<TeamDto>> GetTeams()
var teams = await _teamAppService.GetAllTeamsList();
return teams;
js file:
type: "GET",
url: "/App/Team/GetTeams",
success: function (data) {
error: function (data) { console.log("it went bad " + JSON.stringify(data)); }
TypeError: 'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them
this is what I get when copy the url in the browser:
Open up the developer tools and look at the URL it is trying to request. Normally in the context of the application, you don't have the /App defined. In fact, you can use ASP.NET MVC Url helper to get the action method, to make sure the path is correct:
type: "GET",
url: "#Url.Action("GetTeams", "Team")",
Also, normally you would return data via JSON from the controller like:
public async Task<IEnumerable<TeamDto>> GetTeams()
var teams = await _teamAppService.GetAllTeamsList();
return Json(teams, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
And maybe that would make a difference, using Json() from the mvc controller. Note AllowGet ensures that GET requests on an action returning JSON works, otherwise it will be blocked and return an error.

nativescript authenticating at backend web api

I am new to mobile development. My project is build using For authentication I am using build it UserManager & User.Identity.
I have bunch of existing web apis and I wish to use them from mobile app.
I know , I could pass a secret hash to web api after authenticating, but that would involve a huge code refactoring.
I been wondering if there other ways to handle authentication & authorization with nativescript & .
Do you know any useful resources for this topic?
Many thanks for your help!
It depends quite heavily on your API structure, but I would recommend somethign like this:
Firstly you would need to use the Nativescript Http module. An implementation to get a an HTTP GET calls returned header might look like this:
http.request({ url: "", method: "GET" }).then(function (response) {
//// Argument (response) is HttpResponse!
//for (var header in response.headers) {
// console.log(header + ":" + response.headers[header]);
}, function (e) {
//// Argument (e) is Error!
So your backend might return a JSON Web Token as a header. In which case on the success callback you would probably want to store your token in the applications persistent memory. I would use the Application Settings module, which would look something like:
var appSettings = require("application-settings");
appSettings.setString("storedToken", tokenValue);
Then before you make an API call for a new token you can check if there is a stored value:
var tokenValue = appSettings.getString("storedToken");
if (tokenValue === undefined {
//do API call
Then with your token, you would want to make an API call, e.g. this POST and add the token as a header:
url: "",
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Auth": tokenValue },
content: JSON.stringify({ MyVariableOne: "ValueOne", MyVariableTwo: "ValueTwo" })
}).then(function (response) {
// result = response.content.toJSON();
// console.log(result);
}, function (e) {
// console.log("Error occurred " + e);
Your backend would need to check the Auth header and validate the JWT to decide whether to accept or reject the call.
Alternatively, there some nice plugins for various Backends-as-a-Service, e.g. Azure and Firebase

create a synchronous http.get()

Im trying to handle a login via promises and http.get but i fail so hard I get following error :
Object doesn't support property or method 'toPromise'
My code is :
return this.http.get('http://localhost:5000/login/', {
headers: authHeader
}).map((response) => {
return response.json()
ive got it from :
JohnPapa updated his project my friends
I wonder if you actually use promise since the HTTP support of Angular relies on Observables.
To get the response, you simply need to return the observable for your call:
getSomething() {
return this.http.get('http://localhost:5000/login/', {
headers: authHeader
}).map((response) => {
return response.json()
When calling the method, you can then register callbacks using the subscribe method:
data => handleData(data),
err => reject(err));
If you really want to use promises (with the toPromise method), you should import this:
import 'rxjs/Rx';
See this issue for more details:
Otherwise, FYI calls aren't synchronous regarding HTTP in browsers...
Hope it helps you,
If you want, you can use a TypeScript wrapper for sync-request library.
This TypeScript strongly-typed, fluent wrapper library is ts-sync-request.
ts-sync-request on npm
With this library, you can make sync http calls like below:
Your TypeScript classes:
class Request
Email: string;
class Response
isValid: boolean;
Install package in project:
npm i ts-sync-request
import { SyncRequestClient } from 'ts-sync-request/dist'
let email = "";
let url = "http://localhost:59039/api/Movies/validateEmail/" + email;
var response = new SyncRequestClient()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1NDc2OTg1MzgsIm5iZiI6MTU0NzY5NDIxOCwiaHR0cDovL3NjaGVtYXMueG1sc29hcC5vcmcvd3MvMjAwNS8wNS9pZGVudGl0eS9jbGFpbXMvbmFtZSI6InN0cmluZyIsImh0dHA6Ly9zY2hlbWFzLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vd3MvMjAwOC8wNi9pZGVudGl0eS9jbGFpbXMvcm9sZSI6InN0cmluZyIsIkRPQiI6IjEvMTcvMjAxOSIsImlzcyI6InlvdXIgYXBwIiwiYXVkIjoidGhlIGNsaWVudCBvZiB5b3VyIGFwcCJ9.qxFdcdAVKG2Idcsk_tftnkkyB2vsaQx5py1KSMy3fT4")
let url = "http://localhost:59039/api/Movies/validateEmailPost";
let request = new Request();
request.Email = "";
var response = new SyncRequestClient()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1NDc2OTg1MzgsIm5iZiI6MTU0NzY5NDIxOCwiaHR0cDovL3NjaGVtYXMueG1sc29hcC5vcmcvd3MvMjAwNS8wNS9pZGVudGl0eS9jbGFpbXMvbmFtZSI6InN0cmluZyIsImh0dHA6Ly9zY2hlbWFzLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vd3MvMjAwOC8wNi9pZGVudGl0eS9jbGFpbXMvcm9sZSI6InN0cmluZyIsIkRPQiI6IjEvMTcvMjAxOSIsImlzcyI6InlvdXIgYXBwIiwiYXVkIjoidGhlIGNsaWVudCBvZiB5b3VyIGFwcCJ9.qxFdcdAVKG2Idcsk_tftnkkyB2vsaQx5py1KSMy3fT4")
.post<Request, Response>(url, request);
Hope this helps.

AngularJS - refresh view after http request, $rootScope.apply returns $digest already in progress

I am simply trying to load data when my app starts. However, the view loads faster than the http request(of course). I want to refresh my view once my data has been properly loaded because that data defines my view.
I've tried $rootScope.apply from inside the factory where I do my http request, and I also tried directly doing the http request in my controller again with $scope.apply, and neither one worked as they both gave me "$digest already in progress"
Any idea how can I set up my code to make my views refresh on data load? I will be having several different http requests and I would like to know how to set them up properly! I would really appreciate any input!
Here is some of the code I am working with.
app.factory('HttpRequestFactory', function($http, $q) {
var HttpRequestFactory = {
async: function(url, params) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
url: url,
method: post,
params: params
.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
.error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
deferred.reject("An error occurred");
return deferred.promise;
return HttpRequestFactory;
function initializeAll(){
HttpRequestFactory.async('../api', {action: 'getall'}).then(function(data) {
//$rootScope.$apply(function () {
allData = data;
angular.forEach(allData, function(value, index){
Controller calling the factory's function initializeAll()
app.controller("MainController", ["$scope", "$rootScope","MyFactory",
function($scope, $rootScope, MyFactory){
Oh my !
You got the f** matter with AngularJS !
In fact you have to do a "safeApply" like that for example :
$rootScope.safeApply = function(fn) {
var phase = this.$root.$$phase;
if(phase == '$apply' || phase == '$digest') {
if(fn && (typeof(fn) === 'function')) {
} else {
In AngularJS you can only have one $apply or $digest loop at the same time.
For details on these loops look at the docs :
It will explain what is the $apply loop and you'll understand a lot of things about the two-way-data-binding in AngularJS
Hope it helps.
Don't use $apply: use $watch.
Calling $apply is (almost) always the wrong thing to do. The only time you should ever be calling it is if you've triggered a change outside of an 'angular' method; here, since the trigger occurs in an angular $http request, you can't call $apply because it's already being done at that moment by the $http block. Instead, what you want to do is $watch.
Official Doc for $scope.$watch() here
This will let you watch an object and update whenever it changes. I assume that your view is based on allData and you want it to update immediately; if you're using an ng method, then the watch is automatically setup for you and no more work should be needed. If you're using allData yourself inside a controller, you can write the watch in that controller like this:
$scope.$watch(function thingYouWantToWatch(){
return <accessor call to allData here>;
function whatToDoOnChange(newValue, oldValue){
$scope.myCoolThing = newValue; //this is the newValue of allData, or whatever you're watching.

Issue binding JSONP data with Knockout.js

I am working on a web project that involves a cross-domain call, and I decided to use Knockout.js and ASP.NET Web Api. I used the Single Page Application template in VS 2012, and implemented the Knockout class as it is. The page works great when I make JSON call from the same domain, but when I try using JSONP from the remote server the knockout does not seem to bind the data. I can see the JSON data received from the remote while making JSONP call, but knockout cannot bind the data.
Here is my JavaScript ViewModel classes:
window.storyApp.storyListViewModel = (function (ko, datacontext) {
var self = this;
self.storyLists = ko.observableArray();
self.selectedStory = ko.observable();
self.error = ko.observable();
//Load initial state from the server, convert it to Story instances, then populate self
datacontext.getStoryLists(storyLists, error); // load update stories
self.selectStory = function (s) {
selectedStory(s); $("#showStoryItem").click(); window.scrollTo(0, 0);
storyItem = s;
//append id to the hash for navigating to anchor tag
self.backToStory = function () {
window.location.hash =;
self.loadStories = function () {
datacontext.getStoryLists(storyLists, error); // load update stories
return {
storyLists: self.storyLists,
error: self.error,
selectStory: self.selectStory
})(ko, storyApp.datacontext);
// Initiate the Knockout bindings
And my DataContext class as below:
window.storyApp = window.storyApp || {};
window.storyApp.datacontext = (function (ko) {
var datacontext = {
getStoryLists: getStoryLists
return datacontext;
function getStoryLists(storyListsObservable, errorObservable) {
return ajaxRequest("get", storyListUrl())
function getSucceeded(data) {
var mappedStoryLists = $.map(data, function (list) { return new createStoryList(list); });
function getFailed() {
errorObservable("Error retrieving stories lists.");
function createStoryList(data) {
return new datacontext.StoryList(data); // TodoList is injected by model.js
// Private
function clearErrorMessage(entity) {
function ajaxRequest(type, url, data) { // Ajax helper
var options = {
dataType: "JSONP",
contentType: "application/json",
cache: false,
type: type,
data: ko.toJSON(data)
return $.ajax(url, options);
// routes
function storyListUrl(id) {
return "" + (id || "");
This page: makes the cross-domain call to, and it is not working. However the same page on secure.regis.eduinsite/index.html making JSON call works just fine.
What am I doing wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for those provided help.
I manage to solve the issue by adding WebApiContrib.Formatting.Jsonp class to my WebApi project as explained in, and making a slight modification to my jQuery Ajax helper class as below:
function ajaxRequest(type, url, data, callbackWrapper) { // Ajax helper
var options = {
dataType: "jsonp",
crossDomain : true,
type: type,
jsonp: "callback",
jsonpCallback: callbackWrapper,
data: ko.toJSON(data)
return $.ajax(url, options);
Everything worked as a charm.
I suggest the following:
Create a simplified example (without Knockout) that just makes the AJAX call with simple, alert-style success and error callbacks. Affirm that it is throwing an error in the cross-domain case.
Check the following link: parsererror after jQuery.ajax request with jsonp content type. If that doesn't tell you enough, search the Web (and StackOverflow) for information on jQuery JSONP parserrors and callbacks.
If you're still stuck, and you've done #1 and seen what I expect you will see, re-write this post with your simplified example, and remove any references to Knockout (in title, tags). I know Knockout, but I don't know JSONP, and the folks who know JSONP don't seem to be touching this, so I think this question is reaching the wrong audience. Changing the title and tags to emphasize the JSONP/cross-domain aspect may get you the help you need.
