Modify/hide text with css only - css

I have a page where I don't have access to html who content this:
<span id="page_title_text">Welcome - Overview</span>
and I would like get this:
<span id="page_title_text">Overview</span>
Due to the fact I cannot simply modify the text in the code itself, I wondering if is possible to hide the text "Welcome -" with css only (I have access to css related file).
Any suggestion ?

You can just update the text or do an actual replace:
Update Text
document.getElementById('page_title_text').innerHTML = 'Overview' ;
document.getElementById('page_title_text').innerHTML =
document.getElementById('page_title_text').innerHTML.replace(/Welcome -/,'');

#page_title_text:before {
content: "Welcome - ";

People don't seem to be understanding your question...
I'm not sure if this can be accomplished elegantly.
You can try something "hacky" like this though:
#page_title_text {
top: -15px;
width: 70px;
#page_title_text:first-line {
Of course this answer assumes existing styling etc. And it doesn't get rid of the textual content as well. There are just ways to hide it (with coloration or positioning etc.)


Wordpress issue with category-slug class

I have added a title color for each category that is displayed on the posts. This is how I want it to be displayed and this is the way it displays
It works fine for one category page, but on the others it doesn't - The section after In case you missed it.
I don't understand why it doesn't respect the CSS assigned. It bugs me out.
You have made small mistake. just replace your css with below css. same class in body and article tag so we need to add article tag with class name so it does not conflict with body tag :)
article.category-discounts .category_es_title {
background-color: #0072bc!important;
article.category-anothercat .category_es_title {
background-color: #f8ac87!important;
article.category-jackiscool .category_es_title {
background-color: #75d3f6!important;
article.category-sponsored .category_es_title {
background-color: #00a651!important;
article.category-student-life .category_es_title {
background-color: #ff1744!important;
Where is your CSS typed? did you do it manually or through a front-end editor?
In my experience, a lot of times it's something as simple as a theme compatibility issue so you may have to go directly into the source code for the theme itself.
Let me know some details & I should be able to elaborate more

Applying Same Style to Multiple IDs with Same Words

I'd like to know if there's a way to apply the same styles to IDs that start with the same workds.
For example, I have #youtube_gallery_item_1, #youtube_gallery_item_2,....and the number keeps increasing, so I can't add a new ID every time I add a new item. FYI, I'm working with Wordpress and YouTube SiimpleGallery plugin.
I'd appreciate your help!
The "starts with" selector in CSS3.
div[id^=youtube_gallery_item] {
Note that this doesn't work in IE8 and below.
What would be a better idea would be to assign all of your #youtube_gallery_items a class, and then assign styles to that class. I'm sure that the plugin that you're using is doing this. Look at the source code, and if you see that they all have the same class, use:
.name-of-the-class {
You can use an attribute selector:
[id^="youtube_gallery_item"] {
color: skyblue;
I would suggest adding a class
.youtube_gallery_item {
background: ;
width: ;
Its compatible with all browsers and is the easiest way to get around.
<div id="youtube_gallery_item_1" class="youtube_gallery_item"></div>
<div id="youtube_gallery_item_2" class="youtube_gallery_item"></div>
<div id="youtube_gallery_item_3" class="youtube_gallery_item"></div>

Remove words from link using a:visited once a link has been clicked

is there a way with pure css to Have a link that might say "New! Watch Video" and then once someone has clicked the link have it remove the "New" portion of the link. I'm assuming this can be done w/ Jquery but I'd like to see if there is an way to remove it with just css.
Rather than removing words, add the word "New" if the link hasn't been visited yet
a:before {
content: "New! ";
a:visited:before {
content: "";
No extra markup, and you don't need to put the word "New" everywhere.
Wrap the "New!" in a span inside the anchor:
<a class="newText" href="somepage.html"><span>New! </span>Watch video</a>
and in your CSS, set:
a.newText:visited span { display: none; }
I would recommend using a class on the anchor (like "newText" above) so that this formatting will only be applied to the links you want it on. And keep in mind that the "New!" text will reappear if the user clears their browser history.
Assuming the anchor will take you to a new page you can use the following technique:
a:before {
content: "New! ";
On any page you wish to remove or change it, you can add a body class
body.blah a:before {
content: "";

Creating an email or HTML link within a class

I'm a beginner at all this however i will do my best to explain.
I used Stack Overflow to figure out how to position an image on top of another one. My reason for this is because i want a large bar at the top of my website with contact details, with a part of it linking to an email address.
I used the following code:
.imgA1 {
position:absolute; top: 0px;
left: 0px; z-index: 1; } <br> .imgB1 {
position:absolute; top: 0px; left:
100px; z-index: 3;
<img class=imgA1 src="images\headings\red_heading.jpg"><br>
<img class=imgB1 src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg">
PLEASE NOTE: I've had to put a space between the < and the img class above or else it wont display my code!!
All the above works really well, however i want to add an email link to the second class above, so when someone clicks it an email client opens.
I hope all this makes sense.
Anyway help/advice would be fantastic.
Kind regards,
What i want to do is add a link to the "imgB1" section above...
Place your <img> tags within <a> (Anchor) tag, and with the href attribute of anchor tag, your code to open an email client of user upon click on image will look something like this.
< img class=imgB1 src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg">
Now clicking on the image will launch site visitors default mail client with "to" the mail address "".
I'm not sure that I understand, but to add a link to the image you would just need to put it inside an anchor tag, and to open an email client you would use an href of
<img class=imgA1 src="images\headings\red_heading.jpg">
<a href=''>
<img class=imgB1 src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg">
You may also need to add a border: none to the imgB1 class, as by default images have a border when they are hyperlinked.
i think what you want is:
< img class=imgA1 src="images\headings\red_heading.jpg">
< img src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg">
with the same css. this should apply the positioning to the anchor tag, which in turn contains the image you want to overlay.
it's quite... strange... but you can do that with Javascript, as example in JQuery you can do something like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.imgB1').each(function() {
$(this).prepend('<a href="link_to_point_to">');
Note that I've not tested it
If the approaches above don't work because of the positioning change on the image (not sure if they will or not), you can set the "onclick" property of the image to a function like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function sendEmail() {
var domain = ""; // this makes it a bit harder for a spammer to find the e-mail
var user = "test";
var subject = "Some subject Line"; // You can also set the body and some other stuff, look up mailto
var mailto_link = 'mailto:' + user + '#' + domain + '?subject='+subject;
win =,'emailWindow'); // all you see is the mail client window
if (win && &&!win.closed) win.close();
<img class=imgB1 src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg" onclick="sendEmail()"/>
< img class=imgA1 src="images\headings\red_heading.jpg">
< img class=imgB1 src="images\headings\red_heading_email.jpg">
You can't have a link through a CSS class because CSS only defines DISPLAY/LAYOUT properties.
You will have to add an html anchor tag to the img.
By default, images that are hyperlinked will have a border around them (usually blue). Make sure to remove it via css or with the IMG attribute border="0"

CSS :after, content: having two values?

I've got CSS on my links depending what type of link it is. In this case it's password protected, and external link.
So I've got CSS like this:
a.external-link:after { padding-left: 2px; content: url(../images/icon-external-link.gif); }
a.restricted-link:after { padding-left: 2px; content: url(../images/icon-lock.png);}
However when I try something like this:
<a class="external-link restricted-link" href="some link">Some Link</a>
It only displays the last icon, in this case the icon-lock.png. Which makes sense, since the content value can only be set once not combined, so the last class declaration is overwriting it. Is there anyway to combine these two so I can mix and match these link classes easily (I've got 4 total). I don't want to make separate classes/images for each combo.
Hate to break it to you, but you're going to have to make separate classes/images for each combo. Especially as there would be no way of knowing which content should go first.
content: url(ext) url(res);
content: url(res) url(ext);
