Pulling Docs List from Collection - collections
I there a way to display specific collection files and URL in a spreadsheet?
I have already tried running a basic DocList Search script but I need something to be more direct. I would need the script to display File Name, Collections It belongs to, and URL.
The end goal of this project is to create a Google site that allows users to click a Image link launching a simple "Copy Function" this copy function will create a copy of that document for the user in there individual drive. However we will be doing this on a mass scale of over 1,000 documents. So pulling the information and having it more organized would be alot easier then copying the URL section out of each document and then pasting it into the scripts functions.
here is a script I wrote quite a while ago that does (a bit more than ) what you want... it shows the IDs but you can easily change it to show the urls instead.
// G. Variables
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var lastrow = ss.getLastRow();
function onOpen() {
var menuEntries = [ {name: "generic doclist", functionName: "gendoclisttest"},
{name: "categorized list(spreadsheet/docs)", functionName: "doclistcat"},
{name: "Search DocList", functionName: "searchUI"},
ss.addMenu("Utilities", menuEntries);//
// Build a simple UI to enter search item and show results + activate result's row
function searchUI() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setHeight(130).setWidth(400);
app.setTitle("Search by name or folder name");
var panel = app.createVerticalPanel();
var txtBox = app.createTextBox().setFocus(true).setWidth("180");
var label=app.createLabel(" Eléments à rechercher :")
var label=app.createLabel(" Item to search for :")
var label0=app.createLabel("Row").setWidth("40");
var label1=app.createLabel("Doc Name").setWidth("180");
var label2=app.createLabel("Doc ID").setWidth("180");
var hpanel = app.createHorizontalPanel();
var txt0=app.createTextBox().setId("lab0").setName("0").setWidth("40");
var txt1=app.createTextBox().setId("lab1").setName("txt1").setWidth("180");
var txt2=app.createTextBox().setId("lab2").setName("txt2").setWidth("180");
var hpanel2 = app.createHorizontalPanel();
var hidden = app.createHidden().setName("hidden").setId("hidden");
var subbtn = app.createButton("next ?").setId("next").setWidth("250");
var keyHandler = app.createServerHandler("click");
var submitHandler = app.createServerHandler("next");
function click(e){
var row=ss.getActiveRange().getRowIndex();
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var txtBox = app.getElementById("item");
var subbtn = app.getElementById("next").setText("next ?")
var txt0=app.getElementById("lab0").setText('--');
var txt1=app.getElementById("lab1").setText('no match').setStyleAttribute("background", "white");// default value to start with
var txt2=app.getElementById("lab2").setText('');
var item=e.parameter.item.toLowerCase(); // item to search for
var hidden=app.getElementById("hidden")
var data = sh.getRange(2,1,lastrow,8).getValues();// get the 8 columns of data
for(nn=0;nn<data.length;++nn){ ;// iterate trough
if(data[nn].toString().toLowerCase().match(item.toString())==item.toString()&&item!=''){;// if a match is found in one of the 3 fields, break the loop and show results
var datarow=data[nn]
var idx=cc
txt1.setText(data[nn][idx]).setStyleAttribute("background", "cyan");
subbtn.setText("found '"+item+"' in row "+Number(nn+2)+", next ?");
return app ;// update UI
function next(e){
var row=ss.getActiveRange().getRowIndex();
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var txtBox = app.getElementById("item");
var subbtn = app.getElementById("next").setText("no other match")
var hidden=app.getElementById("hidden");
var start=Number(e.parameter.hidden)+1;//returns the last search index stored in the UI
var item=e.parameter.item.toLowerCase(); // item to search for
var txt0=app.getElementById("lab0");
var txt1=app.getElementById("lab1").setStyleAttribute("background", "yellow");
var txt2=app.getElementById("lab2");
var data = sh.getRange(2,1,lastrow,8).getValues();// get the 3 columns of data
for(nn=start;nn<data.length;++nn){ ;// iterate trough
if(data[nn].toString().toLowerCase().match(item.toString())==item.toString()&&item!=''){;// if a match is found in one of the 3 fields, break the loop and show results
var datarow=data[nn]
var idx=cc
txt1.setText(data[nn][idx]).setStyleAttribute("background", "cyan");
subbtn.setText("found '"+item+"' in row "+Number(nn+2)+", next ?");
return app ;// update UI
function gendoclisttest(){
sh.getRange(1,1).setValue('.');// usefull to allow for 'clear' if page is empty
sh.getRange(1,1,ss.getLastRow(),ss.getLastColumn()).clear().setWrap(false).setBorder(false,false,false,false,false,false);// clears whole sheet
var doclist=new Array();
var folders=DocsList.getFolders()
var names = new Array();
for (nn=0;nn<doclist.length;++nn){
if (names.length>0){
var row=ss.getLastRow()+1;
sh.getRange(row,1,1,3).setValues([["Folders","Generic Doc Names","ID"]]).setBorder(false,true,true,true,true,true).setBackgroundColor("#dddddd");
var names = new Array();
for (nn=0;nn<doclist.length;++nn){
if (names.length>0){
var row=ss.getLastRow()+1;
sh.getRange(row,1,1,3).setValues([["Root","Generic Doc Names","ID"]]).setBorder(false,true,true,true,true,true).setBackgroundColor("#dddddd");
function doclistcat(){
var doclist=new Array();
var folders=DocsList.getFolders()
var zz=0;var nn=0
var names = new Array();
for (nn=0;nn<doclist.length;++nn){
var row=zz-nn+1
sh.getRange(row,4,1,3).setValues([["Folders","Spreadsheet Names","ID"]]).setBorder(true,true,true,true,true,true).setBackgroundColor("#dddddd");
var names = new Array();
for (nn=0;nn<doclist.length;++nn){
var row=zz-nn+1
sh.getRange(row,4,1,3).setValues([["Root","Spreadsheet Names","ID"]]).setBorder(true,true,true,true,true,true).setBackgroundColor("#dddddd");
var zz=0;var nn=0
var names = new Array();
for (nn=0;nn<doclist.length;++nn){
var row=zz-nn+1
sh.getRange(row,7,1,3).setValues([["Folders","Text Document Names","ID"]]).setBorder(true,true,true,true,true,true).setBackgroundColor("#dddddd");
var names = new Array();
for (nn=0;nn<doclist.length;++nn){
var row=zz-nn+1
sh.getRange(row,7,1,3).setValues([["Root","document Names","ID"]]).setBorder(true,true,true,true,true,true).setBackgroundColor("#dddddd");
How do I iterate over all the rows in my sheet to find match?
I am creating a script with google appscript to read files in a folder parse the name of the file in the folder check if that name already exists in the sheet if not add that to the list if it does exist then check another column to see if an email is sent if yes do nothing if no send the email. I have tried index of ,for loop to iterate over range.getValues() None of them work properly as expected. The data is of length 3. function myFunction() { getFileNameFromFolders('1TcR5oUKwH9hUG9xHBA6HuXQOr40etS5z'); } function getFileNameFromFolders(folderID) { var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID); var files = folder.getFiles(); while (files.hasNext()) { var file = files.next(); var fileName = file.getName(); var agentDetails = fileName.split("-"); var agentID = agentDetails[0]; var fileType = agentDetails[1]; var fileUrl = file.getUrl(); var fileDate = agentDetails[2]; locateAgent(agentID, fileType, fileDate, fileUrl, fileName); } } function locateAgent(agentID, fileType, fileDate, url, uniqueKey) { Logger.log('locating ' + uniqueKey); var spreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getUrl()); var sheet = spreadSheet.getSheets()[0]; var range = sheet.getRange(2, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - 1, 6) var data = range.getValues(); for (var i in data) { if (data[i][5] == uniqueKey) { Logger.log('yes'); break; } else { Logger.log('no'); var newRange = sheet.appendRow([agentID,fileType, fileDate, url, 'r', uniqueKey]);} } } function sendEmails(email, fileUrl) { var asPDF = DriveApp.getFileById(getIdFromUrl(fileUrl)); MailApp.sendEmail(email, 'test-email-with-agent-stuff-thing-i-dont-know-the-name', 'you should recieve a file named AID-2 as you are registered as 2', { name: 'Automatic Emailer Script from DOER', attachments: asPDF.getAs(MimeType.PDF) }); } function getIdFromUrl(url) { return url.match(/[-\w]{25,}$/); } The loop adds to the list even though it exists. I may be getting the concept. If you have any other way I can do this, I would highly appreciate it.
You can implement a boolean variable which will be set to true if uniqueKey exists alredy Modify your code as following: function locateAgent(agentID, fileType, fileDate, url, uniqueKey) { Logger.log('locating ' + uniqueKey); var spreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getUrl()); var sheet = spreadSheet.getSheets()[0]; var range = sheet.getRange(2, 1, sheet.getLastRow()-1, 6) var data = range.getValues(); var exists=false; for (var i in data) { if (data[i][5] == uniqueKey){ exists=true; var row=i; break; } } if(exists==false){ Logger.log('it does not exist yet'); var insertRange = sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow()+1, 1, 1, 6); //adapt according to your needs: insertRange.setValues([[agentID],[fileType],[fileDate],[url],[],[uniqueKey]]); }else{ //implement here your statement to check status column, e.g.: if(data[row][status column]!="Sent"){ sendEmails(...); } } }
Google Maps API V3, Listener is behaving strangely
I have created a bunch of markers and infoboxes that I want to link together trough a listener, though the listener seems to fire at start without any click, and if I try to fire the listener with a click on the marker(after closing the box) nothing ever happens. //Load Markers function LoadData() { //Space Reservation var site_arr = new Array(); var point_arr = new Array(); var pasta_arr = new Array(); //Load All Information point_arr = [new google.maps.LatLng(38.629343,-9.191592), new google.maps.LatLng(38.649187,-9.189205)]; site_arr = ["AAA","BBB"]; pasta_arr = [1,2]; //Create Markers and Set InfoBoxes for(var i = 0 ; i < site_arr.length ; i++){ marker_arr[i] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: point_arr[i] ,map: map ,title: site_arr[i] }); window_arr[i] = new InfoBox({ content: site_arr[i] }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker_arr[i], 'click', function(i){ window_arr[i].open(map,marker_arr[i]); }(i)); } return 0; } Anyone has any idea of what is going on? Solved the problem, I'm just posting it because it might be useful for others... Thanks everyone! //Load Markers function LoadData() { //Space Reservation var site_arr = new Array(); var point_arr = new Array(); var pasta_arr = new Array(); //Load All Information point_arr = [new google.maps.LatLng(38.629343,-9.191592), new google.maps.LatLng(38.649187,-9.189205)]; site_arr = ["AAA", "BBB"]; pasta_arr = [1,2]; //Create Markers and Set InfoBoxes for(i = 0 ; i < site_arr.length ; i++){ marker_arr[i] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: point_arr[i] ,map: map ,title: site_arr[i] ,icon: "http://labs.google.com/ridefinder/images/mm_20_red.png" }); marker_arr[i]._info = new InfoBox({ content: pasta_arr[i]; }); attachListener(marker_arr[i]); } return 0; } function attachListener(marker){ google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){ marker._info.open(map,marker); }); return 0; }
You are not adding a function to your listener, but a function value. You display the info windows because you evaluate the listener's function(i) at i during LoadData(). The second problem is that even if you remove the evaluation you will not get the intended index i during the call of the listener. The correct way is something like: marker_arr[i]._info = window_arr[i]; google.maps.event.addListener(marker_arr[i], 'click', function() { var marker = this; marker._info.open(map, marker); });
load symbol of flash in flex at runtime
Hey people, I've this huge problem loading a symbol from a swf file in the application at runtime. I want to load it and pass it as a argument to another class where it could be used further. The symbol name is passed on from the array collection from the "o" object. Can anybody please tell me what's the right way to go about it.. Thanks in advance..!! Following is the code for reference.. public override function Show(o:ObjectProxy):void { var _this:Weather; var _super:ContentItem; var item:WeatherItem; var items:ArrayCollection; var widgetCount:Number; var headlineFontSize:int; var conditionsIconThemeLoader:Loader; this.m_weatherWidgetContainer = new HBox(); super.Show(o); _this = this; _super = super; (undefined == o["HeadlineFontSize"]) ? headlineFontSize = 20 : headlineFontSize = o["HeadlineFontSize"]; if (undefined != o["direction"]) this.m_textDirection = o["direction"]; if (o.LargeUrl.Forecast is ArrayCollection) items = ArrayCollection(o.LargeUrl.Forecast); else items = new ArrayCollection([o.LargeUrl.Forecast]); widgetCount = this.m_computeWidgetSpace(items.length); conditionsIconThemeLoader = new Loader(); conditionsIconThemeLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event):void { for(var i:uint = 0; i < widgetCount; i++) { var symbolClass:Class = e.currentTarget.loader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition(int(items[i].condition)) as Class; var symbolInstance:Sprite = new symbolClass(); item = new WeatherItem(); item.Show(items[i], headlineFontSize, symbolInstance, widgetCount); _this.m_weatherWidgetContainer.addChild(item); } }); conditionsIconThemeLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function(e:IOErrorEvent):void { Alert.show("Failure loading " + WidgetStylesheet.instance.Weather_Widget_Theme + ".swf"); }); // Attempt to load theme weather icon file conditionsIconThemeLoader.load(new URLRequest("assets/animation/" + WidgetStylesheet.instance.Weather_Widget_Theme + ".swf")); super.media.addChild(this.m_weatherWidgetContainer); }
Heres the answer public override function Show(o:ObjectProxy):void { var _this:Weather; var _super:ContentItem; var conditionsIconThemeLoader:Loader; var loaderContext:LoaderContext; this.m_weatherWidgetContainer = new HBox(); this.m_weatherWidgetContainer.percentHeight = 100; this.m_weatherWidgetContainer.percentWidth = 100; super.Show(o); _this = this; (undefined == o["HeadlineFontSize"]) ? this.m_headlineFontSize = 20 : this.m_headlineFontSize = o["HeadlineFontSize"]; if (undefined != o["direction"]) this.m_textDirection = o["direction"]; if (o.LargeUrl.Forecast is ArrayCollection) this.m_items = o.LargeUrl.Forecast; else this.m_items = new ArrayCollection([o.LargeUrl.Forecast]); conditionsIconThemeLoader = new Loader(); loaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain); conditionsIconThemeLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.m_loaderSuccess); conditionsIconThemeLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this.m_loaderFail); // Attempt to load theme weather icon file conditionsIconThemeLoader.load(new URLRequest("assets/animation/" + WidgetStylesheet.instance.Weather_Widget_Theme + ".swf"), loaderContext); this.m_weatherWidgetContainer.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, this.m_drawHorizontalLine); super.media.addChild(this.m_weatherWidgetContainer); }
How to read the Dynamic form Child data in Flex?
i created a form dynamically by adding each component in action script, now i want to get back the text/data entered in to that each component dynamically? private function loadAllComponents():void { var formItemArray:Array = new Array(); for(var i:int=0; i< Application.application.designList.length; i++)//which had the colonName, colComponet to be dispalyed, { var fm:FormItem = new FormItem(); fm.label = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).colName; var comp:String = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).component; switch(comp) { case "TextBox": var ti:TextInput = new TextInput(); ti.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).component; fm.addChild(ti); break; case "TextArea": var ta:TextArea = new TextArea(); ta.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).colName; fm.addChild(ta); break; case "ComboBox": var mycb:myComboBox = new myComboBox(); mycb.getAllMasterCBData(Application.application.selectedgridItem, Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).colName); fm.addChild(mycb); break; case "DateField": var df:DateField = new DateField(); df.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).component; fm.addChild(df); break; } myform.addChild(fm); } } private function saveToDb():void // Here i wan to read all the formdata { var formItems:Array = myform.getChildren(); for each (var item:UIComponent in formItems) { if (item is TextInput) { var text:String = Object(item).text; Alert.show("came here"); } else if (item is DateField) { var date:Date = DateField(item).selectedDate; } } } ]]> </mx:Script> <mx:Form id="myform" cornerRadius="5" borderColor="#B7BABC" borderStyle="solid" width="100%" height="100%" /> <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%" > <mx:Spacer width="120"/> <mx:Button label=" Save " id="saveBtn" click="saveToDb()" /> </mx:HBox>
You're creating the input components in ActionScript, but based on this code you are not creating them dynamically; you're just hard coding them. With your given sample, you'll know the components you are creating at compile time. You'll need to store a reference to the form items you create; make them public variables instead of 'var' local variables. Kind of like this: protected var ti:TextInput ; protected var ta:TextArea ; protected var df:DateField; Then in your creation method, do something like this: ti = new TextInput(); ti.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).component; fm.addChild(ti); ta = new TextArea(); ta.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).colName; fm.addChild(ta); df = new DateField(); df.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).component; fm.addChild(df); myform.addChild(fm); Then when you need to access them, just do something like this: private function getMyformData() { ti.text; ta.text; } If you're generating the form components at run time based on data, then store then form elements in an array of some sort. You could also work something out by looping over all children of your container, although that wouldn't be my first approach. Since poster posted more complete code; here are some additions. I added the protected array of all form items and in each 'switch' block; the new input element is pushed onto the array. <mx:Script> protected var itemsArray : Array = new Array(); private function loadAllComponents():void { var formItemArray:Array = new Array(); for(var i:int=0; i< Application.application.designList.length; i++)//which had the colonName, colComponet to be dispalyed, { var fm:FormItem = new FormItem(); fm.label = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).colName; var comp:String = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).component; switch(comp) { case "TextBox": var ti:TextInput = new TextInput(); ti.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).component; fm.addChild(ti); itemsArray.push(ti) break; case "TextArea": var ta:TextArea = new TextArea(); ta.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).colName; fm.addChild(ta); itemsArray.push(ta) break; case "ComboBox": var mycb:myComboBox = new myComboBox(); mycb.getAllMasterCBData(Application.application.selectedgridItem, Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).colName); fm.addChild(mycb); itemsArray.push(mycb) break; case "DateField": var df:DateField = new DateField(); df.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).component; fm.addChild(df); itemsArray.push(df) break; } myform.addChild(fm); } } The sateToDb method will change to be something like this: private function saveToDb():void // Here i wan to read all the formdata { var formItems:Array = myform.getChildren(); for each (var item:UIComponent in itemsArray ) { if (item is TextInput) { var text:String = Object(item).text; Alert.show("came here"); } else if (item is DateField) { var date:Date = DateField(item).selectedDate; } } } ]]> </mx:Script>
Edited Response: OK, I think I see the issue. You're adding your data controls to FormItems and adding those to the Form. But then you're iterating over the Form's children and as if they were the data controls and not FormItems. Without commenting on the rest of the code, have a look at what this updated function is doing to retrieve the data controls: private function saveToDb():void { var formItems:Array = myform.getChildren(); for each (var item:FormItem in formItems) { var itemChildren:Array = item.getChildren(); for each (var control:UIComponent in itemChildren) { if (control is TextInput) { var text:String = Object(item).text; Alert.show("TextInput"); } else if (control is DateField) { var date:Date = DateField(item).selectedDate; Alert.show("Date"); } } } You can delete the formItemArray variable too, it's not needed since we're getting the list of children from the Form and FormItems. Original response: If you keep a reference to each of the dynamic form items in an Array you can iterate over each of them in your getMyFormData() function. e.g. protected var formItems:Array = new Array(); // Other class stuff here... var ti:TextInput = new TextInput(); ti.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).component; formItems.push(ti); // Add item to array. fm.addChild(ti); var ta:TextArea = new TextArea(); ta.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).colName; formItems.push(ta); // Add item to array. fm.addChild(ta); var df:DateField = new DateField(); df.id = Application.application.designList.getItemAt(i).component; formItems.push(df); // Add item to array. fm.addChild(df); myform.addChild(fm); <mx:button click="getMyformData()"/> private function getMyformData() { //How to get the myform Data dynamically here after validations... ? & for each (var item:UIComponent in formItems) { if (item is TextInput || item is TextArea) { // Cast to Object to access the 'text' property without the compiler complaining. var text:String = Object(item).text; // Do something with the text... } else if (item is DateField) { var date:Date = DateField(item).selectedDate; // Do something with the date... } // Insert additional type checks as needed. } } You'll have to work out what to do with the data on your own though :) If you are using a separate list make sure you clear out the formItems array when you're done with it so you don't have references to the items keeping them in memory unnecessarily. Instead of keeping a separate array of form items you could also iterate over the children in the fm container. You might have to make some assumptions about the children you'd be accessing but it looks like you have control over all of the children being added so that's no problem. I hope that helps... :)
Dynamically Creating Variables In Actionscript 3.0?
i'm loading several sound files, and want to error check each load. however, instead programming each one with their own complete/error functions, i would like them to all use the same complete/error handler functions. a successfully loaded sound should create a new sound channel variable, while an unsuccessfully loaded sound will produce a simple trace with the name of the sound that failed to load. however, in order to do this, i need to dynamically create variables, which i haven't yet figured out how to do. here's my code for my complete and error functions: function soundLoadedOK(e:Event):void { //EX: Sound named "explosion" will create Sound Channel named "explosionChannel" var String(e.currentTarget.name + "Channel"):SoundChannel = new SoundChannel(); } function soundLoadFailed(e:IOErrorEvent):void { trace("Failed To Load Sound:" + e.currentTarget.name); } -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UPDATED (RE: viatropos) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- can not find the error. TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at lesson12_start_fla::MainTimeline/loadSounds() at lesson12_start_fla::MainTimeline/frame1(): //Sounds var soundByName:Object = {}; var channelByName:Object = {}; var soundName:String; var channelName:String; loadSounds(); function loadSounds():void { var files:Array = ["robotArm.mp3", "click.mp3"]; var i:int = 0; var n:int = files.length; for (i; i < n; i++) { soundName = files[i]; soundByName[soundName] = new Sound(); soundByName[soundName].addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, sound_completeHandler); soundByName[soundName].addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, sound_ioErrorHandler); soundByName[soundName].load(new URLRequest(soundName)); } } function sound_completeHandler(event:Event):void { channelName = event.currentTarget.id3.songName; channelByName[channelName] = new SoundChannel(); } function sound_ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void { trace("Failed To Load Sound:" + event.currentTarget.name); }
You can do this a few ways: Storing your SoundChannels in an Array. Good if you care about order or you don't care about getting them by name. Storing SoundChannels by any name in an Object. Good if you want to easily be able to get the by name. Note, the Object class can only store keys ({key:value} or object[key] = value) that are Strings. If you need Objects as keys, use flash.utils.Dictionary, it's a glorified hash. Here's an example demonstrating using an Array vs. an Object. var channels:Array = []; // instead of creating a ton of properties like // propA propB propC // just create one property and have it keep those values var channelsByName:Object = {}; function loadSounds():void { var files:Array = ["soundA.mp3", "soundB.mp3", "soundC.mp3"]; var sound:Sound; var soundChannel:SoundChannel; var i:int = 0; var n:int = files.length; for (i; i < n; i++) { sound = new Sound(); sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, sound_completeHandler); sound.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, sound_ioErrorHandler); sound.load(files[i]); } } function sound_completeHandler(event:Event):void { // option A var channelName:String = event.currentTarget.id3.songName; // if you want to be able to get them by name channelsByName[channelName] = new SoundChannel(); // optionB // if you just need to keep track of all of them, // and don't care about the name specifically channels.push(new SoundChannel()) } function sound_ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void { trace("Failed To Load Sound:" + event.currentTarget.name); } Let me know if that works out.
//Load Sounds var soundDictionary:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); var soundByName:Object = new Object(); var channelByName:Object = new Object(); loadSounds(); function loadSounds():void { var files:Array = ["robotArm.mp3", "click.mp3"]; //etc. for (var i:int = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var soundName:String = files[i]; var sound:Sound=new Sound(); soundDictionary[sound] = soundName; soundByName[soundName] = sound; sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, sound_completeHandler); sound.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, sound_ioErrorHandler); sound.load(new URLRequest(soundName)); } } function sound_completeHandler(e:Event):void { var soundName:String=soundDictionary[e.currentTarget]; channelByName[soundName] = new SoundChannel(); } function sound_ioErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void { trace("Failed To Load Sound:" + soundDictionary[e.currentTarget]); } //Play Sound channelByName["robotArm.mp3"] = soundByName["robotArm.mp3"].play(); //Stop Sound channelByName["robotArm.mp3"].stop();