Retriving the url of a Hyperlink column which is in a sharepoint list, using Client object model - sharepoint-clientobject

function IfModuleSucceded(sender, args) {
var existingCount = existingItems.get_count();
var existEnumerator = existingItems.getEnumerator();
while (existEnumerator.moveNext()) {
var currentmodule = existEnumerator.get_current();
var URL = currentmodule.get_item("Request_URL");
In this Code i am trying to Retrieve the url of a Hyperlink column which is in a SharePoint list, using Client object model, but i have received an object. How could i get the Url out of this received object ????
when this code is executed, it gives the alert as "[Object Object]".
would anyone help me to sort this out ??

The answer will be alert(url.url) as it's an object.
It will also have a property called description

The Hyperlink field has two properties: Description and Url.
You can access the properties like this: ObjectName.PropertyName
So for your URL object in your example, you can reach the properties like this: URL.Url and URL.Description
I found that Url and Description are case sensitive, so make sure you capitalize where necessary.
This worked great for me.


POST parameters in

I'm trying to get parameters received from a form, that were sent with method POST.
I don't know how it's called in asp, M$ loves to change stuff's names to mess with us. They come in HTTP body, while GET/QueryString parameters come in URL after the ? sign.
In PHP, "get patameters" are available in the $_GET array. In asp they are Request.QueryString["parameter1"].
"post patameters" are in $_POST, and I cant find it in asp. I hope I made it clear :p
To read the value from paramater1 contained inside the form data:
string paramater1 = Request.Form["paramater1"];
Note that if the form doesn't contain your variable, paramater1 will be null.
Suppose your querystring is something like this :
if i am right then you are looking for this. Please note this is regarding ASP.Net, I have no idea about classic ASP. And this will not work on classic ASP, I believe.
You can use in cs,
if(Request["id"]!=null )
var id= Request["id"]; // gives you id as 17844065 string values
if(Request["title"]!=null )
var title= Request["title"]; // gives you title as string
Update :
NameValueCollection nvc = Request.Form;
string userName, password;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nvc["txtUserName"]))
userName = nvc["txtUserName"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nvc["txtPassword"]))
password = nvc["txtPassword"];
Try Request.Params, it should contain all GET and/or POST parameters, Request.Form should contain only form parameters.

Accessing the query string value using ASP.NET

I have been trying to find the question to my answer but I'm unable to and finally I'm here. What I want to do is access the value passed to a webpage (GET, POST request) using To be more clear, for example:
Using I want to get the sr value i.e 34.
I'm from the background of C# and new to ASP.NET and don't know much about ASP.NET.
Can you refer to this QueryString
Here he says how to access the query string using:
That is not called a Header, but the Query String.
the object will contain that and the javascript to get any query string value based on the key would be something like:
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(;
return results == null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
code from other question:

SDL Tridion GetListKeywords using Anquilla Framework

I'm writing a GUI extension and using the Anquilla framework to get a list of Keywords within a Category. I'm obtaining an XML document for the list of keywords then working with that document within my extension.
My problem is that the returned XML doesn't contain the Keyword's 'Description' value. I have the Title and Key etc.
My original code looks like this:
var category = $models.getItem("CATEGORYTCMID:);
var list = category.getListKeywords();
A typical node returned is this:
<tcm:Item ID="tcm:4-1749-1024"
Type="1024" Title="rate_one" Lock="0" IsRoot="true"
Modified="2012-12-17T23:01:59" FromPub="010 Schema"
Key="rate_one_value" IsAbstract="false"
CategoryID="tcm:4-469-512" Icon="T1024L0P0"
Allow="268560384" Deny="96" IsNew="false"
So I've tried using a Filter to give me additional column information:
var filter = new Tridion.ContentManager.ListFilter();
filter.columns = Tridion.Constants.ColumnFilter.EXTENDED;
var list = category.getListKeywords(filter);
Unfortunately this only gives the additional XML attributes:
IsShared="true" IsLocalized="false"
I'd really like the description value to be part of this XML without having to create a Keyword object from the XML. Is such a thing possible?
cough any ideas? cough
I'm afraid you'll have to load the Keyword itself to get the Description.
It's not used in any lists, so it's not returned in the XML.
You could always create a List Extender to add this information to the list, but try to be smart about it since this extender will execute everytime a GetList is called.
Won't save you from having to open every keyword in the list, but you'll be doing it server-side (with Core Service/NetTcp for instance) which will probably be easier and faster than opening each keyword with Anguilla.
In this instance I only need the one keyword, so I simply get it from the CMS. Getting an object in Anguilla is a bit weird, here's the code:
In your main code area:
var selectedKy = $models.getItem("TcmUriOfKeywordHere");
if (selectedKy.isLoaded()) {
p.selectedKy = selectedKy;
} else {
$evt.addEventHandler(selectedKy, "load", this.onselectedKyLoaded);
It's worth noting how I store the keyword in the properties of the item, so I can obtain it in the onselectedKyLoaded function
The function called once the item is loaded
ContentBloom.ExampleGuiExtension.prototype.onselectedKyLoaded = function (event) {
var p =;
var selectedDescription = p.selectedKy.getDescription();
// do what you need to do with the description :)
I resolved this, thanks to the answer here: - Cheers Nuno :)

How to pass javascript value in Razor syntax(as a parameter value)

i am using jquery grid in MVC 3 .as a formatter option i am using following code as a script segment.
function viewformateadorLink(cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
return "" + cellvalue + "";
but i don't want to use href here .better option i have found is as follows:
var url = '#Html.ActionLink( "_name_", "Edit", new { id = "_id_" })';
url = url.replace(/_name_/, cellvalue);
url = url.replace(/_id_/, rowObject[0]);
return url;
are there any simple way exist for passing parameter?
If the value you want to pass to the link is in a JavaScript variable and you don't want to use href, then I'm afraid you can't go further than you already have gone and this is why:
The JavaScript code is ALWAYS executed after the server-side code.
I imagine you would like to do something like:
#Html.ActionLink( "_name_", "Edit", new { id = *JAVASCRIPT VARIABLE* })
but due to the reason I mentioned above, such thing is impossible.
I would suggest you stick to any of the other methods you used in your question.

jQuery UI autocomplete is not displaying results fetched via AJAX

I am trying to use the jQuery UI autocomplete feature in my web application. What I have set up is a page called SearchPreload.aspx. This page checks for a value (term) to come in along with another parameter. The page validates the values that are incoming, and then it pulls some data from the database and prints out a javascript array (ex: ["item1","item2"]) on the page. Code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string curVal;
string type ="";
if (Request.QueryString["term"] != null)
curVal = Request.QueryString["term"].ToString();
curVal = curVal.ToLower();
if (Request.QueryString["Type"] != null)
type = Request.QueryString["Type"].ToString();
public string PreLoadStrings(List<string> PreLoadValues, string curVal)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (PreLoadValues.Any())
foreach (string str in PreLoadValues)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
if (str.ToLower().Contains(curVal))
return sb.ToString();
The db part is working fine and printing out the correct data on the screen of the page if I navigate to it via browser.
The jQuery ui autocomplete is written as follows:
source: "SearchPreload.aspx?Type=rbChoice",
minLength: 1
Now if my understanding is correct, every time I type in the search box, it should act as a keypress and fire my source to limit the data correct? When I through a debug statement in SearchPreload.aspx code behind, it appears that the page is not being hit at all.
If I wrap the autocomplete function in a .keypress function, then I get into the search preload page but still I do not get any results. I just want to show the results under the search box just like the default functionality example on the jQuery website. What am I doing wrong?
autocomplete will NOT display suggestions if the JSON returned by the server is invalid. So copy the following URL (or the returned JSON data) and paste it on JSONLint. See if your JSON is valid.
PS: I do not see that you're calling the PreLoadStrings function. I hope this is normal.
A couple of things to check.
Make sure that the path to the page is correct. If you are at, and your searchpreload.aspx page is in another directory such as the url that you are using as the source would be incorrect, it would need to be
source: "/anotherFolder/Searchpreload.aspx?Type=rbChoice"
One other thing that you could try is to make the method that you are calling a page method on the searchpreload.aspx page. Typically when working with javascript, I try to use page methods to handle ajax reqeusts and send back it's data. More on page methods can be found here:
