Add 24 hours to timestamp in R and exit loop - r

launchTime = Sys.timeDate(FinCenter = "America/Los_Angeles")
launchTime looks like:
[1] [2013-06-26 12:52:28]
I would like to add 24 hours to tStamp and call it exitTime.
Now at launchTime I start an R script which has a loop, that runs for say 7 days.
What would be a good way to put in a condition or few lines code that allows for exiting from the loop when the real time reaches exitTime?
Now I would like the condition to check till the accuracy of the day, hour and minute level. Not at the seconds level.

Set something like: exitTime <- as.numeric(Sys.time()+(60*60*24)) (to get one day from the present) second. Then include a conditional in your loop like:
if(as.numeric(Sys.time()) > exitTime)
I don't follow your bit about precision.


Same expression, but takes much less time in a loop on average

I've been trying to find the computational expense with Sys.time(), starting with some simple operations.
I started with something like this
and it gives me about 0.0023sec after running the code in Rstudio.
Then the code is put into a for loop to find the average expense of the two lines.
for (i in 1:5) {
It turns out that, for every iteration in the for loop, the time consumption is just several milliseconds, much less than what it took as out of the for loop.
[1] 1
Time difference of 7.152557e-06 secs
[1] 2
Time difference of 5.00679e-06 secs
[1] 3
Time difference of 4.053116e-06 secs
[1] 4
Time difference of 4.053116e-06 secs
[1] 5
Time difference of 5.00679e-06 secs
I expect that the average time cost of the for loop to be about the same as that without a loop, but they are so different. Not sure why this is happening. Can anyone reproduce the same? Thanks!
The difference comes from the way RStudio (or R) runs the code.
The original code is executed line by line, so the timing you get includes interface between RStudio and R.
# Time difference of 0.02099395 secs
If, however, you run all this code at once, by wrapping the code in curvy brackets, the timing you get improve drastically:
# Time difference of 0 secs

R - Sys.time() and as.POSIXct() issue [duplicate]

I want to run a R code at a specific time that I need.
And after the process finished, I want to terminate the R session.
If a code is as below,
write.table(tm,file='OUT.TXT', sep='\t');
quit(save = "no")
What should I do to run this code at "2012-04-18 17:25:40".
I need your help. Thanks in advance.
It is easiest to use the Task Scheduler of Windows, or a cron job under Linux. There you can specify a command or program that should be run at a certain time you specify.
If somehow you cannot use the cron job service and have to schedule within R, the following R code shows how to wait a specific amount of time so as to execute at a pre-specified target time. <- as.POSIXct("2012-12-20 13:45:00 EST") # time of last afternoon execution. <- as.POSIXct("2012-12-20 7:45:00 EST") # time of last morning execution.
NOW <- Sys.time() # the current time
lapse.time <- 24 * 60 * 60 # A day's worth of time in Seconds
all.exec.times.1 <- seq(, NOW, -lapse.time) # all of afternoon execution times.
all.exec.times.2 <- seq(, NOW, -lapse.time) # all of morning execution times.
all.exec.times <- sort(c(all.exec.times.1, all.exec.times.2)) # combine all times and sort from recent to future
cat("To execute your code at the following times:\n"); print(all.exec.times)
for (i in seq(length(all.exec.times))) { # for each target time in the sequence
## How long do I have to wait for the next execution from Now.
wait.time <- difftime(Sys.time(), all.exec.times[i], units="secs") # calc difference in seconds.
cat("Waiting for", wait.time, "seconds before next execution\n")
if (wait.time > 0) {
Sys.sleep(wait.time) # Wait from Now until the target time arrives (for "wait.time" seconds)
## Put your execution code or function call here

Swift 3 Error in time interval between two dates

I am trying to determine the interval between two dates that I create using DateComponents. If I make the first date 1 year prior to the second, I get 365 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds. If I make the dates further apart (400 years here), suddenly my date is off by 11 minutes 56 seconds. Here is the code:
import Foundation
var mycal = Calendar(identifier: .iso8601)
var datum = DateComponents(year:1600, month:1, day:1, hour:12, minute:0,
let j2000 = DateComponents(year:2000, month:1, day:1, hour:12, minute:0,
let datum_date = datum)
let j2000_date = j2000)
let interval = mycal.dateComponents([.day, .hour, .minute, .second], from:j2000_date!, to:datum_date!)
print("Datum: \(datum_date!)") //1600-01-01 19:48:04 +0000
print("j2000: \(j2000_date!)") //2000-01-01 20:00:00 +0000
Note the next-to-last line: Comments show what the print produces. I've tried it with the Gregorian calendar too, same problem. I'm not sure exactly how far back the inconsistency occurs, I've gone back far enough to produce and it sometimes seems to "stick" as I change the code moving closer in time again. Strangely, the "interval" appears to show the correct amount of days(here -146097), but the date shown is incorrect and I will likely need that in my calculations. Anyone have any ideas?
The difference could be related to leep year adjustments but that would give a difference of 11 minutes and 14 seconds (there'd still be 40 seconds unaccounted for, 26 of which could be leep seconds).
In Theory, if you compute a multi-year time difference with a precision of minutes and seconds, you should get variations of 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds every 3 out of four years and get within 11 minutes and 14 seconds on the fourth year. I don't know how macOS (Unix) deals with that there there is probably a bunch of considerations that they need to take into account (especially beyond 400 year where that 11 minutes 14 seconds gets adjusted).
If that level of precision is required by your use case, I would suggest reading up on the minute details of time calculations. Given that dates are stored internally as a number of seconds, going back to a precise day and time over these long periods must require some special math acrobatics.
See Apple's documentation here:

Generate time-series of any frequency in R

I used to generate time-series in Rusing xts package as
seq <- timeBasedSeq('2015-06-01/2015-06-05 23')
z <- xts(1:length(seq),seq)
After a bit of tweaks, I find it easy to generate data at a default rate of 1 hour or 1 minute or 1 second. Reading the help page of ?timeBasedseq does not clearly mention how to generate data at other frequncies. Say, I want to generate data at 10 minutes rate. Where Should I mention M (minutes) and 10 in the said command to generate 10 minutes data. Option M is mentioned in the help pages.
This isn't currently possible. The "by" value is essentially hard-coded at 1 unit. It should be possible to patch the code so you can specify the "by" component as something like "10M" for 10-minutes, since seq.POSIXct would accept a by = "10 mins" value.
If you want, you can create an issue for this feature request and we can discuss details of what this patch should include.

I want to run a R code at a specific time

I want to run a R code at a specific time that I need.
And after the process finished, I want to terminate the R session.
If a code is as below,
write.table(tm,file='OUT.TXT', sep='\t');
quit(save = "no")
What should I do to run this code at "2012-04-18 17:25:40".
I need your help. Thanks in advance.
It is easiest to use the Task Scheduler of Windows, or a cron job under Linux. There you can specify a command or program that should be run at a certain time you specify.
If somehow you cannot use the cron job service and have to schedule within R, the following R code shows how to wait a specific amount of time so as to execute at a pre-specified target time. <- as.POSIXct("2012-12-20 13:45:00 EST") # time of last afternoon execution. <- as.POSIXct("2012-12-20 7:45:00 EST") # time of last morning execution.
NOW <- Sys.time() # the current time
lapse.time <- 24 * 60 * 60 # A day's worth of time in Seconds
all.exec.times.1 <- seq(, NOW, -lapse.time) # all of afternoon execution times.
all.exec.times.2 <- seq(, NOW, -lapse.time) # all of morning execution times.
all.exec.times <- sort(c(all.exec.times.1, all.exec.times.2)) # combine all times and sort from recent to future
cat("To execute your code at the following times:\n"); print(all.exec.times)
for (i in seq(length(all.exec.times))) { # for each target time in the sequence
## How long do I have to wait for the next execution from Now.
wait.time <- difftime(Sys.time(), all.exec.times[i], units="secs") # calc difference in seconds.
cat("Waiting for", wait.time, "seconds before next execution\n")
if (wait.time > 0) {
Sys.sleep(wait.time) # Wait from Now until the target time arrives (for "wait.time" seconds)
## Put your execution code or function call here
