Why is Meteor removing an object when observing a collection? - meteor

I have "Lists" and "Products" collections, Products belong to a List
A List has a description, from which products are generated
On startup, a new List is created that's unique for that visitor
The List id is stored in the Session
What I Want
I want Products to be generated when the description of a List changes.
The first step is that when the list for the current visitor is changed, I want a new product to be inserted.
I get the feeling I'm going about this totally wrong...
The Problem
The product is inserted, appears in the browser for a split second, then vanishes. It's been removed by Meteor.
Products = new Meteor.Collection("products");
Lists = new Meteor.Collection("lists");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
var my_list_id = Lists.insert({description: "Default list"});
Session.set("my_list", my_list_id);
var observed = Lists.find({_id: my_list_id}).observe({
changed: function (newDocument, oldDocument) {
Products.insert({list: newDocument._id, name: newDocument.description});
toggleElement = function (elementName) {
if(editedElementIs(elementName)) {
var newListDescription = $('textarea').val();
Lists.update(Session.get("my_list"), {description: newListDescription});
} else {
// Including the rest in case I've misunderstood something.
// I don't see how any of this could cause the issue.
setEditedElement = function (elementName) {
return Session.set("edited_element", elementName);
editedElementIs = function (elementName) {
return Session.get("edited_element") == elementName;
Handlebars.registerHelper('editedElementIs', editedElementIs);
Handlebars.registerHelper('products', function() {
return Products.find({list: Session.get("my_list")});
Template.list_form.listDescription = function () {
return Lists.findOne({_id: Session.get("my_list")}).description;
'click a#editlist' : function () {
'click a#editsidebar' : function () {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
What I've Tried
Obviously, I can just do this:
if(editedElementIs(elementName)) {
var newListDescription = $('textarea').val();
Products.insert({list: Session.get("my_list"), name: newListDescription});
Lists.update(Session.get("my_list"), {description: newListDescription});
But that's writing clumsy update code that I'd like to house in an observer.
It looked like the product was being removed. So I've observed when a product is removed thus:
removed: function (oldDocument) {
throw error("wow");
console.log("Removed Product" + oldDocument);
and this observer is called immediately after the Product is inserted.
I get the stack trace:
at Object.Products.find.observe.removed (http://localhost:3000/ListyMeteor.js?2d867b7481df6389658be864b54d864151e87da5:22:15)
at Object.cursor.observeChanges.removed (http://localhost:3000/packages/minimongo/minimongo.js?daa88dc39d67b40b11d6d6809d72361f9ef6a760:909:52)
at http://localhost:3000/packages/minimongo/minimongo.js?daa88dc39d67b40b11d6d6809d72361f9ef6a760:275:15
at _.extend.runTask (http://localhost:3000/packages/meteor/fiber_stubs_client.js?52687e0196bc1d3184ae5ea434a8859275702d94:30:11)
at _.extend.flush (http://localhost:3000/packages/meteor/fiber_stubs_client.js?52687e0196bc1d3184ae5ea434a8859275702d94:58:10)
at _.extend.drain (http://localhost:3000/packages/meteor/fiber_stubs_client.js?52687e0196bc1d3184ae5ea434a8859275702d94:66:12)
at LocalCollection.remove (http://localhost:3000/packages/minimongo/minimongo.js?daa88dc39d67b40b11d6d6809d72361f9ef6a760:500:22)
at Object.self._connection.registerStore.update (http://localhost:3000/packages/mongo-livedata/collection.js?682caa185350aa26968d4ffc274579a33922f0e6:109:32)
at Object.store.(anonymous function) [as update] (http://localhost:3000/packages/livedata/livedata_connection.js?5d09753571656c685bb10c7970eebfbf23d35ef8:404:48)
at http://localhost:3000/packages/livedata/livedata_connection.js?5d09753571656c685bb10c7970eebfbf23d35ef8:984:19
It looks like Meteor is flushing the Products collection on the client side.
I'm clearly misunderstanding how Meteor works.
Any ideas on why this is happening?
Update 1
It looks like this is happening because insert is being called within an observer:
Why does meteor undo changes to collections nested in an observer method?
I'll post back here once I confirm.

Is autosubscribe turned on or off?
If you turn autosubscribe off, it could happen that your client updates the server copy and then on a subsequent update from the server - does not get all the items because its not subscribed to that collection.
Easiest way to check is to query the mongo db -
meteor mongo
Query the mongo db if your product has been added to the document.
If it has, then it is an autosubscribe issue -
You will have to create publish (on server) and subscribe (on client) methods as given here http://docs.meteor.com/#meteor_publish


Meteor publish/subscribe not working

I'm working in meteor 1.7, and my publish/subscribe is returning only empty arrays.
file structure:
Chats = new Mongo.Collection('chats')
Meteor.publish('chats', function(){
console.log(Chats.find().fetch()) //Shows that I have documents in the collection
return Chats.find();
console.log(Chats.find().fetch()) //[]
return Chats.find().fetch()
Why don't I get what I'm publishing?
-------------------------------------New stuff-----------------------------------
I'm now unsure if it's a load order issue, reactivity issue, pub/sub issue, or a mix of them. I have this snippet
search(collection, where, id, part, callback){
var result
console.log(Meteor.users.find().fetch()) //[]
result = Collections[collection].findOne(id)
result = Collections[collection].find(where ? where : {}, {many:true}).fetch()
return result[part]
return result
I'm also noticing that the output from this log is happening BEFORE my subscriptions. This file is located in /imports/scripts/tools.js
Inside an autorun block subscribe to 'chats' and check if handler is ready. Then find and fetch.
this.autorun(() => {
let handler = Meteor.subscribe('chats');
if(handler.ready()) {
I realized that I was not using a reactive data source for my helpers, I was setting a Session variable when I called the tool.search function, which only ran once.

MeteorJS ReactiveVar with database data

Clearly, I am doing something wrong with ReactiveVar because I cannot get it to work as I expect it should.
I am trying to set the value of an ReactiveVar by calling a Meteor.call method which returns the list of usernames. But it does not update when the usernames get changed in another part of the app.
I tried both:
Template.qastatistics.created = function () {
this.trackUsernames = new ReactiveVar(false);
var instance = Template.instance();
Meteor.call('trackUsernames', function (err, data) {
users: function () {
var usernames,
instance = Template.instance();
if (instance.trackUsernames.get() === false) {
Meteor.call('trackUsernames', function (err, data) {
usernames = instance.trackUsernames.get();
But neither updates the list of usernames when these change in the database.
Is this even possible with ReactiveVars or have I completely misunderstood them?
EDIT: The usernames I mention are not from Meteor.users collection, but rather a distinct call from another collection that has usernames in it.
Fist of all I would use the onCreated function instead of defining created. That's a little more extendable and it's the new API. created is just kept around for backwards compatibility.
About your problem. You are right, you seem to have misunderstood what ReactiveVars do. They are a reactive data source. That means that when you call myReactiveVar.get in some Tracker.autorun (aka. reactive computation), the computation will rerun whenever myReactiveVar.set is called.
You got the first part right. Spacebars helpers always run inside their own computation. What you got wrong is thinking that a method call is a reactive action. That means, that you could call trackUsernames and set the trackUsernames ReativeVar again and the value in your template would update itself. But a method is only run once. It doesn't do anything fancy with reactivity.
A method call only transfers data once. When you publish a set of documents (like all users) on the other hand, they will be updated dynamically. Whenever a change happens inside that set of published documents, it will be synced to the client. So in general, it's a better idea to use publications and subscriptions to sync data reactively. If you'd want to use a method for the same thing you'd need to do some kind of polling (so your back in the stone-age again).
The easiest way to implement what you are trying to do is to use Meteor.users.find().fetch(). As it says in the docs fetch registers dependencies for all the documents you are fetching if it's being called from within a reactive computation.
First you'll need to properly set up your publications, so that users can see other users usernames. I'll leave that to you. Then you need to reimplement your helper
users: function () {
var usernames = _.pluck(Meteor.users.find().fetch(), 'username');
Thanks to suggestions from #kyll, I managed to get what I wanted by publishing the data I need:
cope.publish.usernamesID = Random.id();
Meteor.publish("itemsusernames", function () {
self = this;
var initializing = true;
var handle = Items.find().observeChanges({
added: function (id) {
!initializing && self.changed(
changed: function (id) {
!initializing && self.changed(
removed: function (id) {
!initializing && self.changed(
initializing = false;
self.added("itemsusernames", cope.publish.usernamesID, Items.distinct("p4User"));
self.onStop(function () {
users: function () {
var usernames = [],
oUsernames = ItemsUsernames.find().fetch();
if (!oUsernames[0]) return [];
usernames = $.map(oUsernames[0], function (value, index) {
if (!isNaN(index)) {
return [value];
And ofcourse: ItemsUsernames = new Mongo.Collection("itemsusernames");

Meteor client side collection needs to have all data populated before anything else

I'm trying to use a client side collection as a site configuration system. I insert documents representing my different pages, and the iron-router and navigation tabs all use them to determine what pages they are and what templates are represented by them. Each page uses a {{> contentTemplate}} inclusion helper to load it's relevant template.
It all works great, when the data has all loaded. When I restart the app on certain pages, the data hasn't loaded yet, and I receive the Exception from Deps recompute function: Error: Expected null or template in return value from inclusion function, found: undefined error.
Here's my javascript:
StoriesArray = [
{ category: 'teaching', contentTemplate: 'teachingHome', title: 'Teaching Home'},
Stories = new Meteor.Collection(null);
StoriesArray.forEach(function (story, index) {
story._id = index + '';
// in main.js
Template.teachingPost.contentTemplate = function() {
return Template[this.contentTemplate];
// in router.js
this.route('teaching', {
layoutTemplate: 'teachingPost',
data: function() { return Stories.findOne({contentTemplate: 'teachingHome', category: 'teaching'}); }
The console logs in the contentTemplate helper above log twice, the first time as this:
Object {} main.js?1f560c50f23d9012c6b6dd54469bb32b99aa4285:45
undefined main.js?1f560c50f23d9012c6b6dd54469bb32b99aa4285:46
and the second time as this:
Object {category: "teaching", contentTemplate: "teachingHome", title: "Teaching Home"} main.js?1f560c50f23d9012c6b6dd54469bb32b99aa4285:45
teachingHome main.js?1f560c50f23d9012c6b6dd54469bb32b99aa4285:46
so the router is simply trying to load this data too early.
I've tried putting the StoriesArray loading process into different files all over my app, including lib, and even tried putting it into Meteor.startup, but it's always the same result.
The normal iron-router waitOn/subscription pattern doesn't really apply here, since this is a client side collection built with null, that has no server representation. I don't want this to have server representation, because this is static content that there's no need to go to my server for.
How do I ensure this information is done before continuing?
Untested, but per Iron Router's docs on waitOn:
Returning a subscription handle, or anything with a ready method from the waitOn function will add the handle to a wait list.
Also in general it's better to use find with data, rather than findOne, as find will return an empty cursor when the collection is empty as opposed to findOne returning undefined. So try this:
// in router.js
this.route('teaching', {
layoutTemplate: 'teachingPost',
data: function() {
return Stories.find({contentTemplate: 'teachingHome', category: 'teaching'});
waitOn: function() {
var handle = {};
handle.ready = function() {
if (Stories.find().count() !== 0)
return true;
return false;
return handle;
And adjust your Template.teachingPost.contentTemplate function to work with a cursor rather than an object.

How to get a published collection's total count, regardless of a specified limit, on the client?

I'm using the meteor-paginated-subscription package in my app. On the server, my publication looks like this:
Meteor.publish("posts", function(limit) {
return Posts.find({}, {
limit: limit
And on the client:
this.subscriptionHandle = Meteor.subscribeWithPagination("posts", 10);
Template.post_list.events = {
'click #load_more': function(event, template) {
This works well, but I'd like to hide the #load_more button if all the data is loaded on the client, using a helper like this:
Template.post_list.allPostsLoaded = function () {
allPostsLoaded = Posts.find().count() <= this.subscriptionHandle.loaded();
Session.set('allPostsLoaded', allPostsLoaded);
return allPostsLoaded;
The problem is that Posts.find().count() is returning the number of documents loaded on the client, not the number available on the server.
I've looked through the Telescope project, which also uses the meteor-paginated-subscription package, and I see code that does what I want to do:
allPostsLoaded: function(){
allPostsLoaded = this.fetch().length < this.loaded();
Session.set('allPostsLoaded', allPostsLoaded);
return allPostsLoaded;
But I'm not sure if it's actually working. Porting their code into mine does not work.
Finally, it does look like Mongo supports what I want to do. The docs say that, by default, cursor.count() ignores the effects of limit.
Seems like all the pieces are there, but I'm having trouble putting them together.
None of the answers do what you really want becase none provide solution that is reactive.
This package does exactly what you want and also reactive.
I think you can see the demo: counts-by-room in meteor doc
It can help you publish the counts of your posts at server and get it at client
You can simply write this:
// server: publish the current size of your post collection
Meteor.publish("counts-by-room", function () {
var self = this;
var count = 0;
var initializing = true;
var handle = Posts.find().observeChanges({
added: function (id) {
if (!initializing)
self.changed("counts", 'postCounts', {count: count});
removed: function (id) {
self.changed("counts", postCounts, {count: count});
initializing = false;
self.added("counts", 'postCounts', {count: count});
self.onStop(function () {
// client: declare collection to hold count object
Counts = new Mongo.Collection("counts");
// client: subscribe to the count for posts
Tracker.autorun(function () {
// client: simply use findOne, you can get the count object
The idea of sub.loaded() is to help you with exactly this problem.
Posts.count() isn't going to return the right thing because, as you've guessed, on the client, Meteor has no way of knowing the real number of posts that live on the server. But what the client knows is how many posts it's tried to load. That's what that .loaded() tells you, and is why the line this.fetch().length < this.loaded() will tell you if there are more posts on the server or not.
What I would do is write a Meteor server side method that retrieves the count like so:
getPostsCount: function () {
return Posts.find().count();
Then call it on the client, in observe to make it reactive:
function updatePostCount() {
Meteor.call('getPostsCount', function (err, count) {
Session.set('postCount', count);
added: updatePostCount,
removed: updatePostCount
Although this question is old, I thought I would provide an answer that ended up working for me. I did not create the solution, I found the basis for it here (so credit where credit is due): Discover Meteor
Anyway, in my case I was trying to get "size" of the database from client side, so I can determine when to hide the "load more" -button. I was using template level subscriptions. Oh and for this solution to work, you need to add reactive-var -package. Here is my (in short):
/*on the server we define the method which returns
the number of posts in total in the database*/
postsTotal: function() {
return PostsCollection.find().count();
/*In the client side we first create the reactive variable*/
Template.Posts.onCreated(function() {
var self = this;
self.totalPosts = new ReactiveVar();
/*then in my case, when the user clicks the load more -button,
we call the postsTotal-method and set the returned value as
the value of the totalPosts-reactive variable*/
'click .load-more': function (event, instance){
Meteor.call('postsTotal', function(error, result){
Hope this helps someone (I recommend checking the link first). For template level subscriptions, I used this as my guide Discover Meteor - template level subscriptions. This was my first stacked-post and I am just learning Meteor, so please have mercy...:D
Ouch this post is old, anyway maybe it will help someone.
I had exactly the same issue. I managed to solve it with 2 simple lines...
Remember the :
handle = Meteor.subscribeWithPagination('posts', 10);
Well I used in client handle.loaded() and Posts.find().count(). Because when they are different it means that all the posts are loaded. So here is my code :
"click #nextPosts":function(event){
I had the same problem, and using the publish-counts package didn't work with the subs-manager package. I created a package that can set a reactive server-to-client session, and keep the document count in this session. You can find an example here:
I'm doing something like this:
On cliente
Template.postCount.posts = function() {
return Posts.find();
Then you create a template:
<template name="postCount">
Then, whatever you want to show the counter: {{> postCount}}
Much easier than any solution i have seen.

How to deal with dynamic subscriptions in Meteor?

I have a publication whose scope depends on a element property from another collection. Basically it looks like this on the server:
Meteor.publish('kids', function (parent) {
return Kids.find({ _id: { $in: parent.childrenIds } });
In the example above parent.childrenIds is an array containing the _id's of all the kids that are children of the parent. This works fine until I want to add a new child to the parent:
newKidId = Kids.insert({ name: 'Joe' });
Parents.update({ _id: parentId }, { $push: { childrenIds: newKidId } });
This works on the server for the Kids collection (i.e., the new kid is added) and it updates the parent's childrenIds array with the newKidId. BUT it does not update the above 'kids' publication (the cursor is not updated/modified). As a result, the client's Kids collection is not updated (and it looks like the change to Kids is rolled back on the client).
When the client refreshes, all publications are stopped/restarted and the new kid (Joe) is finally published to the client.
Is there a way to avoid refreshing the client and forcing the re-publication of the Kids collection (ideally only sending the new kid Joe to the client)?
One of the things that is often misunderstood in Meteor is that there is no reactivity on the server. Dynamic descriptions need to be handled by Deps.autorun blocks on the client. To do this, first make sure you are not including the autopublish package by using this command in project directory:
$ meteor remove autopublish
Second, set up an autorun block on the client like:
Deps.autorun(function() {
parent = Parents.findOne();
if (!parent) return;
Meteor.subscribe('kids', parent);
This will tear down and set up subscriptions as the parent object changes.
You can see a full working example at https://gist.github.com/jagill/5473599 .
In meantime there were quite some packages made to deal with reactive publish functions. I am an author of meteor-related, and at the end of the package's README I compare my package with few other packages:
These days you can simply use reactive-publish package (I am one of authors):
Meteor.publish('kids', function (parentId) {
this.autorun(function (computation) {
var parent = Parents.findOne(parentId, {fields: {childrenIds: 1}});
return Kids.find({_id: {$in: parent.childrenIds}});
It is important to limit Parents' query fields only to childrenIds so that autorun does not rerun for any other changes to Parents document.
I think you need to use observe in the publish function if a published query relies on a second query. Deps.autorun on the client is not necessary.
See discussions on Meteor server reactivity and Reactive updates when query is filtered by another query.
This is some code based on http://docs.meteor.com 'counts-by-room' example.
Meteor.publish( "kids", function(parent_id){
var self = this;
Parents.find({_id: parent_id}, { childrenIds: 1 }).observe({
added: function (document){
document.childrenIds.forEach( function(kidId){
self.added("kids", kidId, Kids.findOne( { _id: kidId}, {name: 1, _id: 1} ));
removed: function (oldDocument){
oldDocument.childrenIds.forEach( function(kidId){
self.removed("kids", kidId, Kids.findOne( { _id: kidId}, {name: 1, _id: 1} ));
changed: function (newDocument, oldDocument){
var oldLength = oldDocument.childrenIds.length;
var newLength = newDocument.childrenIds.length;
if (newLength > oldLength){
Kids.findOne( { _id: newDocument.childrenIds[newLength-1] }, {name:1, _id:1}) );
Kids.findOne( { _id: oldDocument.childrenIds[oldLength-1] }, {name:1, _id:1}) );
