firebase read .on('value') not working - firebase

This script is not working for me.
I know the problem is in the .on('value') function but I don't know what it is.
This is my script:
//dynamic content switching inside the content section
function writeContent(page){
//setting post to default error message
var post = "Sorry, This page is undergoing maintenance.";
//firebase data reference for the clicked link's content
var dataRef = new Firebase(""+page);
//inserting the available content to the 'post' variable
if(snapshot.val() != null){
post = snapshot.val();
//showing content in the content section and changing the page's title
$("#content").append("<article class='post'><p>"+post+"</p></article>");
$("title").text(" - "+page);
//switching pages using the navigation bar

Callbacks in Firebase are often fired asynchronously, since Firebase has to wait for the data to arrive. So your on('value') callback code is being called /after/ the "//showing content in ..." code. You could try this instead:
if(snapshot.val() != null){
post = snapshot.val();
//showing content in the content section.
$("#content").append("<article class='post'><p>"+post+"</p></article>");

You need to perform the DOM changes inside the callback (e.g. after Firebase has returned data). Here it is in context:
//dynamic content switching inside the content section
function writeContent(page){
//setting post to default error message
var post = "Sorry, This page is undergoing maintenance.";
//firebase data reference for the clicked link's content
var dataRef = new Firebase(""+page);
//inserting the available content to the 'post' variable
if(snapshot.val() != null){
post = snapshot.val();
//showing content in the content section and changing the page's title
$("#content").append("<article class='post'><p>"+post+"</p></article>");
$("title").text(" - "+page);
//switching pages using the navigation bar


Googletag is there a way to know when there is no ads loaded

I have to show ads on my page and a defaultImage when there is no ads.
googletag.defineSlot('/6355419/Travel', [250, 200], 'ad-slot-2')
In there a way to record no ads in code in order to show the defaultImage ?
You could use an event listener such as slotRenderEnded (documentation here)
// This listener is called when a slot has finished rendering.
function(event) {
var slot = event.slot;
var isEmpty = event.isEmpty;
if (isEmpty) {
//add your default image
Alternatively, you might be interested in using googletag.content() as detailled here.

AspNetZero - User index view thumbnail image question

I replicated all of the code used in the AspNetZero solution for the "profile picture" functionality. I'm referring to the function that allows the user to upload their own photo.
I have copied the existing modal, JS file and controller methods into my employee controller and employee folders respectively, as I wanted the same functionality.
The upload of the image and saving into the binary objects table is all working just fine.
The issue comes up when I try to display the thumbnail of the uploaded photo in my employee index view datatable column. I copied this functionality from the user index view in the solution.
When my employee index view is rendered the thumbnail does not appear. When I click on the image thumbnail it opens the new tab and throws a 404 error for my copied controller method.
Here is the JS code that displays the thumbnail image in the users index view:
targets: 1,
data: "userName",
render: function (userName, type, row, meta) {
var $container = $("<span/>");
if (row.profilePictureId) {
var profilePictureUrl = "/Profile/GetProfilePicture?t=" + row.profilePictureId;
var $link = $("<a/>").attr("href", profilePictureUrl).attr("target", "_blank");
var $img = $("<img/>")
.attr("src", profilePictureUrl);
return $container[0].outerHTML;
Here is the same code in my employee index view:
targets: 4,
orderable: true,
autoWidth: true,
data: "fullName",
render: function(fullName, type, row, meta) {
var $container = $("<span/>");
if (row.employeePictureId) {
var profilePictureUrl = "/Employee/GetProfilePictureById?id=" + row.employeePictureId;
var $link = $("<a/>").attr("href", profilePictureUrl).attr("target", "_blank");
var $img = $("<img/>").addClass("img-circle").attr("src", profilePictureUrl);
return $container[0].outerHTML;
The line of code that does not work is the ProfilePictureUrl line.
var profilePictureUrl = "/Employee/GetProfilePictureById?id=" + row.employeePictureId;
If I replace the above line with the line from the user index.js and call the profile controller method, it works just fine. But when I try to call my employee controller method it keeps throwing the 404 error.
My employee controller is at the same level in my solution as the profile controller. Both controller are part of the same area in my MVC app.
I just solved my issue. There is another profile controller which sits outside of the area folder. So the URL used in the users index.js does not need to mention the full path.
The users photo function is hitting the profile controller at the root level of the app and not the one inside of the area.
In my case I had to treat the URL just like I do with all the modals and scripts that are in my area.
Here is the solution that worked.
var empPhotoUrl = abp.appPath + 'AreaName/Employee/GetProfilePictureById?id=';

Wordpress: Load custom field in ajax

On wordpress I want to make a post template where if a user clicks on a link it will load the custom field value via ajax. I found a plugin here How to load the custom field values of the post via ajax in wordpress but the download link seems to be dead so I'm unable to download :( can anyone help me code? I'm not a programmer so tell me the easiest solution
In functions.php file
function load_custom_fields_data(){
$metakey= $_POST['metakey'];
echo get_post_meta($postid,$metakey,true);
In your template where you will have your link like below(remember to have postid and metakey attributes in the links with class get_meta_val)
<a class="get_meta_val" postid="<?php echo $post->ID?>" metakey ="your_meta_key">Get Custom Value</a>
//get postid in any way you want and put you customfield name in your_meta_key
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function(e) {
var pid = jQuery(this).attr('postid');
var metakey = jQuery(this).attr('metakey');
var data = {
'action': 'load_custom_field_data',
'postid': pid,
// since 2.8 ajaxurl is always defined in the admin header and points to admin-ajax.php, data, function(response) {
alert('Custom Field Value is: ' + response);
//Here you can do whatever you want with your returned value

Adding Firebase VAR to website

I setup and account at and on Firebase dot com - to manage feeds I would liek to display on my site. I set everything up and the feeds get pulled into Firebase just like it should, now its time to add it to a web page...nothing, can't get the feeds to pull in from Firebase. I added the firebase.js reference in the header and in the body I placed
<script type="text/javascript">
var ref = new Firebase"'");
ref.child("meta").once("value", function(snapshot) {
ref.child("articles").limit(3).on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
var article = snapshot.val();
var link = $("<a>", {
"target": "_blank"
when you go to I should see a list of feeds, but I don't, so I know I am supposed to place something else in the code; I think :)
There are a number of problems in what you posted above, each of which is explained below:
Syntax error on line #2: var ref = new Firebase("");
You're loading a description on lines #3-5, but never rendering it, because there is no element with id e-title in the page you linked to. Trying adding <h2 id="e-title"></h2> to your template.
Similarly, you are loading a number of articles on lines #6-13, and trying to append each of these items to a list with id e-list, which also does not exist in your template. Try adding <ul id="e-list"></ul> to your template.
Hope that helps! mvc3 - Loading a view always in a div

I am working on a mvc3 controller which loads a page on search. In the main index page, there is a search button and that loads another (details list) page in the given div.
I have incorporated pagination to the child view (details list). So, upon clicking on the "Next" link, it loads the next page.
cshtml of the index page: The flat id refers to where the details list loads.
<div id='FlatDetailcontainer'>Select a Project for Flat Details.. Loading...</div>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
// $(document).ready(function () {
function login() {
var check = document.getElementById("rad").value;
$("input[name=selectproj][value="+check+"]").attr('checked', true);
//document.getElementById("selectproj").checked = document.getElementById("rad").value;
if (check != "") {
function handleprojselect(myRadio) {
// document.getElementById("rad").value = myobj["proj"];
$.get('#Url.Action("Details", "ProjectDetails")?id=' + myRadio,
function (viewResult) {
function createproj() {
var url = '#Url.Action("Create")';
window.location.href = url;
The details page has the links of next and url action is as follows:
#if (Model.HasNextPage)
#Html.ActionLink("Next >", "Details", new { page = Model.PageNumber + 1 })
#Html.Raw(" ");
#Html.ActionLink(">>", "Details", new { page = Model.PageCount })
#:Next >
#Html.Raw(" ")
However, this link always loads on a fresh page as there is no reference to the main Index page's div id. Please can someone suggest how to go ahead with this?
As far as you are loading part of the page via AJAX call you should also use AJAX to handle your pagination. You should create JS function like the following:
function nextPageClick(e)
$.get($(this).attr("href"), //getting the URL from your link and loading the content via AJAX
function (viewResult) {
and bind it to the paging links on page load:
$(function (){
$('.nextPageLink').live('click', nextPageClick);
Notice that "live" jQuery method assigns click handler to the dynamically loaded content as well as on existing static content, so you have no need to reassing handler after each data reload.
You shoud add CSS class to your link to be able to locate it:
#Html.ActionLink("Next >", "Details", new { page = Model.PageNumber + 1, #class="nextPageLink" })
Of course you may use IDs or any other way to uniquely identify your pagination links.
