I want to run my .net website without installing MySQL ODBC 5.1 driver on system. I have added myodbc5 dll in bin folder but while opening the connection it throws an exception. Exception is as follow:
"ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified"
My connection string is as follow:
<connectionStrings><add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=demo;PORT=3306;Uid=root;Pwd=1234;OPTION=3;"/></connectionStrings>
I have tried to add providerName="System.Data.Odbc" in connection string but it didn't worked. I am using MySQL 5.6.11 version.
I want to run code without installing ODBC driver on my system but only including dll of odbc driver.
Please help.
Thanks in advance
This is what I use with the MySQL Connector/NET DLL. Just add a reference to MySql.Data.
<add name="MySqlConnectionString" connectionString="server=MyServer;User Id=yourusername;password=yourpassword;Persist Security Info=True;database=yourdatabase" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>
I have a .net core app which connects to Informix database for operation. After deploying the app in server I am getting the error "ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified".
I have already installed IBM INFORMIX ODBC DRIVER :both 32 bit and 64 bit. And I could see both are available in ODBC drivers.
OS available in server is windows 2016 -64 bit.
Any help will be appreciated.
I am getting the following error, while running the command: mvn liquibase:update
liquibase.exception.databaseexception:connection could not be created to jdbc:teradata://org.sys.db.com/database=sample_DEV with driver com.teradata.jdbc.TestDriver [Teradata Database] [Terajdbc] [Error] [SQLState HY000] Logons are only enabled for user DBC.
We are using maven version:3.6.3, Liquibase version:4.3.0 and teradata ver: with dbchangelog.sql
The same code is working fine for nornal project, i mean without maven.
"com.teradata.jdbc.TestDriver" is not the class name for the Teradata JDBC Driver. The actual class name is "com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver".
Version of the Teradata JDBC Driver was not released to the public. That was a pre-release build.
You can download the current supported version of the Teradata JDBC Driver from here:
Here is a link to the Teradata documentation for database error 3055 "Logons are only enabled for user DBC."
In icCube 6.1 I want to connect to a MsAccess file stored locally on the icCube server. When I try to connect I get the error message:
Failed to establish the connection due to the error: JDBC driver class
'sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver' not found in the classpath
This is what I provide in the connection:
Name : Clients
Visibility :
Driver Type : Access (JDK JDBC/ODBC Bridge)
Server Name : localhost
Port Number :
DB Name : C:\data\Clients.accdb
User :
Password :
When I Google on this error I get the message (dated from 2015) that:
in JDK 8, jdbc odbc bridge is no longer used and thus removed from the
As you mentioned you cannot use anymore the JDBC ODBC bridge from JRE 8.
As an alternative you can use a MS Access JDBC driver. For example: UCanAccess. To install this driver in icCube unzip the file and copy the following files into the /lib directory of the icCube install directory:
Then in the builder data source, select a generic JDBC driver and configure the Server Name and DB Name as following:
> Server Name : net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver
> DB Name : jdbc:ucanaccess://c:/your-file.accdb
Hope that helps.
[edit] Depending on how icCube is started you might need to update the CLASSPATH with the three new JARs. To avoid CLASSPATH edition, you can use the following in the icCube.sh for example to start icCube using all the JARs in the /lib directory:
> $JAVA $JAVA_OPTS -cp "$ICCUBE/lib/*" crazydev.iccube.server.IcCubeServer
Am getting below error after installing ODP.net.
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
Before installing ODP.net i was able to connect with database using plsql developer.But ODP.net is required to run .net application so i installed ODP.net.But after installing ODP.net am unable to connect with database using plsql develper and .net code. Error am getting is "
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified "
Let me know if anyone knows the solution for this.
When you installed the latest ODP.net the Oracle Installer may have created a new Oracle_Home. You need to find the sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files from your original home and copy them to the new Oracle Home.
For example. If your first ODP.net installation was to:
and if your second ODP.net installation was to
then you need to copy the files from
Hi I recently installed MySql Server 5.5 and MySql Connector/Odbc 5.2(w). Now, my old asp.net which worked perfectly in MySql Server 5.1 and Odbc Connector 3.51 generates an exception upon database operations.
The exception generated is ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
I've changed the connection string to Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.2w Driver};Server=localhost;Database=efloxdb;User=root;Password=admin;Option=3;
The documentations haven't specified any further changes to be made. Can anyone find a solution to my problem? Any help would be appreciated