error: package javax.servlet does not exist/ directory not found - servlets

in cmd ,
C:\tomcat\webapps\Servlet>javac -classpath .;c:\tomcat\lib\servlet-api.jar -d ..\classes\cc\openhome\
but message says directory not found
and I compile the , it shows package javax.servlet does not exist
I tried each method found from here, is anyone know what it happens? thank you

-d is the switch for changing output directory and not for defining a java source file and it expects a directory, not a file.
Also that class folder is usually for the compiled classes and not for the sources.
Try this:
javac -classpath .;c:\tomcat\lib\servlet-api.jar -d .\WEB-INF\classes .\WEB-INF\classes\cc\openhome\


Run jq command in git-bash

jq command not found after adding jq executable
installing jq on git bash
My usecase is more similar with above shared references. I tried to execute a hook that needs to parse a json file. When hook gets executed it throws bash: jq:command not found error. So. I downloaded jq-win64.exe file and copied it to /usr/bin in Git folder. Then from git-bash I run export PATH=$PATH:"/C/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/jq-win64.exe" command and there is no error but when I checked jq --version command it still shows bash: jq:command not found error
Am I missing something? I even tried in windows cmd but is of no use. Hope someone can help me.
Thanks in advance!!!
PATH contains directories. That means what you should do:
Rename jq-win64.exe to jq.exe or just jq. (e.g. cp ~/Downloads/jq-win64.exe /usr/bin/jq).
You don't have to export your path, /usr/bin is already part of it.
If you didn't rename the file to jq (or jq.exe), then you would have to run it as jq-win64 in your console.
You could also put the binary into ~/bin folder, which should be part of PATH too. If it isn't, you can add it. Then you don't need to mess with your global binaries folder.

Why changing LD_LIBRARY_PATH has no effect in Ubuntu?

I was trying to deploy my application on Ubuntu 16.04. So i made a package with the following hierarchy -
-----necessary qt libraries
Here is the file -
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/Qt
When i execute the file, it shows me that it cant find the file. But its in the Qt folder. Also when i print the ldd application from the file after exporting LD_LIBRARY_PATH it gives me following output -
Please check the marked parts. Can anyone please explain why the libraries from the Qt folder are not found even after exporting the LD_LIBARRY_PATH?
So as suggested by #Zang, i have checked the debug log and here it is -
Please check the marked parts.
It seems like its actually trying the actual and then report that its unable to find it. Can anyone please help me understand whats happening here?
Edit-2: As per suggestion from #Tarun, i have ran ls -al on my Qt folder. Here is the output -
All files in Your Qt directory are actually simlinks to non-existing files in the same directory, therefore they cannot be found.
If you look at the output of your ls -al
These are soft links that you have. Your softlink points to in the same directory and the file is not there at all. So you need to either set the correct softlink path or have the file in same directory
Could it be that the pwd is not where you assume it is?
You could try adding
# Figure out where the script is located
scriptpath="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )"
# Make sure our pwd is that location
cd "$scriptpath"
in the top of your script (assumes bash shell, from here)
By doing this all relative paths to Qt folder will be valid.
Maybe you should considder exporting your new LD_LIBRARY_PATH, like so (from here):
It may be useful to run ldconfig command for ld to update after changing the variable (from here):
sudo ldconfig
The file is not present in /Desktop/package/bin/Qt according to the screenshots shown.

Jigsaw cannot create a modular JAR with the jar tool

I am using the build 9-ea+129-jigsaw-nightly-h5332-20160730
I have a very simple module with a Main class and a
I compile the module using javac --module-source-path and everything is ok. The class files are being generated for both module-info.class and Main.class
javac -d modules --module-source-path src $(find . -name "*.java")
When I try to create the modular JAR file with the jar tool, I get the following error message:
module-info.class found in a versioned directory without module-info.class in the root
My module-info.class is there in the root directory.
I run:
$ jar --create --file mlib/ModuleFirst#1.0.jar --module-version 1.0 --main-class com.firstmodule.Main -c modules/com.firstmodule
Can you tell me why do I get this error and what I did wrong?
Thank you
I have the same problem
You should change a lot your command
$ jar --create --file mlib/ModuleFirst#1.0.jar --module-version 1.0 --main-class com.firstmodule.Main -C modules/com.firstmodule .
You must use the capital C and put the dot at the end of line

Java can't find native libraries when running Clojure JAR

The project I'm working on is a server-side Clojure project with Leiningen as my build tool.
The problem occurs when I try to run the JAR I created using Leiningen's uberjar.
The JAR is dependent on some native libraries I've placed in: /usr/lib/nativedeps/so.
Before I run the JAR I export the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH with the native libs path so the linker will know where to look for the native libs:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/ctch/so
And then I run it the JAR:
java -jar externalapibe-0.1.0-standalone.jar 3001
Which throws the exception:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no JavaASAPSDK in java.library.path
Which means the linker is unable to find JavaASAPSDK (which is one of the native libs in /usr/lib/nativedeps/so) and that I need to specify the lib path in java.library.path. So I run:
java -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/nativedeps/so -jar externalapibe-0.1.0-standalone.jar 3001
Which throws the exception:
/usr/lib/nativedeps/so/ cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
Which means the lib JavaASAPSDK was found, but another lib called (which JavaASAPSDK is dependent on) could not be found.
Problem is both libs are in the same directory!
Any ideas on what can cause this problem and how to solve it???
I solved the problem by deleting:
And creating a symbolic link named '' to a library that apparantly was identical to, named
Then I created a configuration file in: /etc/
touch /etc/
And wrote the path of my native libs in it:
Then I ran:
ldconfig -v | grep /usr/lib/nativedeps/so
Which read the path of my native deps from 'externalapibe.conf' and re-binded the native libs in it.
That seemed to do the work.

How to compile java file from windchill shell

I am trying to compile a simple Hello World from windchill shell using command javac com.A.B.Test.
But it is displaying could not find main class error.
I think your problem is Java and not Windchill related.
Let's say your Java source file is stored in the following location:
To compile that file in shell (Linux for example):
cd /src
javac com/A/B/
To run that file (if it contains a main method):
java -cp /src com.A.B.Test
Try using the below command from the windchill Shell.
Hope you are following the default file structure provided by the Vendor i'm providing the same below otherwise just edit the path mentioned in the below command.
javac -d codebase -cp %CLASSPATH%;%WT_HOME%\srclib\tool\Annotations.jar src*.java
First Go to Windchill Shell then navigate to the folder where java file is present. At that location type javac and press enter.
Put the code into WT_HOME/src/com/package, than run from WT_HOME:
ant -f bin/tools.xml class -Dclass.includes=com/..path-to-package/*
