I need to know if the data for training that is passed in the neuralnet call is randomized in the routine or does the routine uses the data in the same order that is given. I really need to know this info for a project that I am working on, and I have not being able to figure it out by looking at the source.
Look into the code - thats one of the most important advantages of FOSS: you can actually check what it is doing (neuralnet is pure R, so you don't even need to fear that you need to dig into FORTRAN or C code, and you can use debug to step through the code with example data to get an overview).
Moreover, if necessary, you can even introduce e.g. a new parameter that allows you to switch off randomization if needed.
Possibly maintainer ("neuralnet") would be willing to help you as well (and able to answer much faster than about everyone else here on SE).
I would like to know Why we need to compile the program of progress 4GL? Really what is happening behind there? Why we are getting .r file after compiled the program? When we check the syntax if its correct then we will get one message box 'Syntax is correct' how its finding the errors and showing the messages.Any explanations welcome and appreciated.
Benefits of compiled r-code include:
Syntax checking
Faster execution (r-code executes faster)
Security (r-code is not "human readable" and tampering with it will likely be noticed)
Licensing (r-code runtime licenses are much less expensive)
For "how its finding the errors and showing the messages" -- at a high level it is like any compiler. It evaluates the provided source against a syntax tree and lets you know when you violate the rules. Compiler design and construction is a fairly advanced topic that probably isn't going to fit into a simple SO question -- but if you had something more specific that could stand on its own as a question someone might be able to help.
The short answer is that when you compile, you're translating your program to a language the machine understands. You're asking two different questions here, so let me give you a simple answer to the first: you don't NEED to compile if you're the only one using the program, for example. But in order to have your program optimized (since it's already at the machine language level) and guarantee no one is messing with your logic, we compile the code and usually don't allow regular users to access the source code.
The second question, how does the syntax checker work, I believe it would be better for you to Google and choose some articles to read about compilers. They're complex, but in a nutshell what they do is take what Progress expects as full, operational commands, and compare to what you do. For example, if you do a
Find first customer where customer.active = yes no-error.
Progress will check if customer is a table, if customer.active is a field in that table, if it's the logical type, since you are filtering if it is yes, and if your whole conditions can be translated to one single true or false Boolean value. It goes on to check if you specified a lock (and default to shared if you haven't, like in my example, which is a no-no, by the way), what happens if there are multiple records (since I said first, then get just the first one) and finally what happens if it fails. If you check the find statement, there are more options to customize it, and the compiler will simply compare your use of the statement to what Progress can have for it. And collect all errors if it can't. That's why sometimes compilers will give you generic messages. Since they don't know what you're trying to do, all they can do is tell you what's basically wrong with what you wrote.
Hope this helps you understand.
I wrote a function in which I use several superassignments. This enables me, when I source this function, to automatically create new global variables ready for later use.
I got a comment on my code that briefly stated that using superassignments was a terrible idea and that this person would not consider the code trustworthy as long as I did not change that.
I am not trained in programming and I naively did not consider bad side effects of using superassignments.
When am I putting my code at risk by using them?
For some of our components it would be useful to know whether it's being executed as part of a finite difference calculation or not. One example could be a meshing component where we'd want to maintain the same node count and distribution function during FD and allow for remeshing during major iteration steps. In the old OpenMDAO we could detect this from a component's itername. Would it be possible to reintroduce this or is that info already available to the Component class?
I can't think of any current way to figure out if you are inside an FD when solve_nonlinear is being called, but it's a good idea for the reasons that you mention.
We don't currently have that capability, but others have also asked to be informed when solve_nonlinear is being run for complex step as well.
One way to do this would be to introduce an optional_argument to solve_nonlinear such as call_mode="fd" or call_mode="cs" or call_mode="solve". The only problem with this approach is that its very backwards incompatible.
Another approach would be to add a regular python attribute to the component that you could check like self.call_mode="solve", etc. This one would be a pretty easy change and I think it would serve the purpose.
One last possible way would be to put a flag into the unknowns/params vector. So you would check params.call_mode to see what mode. This is somewhat sensible since its the param values that change when you're going to complex-step.
I think I like the last option the best. Both solve_nonlinear and apply_nonlinear need to know about this information. But none of the other methods do. So making it a component attribute seems a little out of place.
I'm giving TDD a serious try today and have found it really helpful, in line with all the praise it receives.
In my quest for exercises on which to learn both Python and TDD i have started to code SPOJ exercises using the TDD technique and i have arrived at a question:
Given that all of SPOJ's exercises are mostly math applied to programming; How does one test a math procedure as in the TDD Fashion? Sample known-to-be-correct data? Test against a known implementation?
I have found that using the sample data given in the problem itself is valuable but it feels overkill for something you can test so quickly using the console, not to mention the overhead to design your algorithms in a testable fashion (Proxying the stdout and stdin objects is nothing short of too much work for a really small reward), and while it is good because it forces you to think your solutions in testable terms i think i might be trying way too hard on this.
All guidance is welcome
test all edge cases. Your program is most likely to fail when the input is special for some reason: negative, or zero values, very large values, inputs in reverse order, empty inputs. You might also want some destructive tests to see how large the inputs can be before things break or grind to a halt.
Sphere online Judge may not be the best fit of TDD. For one the input data might be better behaved than what a real person might put in. Secondly there is a code size limit on some problems. An extensive test-suite might put you over that limit.
You might want to take a look at Uncle Bob's "Transformation Priority Premise." It offers some guidance on how to pick a sequence of tests to test drive an algorithm.
Use sample inputs for which you know the results (outputs). Use equivalence partitioning to identify a suitable set of test cases. With maths code you might find that you can not implement as incrementally as for other code: you might need several test cases for each incremental improvement. By that I mean that non maths code can typically be thought of as having a set of "features" and you can implement one feature at a time, but maths code is not much like that.
I've been looking for a proper implementation of hash map in R, with functionalities similar to the map type in Python.
After some googling and searching the R documentations, I found that environment and named list are the ONLY options I can use (is that really so?).
But the problem with the two is that they can only take charaters as key for the hashing, not even a number, let alone other type of things.
So is there a way to use arbitrary things as key? or at least more than just characters.
Or is there a better implemtation of hash map that I didn't find with better functionalities ?
Thanks in advance.
My current problem: I need a map to store the distance relationship between data points. That is, the key of the map is a tuple (p1, p2) and the value is a number.
The reason I asked a generic question instead of a concrete one is that I'm learning R recently and I want to know how to manipulate some of the most fundamental data structures, not only what my problem refers to. So I may need to use other things as key in the future, and I want to avoid asking similar questions with only minor difference every time I run into them.
Edit 2:
I got a lot of very good advices on this topic. It seems I'm still thinking quite in the Pythonic way, rather than the should-be R way. I should really get more R-ly ! I think my purpose can easily be satisfied by a matrix in R. Thanks All !
The reason people keep asking you for a specific example is that most problems for which hash tables are the appropriate technique in Python have a good solution in R that does not involve hash tables.
That said, there are certainly times when a real hash table is useful in R, and I recommend you check out the hash package for R. It uses environments as its base but lets you do a lot of R-like vector work with them. It's efficient and I've never run into a problem with it.
Just keep in mind that if you're using hash tables a lot while working with R and your code is running slowly or is buggy, you may be able to get some mileage from figuring out a more R-like way of doing it :)