Error 400 while using StringTrimmerEditor in Spring MVC - spring-mvc

We are using Spring MVC 3.2.3.RELEASE (annotations) with google app engine 1.8.0.
We added a StringTrimmerEditor for converting blank strings from form as null values and it is working fine, but as a side effect, all methods which use #RequestParams in controllers are expecting all the #RequestParams to be populated, otherwise they are throwing http error 400. We tried with different #RequestParam settings like (required=false) and (defaultValue="some value"), but it is not working.
here is how we are using it
public class ControllerSetup
public void initBinder ( WebDataBinder binder )
StringTrimmerEditor stringtrimmer = new StringTrimmerEditor(true);
binder.registerCustomEditor(String.class, stringtrimmer);
#RequestMapping(value="/addreportitems", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String saveEditForm(#ModelAttribute DCReport dcReport,
#ModelAttribute("loggedInEmployee") Employee someEmployee,
#RequestParam Integer someInteger,
Model m) {
If we dont put someInteger in form, we get an error
Error 400 Required Integer parameter 'someInteger' is not present
If we remove StringTrimmer, it works perfectly fine, are we missing something here? Thanks very much in advance for helping out.

The following is working for me:
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(String.class, new StringTrimmerEditor(true));
public String renderFoo(#RequestParam(required=false) String bar) {
return bar;
You must have made mistake somewhere when you were testing with required=false.


Spring MVC: Request Scope, trying to update a Command Object with binder.setDisallowedFields

I have this Object
public class Deportista implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6229604242306465153L;
private String id;
public String getId() {
return id;
I have the following Controller's methods
public void registrarInitBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {">>>>>>>> registrarInitBinder >>>>>>>>>>>>>");
#RequestMapping(value="/registrar.htm", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String crearRegistrarFormulario(Model model){"crearRegistrarFormulario GET");
Deportista deportista = new Deportista();
model.addAttribute("deportistaRegistrar", deportista);
return "deportista.formulario.registro";
#RequestMapping(value="/registrar.htm", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String registrarPerson(#Validated #ModelAttribute("deportistaRegistrar") Deportista deportista,
BindingResult result){"registrarPerson POST");"{}", deportista.toString());
logger.error("There are errors!!!!");
for(ObjectError objectError : result.getAllErrors()){
logger.error("Error {}", objectError);
return "deportista.formulario.registro";
}"All fine!!!!");
return "redirect:/manolo.htm";
Until here the Controller is able to create a form (GET) and submit (POST) a new command object, Validation code works well.
The problem is with the update.
I have the following:
public void actualizarInitBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {">>>>>>>> actualizarInitBinder >>>>>>>>>>>>>");
Observe I have binder.setDisallowedFields("id")
public String crearActualizarFormulario(#PathVariable("id") String id, Model model){"crearActualizarFormulario GET");
Deportista deportista = this.fakeMultipleRepository.findDeportista(id);
model.addAttribute("deportistaActualizar", deportista);
return "deportista.formulario.actualizacion";
#RequestMapping(value="/{id}/actualizar.htm", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String actualizarPerson(#Validated #ModelAttribute("deportistaActualizar") Deportista deportista,
BindingResult result){"actualizarPerson POST");"{}", deportista.toString());
logger.error("There are errors!!!!");
for(ObjectError objectError : result.getAllErrors()){
logger.error("Error {}", objectError);
return "deportista.formulario.actualizacion";
}"All fine!!!!");
return "redirect:/manolo.htm";
The problem is:
when the form or command has any error, the controller re-render the view and the form appear showing the error messages how is expected, but without the ID value
if I try to update the object, of course keeping the id value, and without any error to simply proceed to update, it fails
The following appears in the Console:
- -------- createCollections ---------------
- >>>>>>>> actualizarInitBinder >>>>>>>>>>>>>
- Skipping URI variable 'id' since the request contains a bind value with the same name.
- actualizarPerson POST
- Deportista [id=null, nombre=Manuel, ...]
- There are errors!!!!
- Error Field error in object 'deportistaActualizar' on field 'id': rejected value [null]; codes [,,,NotNull]; arguments [ codes [,id]; arguments []; default message [id]]; default message [The field must be not empty]
The id is null. How I can around this problem keeping the Request Scope?
I have an alternate controller which is working with #SessionAttributes and all works perfect. But since is a huge risk if the user has many tabs open in the same web browser, one for create and other for updating, all is going to be very wrong. According with Spring MVC + Session attributes and multiple tabs, request scope should be used instead of session scope. It has sense.
Sadly seems Spring is not going to fix this:
#SessionAttributes doesn't work with tabbed browsing
According with your suggestion, I have the following:
public Deportista populateActualizarFormulario(#RequestParam(defaultValue="") String id){"populateActualizarFormulario - id: {}", id);
return null;
return this.fakeMultipleRepository.findDeportista(id);
Observe the method uses #RequestParam, my problem is how update that method to work when the URL to update has the following style
http://localhost:8080/spring-utility/deportista/1/actualizar.htm. There is no param in the URL, therefore #RequestParam is useless now.
I already have read the Spring Reference documentation:
Using #ModelAttribute on a method
Second Addition
Yes, you was right, and I did that yesterday, but I forget to share the following:
public Deportista populateActualizarFormulario(#PathVariable(value="id") String id){"populateActualizarFormulario - id: {}", id);
return null;
return this.fakeMultipleRepository.findDeportista(id);
Since a #ModelAttribute is called always before by any handler method, the following URL fails http://localhost:8080/spring-utility/deportista/registrar.htm, the following appears on the page
HTTP Status 400 -
type Status report
description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.
Of course because the URL does not contains the expected id. Therefore I can't create new records to later edit/see.
I can confirm, that for the following work:
the id (1) is retrieved.
How I could resolve this?
Thank You

ValueProvider never being called

I'm working with MVC 4 Web API and I have this dummy ValueProvider:
class DummyValueProvider : IValueProvider
public DummyValueProvider()
public bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix)
return true;
public ValueProviderResult GetValue(string key)
return new ValueProviderResult("testing", "testing", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
class DummyValueProviderFactory : System.Web.Http.ValueProviders.ValueProviderFactory
public override IValueProvider GetValueProvider(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
return new DummyValueProvider();
This ValueProvider should return true for any key asked, so it will always supply a value to the model binder when it needs. The ValueProvider is registered in the WebApiConfig like this:
config.Services.Add(typeof(ValueProviderFactory), new DummyValueProviderFactory());
The code compiles and runs fine.
I also have this action in the Account API controller:
public HttpResponseMessage Register(string foo) { ... }
The action gets called fine when I call it like below:
And foo is filled with bar as expected; but if I call:
The server returns 404 with the message No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:14459/register'.
Also, I put breakpoints inside methods ContainsPrefix() and GetValue(), but they never get triggered.
What am I doing wrong? Shouldn't DummyValueProvider be providing the value testing to parameter foo?
Try this
public HttpResponseMessage Get([ValueProvider(typeof(DummyValueProviderFactory))] string foo) {... }
I higly suggest you to read this recent article to customize Web Api Binding.
After reading the article the OP was able to discover the solution. It was that using the parameter attribute [ModelBinder] was required for it to work. This was because unless the parameter is annotated, [FromUri] is assumed. Once annotated with [ModelBinder] the registered handlers are executed.

Spring MVC 3: CustomDateEditor working but there is a validation error (BindingResult)

I have a problem with a validation error displayed when i submit my form with an empty date like that in the resulting web page:
Failed to convert property value of type java.lang.String to required type
java.util.Date for property dateFin; nested exception is
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not parse date: Unparseable date: ""
My controller looks like this:
public class MyController extends AbstractMVPAction {
#RequestMapping(value = "/secured/cp/saveProgram")
public String enregistrerProgramme(#ModelAttribute Program program,
BindingResult bindingResult, ModelMap model){
model.put("program", program);
return "/secured/cp/showProgram"
// ... saves the programme
model.put("program", null);
return "/secured/cp/backToOtherPage"
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(
new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"), false));
When I debug my method, I can see my object is fine, the modif I did are well reported, the date is null, but the bindingResult.hasErrors() returns true and according to me it shouldn't.
I used to have some validation annotations in the Program object and a #Valid annotation but I removed them all and still have the problem.
I have read lot's of similar issues and every time the solution is the #InitBinder/CustomDateEditor.
So it is there and I guess it's working, the dates are displayed the way I want (this was not the case before I add it) and I can submit them provided it's not empty.
Thank's in advance, I'm starting to go crazy...
You've constructed a CustomDateEditor that explicitly disallows the empty string. Check the Javadoc for the constructor you're using, when the boolean argument is false, passing an empty string to that editor causes the IllegalArgumentException you're seeing.
Try this:
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(
new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"), false));

Spring form binding - use IllegalArgumentException message as error message

I have a custom domain class with a single constructor that takes a String, as well as a toString() method. The constructor decodes the input string, performs validations on it and throws IllegalArgumentException if invalid.
I want to bind directly to this field, as described here: (see 'Convention Over Configuration' section).
That is working fine & I am displaying the error message resolved by Spring (typeMismatch on barcodeInfo).
I know that I can customize this error message using a messageSource entry, e.g.
typeMismatch.barcodeInfo=Invalid format
However, the error message that I want to display isn't always the same, it depends on the value of the input string. Hence, I want to display the error message that I originally used in the IllegalArgumentException that I threw from the constructor. Is this possible?
I am specifically looking for a solution which will work with Spring WebFlow.
You might want to check BindingErrorProcessor used by WebDataBinder. There you can implement your own custom logic for translating exceptions to validation errors.
You should implement your own exception (to be able to distinguish it from IllegalArgumentException thorwn by other components).
You can initialize WebDataBinder with your custom BindingErrorProcessor within your #InitBinder method (or set specific WebBindingInitializer to your handler adapter).
As Pavel mentioned in his answer, you can achieve this by implementing BindingErrorProcessor.
It should look like this:
import org.springframework.validation.DefaultBindingErrorProcessor;
public class YourController {
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.setBindingErrorProcessor(new DefaultBindingErrorProcessor() {
public void processPropertyAccessException(
PropertyAccessException ex, BindingResult bindingResult) {
if (ex.getPropertyName().equals("fieldInQuestion")) {
Throwable cause = ex.getMostSpecificCause();
FieldError fieldError;
fieldError = new FieldError(
} else {
super.processPropertyAccessException(ex, bindingResult);

Spring 3 MVC: Issue binding to list form fields on submit

Let me introduce my issue by providing some of the code in question.
First my form object:
public class OrgChartForm {
List<OrgChartFormElement> orgChartFormElements;
public OrgChartForm() {
orgChartFormElements = new ArrayList<OrgChartFormElement>();
private OrgChartFormElement createOrgChartFormElementFromMprsStructureYear(MprsStructureYear structureYear){
OrgChartFormElement element = new OrgChartFormElement();
element.set.... // populate element based on attribute values from structureYear param
return element;
public void createOrgChartFormElements(List<MprsStructureYear> structureYears) {
orgChartFormElements = new ArrayList<OrgChartFormElement>();
for(MprsStructureYear structureYear:structureYears){
// expected getters and setters
The form contains a simple list of OrgChartFormElements
public class OrgChartFormElement {
private boolean selected;
private String elementLabel;
private Long id;
//default constructor, getters and setters
I am using context:component-scan and mvc:annotation-driven, so my controller looks like:
public class OrganisationStatusController{
// dependencies here
#RequestMapping(value="/finyear/{finyearId}/organisationstatus", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String createRootOrg(#PathVariable(value="finyearId") Long finyearId, Model model) throws Exception {
List<MprsStructureYear> orgStructuure = getOrganisationService().getOrganisationStructureForFinyear(finyearId);
OrgChartForm orgChartForm = new OrgChartForm();
model.addAttribute("orgChartForm", orgChartForm);
return "finyear/organisationchart/view";
#RequestMapping(value="/finyear/{finyearId}/organisationstatus", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String createRootOrg(#PathVariable(value="finyearId") Long finyearId,#ModelAttribute("orgChartForm") OrgChartForm orgChartForm, BindingResult result, Model model) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Found model attribute: " + model.containsAttribute("orgChartForm"));
List<OrgChartFormElement> elements = orgChartForm.getOrgChartFormElements();
return "redirect:/spring/finyear/" + finyearId + "/organisationstatus";
// expected getters and setters
The issue is with the POST handler. I realise that it isn't doing much now, but once I get it to work, I will be persisting the submitted values.
At the moment, the output i see from the two sysout statements are:
Found model attribute: true
Here is my JSP snippet:
<sf:form modelAttribute="orgChartForm" method="post">
<c:forEach items="${orgChartForm.orgChartFormElements}" var="org" varStatus="status">
<sf:hidden id="${}field" path="orgChartFormElements[${status.index}].id"/>
<sf:input id="${}hidden" path="orgChartFormElements[${status.index}].selected"/>
<c:out value="${org.elementLabel}"/>(<c:out value="${}"/>) - <c:out value="${status.index}"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
When i make the GET request, the JSP renders, and i see my list of text input fields, with the expected values, which tells me that im using the spring-form tags properly. However, when i submit, the form backing object declared as a parameter (orgChartForm) in the POST handler method is initialised, but everything is null/default initialised. I don't know where the submitted data went! It seems that springMVC looses it, and simply constucts a new object.
I have used this pattern extensively in this application without a glitch. It just wont work here. I realise this is a special case in my application where the form field is not atomic but a list, However its really confusing me that the data binds in the GET request, but not on the POST.
Thanks in advance for any pointers!
I think the problem is that you are trying to bind an arbitrary number of form fields to an ArrayList, which is a list that has a predetermined size.
Spring has something called an AutoPopulatingList that is custom designed for this purpose. Please have a look at this link for more info on how to use it:
I think you will need to write PropertyEditorSupport for your class. Following is the example for your reference.
public class SampleEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
private final SampleService sampleService;
public SampleEditor(SampleService sampleService, Class collectionType) {
this.sampleService = sampleService;
public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {
Object obj = getValue();
List list = (List) obj;
for (String str : text.split(",")) {
public String getAsText() {
return super.getAsText();
In controller, you should bind it using #InitBinder as follows:
protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(List.class, "list", new SampleEditor(this.sampleService, List.class));
Hope this will solve your problem.
