Free Download of Datatable css - css

I would like to change the css feel of my datatable. I am currently using jquerydatatables.css and jquery-ui.css. Is there any free download of datatable css?

Did you try checking the datatables website?
They provide support for several themes.
This online style builder will let you customise the colouring of the DataTables stylesheet to fit in seamlessly with your web-site or app. Simply select the colours you want for your table using the options below, and click the Create stylesheet button. The page will then reload and show your customised table below, with the CSS available to copy and paste for your site.

Here is the correct link-
Data tables applying your own css for changing the css of datatables.
You can provide it your own theme.
Just select the colors and
It will generate a CSS for your applied styling.
You can copy
in your css file.
You are good to go.
Hope this helps...


Is there a way I can create (and update) a stylesheet using 2sxc and razor template?

DNN 9.3.2 / 2sxc 10.25.2
I have a DNN theme that I use for a certain type of subportal - I will have 8 subportals ultimately. Each subportal has the same layout, but they will have different colours in their respective theme. So I will have to create a stylesheet with the CSS rules and the colours for each theme. I know there is a couple of relatively simple ways I can do this:
Modifying the portal.css of each portal to override the theme or (simple but might be hard to maintain updates)
Building a custom theme for each portal (overkill)
Using SCSS to create a template with 8 different variable files (works fine but doesn't allow modifications by the Content Editors)
So, I'm curious if there's a more clever way through 2sxc that makes it easy for not only me to maintain, but also my portal's Content Editors.
I want to create 2sxc Content module with a few different fields for colour pickers that will allow me (and my content editors) to simply open up the 2sxc edit modal (on the homepage), fill out all the colour fields, and then a razor template will output the CSS template with the colours to override the theme styles on the DNN skin. I know I can do this with inline CSS but that would mean the module would have to appear on every page, and I'd also prefer to avoid inline CSS.
So my idea is that it would work like this:
Have a 2sxc Content module on a single page on each portal
Edit modal > the fields would be something like: primary colour (rgba), secondary colour (rgba), grey colour (rgba), etc
Once save is clicked, the template modifies a portal-level theme.css file which is loaded by the skin
Any changes to the module would result in a rewrite of the CSS file.
I could update the c# razor template to add, remove, or modify rules or transform the values of the input.
Is this possible or is it too complicated? Is there a better way of going about this?
So I've been away for a long time, I hope my answer will still help...
We have a very simple solution :). If you check out bootstrap instant template you'll see that we add various classes to the <body> tag.
That way we can just use normal CSS of the theme with rules based on portal-27 etc. to vary by portal.

How to edit css of "Document Library Previewer" web part on Sharepoint online/designer?

Using Sharepoint online with a dark/black theme.
On the homepage, I am using the document library previewer web part.
The font for URL's/Hyperlinks is defaulting to black so they aren't visible on the black background.
Attempting to change the font color of these URL's using CSS.
What I've tried
I've used the Dev Tools in Chrome to locate and change the CSS to make the font color white. This works, but the changes don't save after I refresh the page.
Downloaded and Installed Sharepoint Designer and copied the style element to a txt file stored in the style library. I'm not sure how or where to insert this file in Sharepoint designer to apply to to my site
The ideal solution would be editing the CSS for the homepage and then saving it permanently. I feel like I've gotten most of the way there, I just can't figure out how to save/apply my changes.
If it isn't already obvious, I'm not much of a developer so I'm a bit out of my depth here.
I don't think you can customize the css of existing webpart using designer. You have to create your own previewer using spfx. there are some webparts you can checkout.
Did you try to add the CSS style code into Script Editor web part in the home page?
If you use modern page, check the solution below.

Using Bootstrap popover without pulling in entire CSS?

I'm interested in using the impressive Bootstrap popover jquery plugin, but don't want to pull-in the entire massive bootstrap.css, since it run over my existing style sheets.
I've tried to cherry-pick the tooltip-only components out of the CSS, but failed. Any ideas as to the best way to go about this?
You need to select two check boxes on the custom download page. Select the appropriate CSS JS Component in step one and then select the corresponding jQuery plugin in step 2.

Where do I apply custom CSS color changes to Wordpress Theme?

I'm creating a small WordPress theme, which has a separate control panel. This panel has a lot of color and font changes. I had no problem in saving all the data into mysql, but I can't figure out the best way to apply these changes to the design.
What I want to ask, is what is the best, most efficient and popular way to apply color and font settings?
Should I apply these changes with style="" while generating the design? Should I edit it with JavaScript? Include it in headers <style>, or maybe even edit the .css file?
The best way would be to make the changes directly to the css file. For this you would need to parse the css content. Grab a specific selector content and change it's properties.
An easy way is to output the custom properties in the page header (after the style.css in order to overwrite the default properties) or to put them in a separate css file.
Also, it my be helpful an existing Wordepress theme generator, like

Setting style(color) to button in gxt/sencha

Hye all
I was trying the free version of sencha API with GWT in base and stumbled upon on the issue of setting color to a button. I tried modifying all the CSS get deployed in the war and tried setting styles also but no luck there. So kindly at least suggest a approach.Thanks in advance.
By "Sencha", I'll assume that you mean Ext GWT.
The default styling of buttons in Ext GWT comes from a sprite sheet in the resources folder that came with your download of Ext GWT. Specifically, look at resources/images/default/button/btn.gif. To change the colour of the button, you will have to edit this sprite sheet or create new images for the colour of button you would like to use.
If you are planning to make extensive changes to the style of widgets in Ext GWT, consider making your own theme. Themes are generally placed in resources/themes and can contain your own custom CSS and images. Just link your theme's style sheet in your host page and make sure your CSS rules override those in the default theme.
maybe what you're looking for:
