Keeping GridView Column Width the Same -

I am populating an ASP.NET GridView manually via C# code and have paging turned on. When a user goes from one page to another the column widths adjust accordingly to what is on the screen. I would like the GridView columns to remain the same no matter which page the user is on (preferably each column is set to the largest character length for its particular column). Can someone suggest the best course of action to accomplish this. Here is how I am populating the GridView
private void BindData(string sortExpression, string sortDirection)
sSQLResults = db_connector_mysql.execute_query_with_results_returned("SELECT * From city", false);
//Dynamically create columns
foreach (DataColumn column in sSQLResults.Columns)
//So we aren't getting duplicates, we need to check to see if it exists first
if (DoesColumnExistInGridView(column.ColumnName) == false)
BoundField nameColumn = new BoundField();
nameColumn.DataField = column.ColumnName;
nameColumn.HeaderText = column.ColumnName;
nameColumn.SortExpression = column.ColumnName;
this.GridView1.DataSource = sSQLResults;
if (sortExpression != null)
sSQLResults.DefaultView.Sort = sortExpression + " " + sortDirection;

There are two ways you can do this. Define width at the time of adding columns dynamically.
//Dynamically create columns
foreach (DataColumn column in sSQLResults.Columns)
//So we aren't getting duplicates, we need to check to see if it exists first
if (DoesColumnExistInGridView(column.ColumnName) == false)
BoundField nameColumn = new BoundField();
nameColumn.DataField = column.ColumnName;
nameColumn.HeaderText = column.ColumnName;
nameColumn.SortExpression = column.ColumnName;
or you can do that in Gird View row data bind event
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e){


how to bind combobox and web service in

I have a combo box and a web service. I want to call web service and then when I open my combo I see the values the are in my web service.My code did not work.Can anybody help me?
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string firstParam = "1";
DataSet ds2 = ws1.Automation_H022_MamooriyatSaati_View(firstParam, secondParam, thirdParam);
this.GridView1.DataSource = ds2;
foreach (System.Data.DataTable table1 in ds1.Tables)
foreach (DataRow dr in table1.Rows)
cmbox.DataTextField = "Tp_Place";
cmbox.DataValueField = "Lg_Personality";
cmbox.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("", "1"));
You are adding not adding anything to the cmbox in the foreach (DataRow dr in table1.Rows). And even if you did the next loop would overwrite it.
You need to set the datasource for the ComboBox in the same way you set the GridView.
If there is more than one table in ds1 and you want both tables to be visible in the combobox then you need to merge those two (or more) tables first and then bind them as a single source of data.
DataSet ds2 = ws1.Automation_H022_MamooriyatSaati_View(firstParam, secondParam, thirdParam);
this.GridView1.DataSource = ds2;
cmbox.DataSource = ds1.Tables[0];
cmbox.DataTextField = "Tp_Place";
cmbox.DataValueField = "Lg_Personality";
cmbox.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("", "1"));

jqgrid footervalue not correct if rows is empty

I have a jqgrid (ver, I show a grant total on footer of a amount column. If user insert a new row or delete a row, it should recalculate the total amount, and show it on footer. It works fine until the grid is empty(no any rows), I mean if user delete the last row on grid, the code still calculate the correct amount ( 0 ), but the footer still show the total amount it was, not 0.
Here is my code:
protected void Jqgrid1_DataRequested(object sender, JQGridDataRequestedEventArgs e)
DataSet _ds = (DataSet)Session["myApplicationForm"];
DataTable dt1 = _ds.Tables[1] as DataTable;
private void CalcVoucherAmt(DataTable _dt)
decimal amtSum = 0;
foreach (DataRow dr in _dt.Rows)
amtSum += obj2decimal(dr["DETAIL_AMT"]);
Jqgrid1.Columns.FromDataField("DETAIL_AMT").FooterValue = amtSum.ToString();
protected void Jqgrid1_RowAdding(object sender, Trirand.Web.UI.WebControls.JQGridRowAddEventArgs e)
DataSet _ds = (DataSet)Session["myApplicationForm"];
DataTable dt1 = _ds.Tables[1] as DataTable;
dt1.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dt1.Columns["DATA_SEQ"] };
DataRow row = dt1.NewRow();
row["UNIQ_KEY"] = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
row["DETAIL_AMT"] = amt; //user input
dt1.Rows.InsertAt(row, dt1.Rows.Count);
Session["myApplicationForm"] = _ds;
Jqgrid1.DataSource = dt1;
protected void Jqgrid1_RowEditing(object sender, Trirand.Web.UI.WebControls.JQGridRowEditEventArgs e)
DataSet _ds = (DataSet)Session["myApplicationForm"];
DataTable dt1=_ds.Tables[1] as DataTable;
dt1.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dt1.Columns["DATA_SEQ"] };
DataRow rowEdited = dt1.Rows.Find(e.RowKey);
rowEdited["DETAIL_AMT"] = amt; //user input
Session["myApplicationForm"] = _ds;
Jqgrid1.DataSource = dt1;
protected void Jqgrid1_RowDeleting(object sender, JQGridRowDeleteEventArgs e)
DataSet _ds = (DataSet)Session["myApplicationForm"];
DataTable dt1 = _ds.Tables[1] as DataTable;
dt1.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dt1.Columns["DATA_SEQ"] };
DataRow rowToDelete = dt1.Rows.Find(e.RowKey);
if (rowToDelete != null)
and in aspx, the code is
<cc1:JQGrid ID="Jqgrid1" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%" AutoWidth="true" PagerSettings-PageSizeOptions="[]"
any idea?
Why you decide that jqGrid "should recalculate the total amount" automatically? If you insert a row using or delete a row you can specify callback which will be called at the end of Add/Delete operation. Inside of the callback you can use getCol to recalculate the total amount and to use footerData to set new value in the footer.
Alternatively you can trigger reloadGrid which will sort new data correctly, recalculate the total amount and to place it on the footer row. Both ways will work.
The code which you posted seems to have mo relation to jqGrid. It don't show which editing mode and how you use to Add/Delete rows. So I can't give you more detailed implementation tips.

Add To The Top in the DataList

This My code For binding My DataList ,and every item in datalist have a different button ,
the items sorted correctly by date but the index for each item not sorted with it ,
when insert a new data in employees table the data shows correct(sorted by date),the last employee was insert into employee table shows in the first item and take the index 0.
I want to know how i can to make his index The Last Index in my old data + 1 ?
private void bind()
da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from employees order by insert_date desc", m_SqlConnection);
DataSet dataSet2 = new DataSet();
da2.Fill(dataSet2, "det");
DataList1.DataSource = dataSet2.Tables["det"];
protected void DataList1_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
Button btn = (Button)e.Item.FindControl("button4");
Button btn2 = (Button)e.Item.FindControl("button1");
da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("select insert_stat from insert_detail where user_id='" + int.Parse(Session["id"].ToString()) + "'", m_SqlConnection);
DataSet dataSet2 = new DataSet();
da2.Fill(dataSet2, "chk");
if (dataSet2.Tables["chk"].Rows[e.Item.ItemIndex]["insert_stat"].ToString() == "accept")
btn.Visible = true;
btn2.Visible = true;
if (dataSet2.Tables["chk"].Rows[e.Item.ItemIndex]["insert_stat"].ToString() == "reject")
btn.Visible = false;
btn2.Visible = false;
This is more a SQL problem than a DataList issue.
I recommend that you rewrite your SQL in the bind() method to do a JOIN on the insert_detail table to get the accept or reject value out of the table and into the bound data set for the data list. This serves two benefits:
It eliminates the database call in the DataList1_ItemDataBound() method, which if you have dozens or hundreds of rows, then that is dozens or hundreds less database calls.
It allows you to put the insert_stat value into a HiddenField control in your DataList and then check the value in the DataList1_ItemDataBound event, like this:
HiddenField theHiddenField = e.Item.FindControl("HiddenField1") as HiddenField;
// Make sure we found the control, because the as operator
// returns null for a failed cast
if(theHiddenField != null)
if(theHiddenField.Value.ToLower() == "accept")
btn.Visible = true;
btn2.Visible = true;
btn.Visible = false;
btn2.Visible = false;

DevExpress XtraGrid custom RowCellStyle eventhandler and column sorting problem

My xtraGrid has a custom style eventlistener:
FooGridView.RowCellStyle += new DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowCellStyleEventHandler(FooGridView_RowCellStyle);
private void FooGridView_RowCellStyle(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowCellStyleEventArgs e)
DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView vw = (sender as DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView);
DataRow DR = vw.GetDataRow(vw.GetRowHandle(e.RowHandle));
if (**some condition based on one or more values in the DataRow**)
e.Appearance.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(e.Appearance.Font, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Strikeout);
e.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.LightGray;
e.Appearance.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(e.Appearance.Font, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);
e.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Black;
catch (Exception ex) { }
After clicking on a grid column header to resort the grid, the formatting ends up applied to the wrong rows after the rows have been reordered by the sort. How to address that problem?
You are taking the e.RowHandle given to you and converting it to a DataSourceHandle. Then, you are calling GetDataRow with the DataSourceHandle.
However, GetDataRow takes in a row handle, not a data source handle. Try this:
DataRow DR = vw.GetDataRow(e.RowHandle);

gridview column delete

Is there any other way to delete gridview column except using index..
I am using gridview with multiple checkbox.
I want to delete all those column whose checkboxes are checked..
I am retriving checkboxes as..
protected void ButtonApprove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
StringCollection sc = new StringCollection();
string id = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Rows.Count; i++)//loop the GridView Rows
//find the CheckBox
CheckBox cb =
if (cb != null)
if (cb.Checked)
// get the id of the field to be deleted
id = GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Text;
// add the id to be deleted in the StringCollection
Please go through the Link for deleting multiple items
Check this to move the selected to another gridivew Move
