closing unused RODBC handle - r

I have been receiving a Warning Message:
`historicalHourly <- importHistoricalHourly(startDatePast,endDatePast,Markets,location)
[1] "Importing Hourly Data"
[1] "Flag - Moving from importHistoricalHourly to CleaningUpHourly"
[1] "Flag - Moving to importHistoricalDaily from CleaningUpHourly"Warning messages:
1: closing unused RODBC handle 41
2: closing unused RODBC handle 40
3: closing unused RODBC handle 36`
In the function, everything checks out as far as return values, print statements.
I have an idea that it is definitely a warning due to this function:
hHourly.df <- retrievelim(PowerCodeID,columns,startDatePast,endDatePast,unitstr="Hours")
which is accessing a separate database in another program. This function is returning a dataframe of dateTime Values by the hour with different numeric values in the next column
If anyone could give me an idea about why it is closing the database and what is happening, I would greatly appreciate it.

It's because that function contains odbcConnect(...) without odbcClose(...) as joran suggests. Since the odbcConnect object is created within the function, it is pending deletion the next time there's a garbage collection (?gc). Sometimes that happens when you call the function, sometimes it happens later.
When an odbcConnect object gets deleted by gc(), it closes the database connection and displays a message. Nothing to worry about.


RODBC connection issue

I am trying to use RODBC to connect to an access database. I have used the same structure several times in this project with success. However, in this instance it is now failing and I cannot figure out why. The code is not really reprex as I can't provide the DB, but...
This works for a single table:
#xWalk_path is simply the path to the accdb
#xtabs generated by querying the available tables
RODBC::sqlFetch(., tab, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#that worked perfectly
However, I really want to use this in a a function so I can read several similar tables into a list. As a function it does not work:
xWalk_ls<- lapply(seq_along(xtabs$TABLE_NAME), function(x, xWalk_path=xWalk_path, tab=xtabs$TABLE_NAME[x]){
#print(tab) #debug code
RODBC::sqlFetch(., tab, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#error every time
The above code will return the error:
Warning in odbcDriverConnect(con, ...) :
[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLDriverConnect
Warning in odbcDriverConnect(con, ...) : ODBC connection failed
Error in RODBC::sqlFetch(., tab, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) :
first argument is not an open RODBC channel
I am baffled. I accessed the db to pull table names and generate the xtabs variable using sql Tables. Also, earlier in my code I used a similar code structure (not identical, but same core: sqlFetch to retrieve a table into a list) nd it worked without a problem. Only difference between then and now is that: Then I was opening and closing different .accdb files, but pulling the same table name from each. Now, I am opening and closing the same .accdb file but pulling different sheet names each time.
Am I somehow opening and closing this too fast and it is getting irritated with me? That seems unlikely, because if I force it to print(tab) as the first line of the function it will only print the first table name. If it was getting annoyed about the speed of opening an closing I would expect it to print 2 table names before throwing the error.
return returns its argument and exits, so the remaining code (odbcCloseAll()) won't be executed and the opened file (AccessDB) remains locked as you supposed.

R tryCatch RODBC function issue

We have a number of MS Access databases on a server which are copies from remote locations which are updated overnight. We collate some of the data from these machines for reporting purposes on a daily basis. Sometimes the overnight update fails, meaning we don’t have access to all of the databases, so I am attempting to write an R script which will test if we can connect (using a list of the database paths), and output an updated version of the list including only those which we can connect to. This will then be used to run a further script which will only update the data related to the available databases.
This is what I have so far (I am new to R but reasonably proficient in SAS and SQL – attempting to use R both as a learning exercise and for potential cost savings);
# Create Store data locations listing
# Add column names
#Create summary for testing connections (Ref1 and Location)
out<-tryCatch({ch<-odbcDriverConnect(paste("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=",Location))
sqlQuery(ch,paste("select ",Ref1," as Ref1,COUNT(variable) as Count from table"))}
#Run function, using 'B' to provide arguments
#Convert to matrix and add column names
When I run the script I get the following error message;
Error in value[3L] : attempt to apply non-function
I am guessing this is because I am using TryCatch incorrectly inside the UDF?
Does anyone have any advice on what I am doing incorrectly, or even if this is the best way to do what I am attempting?
(apologies if this is formatted incorrectly, having to post on my phone due to Stackoverflow posting being blocked)
Edit - I think I fixed the 'Error in value[3L]' issue by adding function(e) {} around the matrix function in the error part of the tryCatch.
The issue now is that the script just fails if it can't reach one of the databases, rather than doing the matrix function. Do I need to add something else to make it ignore the error?
Edit 2 - it seems tryCatch does now work - it processes the
alternate function upon error but also shows warnings about the error, which makes sense.
As mentioned in the edit above, using 'function(e) {}' to wrap the Matrix function in the error section of the tryCatch fixed the 'Error in value[3L]' issue, so the script now works, but displays error messages if it can't access a particular channel. I am guessing the 'warning' section of the tryCatch can be used to adjust these as necessary.

R: How make dump.frames() include all variables for later post-mortem debugging with debugger()

I have the following code which provokes an error and writes a dump of all frames using dump.frames() as proposed e. g. by Hadley Wickham:
a <- -1
b <- "Hello world!"
bad.function <- function(value)
log(value) # the log function may cause an error or warning depending on the value
tryCatch( {
a.local.value <- 42
error = function(e)
dump.frames(to.file = TRUE)
When I restart the R session and load the dump to debug the problem via
load(file = "last.dump.rda")
I cannot find my variables (a, b, a.local.value) nor my function "bad.function" anywhere in the frames.
This makes the dump nearly worthless to me.
What do I have to do to see all my variables and functions for a decent post-mortem analysis?
The output of debugger is:
> load(file = "last.dump.rda")
> debugger(last.dump)
Message: non-numeric argument to mathematical functionAvailable environments had calls:
1: tryCatch({
a.local.value <- 42
2: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
3: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
4: value[[3]](cond)
Enter an environment number, or 0 to exit
PS: I am using R3.3.2 with RStudio for debugging.
Update Nov. 20, 2016: Note that it is not an R bug (see answer of Martin Maechler). I did not change my answer for reproducibility. The described work around still applies.
I think dump.frames(to.file = TRUE) is currently an anti pattern (or probably a bug) in R if you want to debug errors of batch jobs in a new R session.
You should better replace it with
save.image(file = "last.dump.rda")
options(error = quote({dump.frames(); save.image(file = "last.dump.rda")}))
instead of
options(error = dump.frames)
because the global environment (.GlobalEnv = the user workspace you normally create your objects) is included then in the dump while it is missing when you save the dump directly via dump.frames(to.file = TRUE).
Impact analysis
Without the .GlobalEnv you loose important top level objects (and their current values ;-) to understand the behaviour of your code that led to an error!
Especially in case of errors in "non-interactive" R batch jobs you are lost without .GlobalEnv since you can debug only in a newly started (empty) interactive workspace where you then can only access the objects in the call stack frames.
Using the code snippet above you can examine the object values that led to the error in a new R workspace as usual via:
load(file = "last.dump.rda")
The implementation of dump.frames creates a variable last.dump in the workspace and fills it with the environments of the call stack (sys.frames(). Each environment contains the "local variables" of the called function). Then it saves this variable into a file using save().
The frame stack (call stack) grows with each call of a function, see ?sys.frames:
.GlobalEnv is given number 0 in the list of frames. Each subsequent
function evaluation increases the frame stack by 1 and the [...] environment for evaluation of that function are returned by [...] sys.frame with the appropriate index.
Observe that the .GlobalEnv has the index number 0.
If I now start debugging the dump produced by the code in the question and select the frame 1 (not 0!) I can see a variable parentenv which points (references) the .GlobalEnv:
Browse[1]> environmentName(parentenv)
[1] "R_GlobalEnv"
Hence I believe that sys.frames does not contain the .GlobalEnv and therefore dump.frames(to.file = TRUE) neither since it only stores the sys.frames without all other objects of the .GlobalEnv.
Maybe I am wrong, but this looks like an unwanted effect or even a bug.
Discussions welcome!
Excerpt from section 4.2 Debugging R code (page 96):
Because last.dump can be looked at later or even in another R session,
post-mortem debug- ging is possible even for batch usage of R. We do
need to arrange for the dump to be saved: this can be done either
using the command-line flag
--save to save the workspace at the end of the run, or via a setting such as
options(error = quote({dump.frames(to.file=TRUE); q()}))
Note that it is often more productive to work with the R Core team rather than just telling that R has a bug. It clearly has no bug, here, as it behaves exactly as documented.
Also there is no problem if you work interactively, as you have full access to your workspace (which may be LARGE) there, so the problem applies only to batch jobs (as you've mentioned).
What we rather have here is a missing feature and feature requests (and bug reports!) should happen on the R bug site (aka _'R bugzilla'), ... typically however after having read the corresponding page on the R website:
Note that R bugzilla is searchable, and in the present case, you'd pretty quickly find that Andreas Kersting made a nice proposal (namely as a wish, rather than claiming a bug),
and consequently I had added the missing feature to R, on Aug.16, already.
Yes, of course, the development version of R, aka R-devel.
See also today's thread on the R-devel mailing list,

How do I close unused connections after read_html in R

I am quite new to R and am trying to access some information on the internet, but am having problems with connections that don't seem to be closing. I would really appreciate it if someone here could give me some advice...
Originally I wanted to use the WebChem package, which theoretically delivers everything I want, but when some of the output data is missing from the webpage, WebChem doesn't return any data from that page. To get around this, I have taken most of the code from the package but altered it slightly to fit my needs. This worked fine, for about the first 150 usages, but now, although I have changed nothing, when I use the command read_html, I get the warning message " closing unused connection 4 (http:....." Although this is only a warning message, read_html doesn't return anything after this warning is generated.
I have written a simplified code, given below. This has the same problem
Closing R completely (or even rebooting my PC) doesn't seem to make a difference - the warning message now appears the second time I use the code. I can run the querys one at a time, outside of the loop with no problems, but as soon as I try to use the loop, the error occurs again on the 2nd iteration.
I have tried to vectorise the code, and again it returned the same error message.
I tried showConnections(all=TRUE), but only got connections 0-2 for stdin, stdout, stderr.
I have tried searching for ways to close the html connection, but I can't define the url as a con, and close(qurl) and close(ttt) also don't work. (Return errors of no applicable method for 'close' applied to an object of class "character and no applicable method for 'close' applied to an object of class "c('xml_document', 'xml_node')", repectively)
Does anybody know a way to close these connections so that they don't break my routine? Any suggestions would be very welcome. Thanks!
PS: I am using R version 3.3.0 with RStudio Version 0.99.902.
CasNrs <- c("630-08-0","463-49-0","194-59-2","86-74-8","148-79-8")
tit = character()
for (i in 1:length(CasNrs)){
CurrCasNr <- as.character(CasNrs[i])
baseurl <- ''
qurl <- paste0(baseurl, CurrCasNr, '?DT_START_ROW=0&DT_ROWS_PER_PAGE=50')
ttt <- try(read_html(qurl), silent = TRUE)
tit[i] <- xml_text(xml_find_all(ttt, "//head/title"))
After researching the topic I came up with the following solution:
url <- ""
url = url(url, "rb")
html <- read_html(url)
# + Whatever you wanna do with the html since it's already saved!
I haven't found a good answer for this problem. The best work-around that I came up with is to include the function below, with Secs = 3 or 4. I still don't know why the problem occurs or how to stop it without building in a large delay.
CatchupPause <- function(Secs){
Sys.sleep(Secs) #pause to let connection work
I found this post as I was running into the same problems when I tried to scrape multiple datasets in the same script. The script would get progressively slower and I feel it was due to the connections. Here is a simple loop that closes out all of the connections.
for (i in seq_along(df$URLs)){function(i)

Timeout while reading csv file from url in R

I currently have a script in R that loops around 2000 times (for loop), and on each loop it queries data from a database using a url link and the read.csv function to put the data into a variable.
My problem is: when I query low amounts of data (around 10000 rows) it takes around 12 seconds per loop and its fine. But now I need to query around 50000 rows of data per loop and the query time increases quite a lot, to 50 seconds or so per loop. And this is fine for me but sometimes I notice it takes longer for the server to send the data (≈75-90 seconds) and APPARENTLY the connection times out and I get these errors:
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "rt") : cannot open: HTTP status was '0 (nil)'
or this one:
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "rt") : InternetOpenUrl failed: 'The operation timed
I don't get the same warning every time, it changes between those two.
Now, what I want is to avoid my program to stop when this happens, or to simply prevent this timeout error and tell R to wait more time for the data. I have tried these settings at the start of my script as a possible solution but it keeps happening.
Any other suggestions or workarounds? Maybe to skip to the next loop when this happens and store in a variable the loop number of the times this error occurred so it can be queried again in the end but only for those i's in the loop that were skipped due to the connection error? The ideal solution would be, of course, to avoid having this error.
A solution using the RCurl package:
You can change the timeout option using
curlSetOpt(timeout = 200)
or by passing it into the call to getURL
getURL(url_vect[i], timeout = 200)
A solution using base R:
Simply download each file using download.file, and then worry about manipulating those file later.
I see this is an older post, but it still comes up early in the list of Google results, so...
If you are downloading via WinInet (rather than curl, internal, wget, etc.) options, including timeout, are inherited from the system. Thus, you cannot set the timeout in R. You must change the Internet Explorer settings. See Microsoft references for details:
This is partial code that I show you, but you can modify to you're needs :
# connect to website
webpage <- getURL(url_vect[i]),
finally = print(" Succes.")
abort = function(){},
error = function(e) {
In my case the url_vect[i] was one of the url's I copied information. This will increase the time you need to wait for the program to finish sadly.
tryCatch how to example
