Connect R and Vertica using RODBC - r

This is my first time connecting to Vertica. I have already connected to a MySQL database sucessfully by using RODBC library.
I have the database setup in vertica and I installed the windows 64-bit ODBC driver from
When I tried to connect to vertica using R, I get the below error:
channel = odbcDriverConnect(connection = ";Database=mydb;User=mydb;Password=password")
Warning messages:
1: In odbcDriverConnect(connection = ";Database=mydb;User=mydb;Password=password") :
[RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
2: In odbcDriverConnect(connection = ";Database=mydb;User=mydb;Password=password") :
ODBC connection failed
Can someone tell me how to fix this? Or is there any other ways to connect to vertica using R?

It may not be the fastest, but I prefer to use the Vertica JDBC driver from R. Getting the ODBC drivers working is a little messy across different operating systems. If you already have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed for other applications then this is fairly straightforward.
Download the Vertica JDBC drivers for your Vertica server version from the MyVertica portal. Place the driver (a .jar file) in a reasonable location for your operating system.
Install RJDBC into your workspace:
In your R script, load the RJDBC module and create an instance of the Vertica driver, adjusting the classPath argument to point to the location and filename of the driver you downloaded:
vDriver <- JDBC(driverClass="com.vertica.jdbc.Driver", classPath="full\path\to\driver\vertica_jdbc_VERSION.jar")
Make a new connection using the driver object, substituting your connection details for the host, username and password:
vertica <- dbConnect(vDriver, "jdbc:vertica://host:5433/db", "username", "password")
Then run your SQL queries:
myframe = dbGetQuery(vertica, "select Address,City,State,ZipCode from MyTable")

You have to use double slash in the classPath arguement in JDBC function.
for example,
vDriver <- JDBC(driverClass="com.vertica.jdbc.Driver",
classPath="C:\\Program Files\\Vertica Systems\\JDBC\\vertica-jdk5-6.1.2-0.jar")
worked for me, while just copying and pasting the route failed.


Connect to teradata using DBI Package in R

Can you anyone help me with how to connect to Teradata using DBI ODBC Package?
I use the code below,
con <- dbConnect( drv = dbDriver('Teradata'),
MechanismName = TD2)
but it throws the following error:
Error: Couldn't find driver Teradata. Looked in:
* global namespace
* in package called Teradata
* in package called RTeradata
Looks like Teradata ODBC driver, DBCName is a network name (which for other drivers would typically supplied as Server)
con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = DRIVER,
Database = defaultDatabase,
UID = Sys.getenv("tera_user"),
PWD = Sys.getenv("tera_pass"))
After quite a looot of research, I finally found this in an answer by #Fred to another question:
R-Studio - connection to Teradata is not working

Connect Oracle DB through RStudio using RODBC

I might be re-asking the question but I am having difficulty creating connection to Oracle DB which is on a remote server. I am new to R and Oracle DB so I do not have much experience. I am using RStudio. I have installed RODBC package successfully. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 Operating System.
Firstly I use library RODBC
library("RODBC", lib.loc="~/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.0")
Then I have entered following command:
odbcConnect(dsn = "DatabaseName", uid = "UserID", pwd = "Password")
I get the following error:
[1] -1
Warning messages:
1: In RODBC::odbcDriverConnect("DSN=DatabaseName;UID=UserID;PWD=Password") :
[RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
2: In RODBC::odbcDriverConnect("DSN=DatabaseName;UID=UserID;PWD=Password") :
ODBC connection failed
I have searched but I am not getting to anywhere. Please tell me process or steps to how I can make a connection.
Thank You!

Connecting to Oracle DB (on remote server) using RODBC - R

I'm pretty new to R and may be I'm re-asking this question again, but I'm posting this as I didn't find an appropriate answer.
I'm trying to connect to Oracle DB that sits on a remote location from R using RODBC. I went through a lot of RODBC configuration documents but nothing clearly specifies connection to remote Oracle DB and what is the root cause.
I also pondered on using ROracle as DBI but found out that RODBC fares much better for multiple reasons.
So, here's my code:
> # Load RODBC package
> library(RODBC)
> # Create a connection to the database
> dbconnection <- odbcDriverConnect("Driver={Oracle ODBC Driver}; Server=my_hostname; Database=my_db_name; Uid=my_uid; Pwd=my_pwd")
> # Check that connection is working
> odbcGetInfo(dbconnection)
> close(dbconnection)
And the TNS Config that I use [values altered for obvious reasons]:
my_db_name =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = my_hostname)(PORT = my_port))
(SERVICE_NAME = my_service_name)
Note: The other thing here is that I don't have a local Oracle DB setup. I use SQL Developer to connect to the remote Oracle DB with the given TNS Config.
I get the below error:
Warning messages:
1: In odbcDriverConnect("Driver={Oracle ODBC Driver}; Server=my_hostname; Database=my_db_name; Uid=my_uid; Pwd=my_pwd") :
[RODBC] ERROR: state 01000, code 0, message [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib 'Oracle ODBC Driver' : file not found
2: In odbcDriverConnect("Driver={Oracle ODBC Driver}; Server=my_hostname; Database=my_db_name; Uid=my_uid; Pwd=my_pwd") :
ODBC connection failed
After installing R, I have only installed RODBC using the install.packages("RODBC") command. Also, I'm running this on Mac OS.
I know I'm missing something here. Specifically the Driver={Oracle ODBC Driver} might need to modified to the actual drivers name. But I don't know what it should be and googling didn't help much.
Is there anything else that I need to install or configure?

Connecting to MS Access Database from R (x64)

I am trying to access my Access database using R. I have tried the below options but I am not able to connect to the database. I am using 64 bit R and 64 bit Access. I am using windows 7 also.. :(
db <- "E:/testdb.accdb"
myconn <-odbcDriverConnect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=E:/test.accdb")
con2 <- odbcConnect(db)
channel <- odbcConnectAccess("E:/testdb")
I always get the error. Please help me.
1: In odbcDriverConnect("DSN=E:/testdb.accdb") :
[RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
2: In odbcDriverConnect("DSN=E:/testdb.accdb") : ODBC connection failed
I think the problem is as error message suggests - you don't have x64 Microsoft Access driver installed. Check it in Control panel - ODBC Data Sources (x64) on the Drivers tab. If it's not there, try to install Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable.

Connect to MSSQL using DBI

I can not connect to MSSQL using DBI package.
I am trying the way shown in package itself
m <- dbDriver("RODBC") # error
Error: could not find function "RODBC"
# open the connection using user, passsword, etc., as
# specified in the file \file{\$HOME/.my.cnf}
con <- dbConnect(m, dsn="data.source", uid="user", pwd="password"))
Any help appreciated. Thanks
As an update to this question: RStudio have since created the odbc package (or GitHub version here) that handles ODBC connections to a number of databases through DBI. For SQL Server you use:
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
driver = "SQL Server",
server = <serverURL>,
database = <databasename>,
uid = <username>,
pwd = <passwd>)
You can also set a dsn or supply a connection string.
It looks like there used to be a RODBC driver for DBI, but not any more:
A bit of tweaking has got this to install in a version 3 R but I don't have any ODBC sources to test it on. But m = dbDriver("RODBC") doesn't error.
> m = dbDriver("RODBC")
> m
Suggest you ask on the R-sig-db mailing list to maybe find out what happened to this code and/or the author...
I used library RODBC. It has great functionality to connect sql and run sql queries in R.
Loading Library:
# dbDriver is connection string with userID, database name, password etc.
dbhandle <- odbcDriverConnect(dbDriver)
Running Sql query
sqlQuery(channel=dbhandle, query)
Thats It.
