Sqlite3 Database Interfacing with AM1808 insert failed silently no error - sqlite

I am using sqlite3 Database for the database management for my AM1808 ARM9 based microprocessor.
I am using EMbedded Linux (V10.10 Lucid) and Gcc compiler for ARM.
My scenario is as following,
I have GSM moduled interfaced on UART. I am continuously synchronize my data with the server in background.
I am also accessing SQLIte database for other processes like read,write,view etc..
I have a single database connection.
I have simultaneous access to the Sqlite3.For the Multihandling sqlite3 with a single connection i have used Mutexs for the database lock. I have also used SQLITE3_BUSY flag for checking and all that.
Still i am missing my inserted record in the database, means database is not giving any error for the inserting record to the database.
So i can find that problem.I stuck here and i can not further proceed.
Please guide me. If you need than please tell me i will provide my code snippet.


Various difficulties creating ASP.NET Session tables via aspnet_regsql.exe

We're trying to move ASP.NET session state for one of our Azure web apps into a database, and it seems like the aspnet_regsql.exe tool is the way to go. Unfortunately, I'm getting stuck on a few issues below. It's an Azure SQL database, and I'm connecting using the server's admin account.
I initially wanted to add the session tables to our existing database, so I ran .\aspnet_regsql.exe -U adminusername -P adminpassword -S servername.database.windows.net -d databasename -ssadd -sstype c. Which throws the exception "Database 'databasename' already exists. Choose a different database name"
Omitting the database name and running it again throws the exception: "Execution Timeout Expired" after about 30 seconds, which is just the default for SqlCommand.CommandTimeout. This occurs while executing the "CREATE DATABASE" command. I tried creating a database manually, and it takes about 50 seconds for some reason. This database is S0 tier and is not under any load
Running aspnet_regsql again on the already-created database (because it's idempotent, right?) leads to the "Database already exists" error, as does pre-creating an empty database for it to start from.
There's no flag that lets me increase the timeout, and I can't set command timeout using the -C (connection string) flag
Adding the -sqlexportonly flag to generate a script and just running that directly doesn't work either (yes, I know I'm not supposed to run InstallSqlState.sql directly). It throws a whole load of error messages saying things like:
Reference to database and/or server name in 'msdb.dbo.sp_add_job' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
USE statement is not supported to switch between databases.
Which makes me think this script might have some issues with an Azure SQL database...
Does anyone have any ideas?
It looks like all the errors involving 'msdb' are related to removing and re-adding a database job called 'Job_DeleteExpiredSessions'. Azure SQL doesn't support database jobs, so the only options I can see are
Run SQL on a VM instead (vastly more expensive, and I'd rather stick with the platform services than have to manage VMs)
Implement one of those "Elastic Job Agents"
Perhaps move the same functionality elsewhere (e.g. a stored proc)?
Turns out Microsoft has an article about how to do exactly what I need, which I somehow
missed during my searching yesterday. Hopefully this answer saves someone else a few hours of frustration. All the info you need is at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-au/blog/using-sql-azure-for-session-state/ earlier.
Note that YMMV since it's from 2010 and also says in scary red letters
"Microsoft does not support SQL Session State Management using SQL Azure databases for ASP.net applications"
Nevertheless, they provide a working script that seems to do exactly what I need.

iSeries (AS400) Output with ODBC connection

I am very new to AS400, and I am stuck. I have read documenation but cannot find what I need.
I have an odbc connection to an AS400 server. When I run this command I get an Outfile with everything I need:
Instead of the results going to an outfile I need to receive the results of this command to my script that is connecting through odbc. If I change 'OUTPUT(*OUTFILE)' to 'OUTPUT(*)' I get no results when I try to 'fetchall()'.
Is there any way to get this information through the odbc connection to my script?
EDIT: I am on a linux server, in a python script using pyodbc to connect. I can run sql queries successfully using this connection, but I can't figure out how to get the results of a command to come through as some sort of record set.
I hope I'm interpreting what you're asking correctly. it looks like you're accessing user profile data and dumping it to a file. It looks like you then want to use the contents of that file in a script or something that's running on Windows. If that's the case:
In general, when accessing data in a file from the Windows world, whether through ODBC and VBScript, or .NET, the AS/400 is treated like a database. All files in libraries are exposed via the built-in DB2 database. It's all automatic, and part of the Universal DB2 database.
So, after creating this file, you should have a file named TEST3 in library CHHFLE
You'd create a connection and execute the following SQL statement to read the contents:
Select * From CHHFLE.TEST3
This, of course, assumes that you have proper permissions to access this. You should be able to test this using the iSeries Navigator tool, which includes the ability to run SQL Scripts against the database before doing it in your script.
Added after reading comments above
There's info at this question on connecting to the DB2 from Python. I hope it's helpful.
OUTPUT(*) is not stdout, unfortunately. That means you won't be able to redirect OUTPUT(*) to an ODBC connection. Dumping to a DB2 table via OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) is a good plan. Once that's done, use a standard cursor / fetch loop as though you were working with any other DB2 table.

Can I solve this using oracle db listener?

Try to be more clear, I'm in lack of ideas in this problem, even it sounds like a classic.
My application is running on weblogic 10.3.3 application server, and for database I am using Oracle database 11g. My problem is that there is table in db, let's say "user.", there is column, let's say "columnA", in this table. This table is updating by some module of application.
What I want if when value of column is "abc.", then I have to show alert to console(IP). {IP can be retrieved from DB as it is configured in DB. this ip will be other linux system other than linux machine where oracle database is installed.} Updating is continuously done on my table from module of application. Please tell me from where should I start?, what should I read. I am not able to understand what should be approach. Any help is much appreciated.
Can u provide me any begginner.s link of oracle db listener?
You probably want to look at setting up a Trigger in the database
An alternative to a trigger would be to log update queries against the table (to a log file) and have a process monitor the log, sending out alerts when something happens.

sqlite3 - Exception: database disk image is malformed

i'm working with IronPython 2.6 for .Net4 and sqlite3 module from: IronPython.SQLite.
i have a written a GUI program what runs in four frames of an MDI window. Every of the four programs receives data from a serialport and stores this data in a sqlite database. One database per program.
Between inserting this data on receive into the database the program querys the database every 100ms for the latest data items.
I'm already using a mutex call for the cursor.execute() command to prevent problems with simultaneous commands (insert or select).
During runtime the program (sporadically) runs into an exception.
When trying to query data:
System.Exception: database disk image is malformed
or when trying to insert data:
System.Exception: database or disk is full
Is it possible, that an database query short after an database insert (or the way around) could cause such exceptions and destroy the database?
It would be very kind of you, if you could give me a kind of advice how to solve this issue.

Connecting to DSN created by SQLite driver

How to connect to DSN created by SQlite Driver using SQL anywhere APIs from C++ code?
I am using db_string_connect() to connect to sybase adaptive server anywhere. I want to use the same function to connect to the DSN created by SQLite Driver as well but db_string_connect() API is returning sqlcode -103 ["You supplied an invalid user ID or an incorrect password."].
I have this somewhat weird requirement because I want to abstract the connection to different databases at ODBC layer. And the code to connect to sybase is already written and I want to minimize the changes in the code. Hope I am making some sense.
You will not be able to use a function from SQL Anywhere client library to connect directly to some other database. Typically, if you need to be able to connect and manipulate different types of database systems, you have to introduce a database layer that sits between the vendor specific client libraries and your code. This could be something you write yourself or use an existing one.
