wordpress- woocommerce add an optional product at checkout - wordpress

I am using woocommerce for one of my websites.Now i want to add an optional (checkbox) 1$ product at the checkout page. If checked ,1$ will be added to the total payment or else as it is.
Do i need to use some extra add-on plugin for this functionality ?.
Any advice will be highly helpful.
Thank you

I've been looking for this too. An optional addons to the main product, all that I've found is official woocommerce plugin (Woocommerce Product Addons) http://www.woothemes.com/products/product-add-ons/


custom Shipping woocommerce for multi vendor mp plugin

I have created a custom shipping method for my multi vendor marketplace plugin on woo commerce but the problem is that i want This shipping method to have settings like flat rate does. need help any help will be appreciated
You may find this helpful.
they have given the explaination for everything.

which plugin is used for pay registration fees in wordpress

When i am register in site there is a categorywise fees.I want to pay this fees using woocommerce plugin.I dont know how to do this.Please suggest plugin which is good for this?
I have finding many plugin but it was not fullfil my requirement.
Please generate product with category name in woo-commerce plugin product page

Woocommerce multistep shopping cart

I need to create a woocommerce multistep shopping cart. I tried to use this plugin(Woocommerce multi step checkout) but It's working only on checkout process. I need to add it on shopping cart as well. Please follow this image. This is how my shopping cart looks like.
1) I'm selling perfumes. so when someone adds a product to cart I need to display a popup to choose free sample of that product.It also need to add to the cart as a free item.
2) and then I need to follow those 5 steps like this image.
Can someone help me ? Your help is highly appritiated.
I know this is an old post but have a look at the following extension by WooCommerce:
Might not be a full solution to your requirements but would at least provide you with the functionality you require.

Woocommerce- How to display product addons data on order details

I installed Woocommerce 2.1.7 and Woocommerce Product Addons 1.1 with wordpress 3.9.
You know the extension, Woocommerce Product Addons 1.1 costs $49 and I wanted custom input(text) value to be shown into the order details from dashboard. But it shows only the item title!
I'm new to woocommerce and extensions and begging your help to solve this problem.
I already solved my issue....It was my product add-ons plugin needed to be updated!!

WooCommerce: Add meta on checkout (for the product)

I have a question regarding WooCommerce.
In the last step of the checkout, I want to add some meta information to the product. Basically, at the end of the checkout process the user can choose to offer the product to a friend. He will enter fields such as friend's email, name...
I want to be able to retrieve this information in the admin panel when I click on the details of the order, in the "product" block.
... And I have to idea how to do that. I found some information on how to add custom fields to the order, but how do I add information to the product in the order and not the order itself?
Thank you. I'm in a bit of a blur right now.
Mike Jolley posted the complete code you can insert in your theme's functions.php
I recently used it and works like a charm.
I think the Woothemes Product Add-ons plugin may be exactly what you are looking for. You can use it to add custom fields of nearly any type to your individual products. It will display them on the cart page and save them in your admin.
Woocommerce allow some hooks and filters to add fields on checkout pag, but yes it requires strong php knowleget. However there is plugin available here: Checkout option manager plugin
