I have a running Meteor application on a Fedora 18 workstation. The meteor web application appears to be functioning correctly without errors in the web console. When I try to run the following in the Web console it returns undefined.
According to the documentation and other StackOverflow answers this should work. I have used both FireFox and Chrome to test this. What am I missing?
Did you tried to create this ObjectID() with new ?
Please try :
var _id = new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID();
Try without the parentheses.
Mongo replaced Meteor.Collection. Mongo.ObjectID follows the same API as the Node MongoDB driver ObjectID class.
var _id = new Mongo.ObjectID();
We have a Xamarin.Forms project that needed to use the sqlite local db to store date. EF Core's sqlite library was used to set this up and by different developers from different PCs (vs 2019). Initially, it was used with the Database.EnsureCreated() function and later with ef core's migrations. All went smooth for more than a month.
Last week all of a sudden the android app wouldn't start on any one's PC due to some error with sqlite. It showed the following error:
Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR)
I spent a while trying all kinds of fixes and rollbacks thinking it was an issue with the code. This included the following:
Deleted obj and bin folders, cleaned and rebuilt for all below steps.
Downgraded the version of ef to 2.2.3 (the version we started with)
Rolled back to git commits up to a week back
Upgraded the versions of dependencies of ef core
Removed the past few migrations
Downgraded xamarin forms to 3.6.x
After trying the above and several other fixes, finally upgrading the versions of java and android SDK worked last Friday (on all PCs). Once this fix worked everything went smooth that day. On Tuesday once again the issue was back (no library updates or code changes). A deeper look at EF Cores logging shows that it crashes the moment it attempts to connect to a db.
The issue can be replicated on the android devices but not the emulators. I am not sure if there is some new permission in android we need to request for.
I finally created a new xamarin forms project with sqlite setup. I used the pcl library and ef core. I still found the same error.
Here is the git hub that replicates the issue https://github.com/neville-nazerane/xamarin-site
Just something i noticed. eariler my database file was named "main.db". Now no matter what i change this file name to or no matter what variables i change. it always shows database name as "main" in logs. Not sure if changing the db name would fix the issue. However, never found a way to change this db name. I tried different connection strings, it just said "database" and "db" were unknown keys
Steps to replicate:
using (var db = new AppDbContext())
db.Add(new Person {
Age = 55,
Name = "Neville"
Person[] alldata = db.People.ToArray();
The definitions of Person and AppDbContext are quite obvious. So, with the spirit of not making the question too long, I am not posting it here. However, if required I can post them too.
This is a bug with the Xamarin.Forms and Mono.
It was detected since a couple of months ago, it was fixed but then there was some regression (with VS 2019 v16.1).
Even with the latest release (v16.1.2) the bug still happens, so we need to wait for a fix.
Due to slight differences of the particular file systems on the native side, I would suggest creating an interface to handle the actual database file handling on the native application level.
So here is how I implemented SQLite using the nuget package SQLite.Net-PCL:
In the shared project, create a new interface, for instance FileHandler.cs
public interface IFileHandler
SQLite.SQLiteConnection GetDbConnection();
You may want to extend that with more methods to save or retrieve various files, but for now we will just have the GetDbConnection Method to retrieve a working SQLite Connection.
Now in your Android implementation, we add the native implementation to that interface:
Create a new class called FileHandler.cs in your android project:
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(FileHandler))]
namespace YourProjectName.Droid
public class FileHandler : IFileHandler
public SQLite.SQLiteConnection GetDbConnection()
string sqliteFilename = "YourDbName.db3";
string path = Path.Combine(GetPersonalPath(), sqliteFilename);
SQLiteConnectionString connStr = new SQLiteConnectionString(path, true);
SQLiteConnectionWithLock connection = new SQLiteConnectionWithLock(connStr, SQLiteOpenFlags.Create | SQLiteOpenFlags.ReadWrite | SQLiteOpenFlags.NoMutex);
return connection;
private string GetPersonalPath()
return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
Now back again in your shared code you can access that connection with the following code:
using (SQLiteConnection connection = DependencyService.Get<IFileHandler>().GetDbConnection())
// Do whatever you want to do with the database connection
Alright mate, I don't understand what issue you are facing. It might be an issue with your machine, I'd suggest using another computer/laptop.
I took the exact code that you shared on the Github. I was able to build it on my Mac computer in VS 2019 and installed the application in debug mode on my phone. I was able to add a date successfully, as you can see in the picture, and I placed an Exception Catchpoint and faced no exceptions.
I then proceeded to add another entry with the same details and it errored out with the message that you can see here
I would also suggest using Xamarin Profiler or any other Android logger to see the Stack Trace that you aren't able to see in your application output. It will give you details of the error, that you can share here for us to understand better.
I've had this Xamarin.Auth AccountStore working in my app for a while, but then decided to do some updates to some Nuget Packages and Target Android versions >_<
I now have no idea what went wrong and how to get it working again, here is the exception:
Java.Security.KeyStoreException: KeyStore was not initialized
The code is pretty simple and looks like this:
var accountStore = AccountStore.Create(Android.App.Application.Context);
var accounts = accountStore.FindAccountsForService(providerName);
The 2nd line is throwing the exception.
This is in the Android project, being called from a PCL DependencyService.
It has been working this way for a while, I guess something changed in a version update in one of the packages but I don't know what, any ideas?
try to repair your visual studio installation.
This made the trick for our project. We had the same problems like you.
here's my website code snippet :
const provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
also tried
both results the same (signInWithPopup shows popup which immediately closes).
I get the same console error :
Uncaught TypeError: this.Zb.he is not a function
at Gg.toString (auth.js:136)
at Mg (auth.js:141)
at auth.js:140
at e.Da (auth.js:39)
at hd (auth.js:43)
at dd (auth.js:43)
at C.Zd (auth.js:42)
at Oc (auth.js:36)
this used to work fine until few days ago.
tried different browsers , same result.
also tried rolling back firebase npm version to 6.6.4
any help will be appreciated.
Eventually it was due to our project structure.
We used 2 different firebase js package versions so probably obfuscation was different between the two.
solved with some webpack configurations.
So im trying to build ontop of the angular-meteor WhatsApp clone tutorial using Ionic 2 CLI
This tutorial basically deletes the client folder in the meteor project and uses the meteor-client-side package inside an ionic project to connect to the meteor server.
Which works perfectly fine, but now i'd like to subscribe to a meteor publication with an reactive parameter.
After searching the Meteor API Documentation I found the Session object:
Session provides a global object on the client that you can use to
store an arbitrary set of key-value pairs. Use it to store things like
the currently selected item in a list.
What’s special about Session is that it’s reactive. If you
call Session.get("currentList") from inside a template, the template
will automatically be rerendered whenever
Session.set("currentList", x) is called.
In the Meteor Subscribe Documentation you can find the following example:
Tracker.autorun(function () {
Meteor.subscribe("chat", {room: Session.get("current-room")});
This subscribes you to the chat messages in the current room and to
your private messages. When you change rooms by
calling Session.set("current-room", "new-room"), Meteor will subscribe
to the new room’s chat messages, unsubscribe from the original room’s
chat messages, and continue to stay subscribed to your private
Which is exactly what I want to do too. But as the Session documentation states, session is a package I have to add to the meteor project:
To add Session to your application, run this command in your terminal:
meteor add session
Now my question, is there any way to add session to the meteor-client-side packages?
If I just try to call Session.set() it fails on runtime with Session is not defined
My guess is that I would need some npm package that extracts the Session functionality (basically a sessions-client-side npm package) like accounts-base-client-side
Is there an other way to do this?
How would I build my own sessions-client-side?
I tried to run meteor add session in my meteor project but was not able to find the code for Session anywhere in .meteor folder and npm_modules.
I also looked into the meteor GitHub but the Session.js file they have contains only documentation
Any input how to do something like this would be nice
I've looked into the accounts-base-client-side package and found out that they are autogenerated using a script, so im currently trying to adapt this script to work with Session instead of accounts-base.
You can find my attempt at: https://github.com/AwsmOli/session-client-side
Still work in progress, but i should get it to work soon
Update 2:
See my answer, my session-client-side is working now :)
The "Session" variable should just appear and be accessible. If you need to verify that, start a new project add the package and write some code to access it. It is likely that something has (unwittingly) nuked the Session variable - I have seen this before with another package.
Another way of doing this is with "getReactively". Below is a helper that uses it in a query. Make sure you declare it before the helper (otherwise it won't work). This one uses the result of another helper, but it can be any variable, and you just assign the variable for the reactivity to kick in and run the helper.
currentUser: () => { return Meteor.user() },
elder: () => {
let e = Elders.findOne({_id: this.getReactively('this.currentUser._id')});
if (e) {
return e;
As per the meteor docs, you have to import it:
import { Session } from 'meteor/session'
This will enable it on the client.
In earlier meteor versions this was not required, as it was both a default package, and automatically imported into the global namespace.
I ended up creating the session-client-side package myself, and its working nicely.
If you need it too, its available on GitHub:
and NPM:
npm install session-client-side
credits to idanwe who created the client side packages and made it realy easy to adapt his work to work with any meteor package :)
To use it with Ionic 2 Apps:
import it in your entry points (src/app/main.prod.ts & src/app/main.dev.ts)
import 'session-client-side';
and now the global Session variable is accessable form anywhere in your app:
Session.set("aCoolNameFormyAwsmChangingObject", myAwsmChangingObject);
Thanks for the help!
i write a simple webservice code in asp.net when i build the service and run the service it is working fine. when i try to access the webservice it is giving some problem , problem means i am not getting that method (webservice method). After completing writing the webserivce i take a asp.net page (.aspx) and in solution explorer i add a webservices and it is added successfully. but when i adding namespace it is not getting the service name ( i not able to add the namespace of websercice
I am not exactly sure what could be the problem but you should only need to do the following to use the web service:
// Look at what you named your web reference, in my example it is
// called MyWebService. Check your solution explorer for the actual name.
// This is the alias you should be using.
MyWebService.YourWebServiceName ws = new MyWebService.YourWebServiceName();
var result = ws.MyMethod(someparameter);