A generic Topic content widget - nopcommerce

I have been adding topic content areas to my pages by adding
#Html.Action("TopicBlock", "Topic", new { systemName = "OrderDetailsProductsBottom" })
I've noticed that everywhere I've been adding these topic actions there is a WidgetZone conveniently placed above it.
Is adding topic content to a widget zone possible?

Your question is valid. But widget and Topic are created to serve 2 different purpose.
Using topic action, you can render any Content page in any part of nopcommerce. You can control content from content management screen of admin.
Widgets are designed to render in specific html data on predefined widgets area to serve a specific purpose. So if you want to render many html's (topic), you may end-up with many widgets.
Hope it clarify both purposes.


Drupal 7/Views - Showing similar content with the same tag(s) when adding a new piece of content

I'm not sure if this is possible or not, but I'm wondering if when creating a new piece of content (say, an Article), is it possible to show similar pieces of content (which have the same tag(s) as the content you are creating) so that the content creator can pick these items to use as related content.
In other words, it will show related content in the admin view (say, as a list) when you are creating a new piece of content (and not in the normal site view that everyone sees).
The list of related content would need to be ordered by most terms matched.
Thanks, Jamie
Views, similar_by_terms, similar and other modules provide that functionality. See how to create such a block with views at this article http://www.metachunk.com/blog/adding-related-content-view-drupal-7

Manually assigning page META tags to asp.net dynamic pages

I just first want to say, thanks for taking the time to read this!
I have an e-commerce website running the content management system DotNetNuke, which I believe is built on the asp.net platform in a windows server environment. The specific module that powers my e-commerce store dynamically generates pages for each of the store categories, as a user browses through the products available. As you may be aware, modules such as these must be placed on a specific page, and all the dynamic content generated by the module must reside on that "parent page".
The problem is that while the module does allow me to add HTML text for H1's and H2's on these dynamic pages, it does not support adding page meta tags such as "title" and "description". As a result, all of the dynamic pages generated by the module pull their meta tags from the parent page, making it difficult for Google to understand what I'm trying to show the user. This also causes google to show all these generated pages as having "duplicate title tags" in my analytics.
The temporary fix:
I have removed the title tags from all of these "parent pages", in hopes that google will decide to generate it's snippits from the H1 and H2 tags residing on the dynamic pages. Was this wise?
Now for the question:
Is there any kind of solution available which would allow me to manually assign meta tags to a page I specify in my hosting environment? As I stated earlier, I am able to add body HTML code to pages. Is there any way to force a page title tag from code placed in the body? Is there a better way to do this? You can view my problem in action at www.yandasmusic.com
Thanks for your time and patience!
The temporary fix: I have removed the title tags from all of these "parent pages", in hopes that google will decide to generate it's snippits from the H1 and H2 tags residing on the dynamic pages. Was this wise?
No, not particularly wise. The page title is important.
The first route you should take is speaking to the module developer. They should know about replacing page meta information on a per-product basis.
You can get (limited) results by varying the page title/description using javascript when the page loads. Just keep the js simple and use the DOM information already on the page (ie, read the product name).
I posted a blog about this recently : http://www.ifinity.com.au/2012/10/04/Changing_a_Page_Title_with_Javascript_to_update_a_Google_SERP_Entry
The javascript fix will probably work if you set it up correct. But you really need to convince the module developer to change the way the module works, as bdukes has posted.
Don't bother with the Meta Tags - none of the search engines really read/use them because they are so easily spoofed. Just concentrate on the title and description of the page.
Ideally, your store module should be setting the page title and other meta information. In DotNetNuke, you can access the Title, MetaDescription, and MetaKeywords of the page by casting Page the DotNetNuke.Framework.CDefault type. If the store module doesn't provide this, you should ask the developer to add the functionality.

add a button to a block

I am very new to drupal and need some assistance. I created a view for a news blog. I want members to be able to be able to create news blogs, which would have to go through an approval process before being displayed. I wanted to add a button called "create" or whatnot to my view which would allow the user to submit a news blog entry that would go to an approval queue to allow a moderator to edit before publishing. This is not a regular blog (which don't need moderated). It is specific to a "news blog" which is how we are referring to it. What is the best way of accomplishing this work flow and how would I go about creating the button?
In Views, you have the option of adding a header and/or footer to your view. It gives you a textarea which you select what filter you want to use (Full HTML, PHP code, etc). I would suggest utilizing a header/footer and adding an image as a simple HTML link to the blog creation page.
As for your workflow, I would suggest taking a look at:
Content Moderation
Here is an example to get a workflow going with the Rules module: http://drupal.org/node/550716

Drupal: Template Files, Modules and Content Types for Advanced Theme

I am in the process of trying to convert my first HTML/CSS design into a theme for Drupal. I have used ModX for quite a few designs and appreciate the ability to create different page templates and custom variables to be assigned to those templates. However I seem to be having some issues making the transition.
The site I am working on theming in Drupal is for a real estate agent. Each page/section will have a different set of content associated with it and will need to display only that content. For example, there will be a page for current listings, each of which will be formatted by a custom content type. However, when I call the content on the home page (or on other pages) I do not want to see this listing data.
The layout of the site and the regions associated with each page/section is as follows:
Featured 1
Featured 2
Bios - Profiles of each agent (each will be a node with name, contact info, pic, etc) listed on the page; multiple nodes listed
Listings - Profiles of properties (each will be a node with locations, basic info, pic, etc) listed on the page; multiple nodes listed
Content - general paragraph text area
News/Blog Items - List of stories with summaries and links to full article
Each page/section will use the same header and footer.
I have done some reading on Drupal, custom content types (and CCK), Views, and Pathauto. However I have not been able to get a clear picture of how to put it all together to accomplish what I am attempting. What I really would like to know is which modules to use, how best to use them, which elements I need to use where, and what template files I should be using to theme the elements I need to use. Any help or reference to useful resources would be much appreciated.
This is a rather general question, and your description is a kind of vague on important distinctions like page vs. site section vs. page region. That said, some general advice: start by installing the admin module. Then get all your content generally in the right places with someone else's theme, e.g. Garland, before you start doing any of your own theming. You should be able to get pretty far without touching code. Use CCK to define your content structure. You should already have a type for page and it sounds like you'll want to add a type for feature, bio, listing, and blog post. Depending on the details, you may need to add some additional field modules, e.g. if you have images, you'll probably want the imagefield module.
Once you have the content types defined, configure pathauto, and start adding content.
Once you have some content, you'll want to create some lists of it with views. You may want to start with the simpleviews module, as the views UI can be overwhelming. Save your views as block display, and then use the blocks admin to put the in the right page region, and configure them to show up only on the right pages.
At that point, you'll want to start controlling how the individual items (nodes) look in different contexts. That's when you start theming. For that, I'd install the devel module, look at what other themes do, and call dsm() on any variables you don't understand to see what they look like.
You can generally get quick help with specific questions on the Drupal IRC channels.
The easiest way to do what you want to do may be to put your custom content in blocks and set the access settings for the blocks to be only on certain pages. So, for instance if you have content that you want to appear at /spotlight or /node/22 or such, you would just create a custom block (Site Building -> Blocks) and then in the settings, set the block to only show for that node.

Problem attaching Ubercart view to relevant content

Example page: http://giantcalculator.com/content/cartridge-filters
It’s very cumbersome to connect the ubercart view to a relevant content page. In the example above I have attached the view to the bottom; you can scroll down to see it. It is a tedius process though in which I have to create the view, then create a mini panel, include the view in the mini panel, then go to blocks page and add the mini panel to region (currently a region below the main content), then I have to configure the block so the view only appears on it’s one particular page.
This seems far too complicated and the particular region will soon have about 20 blocks inside it, though each only appearing on one page. Is there a better way to attach a view to its relevant content info, or vice versa?
I know the view creates a page of its own, and if I could add the content on top of the view that would be great. Or within the view itself, can the content be added somehow?
I'm almost ready to move forward with this site but I really need to find if there is a better method first. I'm posting this in a number of places and offering a $20 bounty via paypal to the first responder with best alternative that I end up using. (if there is one). Bounty may be shared if two or more people have the same response on different forums and I can't tell who was first, though when I do have an answer I'll promptly post it.
Other forums this will post include Drupal.org paid forum, Ubercart Bounty forum, aardvark, superuser and stackoverflow.
If I understand correctly, I think the piece of the puzzle you're missing is Views arguments. If you ever find yourself creating more than one view, where the only difference is the content (ie. based on taxonomy, or a certain CCK field), you probably want to use that as an argument in the view so it loads the correct content automatically.
I assume "cartridge filters" is a taxonomy term, and the page linked above is a node with this term applied. So you'd add a taxonomy arg to your view in the Views admin, and get it to pull the term from the current node. There are a bunch of tutorials out there on this, and here's a screencast: http://gotdrupal.com/videos/drupal-views-arguments
I'm also not sure why you're using mini panels. They're generally used for sets of blocks or other content to be displayed repeatedly, like a tabbed block or footer. It sounds like you just want a regular block display of the aforementioned view. You could also make this entire page a Panel.
