Extract certain values out of netCDF - r

I ve a netCDF file with 3 Dimensions. The first dimension is the longitude and reaches from 1-464. The second dimension is the latitude and reaches from 1-201. The third dimension is time and reaches from 1-5479.
Now I want to extract certain values out of the file. I think one can handle it with the start argument. I tried this command.
test = open.ncdf("rr_0.25deg_reg_1980-1994_v8.0.nc")
data = get.var.ncdf(test,start=c(1:464,1:201,1:365))
But somehow it doesnt work. Has anybody a solution?
Thanks in advance...

It looks like you are using the ncdf package in R. If you can, I recommend using the updated ncdf4 package, which is based on Unidata's netcdf version 4 library (link).
Back to your problem. I use the ncdf4 package, but I think the ncdf package works the same way. When you call the function get.var.ncdf, you also need to explicitly supply the name of the variable that you want to extract. I think you can get the names of the variables using names(test$var).
So you need to do something like this:
# Open the nc file
test = open.ncdf("rr_0.25deg_reg_1980-1994_v8.0.nc")
# Now get the names of the variables in the nc file
# Get the data from the first variable listed above
# (May not fit in memory)
data = get.var.ncdf(test,varid=names(test$var)[1])
# If you only want a certain range of data.
# The following will probably not fit in memory either
# data = get.var.ncdf(test,varid=names(test$var)[1])[1:464,1:201,1:365]
For your problem, you would need to replace varid=names(test$var)[1] above with varid='VARIABLE_NAME', where VARIABLE_NAME is the variable you want to extract.
Hope that helps.
I installed the ncdf package on my system, and the above code works for me!

You could also do the extracting of timesteps/dates and locations outside of R before reading it into to R for plotting etc, by using CDO. This has the advantage that you can work directly in the coordinate space and specify timesteps or dates directly:
cdo seldate,20100101,20121031 in.nc out.nc
cdo sellonlatbox,lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 in.nc out.nc


How do I use a for loop to open .ncdf files and average a matrix variable that has different values over all the files? (Using R Programming)

I'm currently trying to code an averaged matrix for all matrix values from a specific air quality variable (ColumnAmountNO2TropCloudScreened) positioned in different .ncdf4 files. The only way I was able to do it was listing all the files, opening them using lapply, creating a single NO2 variable for every ncdf. file and then applying abind to all of the variables. Even though I was able to do it, it took me a lot of time to type in different names for the NO2 variables (NO2_1, NO2_2,NO2_3,etc) and which row to access the original listed file ([[1]],[[2]],[[3]],etc).
I am trying to type in a code that's smarter and easier than just typing in a bunch of numbers. I have all the original .ncdf4 files listed, and am trying to loop over the files to open them and get the 'ColumnAmountNO2TropCloudScreened' matrix value from each, so then I can average them. However, I am having no luck. Would someone know what is wrong with this code/my thought over it? Thanks.
I'm trying the code as it follows:
# Load libraries
# Set working directory
# Declare data frame
# List all files in one file
files1= list.files(pattern='\\.nc4$',full.names=FALSE)
# Loop to open files, get NO2 variables
for(i in seq(along=files1)) {
nc_data = nc_open(files1[i])
# Average variables
list_NO2= apply(abind::abind(NO2_var,along=3),1:2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
NCO's ncra averages variables across all input files with, e.g.,
ncra in*.nc out.nc

Read specific raster files and create a mean raster in R

I am desesperate, because my problem seems very simple, but I cannot find out how to manage it.
I would like to read 1 to 4 raster files from a folder. The names of the one that I need are listed in a list as character.
After having opened the files, I would like to create a new raster corresponding to the mean of the files.
I can manage it on QGIS, but I need to automatize hte process, as I have a lot of individuals!
1) It should work with list.files(pattern = ) but as the names are in a list, I do not know how to do.
Ex: for the first individual, I have to read 2 files named 2018-12-27_sic.tif and 2018-12-27_sic_con.tif
I tried to read with readGDAL , open.GDAL it didn't work
thanks a lot for your valuable help
I would use the stack and calc functions from the raster package. The function stack creates a stack of rasters, all with the same resolution and extent, and makes it easy to do operations like take the mean of every cell. So:
fs <- list.files(pattern='tif$')
rasterstack <- stack(fs)
rastermean <- calc(rasterstack, fun=mean)
Note, if your rasters are not the same resolution, you will have to use the resample function, and if they are not the same extent, you will have to use crop. Typing in ?resample and ?crop in RStudio will show you instructions for using those functions.

R save as NetCDF file after simple calculation

I want to do something (apparently) simple, but didn't yet find the right way to do it:
I read a netcdf file (wind speed from the ERA5 reanalysis) on a grid.
From this, I use the wind speed to calculate a wind capacity factor (using a given power curve).
I then want to write a new netcdf file, with exactly the same structure as the input file, but just replacing the input wind speed by the new variable (wind capacity factor).
Is there a simple/fast way to do this, avoiding to redefine all the dims, vars ... with ncvar_def and ncdim_def ?
Thanks in advance for your replies!
Writing a netcdf file in R is not overly complicated, there is a nice example online here:
You could copy the dimensions from the input file.
However if your wind power curve is a simple analytical expression then you could perform this task in one line from the command line in bash/linux using climate data operators (cdo).
For example, if you have two variables 10u and 10v in the file (I don't recalled the reanalysis names exactly) then you could make a new variable WCF=SQRT(U2+V2) in the following way
cdo expr,'wcf=sqrt(10u**2+10v**2)' input.nc output.nc
See an example here:
So if your window power function is an analytical expression you can define it this way without using R at all or worrying about dimensions etc, the new file will have an variable wcf added. You should then probably use NCO to alter the metadata (units etc) to ensure they are appropriate.

Extracting point data from a large shape file in R

I'm having trouble extracting point data from a large shape file (916.2 Mb, 4618197 elements - from here: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/data/near-real-time-data/firms/active-fire-data) in R. I'm using readShapeSpatial in maptools to read in the shape file which takes a while but eventually works:
worldmap <- readShapeSpatial("shp_file_name")
I then have a data.frame of coordinates that I want extract data for. However R is really struggling with this and either loses connection or freezes, even with just one set of coordinates!
pt <-data.frame(lat=-64,long=-13.5)
Could anyone advise me on a more efficient way of doing this?
Or is it the case that I need to run this script on something more powerful (currently using a mac mini with 2.3 GHz processor)?
Many thanks!
By 'point data' do you mean the longitude and latitude coordinates? If that's the case, you can obtain the data underlying the shapefile with:
You can view this in the same way you would any other data frame, for example:
You can also access columns in this data frame in the same way you normally would, except you don't need the #data, e.g.:
Finally, it is recommended to use readOGR from the rgdal package rather than maptools::readShapeSpatial as the former reads in the CRS/projection information.

CSV file to Histogram in R

I'm a total newbie with R, and I'm trying to create a histogram (with value and frequency as the axises) from a csv file (just one row of values). Any idea how I can do this?
I'm also an R newbie, and I ran into the same thing. I made two separate mistakes, actually, so I'll describe them both here.
Mistake 1: Passing a frequency table to hist(). Originally I was trying to pass a frequency table to hist() instead of passing in the raw data. One way to fix this is to use the rep() ("replicate") function to explode your frequency table back into a raw dataset, as described here:
Creating a histogram using aggregated data
Simple R (histogram) from counted csv file
Instead of that, though, I just decided to read in my original dataset instead of the frequency table.
Mistake 2: Wrong data type. My raw data CSV file contains two columns: hostname and bookings (idea is to count the number of bookings each host generated during some given time period). I read it into a table.
> tbl <- read.csv('bookingsdata.csv')
Then when I tried to generate a histogram off the second column, I did this:
> hist(tbl[2])
This gave me the "'x' must be numeric" error you mention in a comment. (It was trying to read the "bookings" column header in as a data value.)
This fixed it:
> hist(tbl$bookings)
You should really start to read some basic R manual...
CRAN offers a lot of them (look into the Manuals and Contributed sections)
In any case:
myvalues <- read.csv("filename.csv")
hist(myvalues, 100) # Example: 100 breaks, but you can specify them at will
See the manual pages for those functions for more help (accessible through ?read.table, ?read.csv and ?hist).
To plot the histogram, the values must be of numeric class i.e the data must be of numeric value. Here the value of x seems to be of some other class.
Run the following command and see:
