SQLite: select all rows made in a specific month - sqlite

i want to get all entries from a SQLite table, which have the timestamp from the same month.
For example, the user can type in "July" and then i want to get all entries made in the 7. month.
The current "time"-column is a simple string and in the Format (DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS)
Is there a way to do this with SQLite or will i need to use code in my program?

Assuming that your time strings have a fixed length, you could use a query like this:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE time LIKE '__.07%';
However, you should always stored dates in one of the supported date/time formats so that you are able to use the built-int date/time functions.


SQLite order by dd:mm

In my sqlite database, birthdays are stored in a string field like: 11-09
I want to order the birthdays but it only looks at the first 2 numbers, I tried:
sql.all('SELECT id,user,date FROM birthdays ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 4').then(rows => {
how can I make it so that it looks at both day and month?
I would suggest using either a DATE or a DATETIME column for storing birthdays instead. You will have to deal with the date in terms of Unix Time in the rest of your application, but it should simplify dealing with the dates in the long run. Your query would not change from what you have there as well.

Convert integer column to date column using sqlite query

I am using SQLite.
In my database, I have a integer column value like 20050819. I would like to convert this as date column as like 2005-08-19.
I can achieve my requirement when using the function CONVERT(columnName, DATETIME) in MySQL server. But I need the same result in SQLite.
Is this possible in SQLite query?
You basically have to break apart the date:
select printf('%4d-%02.2d-%02.2d',
columnname/10000, columnname%10000/100, columnname%100)
from tablename;
If you have the choice, you will be far better off storing the date in ISO standard format ('YYYY-MM-DD') in the database in the first place.

SQLite Database - Compare DateTime

I am working on a SQLite Database which contains a column which stores value in format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Now I need to create a filter to select rows with filter as this datetime column.
Select * from tbl_locations where datetime >= '2013-09-11 00:00:00' and datetime <='2013-09-13 00:00:00'
Above query is returning null set despite containing values in this slot(which I verified using select statement without filter.)
Any suggestion how can i get the required data set?
Perhaps this excerpt from the SQLite documentation will help you:
1.2 Date and Time Datatype
SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for storing dates and/or times. Instead, the built-in Date And Time Functions of SQLite are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER values:
TEXT as ISO8601 strings ("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS").
REAL as Julian day numbers, the number of days since noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
INTEGER as Unix Time, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
Applications can chose to store dates and times in any of these formats and freely convert between formats using the built-in date and time functions.
The date and time functions that you can use in your SQL to build your query are documented at http://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html
Ok, I tested this out in MySQL but hopefully it will work. I had a table that used timestamps, and changed the column to be of type text. Then I tried the following SQL query and got the same results that I normally would (besides trailing decimals)
SELECT timestamp(stock_quote_timestamp)
FROM stock.stock_quote
WHERE stock_quote_timestamp < timestamp('2013-10-07 11:05:30')##high_date
AND stock_quote_timestamp > timestamp('2013-10-03 14:09:03');##low_date;
So basically, just convert your text statements to timestamps so that they compare correctly. Oh, and you'll also need to state what else you're SELECTing, or you could do a compound select statement: SELECT *, timestamp(stock_quote_timestamp)...

How do I pull values between two datetimes at specific interval in MySQL?

I have an application that writes temperature values to a MySQL table every second, It consists of the temperature and a datetime field.
I need to pull these values out of the table at specific intervals, every second, minute, hour etc.
So for example I will need to pull out values between 2 datetime fields and show the temperature at the hour for each of them.
One option I've considered is to create a temporary table that holds a list of the time intervals generated using MySQL INTERVAL and then joining that against the main table.
I'm just wondering if there's some time and date functions in MySQL that I'm overlooking that would make this easier?
You could use between for your date, and then a conditional WHERE clause using time() that looks at the structure of the timestamp. If it has 00:00 (for instance, 16:00:00) within it, take it, if not, leave it.
Example (untested):
SELECT temp, date
FROM temperatures
WHERE (date BETWEEN '2009/01/03 12:00:00' AND '2009/01/04 12:00:00')
AND (time(date) LIKE '%:00:00')

How to store and get datetime value in SQLite

My table contains Birthdate field which has datatype as datetime.
I want to get all records having birthday today.
How can I get it?
Try this query:
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE strftime('%m-%d', 'now') = strftime('%m-%d', birthday)
Having a special datetime type has always seemed like unnecessary overhead to me, integers are fast, flexible, and use less space.
For general datetime values use Unix Epoch timestamps. Easy to work with, extremely flexible, as well as timezone (and even calender!) agnostic. (I recently wrote an article on using them, which I really have to plug...)
That said, if you're only interested in dates in the Gregorian calendar you may want to use a large integer in the following format: YYYYMMDD, eg 19761203. For you particular usage you could even create a four digit integer like MMDD, say 1703 — that's got to result in fast selects!
SQLite has very poor support for storing dates. You can use the method suggested by Nick D above but bear in mind that this query will result in full table scan since dates are not indexed correctly in SQLite (actually SQLite does not support dates as a built-in type at all).
If you really want to do a fast query then you'll have to add a separate (integral) column for storing the birth day (1-31) and attach an index for it in the database.
If you only want to compare dates then you can add a single (INTEGER) column that will store the date UTC value (but this trick won't allow you to search for individual date components easily).
Good Luck
