QT5 webkit plugin issue - qt

I have application created using QT 5.0.2. When launch the video window, blank screen is observed. I am using win8 64-bit OS(also VLC). There is no issue with QT4 in win7 32-bit. Video streaming is perfect. Using qt webit/webpage classes
Is there any way to check: whether plug-in(mainly to view the video frames) is enabled or not in qt web-kit browser ?

Qt 4.8 and latest version 5.0.2 doesn't support video.. here is the link
You can resolve the issue by using this blog. Sorry I did not tried this. may help you. You need to build qt twice and few more corrections!
Some one already mentioned the qt open bug against it.


Enabling mp4/mpeg4/avc support for Qt5 WebEngine on Linux

i installed Qt 5.4.1 x64 on LUbuntu and created an app which uses the new QtWebEngine.
I`m trying to display a html5 page with that component which is using the tag.
All works fine except if I try to playback a mp4 video. The video area remains black. It works if I use other video types like webm/ogg as source.
I know this is due to license restrictions, so that mp4 is deactivated by default in Ubuntu/Linux for Qt.
What is needed in Qt to activate it to allow mp4 playback and on what do I have pay attention in case of license terms (I read that statically linking the library is allowed?) ?
I`ve already tried to copy over the x64 distribution of libffmpegsuo.so which is included in Chrome (2,2Mb) over to the Qt directory to /plugins/webengine/ and replaced that one that was already there (1,1 Mb) but it had no effect.
In Chrome playback works fine btw.
If you need more details like paths etc. please tell me.
Thanks !
You can explicitly enable proprietary codecs (H264, MP3) when compiling Qt WebEngine:
In /path-to-qt-src-dir/qtwebengine execute:
qmake WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_proprietary_codecs
You should be able to see in the output that H264 codec is enabled, which is not the default configuration.

Google NaCl with Qt on Windows

I have a project which is using Qt 4.7.4 version (also I can't rebuild it using qt4.8 or qt5 – there are a lot of errors appears, project is big and not mine so fixing issues would be even harder than erasing the whole code and write new code). So I need to make this project, well, working on NativeClient.
Is it even possible? I use Windows and Visual Studio, I was trying to google instructions about qt+nacl on Windows but just can’t find nothing.
Also which pepper version should I use if it depends on it?
Is your qt build supporting native client?
Please check out this
The Qt-Nacl is not support, for now, in Windows.
By the way, here is the github repository dedicated for it -> https://github.com/msorvig/qt5-qtbase-nacl
In the file nacl-readme it is written :
[...] Windows is not supported as a host platform.
If you want to compile in Linux, I have made a script that will compile Qt5.4 with NaCl with all the dependencies needed.
I also made a video that will show the different steps and a showCase at the end :

Application slower on qt 4.8.0 than 4.7.4

I have an application that I was developing with Qt 4.7.4 but I had the problem (the bug is reported) with the button's (too small) hit area. So I change for Qt 4.8.0. Now my problem with the button is resolved, but my application runs really slower that it ran with Qt 4.7.4. Is there anything I need to do? Kind of settings...

Why QtWebkit 4.8.0 ( Webkit 2.2 ) dont support Audio & Video?

If I install Qt 4.7.4 with QtWebKit 2.0.2 (built for Visual Studio 2008) I immediately run one of the delivered examples (e.g. the Fancy Browser) which uses the QtWebKit. Then I browse to http://www.html5test.com [html5test.com] and I get (among others) these results
20/31 video points
20/20 audio points
19/20 web application points
Okay, cool so far.
I did the very same with Qt 4.8 RC1 and the included QtWebKit 2.2 (built for Visual Studio 2010), I get these results:
0/31 video points
0/20 audio points
15/20 web application points (the 4 points less are caused by missing support for ‘Custom content handlers’)
So, no audio and video support with the new version?!
According to folks on the QtWebkit mailing list, the problem is that Trolltech moved the multimedia support into QtMobility, and dropped the Phonon support that the previous QtWebkit used. Unfortunately they do not include the new QtMultimediaKit with Qt 4.8, and so the QtWebkit cannot depend on it.
So there is no multimedia available in Qt4.8/QtWebkit2.2 without:
Getting QtMultimediaKit from QtMobility and building it against Qt 4.8 ( http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.2/installation.html, I had only minor issues building it)
Getting QtWebkit 2.2 from webkit.org ( http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/QtWebKitRelease22#SourceCodeandBuildInstructions ) and building it with the QtMultmediaKit available to it. I have not done this yet so I cannot tell you exactly what to do.
Also, note there is a bug open against this, apparently it was a known issue in the 4.8rc but they chose not to address it. https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-22883
Qt 4.8 and latest version 5.0.2 doesn't support video.. here is the link
You can resolve the issue by using this blog. Sorry I did not tried this. may help you. You need to build qt twice and few more corrections!
Some one already mentioned the qt open bug against it.

<video> tag not working inside QtWebkit on windows

I can't seem to get an html video tag to play in QtWebkit. It shows up as a blue square with a question mark, like an unsupported plugin. Flash videos play fine, and HTML5 canvas works great.
OS: Windows 7
Qt: 4.6.3 (installed from the qt creator 2.0.1 from nokia's site)
PySide: 0.4 (latest)
QtWebit configuration (I tried all kinds of combinations, now I have): PluginsEnabled, LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls, JavascriptEnabled
Well the problem seemed that the default Qt + PySide installation is broken. It couldn't find the Qt plugins or the phonon backends.
When I swithced to using PyQt it worked. It could be made usable with the Qt from nokia and PySide but it will require more work and playing around with the paths. To see the bug just use Process Monitor and see how Qt can't find backends and plugins.
