Creating custom CLI tools for a Meteor app - meteor

I'm working on a Meteor app (a port from a PHP project) and I need to be able to run commands on my app from the server for various operations like clearing caches, aggregating data, etc. These commands need to be run from shell scripts and crontab. I've seen other people ask this question and apparently there's no official way to do it yet.
I read a suggestion of using Meteor methods and just calling them from the client's JS console with a password. This doesn't solve my problem of running them from the CLI, but it did give me an idea:
Would it be possible to use a headless browser (like PhantomJS) to connect to my app and execute to simulate a CLI tool with arguments passed to the method? If possible, does anyone know how I might accomplish this?

EDIT: Updated to use Iron Router, the successor to Meteor Router.
There's no need for a headless browser or anything complicated. Use Meteorite to install Iron Router and define a server-side route: () {
this.route('clearCache', {
where: 'server',
action: function () {
// Your cache-clearing code goes here.
Then have your cronjob trigger an HTTP GET request to that URI:
When the Meteor server receives the GET request, the router will execute your code.
For a little bit of security, add a check for a password: () {
this.route('clearCache', {
path: '/clearCache/:password',
where: 'server',
action: function () {
if (this.params.password == '2d1QZuK3R3a7fe46FX8huj517juvzciem73') {
// Your cache-clearing code goes here.
And have your cronjob add that password to the URI:
Original Post:
There's no need for a headless browser or anything complicated. Use Meteorite to install Meteor Router and define a server-side route:
Meteor.Router.add('/clearCache', function() {
// Your cache-clearing code goes here.
Then have your cronjob trigger an HTTP GET request to that URI:
When the Meteor server receives the GET request, the router will execute your code.
For a little bit of security, add a check for a password:
Meteor.Router.add('/clearCache/:password', function(password) {
if (password == '2d1QZuK3R3a7fe46FX8huj517juvzciem73') {
// Your cache-clearing code goes here.
And have your cronjob add that password to the URI:

Check out this Meteor app, which does exactly that:
Why do you need a CLI tool when you could just store some scripts on the server and execute them from an admin interface in your Meteor app?

Got the same question yesterday. Found this Package, but have not yet tried it
A meteor package and command line tools for creating and running
command line / cli programs with meteor.
To be able to reuse the same code of your meteor app in your command
line programs, instead of having to create a separate node / npm code
base with lot's of code duplicated from your meteor app.


Next.JS - localhost is prepended when making external API call

I got a simple Next app where I'm making an external API call to fetch some data. This worked perfectly fine until a couple days ago - when the app is making an API request, I can see in the network tab that the URL that it's trying to call, got Next app's address (localhost:3000) prepended in front of the actual URL that needs to be called e.g.: instead of http://{serverAddress}/api/articles it is calling http://localhost:3000/{serverAddress}/api/articles and this request resolves into 404 Not Found.
To make the API call, I'm using fetch. Before making the request, I've logged the URL that was passed into fetch and it was correct URL that I need. I also confirmed my API is working as expected by making the request to the expected URL using Postman.
I haven't tried using other library like axios to make this request because simply it doesn't make sense considering my app was working perfectly fine only using fetch so I want to understand why is this happening for my future experience.
I haven't made any code changes since my app was working, however, I was Dockerizing my services so I installed Docker and WSL2 with Ubuntu. I was deploying those containers on another machine, now both, the API I'm calling and Next app are running on my development machine directly when this issue is happening.
I saw this post, I confirmed I don't have any whitespaces in the URL, however, as one comment mentions, I installed WSL2, however, I am not running the app via WSL terminal. Also, I've tried executing wsl --shutdown to see if that helps, unfortunately the issue still persists. If this is the cause of the issue, how can I fix it? Uninstall WSL2? If not, what might be another possible cause for the issue?
Thanks in advance.
The code I'm using to call fetch:
export const fetcher = (path, options) =>
fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}${path}`, options)
.then(res => res.json());
import { useSWRInfinite } from 'swr';
import { fetcher } from '../../utils/fetcher';
const getKey = (pageIndex, previousPageData, pageSize) => {
if (previousPageData && !previousPageData.length) return null;
return `/api/articles?page=${pageIndex}&limit=${pageSize}`;
export default function useArticles(pageSize) {
const { data, error, isValidating, size, setSize } = useSWRInfinite(
(pageIndex, previousPageData) =>
getKey(pageIndex, previousPageData, pageSize),
return {
You might be missing protocol (http/https) in your API call. Fetch by default calls the host server URL unless you provide the protocol name.
Either put it into env variable:
Or prefix your fetch call with the protocol name:
fetch(`http://${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}${path}`, options)

How to test receiving a Stripe webhook using ngrok

I can successfully send a web hook from Stripe to my Meteor app in development using ngrok. For example, my test endpoint on the Stripe dashboard would be sent to something like It responds with a successful notice. The ngrok inspector shows the stripe test object received. But in Meteor I'm a little unsure how the router should look with ngrok. On the server, my route would be something like:
Router.route( "<unsure what path to put here>", function() {
}, { where: "server" });
In my testing environment using ngrok, what would the path be?
Just trying to get the function to console.log() my 'hello' so I know it's working.
OK, I'm an idiot. It console.logs to the terminal, not the browser. Ouch. Given I'm working with Node, it makes sense. Just for posterity, the Stripe endpoint would be something like
Make sure you're returning a response inside the function so the web hook won't timeout.
this.response.statusCode = 200;
this.response.end('10-4, good buddy');

Need to call the meteor js function from php

Is it possible to call the meteor functions from php. i need to call like this for integrate the new package on my site. the package in meteor js.
If it is possible please give the example for this
This is quite a simple one! In php you can do something with a http call such as file_get_contents("");
Or even curl if you want
And in Meteor (assuming you understand Iron Router and server side routes) do something like
Router.route( "/api/yourfunction", function() { var variableOne = this.request.header.variableOne;
this.response.statusCode = 200; //Post your status code
this.response.end();}, { where: "server" });
If you are making a CORS request, remember to allow access to cross servers (don't use the wildcard *)
this.response.setHeader( 'access-control-allow-origin', '*' );
Edit: Did this answer help? If so please rate it

Meteor deploy - MAIL_URL not being set

I recently started deploying a meteor app off of my local machine and it seems that the MAIL_URL property is not being set when deploying to a * domain. No matter what I have tried the email is sent via the default MailGun
What I have tried so far.
Verified that process.MAIL_URL is set and works locally - ensures
that I am setting MAIL_URL correctly
Verified that process.MAIL_URL
is set on * domain by checking meteor logs - ensures that
the process.env settings are being set on *
Tried multiple * domains - ensures it was not a subdomain specific
Tried multiple smtp providers: gmail and Mandrill - ensures
that it was not an issue with the smtp provider
Tried creating a simple app with a simple test email button - ensures problem was not
related to my app code
Nothing works. With the simple app, my code is the following:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.hello.greeting = function () {
return "Welcome to testmail.";
'click input' : function () {
console.log("calling send mail");'sendEmail',
'Hello from Meteor!',
'This is a test of Email.send.');
if (Meteor.isServer) {
// In your server code: define a method that the client can call
sendEmail: function (to, from, subject, text) {
check([to, from, subject, text], [String]);
// Let other method calls from the same client start running,
// without waiting for the email sending to complete.
to: to,
from: from,
subject: subject,
text: text
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
process.env.MAIL_URL = 'smtp://';
I am out of ideas at this point. Has anybody else experience this before and what was the resolution? Thanks.
By default meteor deploy can only use mailgun since you can't alter the environmental variables on meteor deploy hosting. Additionally meteor deploy hosting uses a galaxy configuration which takes precedence over environmental variables.
If you take a look at [this file] meteor deploy hosting uses some kind of App configuration that configures it over the environmental variable (see This is part of the galaxy configuration engine.
You have to modify the Email package to use a custom smtp server. To do this :
get the files from and place them in a directory in your project /packages/email.
add this package to your meteor project with meteor add email. It should override the default meteor-core package. If it says already using, thats okay.
Modify /packages/email/email.js around line 36 to be:
var smtpPool = makePool("<YOUR CUSTOM MAIL_URL>");
Then you should be good to go. Meteor should use this smtp host instead, even on hosting.

How do I access Request Parameters in Meteor?

I am planning to use Meteor for a realtime logging application for various
My requirement is pretty simple, I will pass a log Message as request Parameter ( POST Or GET) from various application and Meteor need to simply update a collection.
I need to access Request Parameters in Meteor server code and update Mongo collection with the incoming logMessage. I cannot update Mongo Collection directly from existing applications, so please no replies suggesting the same.I want to know how can I do it from Meteor framework and not doing it by adding more packages.
EDIT: Updated to use Iron Router, the successor to Meteor Router.
Install Iron Router and define a server-side route: () {
this.route('foo', {
where: 'server',
action: function () {
So for a request like, the variable this.request.query in the function above would be { q: 'somequery', src: 'somesource' } and therefore you can request individual parameters via this.request.query.q and this.request.query.src and the like. I've only tested GET requests, but POST and other request types should work identically; this works as of Meteor Make sure you put this code inside a Meteor.isServer block or in a file in the /server folder in your project.
Original Post:
Use Meteorite to install Meteor Router and define a server-side route:
Meteor.Router.add('/foo', function() {
So for a request like, the variable this.request.query in the function above would be { q: 'somequery', src: 'somesource' } and therefore you can request individual parameters via this.request.query.q and this.request.query.src and the like. I've only tested GET requests, but POST and other request types should work identically; this works as of Meteor Make sure you put this code inside a Meteor.isServer block or in a file in the /server folder in your project.
I know the questioner doesn't want to add packages, but I think that using Meteorite to install Meteor Router seems to me a more future-proof way to implement this as compared to accessing internal undocumented Meteor objects like __meteor_bootstrap__. When the Package API is finalized in a future version of Meteor, the process of installing Meteor Router will become easier (no need for Meteorite) but nothing else is likely to change and your code would probably continue to work without requiring modification.
I found a workaround to add a router to the Meteor application to handle custom requests.
It uses the connect router middleware which is shipped with meteor. No extra dependencies!
Put this before/outside Meteor.startup on the Server. (Coffeescript)
SomeCollection = new Collection("...")
fibers = __meteor_bootstrap__.require("fibers")
connect = __meteor_bootstrap__.require('connect')
app =
router = connect.middleware.router (route) ->
route.get '/foo', (req, res) ->
Fiber () ->
Use IronRouter, it's so easy:
var path = IronLocation.path();
As things stand, there isn't support for server side routing or specific actions on the server side when URLs are hit. So it's not easy to do what you want. Here are some suggestions.
You can probably achieve what you want by borrowing techniques that are used by the oauth2 package on the auth branch:
However this isn't really supported so I'm not certain it's a good idea.
Your other applications could actually update the collections using DDP. This is probably easier than it sounds.
You could use an intermediate application which accepts POST/GET requests and talks to your meteor server using DDP. This is probably the technically easiest thing to do.
Maybe this one will help you?
