Common Lisp: Why progn is a special form? - common-lisp

Since Common Lisp's function arguments evaluate in left-to-right order, why wouldn't use an ordinary function:
(defun progn2 (&rest body)
(first (last body)))
instead of special form?

There is also another feature of PROGN which you can't get with a function:
Imagine this code in a file of Common Lisp code:
(defmacro foo () ))
(defmacro foo () ))
With using PROGN the compiler will treat the DEFMACRO form as a top-level form. That means for example that the compiler notes that there is a macro definition and makes it available in the compile-time environment.
Using a function MY-PROGN, the compiler won't recognize the DEFMACRO form, because it is not at top-level.

progn returns all the values of the last form it evaluates, your function returns just the first one:
(progn (values 1 2 3))
=> 1, 2, 3
(progn2 (values 1 2 3))
=> 1
Another critical feature of progn (mentioned by Rainer first) is that it keeps all its forms top-level, which makes it possible for macros to expand to multiple forms (see, e.g., my answer to "“value returned is unused” warning when byte-compiling a macro").


Is it valid to use "setf" to create special variables?

It appears that I can use setf to create special variables. For example, if I start the REPL and enter (setf x 123), a special variable x will be created. There is no error in CLISP and ECL. SBCL gives a warning (undefined variable: COMMON-LISP-USER::X), but creates the special variable anyway. Is setf a valid way to create special variables?
It is not valid to use setf to create new variables. The HyperSpec is pretty clear that setf is only intended to update existing variables:
setf changes the value of place to be newvalue.
(setf place newvalue) expands into an update form that stores the result of evaluating newvalue into the location referred to by place.
setf is intended for updating a place. There is no behavior specified for attempting to use setf to update the value of a place that does not already exist.
In the section which discusses assignment, CLTL2 says a bit more:
Such alteration is different from establishing a new binding. Constructs for establishing new bindings of variables are described in section 7.5.
While this may seem to work, you can't rely on it. It often works in REPLs, and it is fine if you want to use setf this way when playing around in a REPL, but you should not do this in any program.
Actually it is a bit tricky.
This is one of the things in Common Lisp which are underspecified. Unfortunately.
CL-USER 61 > (setf foo 1)
CL-USER 62 > (defun bar () foo)
CL-USER 63 > (bar)
CL-USER 64 > (let ((foo 2))
The last foo in the let is using lexical binding and thus there it is not assumed to be special.
In the forms (setf foo 1) and (defun bar () foo) the variable foo is assumed by the particular Lisp implementation to be special and it even could be declared to be special by setf (-> which most implementations don't).
Whether above let form returns 1 or 2 is unspecified in the Common Lisp language standard. Most implementations will return 1, though.
CL-USER 65 > (let ((foo 2))
(declare (special foo))
Above we see that the use of foo inside bar is actually using the dynamic binding of foo in the let.
Basically the exact effects of setting an undefined variable is unspecified. The variable could be assumed to be special or not. Most implementations prefer to NOT declare it special, such that further use of the variable must be special.
But whether the variable is special or not, and the exact effects using it, is actually undefined in the Common Lisp language standard.
Most implementations agree
that setf setting an undefined variable only changes the symbol value of the symbol
that setting and retrieving the variable is assuming a special variable
that rebinding the variable by let(or similar) does not create a special variable
that a compiler (if used) will warn about an undefined variable and/or about assuming a special variable.
One implementation where the default disagrees is CMUCL -> there the setf also declares the variable to be special, similar to what defparameter would do.
For a general style rule see the last paragraph of ad absurdum's answer.

Recursive Loop in Clojure via Macro is throwing me errors

I've been trying to write a recursive loop in clojure that will print me out the very last number in the list. The point is not that I need to get the last number (for which I'm sure there's a built in function for that) but that I want to better understand recursion and macros in clojure. So I have this macro...
(defmacro loop-do [the-list]
`(if (= (count '~the-list) 1)
(println (first '~the-list))
(loop-do (rest '~the-list))))
But I get a stackoverflow error. What am I doing wrong?
How will people use your macro?
Somewhere, someone will call:
(loop-do list)
As a piece of code, those are only two symbols in a list. The first one is recognized as your macro, and the second one, list, is a symbol that represents a variable that will be bound at runtime. But your macro only knows that this is a symbol.
The same goes for:
(loop-do (compute-something))
The argument is a form, but you do not want to get the last element of that form, only the last element of the list obtained after evaluating the code.
So: you only know that in your macro, the-list will be bound to an expression that, at runtime, will have to be a list. You cannot use the-list as-if it was a list itself: neither (count 'list) nor (count '(compute-something)) does what you want.
You could expand into (count list) or (count (compute-something)), though, but the result would only be computed at runtime. The job of the macro is only to produce code.
Recursive macros
Macros are not recursive: they expand into recursive calls.
(and a b c)
might expand as:
(let [a0 a] (if a0 a0 (and b c)))
The macroexpansion process is a fixpoint that should terminate, but the macro does not call itself (what would that mean, would you expand the code while defining the macro?). A macro that is "recursive" as-in "expands into recursive invocations" should have a base case where it does not expand into itself (independently of what will, or will not, happen at runtime).
(loop-do x)
... will be replaced by:
(loop-do (rest 'x))
... and that will be expanded again.
That's why the comments say the size actually grows, and that's why you have a stackoverflow error: macroexpansion never finds a fixpoint.
Debugging macros
You have a stackoverflow error. How do you debug that?
Use macroexpand-1, which only performs one pass of macroexpansion:
(macroexpand-1 '(loop-do x))
=> (if (clojure.core/= (clojure.core/count (quote x)) 1)
(clojure.core/println (clojure.core/first (quote x)))
(user/loop-do (clojure.core/rest (quote x))))
You can see that the generated code still contains a call to usr/loop-do , but that the argument is (clojure.core/rest (quote x)). That's the symptom you should be looking for.

Why must I funcall a function returned from another?

Why doesn't this work?
( ((lambda () (lambda (x) (funcall #'1+ x)))) 2)
; yields Compile-time error: illegal function call
I ran into a situation like this and it later turned out that a funcall fixes it, i.e.
(funcall ((lambda () (lambda (x) (funcall #'1+ x)))) 2) ; => 3
I'm confused because it seems like the first one should work, because I actually have a function I'm calling, not just a symbol that may belong to either namespace (i.e. (type-of ((lambda () #'1+))) ; => FUNCTION). I thought it would be kind of like how you don't need to funcall a lambda for example, e.g.((lambda (x) x) :HI) ; => :HI. What am I missing?
Common Lisp uses the word form for everything which can be evaluated.
A form is either
a symbol like foo
a compound form, a list, see below
or a self-evaluating object (like numbers, characters, arrays, strings, ...).
A compound form is either
a special form (<special-operator> ...)
a lambda form like (lambda (...) ...)
a macro form (<macroname> ...)
or a function form (<functionname> ...).
Above is the set of compound forms. The ANSI Common Lisp specification provides no way to add a new type of forms or a different syntax. The interface of what forms the functions like EVAL or COMPILE accept is not extensible.
So something like
(((lambda (foo)
(lambda (bar)
(list foo bar)))
is not valid Common Lisp. This is not meaningful in Common Lisp:
( <not a lambda form,
not a special operator,
not a macro name
and not a function name>
Note that Common Lisp allows lambda forms, special operators, macro names and function names as the first element in a compound form. But it does not allow variables and it does not allow other compound forms as the first element in a compound form.
Means this is not meaningful in Common Lisp:
( <a function form> 2)
Thus ((foo 1) 2) or (((foo 1) 2) 3) or ((((foo 1) 2) 3) 4) or (((((foo 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) is not legal in Common Lisp. You get the idea. To call function objects returned from function calls, we have to use (funcall (foo ...) ...). This makes calling returned function objects more obvious than just ((foo ...) ...).
Let's praise the designers of Common Lisp for this feature. Otherwise I might have to look at possibly meaningful code beginning with
(((((((((((( .....
and it would be very hard to figure out what it does. Basically that would be write-only code.
Your question:
Why must I funcall a function returned from another?
The short answer: because the syntax does not allow other ways, in Common Lisp.
The syntax of Common Lisp requires that, everytime you want to call a function through a compund form of the type:
(f a1 a2 ... an)
the first element of the list, f, must be a symbol denoting a function name, or a list denoting a lambda expression, i.e. (see the manual):
lambda expression n. a list which can be used in place of a function name in certain contexts to denote a function by directly describing its behavior rather than indirectly by referring to the name of an established function; its name derives from the fact that its first element is the symbol lambda.
So, this basically means that you cannot have as first element any expression that returns a function as value. In those cases, you must use funcall.
So, in your second example, the first argument of the funcall is ((lambda () (lambda (x) (funcall #'1+ x)))), which is a correct coumpound form, in which the first element of the list is the lambda expression (lambda () (lambda (x) (funcall #'1+ x))) (applied to an empty list of arguments).
In the first example, instead, you have as first element of the list an expression returning a function, so that you must use funcall.
I have read this article and then modified my code below:
(defparameter *my-fun* 1)
(defun my-func (v0)
(setf (symbol-function '*my-fun*)
(lambda (v1)
(+ v0 v1)))
And call it in this way ((my-func 2) 3),but it also report "illegal function call". I think my code is keeping with lambda calculus,but where is wrong.
In my opinion, (my-func 2) returns symbol *my_fun*, and the function cell of *my-fun* points to a function object, so ((my-func 2) 3) => (*my-fun* 3) => ((lambda (v1) (+ 2 v1)) 3) => (+ 2 3) => 5
This works: First your identical definitions:
(defparameter *my-fun* 1)
(defun my-func (v0)
(setf (symbol-function '*my-fun*)
(lambda (v1)
(+ v0 v1)))
However, invoke using funcall:
(funcall (my-func 2) 3)

Differences between Sharpsign Colon and Gensym

I've just been reading up on the sharpsign colon reader macro and it sounded like it had a very similar effect to gensym
Sharpsign Colon: "introduces an uninterned symbol"
Gensym: "Creates and returns a fresh, uninterned symbol"
So a simple test
CL-USER> #:dave
; Evaluation aborted on #<UNBOUND-VARIABLE DAVE {1002FF77D3}>.
CL-USER> (defparameter #:dave 1)
CL-USER> #:dave
; Evaluation aborted on #<UNBOUND-VARIABLE DAVE {100324B493}>.
Cool so that fails as it should.
Now for the macro test
(defmacro test (x)
(let ((blah '#:jim))
`(let ((,blah ,x))
(print ,blah))))
CL-USER> (test 10)
Sweet so it can be used like in a gensym kind of way.
To me this looks cleaner than gensym with an apparently identical result. I'm sure I'm missing a vital detail so my question is, What it it?
Every time the macro is expanded, it will use the same symbol.
(defmacro foo () `(quote #:x))
(defmacro bar () `(quote ,(gensym)))
(eq (foo) (foo)) => t
(eq (bar) (bar)) => nil
Gensym will create a new symbol every time it is evaluated, but sharp colon will only create a new symbol when it is read.
While using sharp colon is unlikely to cause problems, there are a couple rare cases where using it would lead to nearly impossible to find bugs. It is better to be safe to begin with by always using gensym.
If you want to use something like sharp colon, you should look at the defmacro! macro from Let Over Lambda.
GENSYM is like MAKE-SYMBOL. The difference is that GENSYM supports fancy naming by counting up -> thus symbols kind of have unique names, which makes debugging a bit easier when having gensyms for example in macro expansions.
#:foo is a notation for the reader.
So you have a function which creates these and a literal notation. Note that, when *print-circle* is true, some kind of identity maybe preserved in s-expressions: #(#1=#:FOO #1#).
Generally this is similar to (a . b) and (cons 'a 'b), #(a b) and (vector 'a 'b)... One is literal data and the other one is a form which will create ('cons') fresh objects.
If you look at your macro, the main problem is that nested usage of it could cause problems. Both lexically or dynamically.
lexically it could be the same variable, which is rebound.
dynamically, if it is a special variable it could also be rebound
Using a generated symbol at macro expansion time would make sure that different and expanded code would not share bindings.

How to call particular function depending on variable that's passed in?

I'm fairly new to lisp but I've been playing around with it. I have several problems which I need clarifying. Below is my little macro that I defined.
(defmacro transform (query)
'(lambda (row)
(eq (nth 1 query) (nth 0 (nth 0 row)))
I'm just wondering how I can specify the function to use in the body dynamically? Say if I want to use the "+" or "-" function instead of "eq", or even another function that I defined? Like I thought it'd be possible to pass in the name of the function as a parameter but that obviously doesn't work. I also get variable unbound errors when I modify the list (query) that's passed in.
In the body of the macro, you can use all of Lisp's run-time library to generate the actual expansion. So, for example:
(defmacro transform (query &key (test 'eq))
(let ((row-var (gensym)))
`(lambda (,row-var)
(,test (nth 1 ,query) (nth 0 (nth 0 ,row-var))))))
This version uses the "backtick" instead of a plain apostrophe, which allows for "unquoting" of forms within the body, thus allowing the inclusion of generated forms into the result.
You can use this macro like your original version:
(transform (...))
or (passing an explicit test function):
(transform (...) :test equal)
Note, that you should not use plain symbols as variable names in macro expansions (as your row argument to the generated lambda expression) as that might accidentally interfer with the use of that symbol at the site of the use of your macro. You simply don't know when writing your macro, whether there will be a variable called row somewhere when your macro is used, and whether it is not already used within the query form/expression. Your original definition would "capture" the variable, possibly altering the meaning of whatever query does.
funcall is the answer! Decided to just pass it in and use funcall to evaluate the function.
