QDialog modality vs QMainWindow - qt

I have a QMainWindow object parent to a QDialog Object. When I call the QDialog with exec() it stays open, but I can't use the QMainWindow at the same time. If I use show() instead, the QDialog opens and hides immediately after.
I know this relates to the modality flag of the QDialog, but it does not have a Qt::Modeless flag, so I'm a bit lost.
Question: How can I display a QDialog and still be able to interact with its parent QMainWindow?
My code for the QDialog object:
class catalog : public QDialog
explicit catalog(QWidget *parent = 0);
Ui::catalog *ui;
How I'm calling it:
void DiagramWindow::showCatalog()
catalog catalog(this);

It closes, because QDialog::show() method is asynchronous and your catalog object is destroyed right after your code leaves DiagramWindow::showCatalog() method. You should rewrite it like this:
void DiagramWindow::showCatalog()
catalog *c = new catalog(this);


Problem with connecting QLabel to QSlider

I have a problem. I've created a class, in which I have a slider and a label. I want to connect these with the QObject::connect, but when I do it, nothing happens. Can you tell me what am I doing wrong?
My class:
class Loads :public QObject
QSlider slider;
QLabel label;
QMainWindow okno;
int wart;
public slots:
void zmiana(int li);
Class "Loads" constructor:
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL( slider.valueChanged(int)), this , SLOT( zmiana(int)) );
My "zmiana" slot
void Loads::zmiana(int li)
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL( slider.valueChanged(int)), this , SLOT( zmiana(int)) );
I don't think that's correct, you're connecting the signal of the Loads object to the slot but the Loads object is not the one generating the signal, the slider object is doing that.
Hence I think you'll need slider as the first argument, not this. Using this as the third argument is okay, I believe, since the slot does belong to the Loads object.

QML StatusBar with SizeGrip

I notice that QML's StatusBar type doesn't include the SizeGrip like QStatusBar does.
In order to get a size grip, I had to instead embed the QML into a QMainWindow with a QStatusBar. Although this works, it complicates the rest of the app and it's not really the design I'm after.
Would it be possible to implement the QStatusBar directly in QML by subclassing it and how would QML be able to recognise/use the SizeGrip?
I've attempted to derive QQuickPaintedItem to try and render a QStatusBar in QML, but so far haven't had any luck. An error is being triggered in the render call: ASSERT failure in QCoreApplication::sendEvent: "Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread. Current thread 399d3d8. Receiver '' (of type 'QStatusBar') was created in thread 8c9f00", file kernel\qcoreapplication.cpp, line 553
class WindowStatusBar : public QQuickPaintedItem
explicit WindowStatusBar(QQuickItem *parent = 0);
virtual ~WindowStatusBar();
void paint(QPainter *painter);
QStatusBar *statusBar_;
WindowStatusBar::WindowStatusBar(QQuickItem *parent)
: QQuickPaintedItem(parent)
, statusBar_(NULL)
statusBar_ = new QStatusBar;
delete statusBar_;
void WindowStatusBar::paint(QPainter *painter)
statusBar_->render(painter, QPoint(), QRegion(),
QStatusBar::DrawWindowBackground | QStatusBar::DrawChildren);
Yes, you can derive your own statusbar QML type from StatusBar or you can use the standard QML StatusBar with a contentItem that you designed. To implement the size grip you would put a MouseArea at the right border- in the onPositionChanged you would emit a signal that is interpreted by the mainwindow as a resize command. Avoiding feedback loops (because resizing the main window may change the position in the MouseArea) is left as an exercise for the reader.

SIGSEGV with QMainWindow singleton

The application I am writting as unique instantiation of some classes which have to be accessible easily. For that i use singletons.
For exemple my Core is defined as :
class Core : public QObject
static Core& getCore()
static Core mycore;
return mycore;
and it works just great. However I tried to do the same with my MainWindow class, which interits from QMainWindow. I need that in order to access methods such as geometry() from other objects
However Core works great, MainWindow makes error when clossing the programe. The main window destructor is called and executed apparently once ( debug using qDebug() ) but i still have a SIGSEGV signal. What's happening? How to solve it?
Here is the code of MainWindow
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
static MainWindow& getUi()
static MainWindow myUi;
return myUi;
public slots:
void refreshImage();
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
connect(&appCore(), SIGNAL(refreshed()), this, SLOT(refreshImage()));
delete ui;
And the main code
QApplication app(argc, argv);
return app.exec();
} catch(MDMA::exn e) {
where appCore and appUi are macros for Core::getCore and MainWindow::getUi()
This crash probably results from your QApplication being destroyed before the MainWindow.
If you cannot pass your MainWindow via other ways to the code where it is needed (e.g. as argument or via QObjecg::parent()), you could employ a technique similar to what QApplication does with it's instance method (a non-owning global reference):
Construct your MainWindow as an ordinary local variable on the stack, after the QApplication. Then set a global pointer (maybe better a QPointer; e.g. a static member of MainWindow), which you initially initialize to 0, to this in the constructor of MainWindow. You can also check if it was already initialized here to enforce the uniqueness. Via a public accessor method (instance?) for the global pointer, you can access the class from everywhere while ensuring destruction before QApplication.
If you want to make singletone, try to use general technics, for example, as described here:
Hope, lot of questions will dissappear after reading all of that article.
As for me, there is nice and simple realization of singletone.
Good luck!

QDialog with label that I'm trying to paint

from my main window I am launching a dialog which has a label, in which I am trying to paint.
So, the dialog's header file (.h) has two classes, one for the dialog itself and one for my label. So, my label's class is this:
class MyImage : public QLabel
explicit MyImage(QWidget *parent = 0);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e);
and in the .cpp, along with the constructor of my QDialog I have the constructor of my MyImage class and the paintEvent function:
MyImage::MyImage(QWidget *parent)
: QLabel(parent)
void MyImage::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
QPainter painter(image_label);
The image_label is a MyImage object. On the constructor of my QDialog I do the following so as to add it to my QDialog's layout:
But it is null. I get an error message on output (cannot add null widget) and when I try to add a pixmap to the image_label the program crashes.
Thanks in advance for any answers!
void MyImage::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
// QPainter painter(image_label); <- Only paint onto yourself.
QPainter painter(this);
Do not call the base class as any output will be overwritten by the new QPainter. It is crashing because image_label is null.

how to access a widget from another class

I have two classes(MyWidget,ViewContact). In MyWidget, there is a QLineEdit and QListWidget. The contents in the QListWidget changes dynamically while changes in QLineEditt.
In ViewContact class there is many widgets.The ViewContact class is called by MyWidget class.
void MyWidget::viewbind(QListWidgetItem *item)
LblNames *widget = (LblNames*)( listWidget->itemWidget(item) );
ViewContacts *v=new ViewContacts(widget->getLabelId());
then ViewContact widget shown as a window,no problem.works fine.
while clicking an update button inside ViewContact class i need to close that window and change the text inside MyWidget .now i just close the ViewContact by this.close(); function.
I give QLineEdit as public and try to change the text. No errors occur. But no changes display in QLineEdit inside MyWidget
Add a signal in the ViewContact class and emit a signal while close ViewContact Widget.The signal should contain a string to bind your list view.Before initiating ViewContact Widget from MyWidget ,should connect the signal and setText(const QString) slot.
Add the MyWidget as a parent to your ViewContacts instance. This will allow you to call a function to update the text (and it will also fix the memory leak which you currently have in your code).
You need a constructor for your ViewContacts that takes both a parent and the labelId.
class ViewContacts : public QWidget // or whatever it is, you didn't tell
// I don't know the class of "LabelId" either
explicit ViewContacts(LabelId id, QObject* parent = 0) : QWidget(parent)
// ...
void updateTextInParent()
MyWidget* w = qobject_cast<MyWidget*>(this->parent());
if (NULL != w)
// w is a valid pointer to a MyWidget instance
// you can access any public fields and function through it.
You should also use qobject_cast or dynamic_cast in the snippet you provided because a blind cast is not safe.
This seems like a perfect time to take advantage of Qt's signals and slots. You can connect a signal that emits the value you want to update in your MyWidget object, from your ViewContacts widget.
First you'll need to create a signal that emits the changed value when the ViewContacts widget is closed.
Something like:
void value_changed_signal( QString value );
Next you'll want to add a slot, it can be private, in your MyWidget parent class
The declaration would look something like:
private Q_SLOTS:
void update_text( QString value );
Finally, in your MyWidget class, somewhere after you have instantiated your ViewContacts object, connect the signal and slot with something like:
connect(new_view_contacts_object, SIGNAL( value_changed_signal( QString ) ),
this, SLOT( update_text( QString ) ) );
