AutoIt: Send("{DOWN}") not working - autoit

I am running an "autoit3.chm" file. When it runs, I would like to send a down key arrow but it doesn't work:
$file = FileGetShortName("C:\Users\PHSD100-SIC\Desktop\AutoIt3.chm")
Run(#ComSpec & " /c start " & $file)
WinWaitActive("AutoIT Help")

Well, you're just waiting for the wrong Window Title... Try WinWaitActive("AutoIt Help") and it will work... Your "T" must be a "t"...
To find this out, you just need to check your script output and after your CHM-File has been opened you'll see that your script is still running. But you would have expected it to execute the Send(...) and then terminate. So your script must still be waiting for the expected window to appear. Which will lead you to double check your window title, probably you'll directly copy the window title with the AutoIt Window Info Tool, and this shows your mistake. Correct it. Viola, be happy =)
Besides: You don't need to run a Command-Prompt first, you can call ShellExecute($file) directly instead.

If you use the AutoIt Window Info tool, it helps with these issues, and it's also good practice to debug with ConsoleWrite(...)s.
For example, a simple one would be as before. However, you should probably use timeouts or variables and use the return for success/fail.

Use following syntax for down key enter
Send("{DOWN 2}")
and similar for Up key enter
Send("{UP 2}")


How to scroll up in Vim buffer with R (using Nvim-R)

I'm a happy user of the Nvim-R plugin, but I cannot find out how to scroll up in the buffer window that the plugin opens with R. Say for instance that I have a large output in console, but I cannot see the top of it - how do I scroll up to see this? In tmux for instance there's a copy mode that quite handily lets you do this, but how is this done in the R buffer?
An example below where I'm very curious to see what's on the line above the one begining with "". How can this be achieved?
I have scoured the documentation found here, but without luck.
The answer is apparently to use Ctrl+\ Ctrl+n according to this answer on the bugreports for NVim-R.
Here's what my output looks like when I output mtcars:
When I hit Ctrl+\ Ctrl+n, I can move the cursor and I get line numbers:
To get back to interactive, I just use i, the same way I normally would.
Apparently, if you are using neovim, then you can add let R_esc_term = 0 in your ~/.vimrc file and you can then use the escape key, but if you don't use neovim, you are stuck using the two ctrl commands ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
As pointed out by ZNK, it is about switching to normal mode in Vim's terminal. This, however, can easily fail due to cumbersome keybinding. If such is the case, remap the default keybinding to something reasonable, say, by putting this in your .vimrc:
tnoremap jk <C-\><C-n>
This works for me in Linux running Vim 8.0 in terminal (e.g. does not require Neovim). As you can see, I use 'jk' to switch from insert to normal mode. One can use Esc instead of jk, however, this makes me unable to use up arrow to retrieve command line history as been reported elsewhere.

AutoIt Scripting for an External CLI Program - eac3to.exe

I am attempting to design a front end GUI for a CLI program by the name of eac3to.exe. The problem as I see it is that this program sends all of it's output to a cmd window. This is giving me no end of trouble because I need to get a lot of this output into a GUI window. This sounds easy enough, but I am begining to wonder whether I have found one of AutoIt's limitations?
I can use the Run() function with a windows internal command such as Dir and then get the output into a variable with the AutoIt StdoutRead() function, but I just can't get the output from an external program such as eac3to.exe - it just doesn't seem to work whatever I do! Just for testing purposesI I don't even need to get the output to a a GUI window: just printing it with ConsoleWrite() is good enough as this proves that I was able to read it into a variable. So at this stage that's all I need to do - get the text (usually about 10 lines) that has been output to a cmd window by my external CLI program into a variable. Once I can do this the rest will be a lot easier. This is what I have been trying, but it never works:
Global $iPID = Run("C:\VIDEO_EDITING\eac3to\eac3to.exe","", #SW_SHOW)
Global $ScreenOutput = StdoutRead($iPID)
ConsoleWrite($ScreenOutput & #CRLF)
After running this script all I get from the consolWrite() is a blank line - not the text data that was output as a result of running eac3to.exe (running eac3to without any arguments just lists a screen of help text relating to all the commandline options), and that's what I am trying to get into a variable so that I can put it to use later in the program.
Before I suggest a solution let me just tell you that Autoit has one
of the best help files out there. Use it.
You are missing $STDOUT_CHILD = Provide a handle to the child's STDOUT stream.
Also, you can't just do RUN and immediately call stdoutRead. At what point did you give the app some time to do anything and actually print something back to the console?
You need to either use ProcessWaitClose and read the stream then or, you should read the stream in a loop. Simplest check would be to set a sleep between RUN and READ and see what happens.
#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
Global $iPID = Run("C:\VIDEO_EDITING\eac3to\eac3to.exe","", #SW_SHOW, $STDOUT_CHILD)
; Wait until the process has closed using the PID returned by Run.
; Read the Stdout stream of the PID returned by Run. This can also be done in a while loop. Look at the example for StderrRead.
; If the proccess doesnt end when finished you need to put this inside of a loop.
Local $ScreenOutput = StdoutRead($iPID)
ConsoleWrite($ScreenOutput & #CRLF)

Check if window has focus with AutoIt

I wonder if it is possible to check to see if a window has focus in AutoIt. I have checked and not found much. I have tried using WinSetOnTop but this didn't seem to do anything so then I considered using WinActivate but this didn't seem to do what I need.
The reason I want to do this is because I have this application I am writing as a prank and I do not want the co-worker on whom I'm playing the prank to just ignore the window when it starts automatically. I am wanting to put a shortcut to it in the startup folder and we have several applications that run on startup and so I want mine to either always be on top or audibly shout rude words at the user if they try and ignore the application.
Is this possible and, if so, can you help me out because I am out of ideas.
Regardless of your motives, you may try WinWaitActive.
WinWaitActive ( "title" [, "text" [, timeout = 0]] )
Example that may be useful to try it out:
Func Example()
; Run Notepad
; Wait 10 seconds for the Notepad window to appear.
WinWaitActive("[CLASS:Notepad]", "", 10)
; Wait for 2 seconds to display the Notepad window.
; Close the Notepad window using the classname of Notepad.
EndFunc ;==>Example

After effects (CS6) is 'disabled' when running AfterFX.exe -s argument

Writing my first script with after effects to automate some of my process. I want the script to run at startup of AE with some arguments passed via command line so I use the -s command.
Everything is done except for one problem, when I run AfterFX.exe with the -s, for example if i do this:
"PATH_TO_ADOBE_CS6\Support Files\AfterFX.exe" -s "alert('foo')"
It opens after effects and i do get that 'foo' dialog but for some reason After Effects is 'disabled'. What I mean is I can't do anything, not open any project, nothing. all options are grayed out.
Note that if after effects is already running, and I run the command, it doesnt 'disable' after effects and I get the desired result.
I am using windows and after effects CS6.
note: obviously I intend to do something more complex than alert('foo') which was used a minimalist example to show my issue.
figure it out. for those who find this later, the solution is to add app.exitAfterLaunchAndEval = false.. i.e,
"PATH_TO_ADOBE_CS6\Support Files\AfterFX.exe" -s "app.exitAfterLaunchAndEval = false; alert('foo')"

Is it possible to place code into the console in R?

Blasphemy I know to ask IF it is possible to do something in R, but here I am!
I am interested in the ability to create a function that will place code into the console. In other words, if the user types in f("3+3") and hits enter then the console will be waiting for the next command with > 3+3. Then when the user hits enter, it will return 6 in this case. Possible? Any ideas?
I wish I had more to share but I've never even thought this functionality would be useful before...
One way you could do this is to call system2() to invoke an external utility that synthesizes keyboard input. I've written a C++ program called sendkeys that can do this on Windows by (ultimately) calling SendInput(). Demo:
## [1] 6
(The backslash escaping is necessary because of the way my utility parses its input; + is a metachar that must be escaped to become literal.)
Let me know if you want my C++ code.
Would that be the kind of function you would need? Maybe it is not a very elegant solution, though.
printEval <- function(x){
cat(">", x,"\n")
cat ("Press [enter] to continue")
line <- readline()
EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed that the eval(parse()) solution was already suggest by #Ping in the comment field right under the question.
