c++ builder with SQLite: data presentation shows WIDEMEMO in DBGrid - sqlite

i use C++ Builder with SQLite database. I connect with the database through DBExpress. The problem is that DBGrid shows (WIDEMEMO) in every field and not the exact values that the database has.
I dont have this problem with other databases such as Firebird for example.
Why this behaviour? am i missing something with sqlite and how can be fixed.
Do u suggest me use SQLite / Firebird or other embeded database for a small standalone application.
Thanks in advance.

I am using FireDAC in Delphi and had the same problem.
I have resolved this issue by changing the dataset TWideMemoField DisplayValue property from dvClass to dvFull. Now my DBGrid works as expected.

I know this question is old but since it doesn't have any answer selected I will throw in my two cents. I recently came across the same problem and found a solution that might work for you as well.
This problem exists in your C++ DataSet and your SQLite. As it turns out that when you have a field with no defined size especially a text field, that field will be treated like a widememo or Memo in your DBGrid. So, what you need to do is define your text field with specific numbers of characters i.e. VARCHAR(10).
That's what I did and it work for me. I am using MySQL and Delphi with DBGrid.

This is a problem with the DBGrid. It doesn't handle the WIDEMEMO. See link for help with this.
Displaying and editing MEMO fields in Delphi's TDBGrid


Alternate to fallbackToDestructiveMigration()?

I don't want to provide a migration script while changing table schema in realm java. Also, app should not crash and all the previous data should be erased or truncated something similar to fallbackToDestructiveMigration() as room dose?
Realm provides RealmConfiguration.Builder().deleteIfMigrationNeeded()..., where deleteIfMigrationNeeded() does exactly what you are looking for.

Dynamics AX 2009 X++: Fix id in modification of application after import version control

How to fix ID in modification of application?
This problem will appear after changing database, and importing version control with set parameters:
cover by system tables and shared
does not search for existing records
index update during import
The problem is that on a few tables will show an error message:
sql database reported an error
Do a full synchronize of the database.
Beware, it may remove then reinsert fields or tables, if the id changed.
If you know the exact issue, you can write a job to manually fix it.
This is a more advanced task, so if you're not totally comfortable with it, I'd try Jan's approach.
ReleaseUpdateDB::change* stuff
Also, Martin wrote a job that does a lot of it for you. I had to tweak it myself before:

Creating Classes from Exising Database

I have ben following through a tutorial that shows how to get started creating a Web Forms Application in ASP.NET...and have got to the part where you create Data Classes. These assume you are starting from scratch and generating the database from code - however - I already have a database created and populated from elsewhere.
Entering line by line to create the Class for each table seems very laborious. (I'm using VB.Net and VS 2013 by the way)
Q1. Can anyone help by suggesting a more automated way of doing this? Surely there is a tool to grab the schema?
Q2. Although the tutorial mentions Entity Framework and Code Behind briefly - having done some reading and research - I am very confused by all of the different terms for data access. Am I using ADO.NET ?? Is the methodology called Code Behind as opposed to something else? Are there better ways to connect to a database and Read/Update/Delete records.
Q3. If I want to use a Data Grid to show the data do I use the generated classes to do this - or just 'bind' the grid directly to the database?
I have been a developer for 40 years but the newer .Net models are causing me some confusion so any advice gratefully received. (and any simple books or tutorials that can be suggested would be helpful).
Q1: What you want is to generate "EF Designer from database" by using a Entity Data Model.
In your project add a new item and look under "Data".
What this technique does is auto generating entity classes from your predefined database.
Q2: I suggest you read Getting started with Entity Framework. "Database First" is just a description of how you want to use the Entity framework - by saying you already have a database structure.
Q3: In this case if you use Entity Framework and the "database first" mechanism to generate entities you can databind the gridview from the result of a entity LINQ query, please see this example: Tutorial: Databinding

Cannot add new tables via Entity Framework

I'm encountering a very odd problem. Since 2 days I cannot add new tables from my db in the model.
They appear in the list of addable tables, no error are shown at the validation but then, they don't appear in the Entity lists, and they still appear in the "addable" part of the menu.
The problem appears in
We've tried from different computeurs, so it's not a problem of my specific visual studio.
We've tried with other dbs, and the problem doesn't affect them. It affects boths of my prod and developpment dbs though.
We've tried with the exact same credentials to log to the db (not window authentication as we usually do), and the problem remains, so it's not a problem of rights.
We're a bit out of ideas right now :/
Does someone have an idea what it could be?
Ok, we've found where it came from.
The table we wanted to add had no PK, and then when we tested we created mock tables without PK.
Once we add a PK the import goes well =)
If you're using a Code First approach then Entity Framework will build the table for you. It looks like you are not using Code First, so you will have create the table in the database. I assume you're using an Entity Data Model (.edmx)? If so, you will create your table in the database, then update your data model (.edmx). If you have not yet created your .edmx file, you need to do that - the .edmx file will contain all your CRUD operations.
What I'm confused about is I'd imagine your code would throw an error if the table did not exist (i.e. if the table represented by your data model didn't map to an actual table in the database, because it doesn't exist). So, the question is, does your table already exist? If it does, then step through the code line by line to find out why your records aren't being saved. If it doesn't exist, then add the table via SQL Server Management Studio (or similar), then open your .edmx file, right click on the layout that comes up, click "Update Model from database".

Asp.net - Trouble with updating LINQ Classes

We just created a new field in a database table, and so deleted, and re-inserted the table in the LINQ Class. The new database field appears in the LINQ Class in the diagram. However, when we're using the field, we get an error that says the table does not contain a definition for the field.
Any ideas on how we can solve this? Thanks!
UPDATE: What steps are required to update the LINQ to SQL Class? Maybe we're doing something wrong.
UPDATE 2: Picture of our problem - LINQ - http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/6033/usertable.png | Code - http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/5145/linqerror.png
Check the table def side of your mapping documents, either using properties in the designer, or by closing Studio and examining the XML. I recommend the designer.
Make sure the field name matches the field name in the database.
I've had problems with a few reserved keywords when using Linq2Entities, and I'd recommend you avoid reserved words in names (even though the [] handle them).
While this doesn't answer your question necessary, it may help to solve it - I've been a long time fan of the LINQ to SQL and Entities tools by Huagati. The re-sync aspect alone has saved me so much time, it's well worth the $50 (for the standard version) IMO.
Hope it helps...
In order to update the LINQ to SQL classes, you can either do it manually (bllurgh) or, you can remove them from the designer and drag-and-drop them from the Data Connections node in the Server Explorer.
I had to delete the entire LINQ Class, recreate it and re-add the tables for my problem to go away. Simply deleting a single table and re-adding it, or deleting all tables in the class and re-adding them did not work either.
I was having exactly the same issue, but I found that deleting the problematic tables in the Object Relational Designer and re-adding them (and re-adding the associations as well) solved the issue. I did not have to delete the entire DataContext, nor did I have to delete any of the tables that were still working properly. I would recommend trying this first before doing anything more drastic.
