Out of memory error on access - out-of-memory

I have an out of memory error on access. My DB is approx 20mb and holds approx 100,000 lines in different tables.
It started this afternoon, whenever i go in the VBA editor, i can't edit anything, because it will delete the text i just typed, and popup "Out of memory".
If i try to use a OnUpdate event on a DropDown list, it will say the same error, and will do nothing. I can't even setup a break point on my code, because it will never go in the code.
I tried compacting it, separating the back and front end. but nothing works, same error. I'm on Windows Xp Sp3

Strange errors like this are sometimes caused by a corrupt form in your database. I would recommend trying to decompile the database file.
You can get more information about the /decompile switch from the following:
How to Decompile a Database
Decompile Your Microsoft Access Database
I would make a backup copy of the database, then do a decompile, and then a compact. Then open up the database and open your VBA Editor and Compile your code. Then test it.
The /decompile switch has fixed many strange problems with Microsoft Access databases for me in the past.


Reading Locked SQLite DB In to Memory

I'm working on a project that has some pretty specific requirements, and am running in to a problem with one of them. We have a locked SQLite database. We can't unlock this database, but need to read it (but not write to it), and we cannot create any new files on the filesystem that contain the data from this database. What was suggested is to read the file in to RAM, and then access it from there. I've been trying to find out a way to do this, but this project is on Windows, so it's not going as smoothly as it might otherwise.
What I've been trying to do is read the file in to a bash variable, and then pass that variable to sqlite as the database. This hasn't been working particularly well.
I installed win-bash, but when I do "sqlite3.exe <(cat <<<"$database")" I get a 'syntax error near unexpected token `<('" I checked, and win-bash looks like it's based on an older version of bash. I tried zsh, but it's saying "doesn't look like your system supports FIFOs.". I installed cygwin, which wouldn't really be a good solution anyway (once I figure out how to do this, I need to pass it off to our Qt developers so that they can roll it in to a Qt application) but I was just trying to do a 'proof of concept' - that didn't work either. Sqlite opened just fine, but when i ran ".tables", it said "Error: unable to open database "/dev/fd/63": unable to open database file" So, it looks like I'm barking up the wrong tree, and need to think of some other way to do this.
I guess my questions are, first, is it possible to read a sqlite database in a variable as I was attempting, or am I going down an entirely incorrect path there? Second - if it can't be done that way, is there some way I'm overlooking that might make this possible?

trying to copy forms from one Access db to another and get "The database has been placed in a state...."

This was working this morning and I had no problem. I've got two versions of the same database, and am trying to copy some updated objects (forms mostly) from one to the other. This was working this morning. Don't know what changed.
I am the only person in the database. I closed down all code windows. I tried while in design mode on a form, and not in design mode. Both talk to a split backend. One has a couple of local copies of tables that are linked on the source database.
Not sure what to check. I compacted and repaired the destination database too, that was giving the error, just in case some gremlins were hiding out.
I tried closing the source database, but it said it would empty the clipboard if I did that, and I would lose the object I was trying to copy. WORKED THIS MORNING, on another version of the database.
Any pointers? I checked several of the other posts with "database has been placed in a state" in their text, but nothing seemed to be on the money.
Looks like it had to do with trying to move from a 2002-2003 database to a more modern one. Others have had similar problems from this same situation.

Sqlite query reports SQLITE_CORRUPT

I have an embedded system running with a RTOS and is using C language.
I am using Sqlite to maintain a file(let's call it sqlLiteFile.db) on a File System residing on a NAND. The Sqlite version is 3.8.5
Earlier, I was creating a new database for this file every time the system comes up. So, it was a volatile file. I had no issues at that time.
However, now I made the sqlLiteFile.db to be persistent. So, every time system reboots, it opens the same file and starts writing. This works fine for some time, and survives few reboots. But, after a while, the Sqlite query starts reporting SQLITE_CORRUPT error. However, the write operation to sqlite still works fine, it is the query which starts reporting error. I can see the write operation successful, using a debugger. Also, the size of the file in the file system keeps increasing.
When I download the file and use Sqlite browser, I can not open the file anymore. When I use some other tool to convert the sqlLiteFile.db to sqlLiteFile.txt, I can see an error at the bottom: /**** ERROR: (11) database disk image is malformed *****/
Any suggestions on how to prevent this corruption would be helpful.
Further I did try doing clean shutdowns which closes the database using sqlite3_close() prior to rebooting. This time the database survived a little longer through reboots, but it got corrupted again eventually. So, it seems it is more then just about closing the database before exiting the application. Probably the size?
The system reboots(and re-opening/closing the sqlite database) doesn't cause corruption, but it happens after the database size reaches a certain amount(~55 Kb)
It did seem that fsync() was doing something to the sqlite database. Taking out fsync() functionality didn't cause sqlite corruption. Also, I was opening and reading the database while downloading and at the same time sqlite database was written. Both these factor or fsync() alone was causing file system corruption. I still need to figure out a better way to perform fysnc(), but now I know exactly what was causing the corruption.

MS Access database size huge with no data?

I have an MS access DB with 35 linked tables, a few queries and another 35 reports.
The database has no physical tables in it as all data for its tables are coming from the linked back-end MS Access database. The problem now is, the front-end database size is above 1 GB. How and why? And how can I fix it?
First, please try HansUp's suggestion.
But, if that doesn't shrink it as much as you expect, try this:
Make a file called decompile.bat. In it, put the command:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\MSACCESS.EXE" "C:\Your\Path\To\YourFrontEnd.accdb" /nostartup/decompile
Edit the paths to suit. Put this batch file in the same directory as your front-end.
To use:
Run decompile.bat by double-clicking on it in Windows Explorer
In Access:
Hit Alt-F11 to go to the Visual Basic Editor
Click Debug, then Compile
Save, then exit the Visual Basic Editor
In the main Access window, click Database Tools, Compact and Repair Database
When finished, exit Access
You should notice that your front-end is dramatically smaller.
That's a very late addition but I wonder why didn't anyone point at the cause of the proplem! Microsoft says the cause is:
If you do not release a recordset's memory each time that you loop
through the recordset code, DAO may recompile, using more memory and
increasing the size of the database.
And the solution:
Use the Close method of the Recordset object to explicitly close the
recordset's memory when you no longer need the recordset. If the
database has increased in size because you did not use the Close
method of the Recordset object, you can reduce the size of the
database by running the Compact and Repair utility (on the Tools
I've used the "Compact and repair tool" from the "Database tools" ribbon once and it did reduced the size of -an almost empty- database from 2.0 GB (Max. Size) to just 3.41 MB!
I just ran across this. We use access databases to store project data. For the most part they stay less than a megabyte. Then I was getting issues from a client that storage cost was going up on a server because some databases were growing to the tens and hundreds of megabytes. So I search my stuff and found a database at a gig!
I'm using Office 7, and I'm pretty sure it is still in 365.
From the Office button in access, (upper left). Go to Manage -> Backup Database. For me, it copied that 1 gig database to a 720k database. And, of course, it opened fine and all the data was there. I found that Compact and Repair did not come anywhere close to the results of backup
I don't know why Microsoft lets this occur, I could not find a reasonable explanation for it.

ADODB recordset error "Operation is not allowed when the object is open" (3705)

I have a legacy ASP application that I support. By support I mean that I haven't touched it since about 2005 because its just worked.
However there were a couple of data issues in the Access database that the ASP application uses. So like a fool I opened the database directly over a fileshare (using MS Access 2007), fixed the data and saved it down (in Access 2000 format).
Now the application will retrieve and display the data OK, but any updates fail with the error 3705: Operation is not allowed when the object is open. I have not changed the code in any way, the only change was the data update and database save.
I've found plenty of examples of this error, but they all relate to fairly simple issues like ensuring the recordset is closed before opening it, changing the CursorLocation enum, etc. I've tried most of these in the vain hope that something will work, but nothing has.
Any ideas how can I fix this?
I've installed a web based access database management system, and have tried to compact and repair the database. I received the error:
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '<snip>'. It is
already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view
its data. (-2147217911)
I have run the macro detailed here to determine who is logged onto the database, and just showed the admin user (which was me - while running it)
Those errors mean one thing: the database file is opened by some other process and thus is being locked.
Most likely that "web based access database management system" is the culprit, try to find how you can configure it to not lock the file, or get rid of it.
As a work around or way to verify the real problem, you can copy the .mdb file into different location and change the classic ASP connection string to check if you can update the database in its new location.
#Remou's comment above about checking the file and folder permissions was correct.
I had our server admin check the permissions, and it seems that the write access had dropped off the folder (and the files also inherit their permissions from the folder). He said that this has happened before when saving directly over the fileshare.
(accepting in lieu of an answer from #Remou)
