How to create a custom package to add and manage product - concrete5

I have tried out packages from concrete 5
but failed to do so . Could you help me out

This is a good starting point:
If you come from an MVC background and are more familiar with how Ruby On Rails / Kohana / CodeIgniter / etc. work, then I think you might find this boilerplate code I wrote useful as well:


I want to generate boiler plate code in my repository pattern project

As title suggests, I am creating open source project that is in .net core 2.0. here is the architecture of it.
Now, it's working fine with everything including code first, seeders, swagger UI, TDD etc.
But there are many places where I have to add/modify classes when I want to add new Table in Database (see SimpleCRUD.Model > Entities)
So, I think I can reduce that boilerplate code, but I am not sure what is best way to do it.
What I did so far?
I tried to create a windows app, which will check and generate code for new added entity.
What I am trying to achieve?
Is there anyway I can add some kind of code in my current project and that will check after each build? is it feasible? any other suggestion to make it working perfectly?
I have checked this working in few other frameworks like serenity, boilerplate etc.
T4 temples can help cut down the boiler plate...
You've asked for my help here
I agree with other posters that you might want to look into T4. It sounds like you also want to create an MSBuild task.
I outlined the steps to do this for a different question in post here
You can find my code generators under this folder, CodeGen.SessionProxies
The t4 example can be found here:
The MSBuild task can be found here: GenerateSessionProxies.cs
I had it generating a nuget file through the CodeGen.SessionProxies.nuspec. You won't find it on; I had a local nuget repository. It would be helpful to you to look at the corresponding install.ps1 to understand how to set the generator up as a msbuild task.
Disclaimer: All of the GitHub links are subject to break if I ever decide to clean up that repo.

difference between file.css.scss and file.scss (Rails)

I've been studying Rails recently and got stuck with a question. Is there any difference in creating file.scss and file.css.scss? I'm using rails -v 4.2.4
I believe file.css.scss is auto generated after running rails generate when you create a new controller. Give this short blog post a read it can perhaps shed more light on your question as well as give some advice about keeping your application structure well organized.
Is there any difference in creating file.scss and file.css.scss
Not in my experience.
Same goes for (we just call .coffee)
You can just call them by their actual filename, and Sprockets deals with them properly.

Where is RegisterTheViewsInTheEmbeddedViewEngine?

I'm researching how Portable Areas work with the MVC Contrib project. I've been reading a couple good blog posts and tutorials like the following:
MVCContrib – Portable Areas
And in them they mention a method call to perform after defining your routes in the area:
RegisterTheViewsInTheEmbeddedViewEngine(Type t)
I don't see that method call anywhere. Googling it did not seem to provide much. Is this method call gone? Or am I just not understanding the intent?
This was changed some time between 2.0.50 and 2.0.90. The call no longer exists and was replaced by
I've updated the code for those two blog posts, it now uses the latest NuGet package for MVC 2. In the future please feel free to leave a comment on my blog. I would be more than happy to help resolve these types of issues.

The best method to build a multi-language Drupal 6 site?

I found many articles on the web but most of them are so old and written for drupal 5 or even 4. I'm looking for recent modules or recent updated modules for drupal 6. And a manual on how to use them.
I already found this article which is pretty good but also more then 2 years old so probably not up to date.
I use:
Note that you best try all these modules first, and when you start building your site, start from scratch and do some planning. There may be issues otherwise with pages that cannot be found / accessed and so on.
Especially with the following modules I had some issues:
The language interface comes in very handy and allows you to look for strings on a page and immediately translate them. If you are really going multilingual, you may consider using the transliteration module as well when you are storing files etc.

How do I get Tiles 2 to work with a Spring MVC 3 web app?

Is there some easy to follow tutorial for a Spring MVC newbie to add Tiles 2 to a very simple application? Heck, I don't really care if it's Tiles 2. I just can't stand copying the same JSP over and over.
I come from the Rails world where partials are dirt simple.
I basically just need a main.jsp file that contains sections that I can replace from other JSP's.
< rant >
Every tutorial I find lists what seems like hundreds of lines of XML and assumes I know what viewResolvers, ContextLoadListeners and JohnsonRods are. I realize I have a lot to learn. I'm proud that after only 3 days I got clean urls and annotated controllers working. But being a C# and Ruby developer, I'm finding Java web programming painful. (btw, my day time job is moving me to Java that's why I must suffer the
< /rant >
Thanks for any help.
Perhaps you should try Spring Roo,. The webapp generated by it uses Tiles2.
You could also see if this tutorial helps.
Closing this. I was told to use Struts 1 instead... :-/
