Drupal 7 custom module/field for adding a task per hour - drupal

I am fairly new to Drupal and I am trying to create a simple content type where people can add their schedule for today.. for example from 2PM tot 4PM that person has to go to the gym.. So 2 dropdowns, 1 for every hour (2PM&4PM) and adding a textfield to that for "going to the gym" and the possibility to add more tasks.. (multiple values per day)
Any advice? Maybe a module or creating a custom field? Thx in advance.. :)

If you want to create a content type "daily schedule" and attach multiple events to it (like 14:00 Gym, 16:00 Beer with friends), I would propose Field collection. It would allow you to group time field (either simple numerical field or Time field with text field.
Hope that helped!

I will suggest you to go with contributed module intended to handle this kind of requirement. As per my understanding, you want to make functionlity for user to create their TODO list & there is a module which can do it easily for you - myTinyTodo.
Otherwise above answer is also good option to use field_collection.

I would suggest content type + date module + calendar module.
install & enable Date Module. You will be able to add a date field to content type
Add new content type "Task"
Add 2 date fields "start" (2PM) and "end" (4PM) to your content type.
Users will be able to add as many tasks as they want.
And finally, you can use Calendar module to preview task's list.


Alfresco. How to show the form field by condition?

Good afternoon. There is a business process with many tasks. In one of the tasks there are two association fields (for simplicity, let's call their field 1 and field 2). As when opening this task, check the value in field 1 and, depending on its value, hide or show field 2?
You can copy the OOTB free marker (.ftl) file for your control. e.g. selectone.ftl located at
then add JavaScript code to it to show/hide your fields.

Drupal WebForm Conditionals

I need to build a webform where one of the questions asks the user to pick a date from a list of 5 dates. Each of the 5 dates only allows 10 attendees. How can I track the number of people that have registered for each date and limit the number of attendees? Thanks for any help.
Go for some custom solution. I.e. create some content type with 5 integer fields where you will keep count of attendees per day.
Then hook that webform (hook_form_alter()) and add another submission handler function, like described here:
Drupal 7 Webform submit hook
In that function (submit handler) read the form values increase counter if it has free space or shoot some message that no more places remained.

show only one date picker when creating new appointment telerik

Can i create a new appointment inside rad Scheduler based on a single date(select only one day without the need of selecting start date and end date)
For example if we have an occasion like birthday the user should have only one date picker to select the day of the birthday without the need of selecting start day and end day.
Please review the attached picture to help you understand more what i need.
enter image description here
Telerik supports creating custom Scheduler Edit form Templates. See any of the links below for sample code:
It should also be possible to intercept the client-side event when the edit form is being shown and hide the control you want hidden at that time.

create date formatted custom_meta field in wordpress admin

I have created a custom meta field to be used within a custom post type, that is to be the start time of a series of events. However, I would like to run my query_posts off of this value, but it is not formatted in date/time format, therefore '1:00pm' shows up in the list before '9:00am'. Is it possible to format this value in the db or at least prior to setting the 'meta_key' meta_value in my arguments for my query?
I've come across this problem a few times before. I'm going to use my most recent example because it sounds like it's along the same lines of what you're doing.
I had to create an event calendar using WordPress. In my custom post type, I had two fields: a start time and an end time. Instead of just using "1:00pm" as the start and end times, I also included the dates. This would allow for events that would last an entire weekend like a concert or a race.
What I'm getting at here, is once the user submitted that the event started on January 3, 2012 at 8:00 am and ended on January 3, 2012 at 10:00 am, I saved both of the variables using strtotime(). If you're not familiar with this function, you can read more about it here: http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php.
I also suggest using the datetime picker add-on for jQuery UI http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/.
I hope this helped. I know I was a little vague at times. If you need me to explain anything in more detail, don't be afraid to ask.

food-menu problem in drupal

I am trying to create a food menu for a boarding school. The idea is to let the students view what they have on menu for the whole day. That is, breakfast, lunch and dinner. This menu would be prepopulated weekly by a user.
My problem are as follows:
1) How do i use view module to just display items for one day?
2) Do i need like a date field, and calender module?
I would recommend using the Date module.
Add a date field to your 'boardingschoolmenu' content type.
Then in views you would add the fields you want visible (breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc)
Add a filter on content type 'boardingschoolmenu'
Add an argument for the date field. In the settings of the argument, under "Action to take if argument is not present", select: Provide default argument followed by: Current date (or can use php code if you want another date).
