Meteor, Form validation and Bootstrap accordion - meteor

I have a form in a Meteor application that contains a list of radio buttons that is made accessible by a Bootstrap accordion. I have implemented a validation routing in meteor that inserts classes into the input elements to mark them as valid/invalid.
Problem is: Everytime a validation state of one input element changes, the template is redrawn and the currently open accordion closes.
I solved this by doing this clumsy approach:
Meteor.startup(function() {
// track collapse state of accordion....
$('.collapse').on('shown', function() {
Session.set(addBookingCollapse, $(this).attr('id'));
openAccordion: function(accordion) {
if (Session.get(addBookingCollapse) == accordion) {
return 'in'
<div id="collapseOne" class="accordion-body
collapse {{openAccordion 'collapseOne'}}">
...and so on for the other four collapsible elements
But for whoever's sake, there must be a more elegant solution? I do not want to waste a session variable for this....

It may help to put the input elements in {{#isolate}}{{\isolate}} blocks to avoid re-rendering the entire template. See: Meteor Isolates

I haven't really looked super close at your code/problem, but why do you use id's to target each of them on their own? Why not use a class for all of them like this:
$('.a-class-that-you-name').on('shown', function() {
var thisSpecificId = $(this).attr('id');
Session.set('addBookingCollapse', thisSpecificId);
Would that work?


Meteor: Using If condition to conditionally display templates when user clicks a navigation link

I have some templates corresponding to different places. I am using a navigation bar which has links to different places(Manali). I want the corresponding template to be displayed when a particular link is being clicked. I tried assigning id to each anchor link and use it inside the #if loop of the main file. Like below.
{{#if equals id 'badrinath'}}
{{> Manali}}
I created a helper function also for the comparison purpose.
UI.registerHelper('equals', function(a, b) {
return a == b;
But it isn't working. Can anyone suggest a solution. What property of the link can I capture and use it to display the template accordingly.
You sound to be looking for "routing" functionality.
You might be interested in Iron Router or Flow Router.
You can still implement your functionality without router, as it sounds still a simple situation as described. You are probably just lacking some event listeners to set your id variable to the correct value.
Probably something like:
<a data-role="changetemplate" href="targetTemplate">To Target Template</a>
var id = new ReactiveVar(); // add the reactive-var package
id: function () {
return id.get();
"click a[data-role='changetemplate']": function (event) {

how to attach events to generated html of a template in Meteor 0.8 with Blaze

I'm using Meteor 0.8 with Blaze and I want to attach events dynamically to HTML contents generated using UI.toHTML of a template. The functionality I am looking for is the alternative to Spark.attachEvents in Blaze.
What I have done so far is that I have created the following template to be used like a widget/component.
<template name="postLinks">
<div id="link-popover-wrapper" >
<ul class="link-popover">
{{#each linkOptions}}
<li><a tabindex="-1" class="link-action" id="link-{{value}}" href="#">{{label}}</a>
And the template is used in Helper of the myPostItem template.{
'click .post-item-link-picker': function (evt, tmpl) {
var tempData = {linkOptions:[{label:'Favorite', value : 'favorite'}, ...]};
// Get the HTML content of the template passing data
var linkContent = UI.toHTML(Template['postLinks'].extend({data: function () { return tempData; }}));
// Attach events to the linkContent like in Spark
'click link-action': function (e, tmpl) {
alert("Component item click");
}, linkContent);*/
// Popover the content using Bootstrap popover function
So my requirement is to attach events to a dynamically generated HTML the linkContent like Spark.attachEvents after the following line as mentioned in above code.
var linkContent = UI.toHTML(Template['postLinks'].extend({data: function () { return tempData; }}));
Hope somebody can help to find a way to do this in Meteor 0.8 with Blaze.
The reason that Spark-generated HTML could be directly inserted into the DOM is because it had "landmarks" - annotations that could be processed into events and handlers when the DOM nodes were materialized.
Blaze works differently - it inserts a UI component into the DOM directly and attaches events, using the UI.render function. It cannot directly attach template events to the DOM if you use UI.toHTML because there are none of the annotations that Spark had for doing this.
I'm also using Bootstrap popovers in my app, and as far as I know there's no clean way to insert reactive content into a popover. However, you can approximate it with a hack in the following way:
In the content callback of the popover, render the template with UI.toHTML - a nonreactive version of the content. This is necessary because otherwise the popover won't be sized and positioned properly.
Using a Meteor.defer call, replace the popover contents with reactive content, so they'll continue updating while the popover is open.
Because Bootstrap uses jQuery, you should be fine with removing reactive logic properly, for now. Future versions of Meteor will probably have easier ways to do this.

Re-rendering of a template doesn't allow me to permanently change an element's class?

I have a sortable list.
<template name="the_playlist">
{{#each main_list}}
<li id="{{index}}" class="list_element">
<div class="next_song">...</div>
<div class="destroy">...</div>
<div class="element_style">{{song_title}}</div>
And this is the main_list that it prints from.
Template.the_playlist.main_list = function(){
//if ret is valid, it will have a songs member
var ret = Links.find().fetch()[0];
if (typeof ret == 'undefined'){
ret = []
else {
ret = Links.find().fetch()[0].songs;
return ret;
And I am using the sortable plugin and more importantly its update callback which updates everytime the user changes a position the list or an element is added to the list.
$(function() {
$( "#playlist" ).sortable({
update: function(){
$( "#playlist" ).disableSelection();
*The problem: * If a page already has list elements when it's loaded, for one time only, I would like to add a class that hides (.addClass("hide")) each of the next_song elements that are on the page at that time. This *will work only until main_list changes* by a call to Template.list.updateList above, after which automagically, the added class will disappear - most likely due to the re-rendering that is occuring since the main_list depends on the db changes.
The following in the JQuery snippet I use to try and accomplish this.
$("#playlist li .next_song").each(function(){
Here is a demo. Try plugging in the above JQUery code into the console. and then move the list elements around to see the problem.
Can you not just determine whether that will be the case in a helper function?
'list_elements_exist': function() {
return (!!$('#playlist li').length);
Then you can just insert the logic straight into the template:
<div class="next_song{{#if list_elements_exist}} hide_song{{/if}}">...</div>
To be honest, I'm not 100% sure that this will float with reactivity depending on the structure of your app. If it doesn't work properly, I'd introduce a new session boolean, list_elements, the value of which is returned by the helper function above. It should be fairly easy to update its value in event handlers or created callbacks to keep it tracking whether there are any items in the list or not, and this will guarantee the list renders as required regardless of other dependencies changing.

how to properly handle dom ready for Meteor

I am currently using iron-router and this is my very first attempt to try out the Meteor platform. I has been running into issues where most of the jquery libraries failed to initialized properly because the of the way Meteor renders html, $(document).ready() fires before any templates are rendered. I am wondering is there any callbacks from Meteor/iron-router that allows me to replace the jQuery's dom ready?
Also, how should I (easily and properly) handle the live update of the dom elements if some of them are customized by jQuery/javascript?
This is what i am currently doing, i feel like it is very hackish and probably would run into issues if the elements got updated after the initialization.
var jsInitalized = false; () {
this.route('', {
path: '/',
layoutTemplate: 'default',
after: function(){
$(document).ready( function() { $$$(); });
}, 0);
jsInitalized = true;
With Meteor you generally want to think about when a template is ready, not when the dom is ready.
For example, let's say you want to use the jQuery DataTables plugin to add sorting to a table element that's created by a template. You would listen to the template's rendered event and bind the plugin to the dom:
<template name="data_table">
<table class="table table-striped" id="tblData">
Template.data_table.rendered = function () {
Now anytime the template is re-rendered (for example, if the data changes), your handler will be called and you can bind the jQuery plugin to the dom again.
This is the general approach. For a complete example (that includes populating the table with rows) see this answer.
Try making a separate .js file, call it rendered.js if you'd like. and then;
Template.layout.rendered = function ()
I use template layout, but you can do Template.default.rendered. I hope that helps.
Also take a look at this part of documentation, especially the;
I use Meteor v0.8.0 with Iron Router (under Windows 7) and here is how I handle 'DOM ready':
When I want to modify the DOM after a specific template has been rendered:
I use Template.myTemplateName.rendered on the client side : = function()
When I want to modify the DOM after any new path has been rendered:
I use Router.onAfterAction, but there seems to be a trick:
}, 0);
Notice the setTimeout(..., 0), it doesn't work for me otherwise (DOM empty).
Notice that you can use onAfterAction on specific path, but most of the time I think it is redundant with the Template.myTemplateName.rendered method above.
What seems to be missing:
A way to modify the DOM after any template has been rendered.

how to properly bind jquery ui behaviors in meteor?

I am trying to create a group of draggable DOM objects using jQuery UI's .draggable() that are populated through Meteor subscriptions. The code I came up with looks like
Meteor.subscribe('those_absent', function() {
$( "li.ui-draggable" ).draggable( { revert: "invalid" } );
Meteor.subscribe('those_present', function() {
$( "li.ui-draggable" ).draggable( { revert: "invalid" } );
These correspond with some Meteor.publish() calls, so that any time the collection changes, the .draggable() behaviour will be attached. At least, that was my intention.
However, it only works once - once one of these <li>'s has been dragged and dropped, then they are no longer draggable at all.
When the objects are dropped, I'm firing a custom event that is attached to the Template for the item like so
$( "#c_absent .inner-drop" ).droppable({
drop: function( event, ui ) {
}); = {
'inout.leave': function (e) {
Lofties.update({_id:this._id}, {$set: {present: 'N' }});
So, my thinking is that this change to the collection on drop should propagate through the pub/sub process and re-run the .draggable() line above. But it doesn't seem to.
The complete code for this can be seen here and the app is live at (there are some other probably unrelated issues with items randomly losing values or disappearing from the UI altogether)
So if my understanding of how pub/sub works in Meteor is off, it would be good to know. Or is there a more efficient way to achieve this UI behavior binding that works without it?
The way I have implemented this in my apps is with the method shown by #lashleigh.
I have a template event that listens using code like this :{
'mouseover .workItem' : function() {
Then I listen for the dragstop like this.
$('body').on('dragstop', '.myDraggableItem', function (e) {
// Update the collection with the new position
You can see the app that's using this code at
