How to handle boundary constraints when using `nls.lm` in R - r

I asked this question a while ago. I am not sure whether I should post this as an answer or a new question. I do not have an answer but I "solved" the problem by applying the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm using nls.lm in R and when the solution is at the boundary, I run the trust-region-reflective algorithm (TRR, implemented in R) to step away from it. Now I have new questions.
From my experience, doing this way the program reaches the optimal and is not so sensitive to the starting values. But this is only a practical method to step aside from the issues I encounterd using nls.lm and also other optimization functions in R. I would like to know why nls.lm behaves this way for optimization problems with boundary constraints and how to handle the boundary constraints when using nls.lm in practice.
Following I gave an example illustrating the two issues using nls.lm.
It is sensitive to starting values.
It stops when some parameter reaches the boundary.
A Reproducible Example: Focus Dataset D
km <- mkinmod.full(parent=list(type="SFO",M0 = list(ini = 0.1,fixed = 0,lower = 0.0,upper =Inf),to="m1"),m1=list(type="SFO"),data=FOCUS2006D)
system.time(Fit.TRR <- KinEval(km,evalMethod = 'NLLS',optimMethod = 'TRR'))
system.time(Fit.LM <- KinEval(km,evalMethod = 'NLLS',optimMethod = 'LM',ctr=kingui.control(runTRR=FALSE)))
The differential equations that describes the model/system is:
"d_parent = - k_parent * parent"
"d_m1 = - k_m1 * m1 + k_parent * f_parent_to_m1 * parent"
In the graph on the left is the model with initial values, and in the middle is the fitted model using "TRR"(similar to the algorithm in Matlab lsqnonlin function ), on the right is the fitted model using "LM" with nls.lm. Looking at the fitted parameters(Fit.LM$par) you will find that one fitted parameter(f_parent_to_m1) is at the boundary 1. If I change the starting value for one parameter M0_parent from 0.1 to 100, then I got the same results using nls.lm and lsqnonlin.I have many cases like this one.
newpars <- rbind(Fit.TRR$par,Fit.LM$par)
rownames(newpars)<- c("TRR(lsqnonlin)","LM(nls.lm)")
M0_parent k_parent k_m1 f_parent_to_m1
TRR(lsqnonlin) 99.59848 0.09869773 0.005260654 0.514476
LM(nls.lm) 84.79150 0.06352110 0.014783294 1.000000
Except for the above problems, it often happens that the Hessian returned by nls.lm is not invertable(especially when some parameters are on the boundary) so I cannot get an estimation of the covariance matrix. On the other hand, the "TRR" algorithm(in Matlab) almost always give an estimation by calculating the Jacobian at the solution point. I think this is useful but I am also sure that R optimization algorithms(the ones I have tried) did not do this for a reason. I would like to know whether I am wrong by using the Matlab way of calculating the covariance matrix to get standard error for the parameter estimates.
One last note, I claimed in my previous post that the Matlab lsqnonlin outperforms R's optimization functions in almost all cases. I was wrong. The "Trust-Region-Reflective" algorithm used in Matlab is in fact slower(sometimes much slower) if also implemented in R as you can see from the above example. However, it is still more stable and reaches a better solution than the R's basic optimization algorithms.

First off, I am not an expert on Matlab and Optimisation and have never used R.
I am not sure I see what your actual question is, but maybe I can shed some light into your puzzlement:
LM is slightly enhanced Gauß-Newton approach - for problems with several local minima it is very sensitive to initial states. Including boundaries typically generates more of those minima.
TRR is akin to LM, but more robust. It has better capabilities for "jumping out of" bad local minima. It is quite feasible that it will behave better, but perform worse, than an LM. Actually explaining why is very hard. You would need to study the algorithms in detail and look at how they behave in this situation.
I cannot explain the difference between Matlab's and R's implementation, but there are several extensions to TRR that maybe Matlab uses and R does not.
Does your approach of using LM and TRR alternatingly converge better than TRR alone?

Using the mkin package, you can find the parameters using the "Port" algorithm (which is also a kind of a TRR algorithm as far as I could tell from its documentation), or the "Marq" algorithm, which uses nls.lm in the background. Then you can use "normal" starting values or "bad" starting values.
Recent mkin version can speed up the process considerably as they compile the models from automatically generated C code if a compiler is available on your system (e.g. you have r-base-dev installed on Debian/Ubuntu, or Rtools on Windows).
This defines the model:
m <- mkinmod(parent = mkinsub("SFO", "m1"),
m1 = mkinsub("SFO"),
use_of_ff = "max")
You can check that the differential equations are correct:
cat(m$diffs, sep = "\n")
Then we fit in four variants, Port and LM, with or without M0 fixed to 0.1:
f.Port = mkinfit(m, FOCUS_2006_D)
f.Port.M0 = mkinfit(m, FOCUS_2006_D, state.ini = c(parent = 0.1, m1 = 0))
f.LM = mkinfit(m, FOCUS_2006_D, method.modFit = "Marq")
f.LM.M0 = mkinfit(m, FOCUS_2006_D, state.ini = c(parent = 0.1, m1 = 0),
method.modFit = "Marq")
Then we look at the results:
results <- sapply(list(Port = f.Port, Port.M0 = f.Port.M0, LM = f.LM, LM.M0 = f.LM.M0),
function(x) round(summary(x)$bpar[, "Estimate"], 5))
which are
Port Port.M0 LM LM.M0
parent_0 99.59848 99.59848 99.59848 39.52278
k_parent 0.09870 0.09870 0.09870 0.00000
k_m1 0.00526 0.00526 0.00526 0.00000
f_parent_to_m1 0.51448 0.51448 0.51448 1.00000
So we can see that the Port algorithm finds the best solution (to the best of my knowledge) even with bad starting values. The speed issue that one may have with more complicated models is alleviated using the automatic generation of C code.


openMDAO: Does the use of ExecComp maximum() interfere with constraints not being affected by design variables?

When running the optimization driver on a large model I recieve:
DerivativesWarning:Constraints or objectives [('max_current.current_constraint.current_constraint', inds=[0]), ('max_current.continuous_current_constraint.continuous_current_constraint', inds=[0])] cannot be impacted by the design variables of the problem.
I read the answer to a similar question posed here.
The values do change as the design variables change, and the two constraints are satisfied during the course of optimization.
I had assumed this was due to those components' ExecComp using a maximum(), as this is the only place in my model I use a maximum function, however when setting up a simple problem with a maximum() function in a similar manner I do not receive an error.
My model uses explicit components that are looped, there are connections in the bottom left of the N2 diagram and NLBGS is converging the whole model. I currently am thinking it is due to the use of only explicit components and the NLBGS instead of implicit components.
Thank you for any insight you can give in resolving this warning.
Below is a simple script using maximum() that does not report errors. (I was so sure that was it) As I create a minimum working example that gives the error in a similar way to my larger model I will upload it.
import openmdao.api as om
prob.driver = om.ScipyOptimizeDriver()
prob.driver.options['optimizer'] = 'SLSQP'
prob.driver.options['tol'] = 1e-6
prob.driver.options['maxiter'] = 80
prob.driver.options['disp'] = True
indeps = prob.model.add_subsystem('indeps', om.IndepVarComp())
indeps.add_output('x', val=2.0, units=None)
prob.model.promotes('indeps', outputs=['*'])
om.ExecComp('y_func_1 = x'),
om.ExecComp('y_func_2 = x**2'),
om.ExecComp('y_max = maximum( y_func_1 , y_func_2 )'),
om.ExecComp('y_check = y_max - 1.1'),
prob.model.add_constraint('y_check', lower=0.0)
prob.model.add_design_var('x', lower=0.0, upper=2.0)
There is a problem with the maximum function in this context. Technically a maximum function is not differentiable; at least not when the index of which value is max is subject to change. If the maximum value is not subject to change, then it is differentiable... but you didn't need the max function anyway.
One correct, differentiable way to handle a max when doing gradient based things is to use a KS function. OpenMDAO provides the KSComp which implements it. There are other kinds of functions (like p-norm that you could use as well).
However, even though maximum is not technically differentiable ... you can sort-of/kind-of get away with it. At least, numpy (which ExecComp uses) lets you apply complex-step differentiation to the maximum function and it seems to give a non-zero derivative. So while its not technically correct, you can maybe get rid of it. At least, its not likely to be the core of your problem.
You mention using NLBGS, and that you have components which are looped. Your test case is purely feed forward though (here is the N2 from your test case).
. That is an important difference.
The problem here is with your derivatives, not with the maximum function. Since you have a nonlinear solver, you need to do something to get the derivatives right. In the example Sellar optimization, the model uses this line: prob.model.approx_totals(), which tells OpenMDAO to finite-difference across the whole model (including the nonlinear solver). This is simple and keeps the example compact. It also works regardless of whether your components define derivatives or not. It is however, slow and suffers from numerical difficulties. So use on "real" problems at your own risk.
If you don't include that (and your above example does not, so I assume your real problem does not either) then you're basically telling OpenMDAO that you want to use analytic derivatives (yay! they are so much more awesome). That means that you need to have a Linear solver to match your nonlinear one. For most problems that you start out with, you can simply put a DirectSolver right at the top of the model and it will all work out. For more advanced models, you need a more complex linear solver structure... but thats a different question.
Give this a try:
prob.model.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver()
That should give you non-zero total derivatives regardless of whether you have coupling (loops) or not.

How to get upper and lower bounds of objective vector in gurobi R

I'm trying to get the upper and lower bound vectors of the objective vector that will keep the same optimal solution of a linear program. I am using gurobi in R to solve my LP. The gurobi reference manual says that the attributes SAObjLow and SAObjUP will give you these bounds, but I cannot find them in the output of my gurobi call.
Is there a special way to tell the solver to return these vectors?
The only values that I see in the output of my gurobi call are status, runtime, itercount, baritercount, nodecount, objval, x, slack, rc, pi, vbasis, cbasis, objbound. The dual variables and reduced costs are returned in pi and rc, but not bounds on the objective vector.
I have tried forcing all 6 different 'methods' but none of them return what I'm looking for.
I know I can get these easily using the lpsolve R package, but I'm solving a relatively large problem and I trust gurobi more than this package.
Here's a reproducible example...
model = list()
model$obj = c(500,450)
model$modelsense = 'max'
model$A = matrix(c(6,10,1,5,20,0),3,2)
model$rhs = c(60,150,8)
model$sense = '<'
sol = gurobi(model)
Ideally something like SAObjLow would be one of the possible entries in sol.
Not all attributes are available in the Gurobi R interface - this includes the ones for sensitivity analysis.
You may find this example helpful.
Alternatively, you can use a different API, like Python, to query all available information.

CRAN package submission: "Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit"

Right upfront: this is an issue I encountered when submitting an R package to CRAN. So I
dont have control of the stack size (as the issue occured on one of CRANs platforms)
I cant provide a reproducible example (as I dont know the exact configurations on CRAN)
When trying to submit the cSEM.DGP package to CRAN the automatic pretest (for Debian x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; not for Windows!) failed with the NOTE: C stack usage 7975520 is too close to the limit.
I know this is caused by a function with three arguments whose body is about 800 rows long. The function body consists of additions and multiplications of these arguments. It is the function varzeta6() which you find here (from row 647 onwards).
How can I adress this?
Things I cant do:
provide a reproducible example (at least I would not know how)
change the stack size
Things I am thinking of:
try to break the function into smaller pieces. But I dont know how to best do that.
somehow precompile? the function (to be honest, I am just guessing) so CRAN doesnt complain?
Let me know your ideas!
Details / Background
The reason why varzeta6() (and varzeta4() / varzeta5() and even more so varzeta7()) are so long and R-inefficient is that they are essentially copy-pasted from mathematica (after simplifying the mathematica code as good as possible and adapting it to be valid R code). Hence, the code is by no means R-optimized (which #MauritsEvers righly pointed out).
Why do we need mathematica? Because what we need is the general form for the model-implied construct correlation matrix of a recursive strucutral equation model with up to 8 constructs as a function of the parameters of the model equations. In addition there are constraints.
To get a feel for the problem, lets take a system of two equations that can be solved recursivly:
Y2 = beta1*Y1 + zeta1
Y3 = beta2*Y1 + beta3*Y2 + zeta2
What we are interested in is the covariances: E(Y1*Y2), E(Y1*Y3), and E(Y2*Y3) as a function of beta1, beta2, beta3 under the constraint that
E(Y1) = E(Y2) = E(Y3) = 0,
E(Y1^2) = E(Y2^2) = E(Y3^3) = 1
E(Yi*zeta_j) = 0 (with i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 1, 2)
For such a simple model, this is rather trivial:
E(Y1*Y2) = E(Y1*(beta1*Y1 + zeta1) = beta1*E(Y1^2) + E(Y1*zeta1) = beta1
E(Y1*Y3) = E(Y1*(beta2*Y1 + beta3*(beta1*Y1 + zeta1) + zeta2) = beta2 + beta3*beta1
E(Y2*Y3) = ...
But you see how quickly this gets messy when you add Y4, Y5, until Y8.
In general the model-implied construct correlation matrix can be written as (the expression actually looks more complicated because we also allow for up to 5 exgenous constructs as well. This is why varzeta1() already looks complicated. But ignore this for now.):
V(Y) = (I - B)^-1 V(zeta)(I - B)'^-1
where I is the identity matrix and B a lower triangular matrix of model parameters (the betas). V(zeta) is a diagonal matrix. The functions varzeta1(), varzeta2(), ..., varzeta7() compute the main diagonal elements. Since we constrain Var(Yi) to always be 1, the variances of the zetas follow. Take for example the equation Var(Y2) = beta1^2*Var(Y1) + Var(zeta1) --> Var(zeta1) = 1 - beta1^2. This looks simple here, but is becomes extremly complicated when we take the variance of, say, the 6th equation in such a chain of recursive equations because Var(zeta6) depends on all previous covariances betwenn Y1, ..., Y5 which are themselves dependend on their respective previous covariances.
Ok I dont know if that makes things any clearer. Here are the main point:
The code for varzeta1(), ..., varzeta7() is copy pasted from mathematica and hence not R-optimized.
Mathematica is required because, as far as I know, R cannot handle symbolic calculations.
I could R-optimze "by hand" (which is extremly tedious)
I think the structure of the varzetaX() must be taken as given. The question therefore is: can I somehow use this function anyway?
Once conceivable approach is to try to convince the CRAN maintainers that there's no easy way for you to fix the problem. This is a NOTE, not a WARNING; The CRAN repository policy says
In principle, packages must pass R CMD check without warnings or significant notes to be admitted to the main CRAN package area. If there are warnings or notes you cannot eliminate (for example because you believe them to be spurious) send an explanatory note as part of your covering email, or as a comment on the submission form
So, you could take a chance that your well-reasoned explanation (in the comments field on the submission form) will convince the CRAN maintainers. In the long run it would be best to find a way to simplify the computations, but it might not be necessary to do it before submission to CRAN.
This is a bit too long as a comment, but hopefully this will give you some ideas for optimising the code for the varzeta* functions; or at the very least, it might give you some food for thought.
There are a few things that confuse me:
All varzeta* functions have arguments beta, gamma and phi, which seem to be matrices. However, in varzeta1 you don't use beta, yet beta is the first function argument.
I struggle to link the details you give at the bottom of your post with the code for the varzeta* functions. You don't explain where the gamma and phi matrices come from, nor what they denote. Furthermore, seeing that beta are the model's parameter etimates, I don't understand why beta should be a matrix.
As I mentioned in my earlier comment, I would be very surprised if these expressions cannot be simplified. R can do a lot of matrix operations quite comfortably, there shouldn't really be a need to pre-calculate individual terms.
For example, you can use crossprod and tcrossprod to calculate cross products, and %*% implements matrix multiplication.
Secondly, a lot of mathematical operations in R are vectorised. I already mentioned that you can simplify
1 - gamma[1,1]^2 - gamma[1,2]^2 - gamma[1,3]^2 - gamma[1,4]^2 - gamma[1,5]^2
1 - sum(gamma[1, ]^2)
since the ^ operator is vectorised.
Perhaps more fundamentally, this seems somewhat of an XY problem to me where it might help to take a step back. Not knowing the full details of what you're trying to model (as I said, I can't link the details you give to the cSEM.DGP code), I would start by exploring how to solve the recursive SEM in R. I don't really see the need for Mathematica here. As I said earlier, matrix operations are very standard in R; analytically solving a set of recursive equations is also possible in R. Since you seem to come from the Mathematica realm, it might be good to discuss this with a local R coding expert.
If you must use those scary varzeta* functions (and I really doubt that), an option may be to rewrite them in C++ and then compile them with Rcpp to turn them into R functions. Perhaps that will avoid the C stack usage limit?

Transformation with box-cox in R

I have a vector like x = [7,41;7,32;7,14;6,46;7,36;7,23;7,16;7,28]. I did a shapiro test (shapiro.test) and the result for the p-value = 0.003391826 which means its not normal distributed and so i want to transform it with box cox (or if you have a better idea except of log and square root) into normal form.
This is the command i tried: boxcox_x=boxcox(x~1, lambda = seq(2,3,1/10), plotit = TRUE, eps=1/50, xlab=expression(lambda), ylab="log-Likelihood"). After this i saw in the diagram for example lambda = -2.
Then i wrote lambda.max=boxcox_x$x[which.max(boxcox_ph$y)] and the lambda value from this code was completely different from what i could see in the diagram
then i wrote: x_new=bcPower(x, lambda.max, jacobian.adjusted = FALSE) because i thought this code will give me my new vector which should be normal distributed but the result was completely different
Can anybody help me in an easy way of explaining (I am an newcomer)
Thank you
Getting a good approximation of the distribution is a bit of an art that depends on the context.
A bigger problem you may have is that you have a small sample size which could lead to unreliable estimates of the p-value or representation of the data in any distribution.

Unexpected behaviour of ftol_abs and ftol_rel in NLopt

UPDATE: For anyone else who visits this page, it is worth having a look at this SO question and answer as I suspect the solution there is relevant to the problem I was having here.
This question duplicates one I have asked on the julia-users mailing list, but I haven't gotten a response there (admittedly it has only been 4 days), so thought I would ask here.
I am calling the NLopt API from Julia, although I think my question is independent of the Julia language.
I am trying to solve an optimisation problem using COBYLA but in many cases I am failing to trigger the stopping criteria. My problem is reasonably complicated, but I can reproduce the problem behaviour with a much simpler example.
Specifically, I try to minimize x1^2 + x2^2 + 1 using COBYLA, and I set both ftol_rel and ftol_abs to 0.5. My objective function includes a statement to print the current value to the console, so I can watch the convergence. The final five values printed to the console during convergence are:
My understanding is that any of these steps should have triggered the stopping criteria. All steps are less than 0.5, so that should trigger ftol_abs. Further, each value is approximately 1, and 0.5*1 = 0.5, so all steps should also have triggered ftol_rel. In fact, this behaviour is true of the last 8 steps in the convergence routine.
NLopt has been around for a while, so I'm guessing the problem is with my understanding of how ftol_abs and ftol_rel work, rather than being a bug.
Can anyone shed any light on why the stopping criteria are not being triggered much earlier?
If it is of any use, the following Julia code snippet can be used to reproduce everything I have just stated:
using NLopt
function objective_function(param::Vector{Float64}, grad::Vector{Float64})
obj_func_value = param[1]^2 + param[2]^2 + 1.0
println("Objective func value = " * string(obj_func_value))
println("Parameter value = " * string(param))
opt1 = Opt(:LN_COBYLA, 2)
lower_bounds!(opt1, [-10.0, -10.0])
upper_bounds!(opt1, [10.0, 10.0])
ftol_rel!(opt1, 0.5)
ftol_abs!(opt1, 0.5)
min_objective!(opt1, objective_function)
(fObjOpt, paramOpt, flag) = optimize(opt1, [9.0, 9.0])
Presumably, ftol_rel and ftol_abs are supposed to supply numerically guaranteed errors. The earlier values are close enough but the algorithm might not be able to guarantee it. For example, the gradient or Hessian at the evaluation point might supply such a numerical guarantee. So, it continues a bit further.
To be sure, it's best to look at the optimization algorithm source. If I manage this, I will add it to this answer.
Update: The COBYLA algorithm approximates the gradient (vector derivative) numerically using several evaluation points. As mentioned, this is used to model what the error might be. The errors can really be mathematically guaranteed only for functions restricted to some nice family (e.g. polynomials with some bound on degree).
Take home message: It's OK. Not a bug, but the best the algorithm can do. Let it have those extra iterations.
