Trying to convert the character encoding in a dataset - r

I would like to convert the character encoding of one of my variable in a dataset but I don't understand why the iconv command is not working.
My gist file is here :

Two ideas come to mind:
1) you have a simple problem and are asking the wrong question
-- the final line in your Gist is
Are you actually wanting:
2) readHTMLTable may not be reading in the character encoding correctly, in which case, you could set it explicitly with Encoding(tab$fiche_communale$Nom) <- "latin-1"
3) try relying on iconv to detect the local encoding:
iconv(tab$fiche_communale$Nom, from="", to="UTF-8")


iconv() returns NA when given a string with a specific special character

I am trying to convert some strings of an input file from UTF8 to ASCII. For most of the strings I give it, the conversion works perfectly fine with iconv(). However on some of them, it returns NA. While manually fixing the issue in the file seems like the simplest option, it is unfortunately not an option that I have available at the moment at all.
I have made a reproducible example of my problem but we assume to assume that I have to figure a way for iconv() to somehow convert the string in s1 and not get NA.
Here is the reproducible example:
s1 <- "Besançon" #as read from an input file I cannot modify
s2 <- "Paris"
s3 <- "Linköping"
s4 <- "Besançon" #Manual input for testing
s1 <- iconv(s1, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s2 <- iconv(s2, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s3 <- iconv(s3, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s4 <- iconv(s4, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
I get the following output:
> s1
[1] NA
> s2
[1] "Paris"
> s3
[1] "Link\"oping"
> s4
[1] "Besancon"
After playing around with the code, I figured that something was wrong in the entry "Besançon" that is now copied exactly from the input file. When I input it manually myself, the problem is solved. Since I can't modify the input file at all, what do you think is the exact issue and would you have any idea on how to solve it?
Thanks in advance,
After closer inspection, there is something odd in the characters of the first line. It seems to be taken away by SO's formatting.
But to reproduce it, the best I could give is these two images describing it. First image places my cursor just before the #
Second image is after pressing delete, which should delete the white space... turns out it deletes the ". So there is definitely something weird there.
It turns out that using sub='' actually solved the issue although I am quite unsure why.
iconv(s1, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT', sub='')
From the documentation sub
character string. If not NA it is used to replace any non-convertible
bytes in the input. (This would normally be a single character, but
can be more.) If "byte", the indication is "" with the hex code of
the byte. If "Unicode" and converting from UTF-8, the Unicode point in
the form "<U+xxxx>".
So I eventually figured out that there was a character I couldn't convert (nor see) in the string and using sub was a way to eliminate it. I am still not sure what this character is though. But the problem is solved.
There is probably a latin1 (or other encoding) character in your supposedly utf8 file. For example:
> latin=iconv('Besançon','utf8','latin1')
> iconv(latin,to='ascii//translit')
[1] NA
> iconv(latin,'utf8','ascii//translit')
[1] NA
> iconv(latin,'latin1','ascii//translit')
[1] "Besancon"
> iconv(l,'Windows-1250','ascii//translit')
[1] "Besancon"
You can e.g. make one new vector or data column with the result of each character set encoding in your data, and if one is NA, fall back to the next one, e.g.
utf8 = iconv(x,'utf8','ascii//translit')
latin1 = iconv(x,'latin1','ascii//translit')
win1250 = iconv(x,'Windows-1250','ascii//translit')
result = ifelse(,
If these encodings don't work, make a file with just the problem word, then use the unix/linux file command to detect the encoding, or else try some likely encodings.
I have in the past just listed all of iconv's supported encodings, tried all with lapply, and then used whichever results worked on each string, but some "from" encodings will return a non-NA but incorrect result, so it's best to try this on each unique character in your data in order to decide which subset of iconv's encodings to use and in which order.

problems replacing €-symbol in strings

I want to replace every "€" in a string with "[euro]". Now this works perfectly fine with <- gsub("€","[euro]",, fixed = TRUE)
Now I am looping over column names from a csv-file and suddenly I have trouble with the string "total€".
It works for other special character (#,?) but the € sign doesn't get recognized.
also returns 0 and if I extract the last letter it prints "€" but
print(lastletter( == "€")
returns FALSE. (lastletter is just a function to extract the last letter of a string.)
Does anyone have an idea why that happens and maybe an idea to solve it? I checked the class of "" and it returns "character", also tried to convert it into a character again and stuff like that but didn't help.
Thank you!
Your encodings are probably mixed. Check the encodings of the files, then add the appropriate encoding to, e.g., read.csv using fileEncoding="…" as an argument.
If you are working under Unix/Linux, the file utility will tell you the encoding of text files. Otherwise, any editor should show you the encoding of the files.
Common encodings are UTF-8, ISO-8859-15 and windows-1252. Try "UTF-8", "windows-1252" and "latin-9" as values for fileEncoding (the latter being a portable name for ISO-8859-15 according to R's documentation).

How to convert special characters into unicode in R?

When doing some textual data cleaning in R, I can found some special characters. In order to get rid of them, I have to know their unicodes, for example € is \u20AC. I would like to know if it is possible "see" the unicodes with a function that take into account the string within the special character as an input?
Refering to Cath comment, iconv can do the job :
iconv("é", toRaw = TRUE)
Then, you may want to unlist and paste with \u00.
special_char <- "%"

Error in tolower() invalid multibyte string

This is the error that I receive when I try to run tolower() on a character vector from a file that cannot be changed (at least, not manually - too large).
Error in tolower(m) : invalid multibyte string X
It seems to be French company names that are the problem with the É character. Although I have not investigated all of them (also not possible to do so manually).
It's strange, because my thought was that encoding issues would have been identified during read.csv(), rather than during operations after the fact.
Is there a quick way to remove these multibyte strings? Or, perhaps a way to identify and convert? Or even just ignore them entirely?
Here's how I solved my problem:
First, I opened the raw data in a texteditor (Geany, in this case), clicked properties and identified the Encoding type.
After which I used the iconv() function.
x <- iconv(x,"WINDOWS-1252","UTF-8")
To be more specific, I did this for every column of the data.frame from the imported CSV. Important to note that I set stringsAsFactors=FALSE in my read.csv() call.
dat[,sapply(dat,is.character)] <- sapply(
I was getting the same error. However, in my case it wasn't when I was reading the file, but a bit later when processing it. I realised that I was getting the error, because the file wasn't read with the correct encoding in the first place.
I found a much simpler solution (at least for my case) and wanted to share. I simply added encoding as below and it worked.
read.csv(<path>, encoding = "UTF-8")
data_clean = data %>%
mutate(new_lowercase_col = tolower(enc2utf8(as.character(my_old_column))))
Where new_lowercase_col is the name of the new column I'm making out of the old uppercase one, which was called my_old_column.
I know this has been answered already but thought I'd share my solution to this as I experienced the same thing.
In my case, I used the function str_trim() from package stringr to trim whitespace from start and end of string.
# to avoid datatables warning: error in tolower(x) invalid multibyte string
# assuming all columns are char
new_data <-
lapply(old_data, enc2utf8),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
My solution to this issue
library(dplyr) # pipes
library(stringi) # for stri_enc_isutf8
#Read in csv data
old_data<- read.csv("non_utf_data.csv", encoding = "UTF-8")
#despite specifying utf -8, the below columns are not utf8:
#The below code uses regular expressions to cleanse. May need to tinker with the last
#portion that selects the grammar to retain
utf_eight_data<- old_data %>%
mutate(problem_column = gsub("[^[:alnum:][:blank:]?&/\\-]", "", old_data$problem_column)) %>%
rename(solved_problem = problem_column)
#this column is now utf 8.

read.fwf and the number sign

I am trying to read this file (3.8mb) using its fixed-width structure as described in the following link.
This command:
a <- read.fwf('~/ccsl.txt',c(2,30,6,2,30,8,10,11,6,8))
Produces an error:
line 37 did not have 10 elements
After replicating the issue with different values of the skip option, I figured that the lines causing the problem all contain the "#" symbol.
Is there any way to get around it?
As #jverzani already commented, this problem is probably the fact that the # sign often used as a character to signal a comment. Setting the comment.char input argument of read.fwf to something other than # could fix the problem. I'll leave my answer below as a more general case that you can use on any character that causes problems (e.g. the 's in the Dutch city name 's Gravenhage).
I've had this problem occur with other symbols. The approach I took was to simply replace the # by either nothing, or by a character which does not generate the error. In my case it was no problem to simply replace the character, but this might not be possible in your case.
So my approach would be to delete the symbol that generates the error, or replace by another character. This can be done using a text editor (find and replace), in an R script, or using some linux tools called grep and sed. If you want to do this in an R script, use scan or readLines to read the lines. Once the text is in memory, you can use sub to replace the character.
If you cannot replace the character, I would try the following approach: replace the character by a character that does not generate an error, read it into R using read.fwf, and finally replace the character by the # character.
Following up on the answer above: to get all characters to be read as literals, use both comment.char="" and quote="" (the latter takes care of #PaulHiemstra's problem with single-quotes in Dutch proper nouns) in the call to read.fwf (this is documented in ?read.table).
