I created a program that breaks a database in several other banks. But in this program I save this several banks in txt so now I'd like save in xls, but I don't know how.
I tried for (nm in Nms) write.table(Res[[nm]], paste(nm, 'xls', sep='.'), sep="\t",dec=",",col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, quote=TRUE, na="NA")
but it did not work
decup <- function(dados,var){
dados <- read.xls("dados.xls")
Res = split(dados, var)
for (nm in Nms) write.table(Res[[nm]], file=paste(nm, 'txt', sep='.'))
for (nm in Nms) zip(paste(nm,'zip',sep='.'),paste(nm,'xls',sep='.'), zip = Sys.getenv("R_ZIPCMD", "zip"))
You can use library XLConnect to read/write .xlsx files and
writeWorksheet let's you save the your data.frames:
## open workbook or create it if doesn't exist
wb <- loadWorkbook("writeWorksheet.xlsx", create = TRUE)
## for each data.frame create a sheet with its data
lapply(seq_along(Res), function(x)
createSheet(wb, name = paste0("sheet",x))
writeWorksheet(wb, Res[[x]], sheet = paste0("sheet",x), startRow = 4, startCol = 2)
# Save workbook (this actually writes the file to disk)
EDIT to save a data.frame by workbook you do this :
lapply(seq_along(Res), function(x){
wb <- loadWorkbook(paste0("database",x), create = TRUE)
createSheet(wb, name ='sheet1' )
writeWorksheet(wb, Res[[x]], sheet = 'sheet1', startRow = 4, startCol = 2)
In my script, I need to create an excel workbook with many sheets, where the first 2 sheets are by default, read from another workbook and incorporated into the exported excel.
Im using the xlsx package to format the export excel. However, I could not find any function in the xlsx package, that could read a sheet from an excel, and add it to another one.
Here is my code to read the first excel:
template_wb <- loadWorkbook(file = 'template.xlsx')
sheets <- getSheets(wb)
sheet1 <- sheets[[1]]
sheet2 <- sheets[[2]]
In the second part of the code, i create another workbook, which contains multiple sheets, from which, sheet1 and sheet2, should be one of.
as_sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "AS")
dc_sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "DC")
ro_sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "RO")
### add content to worksheets
# the suggested code should go there
### save workbook
saveWorkbook(wb, 'out.xlsx')
I would like to add the content of sheet1 to dc_sheet and the content of sheet2 to ro_sheet before adding more data into as_sheet and then saving the workbook.
How can I do this?
I'm pretty sure a simple assignment statement will do the trick:
template_wb <- loadWorkbook(file = 'template.xlsx')
sheets <- getSheets(template_wb)
sheet1 <- sheets[[1]]
sheet2 <- sheets[[2]]
as_sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "AS")
dc_sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "DC")
ro_sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "RO")
# Your code here
saveWorkbook(wb, 'out.xlsx')
I tried it out and it worked fine
You can work with a copy, and save it as a new file.
wb <- loadWorkbook(file)
# Rename the sheets
wb$setSheetName(0L, "AS")
wb$setSheetName(1L, "DC")
# Delete the aditional sheets
sheets <- getSheets(wb)
lapply(names(sheets)[-(1:2)], function(x) removeSheet(wb, sheetName = x))
# Assign the sheets to the objects of R
sheets <- getSheets(wb)
as_sheet <- sheets[[1]]
dc_sheet <- sheets[[2]]
# Create the new sheet
ro_sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "RO")
# save workbook
saveWorkbook(wb, 'out.xlsx')
I have an existing workbook with some data and charts.
I'm using openxlsx to add recent data and would like to edit an existing named range to reflect this (the charts use this named region).
I tried using writeData and createNamedRegion to do that, but I receive the error message "Error in (...): Named region with name 'named_region' already exists!"
filename <- 'test.xlsx'
wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = 'test')
writeData(wb, sheet='test', x=data.frame(a=1:3,b=2:4), startCol=1, startRow=1,
colNames=T, rowNames=F, name='named_region')
saveWorkbook(wb, file=filename, overwrite=TRUE)
wb <- loadWorkbook(file = filename)
writeData(wb, sheet='test', x = data.frame(a=4:5,b=5:6),
startRow=5, colNames=F, rowNames=FALSE, keepNA=FALSE) # ok
# not ok
# writeData(wb, sheet='test', x = data.frame(a=4:5,b=5:6),
# startRow=5, colNames=F, rowNames=FALSE, keepNA=FALSE, name='named_region')
# createNamedRegion(wb, sheet='test', cols=1, rows=2:6, name='named_region')
saveWorkbook(wb, file=filename, overwrite=TRUE)
I am writing up a report where the output gets pushed to a xlsx document via library(xlsx). This data then feeds into a table especially formatted with LaTeX code that formats the output:
```{r import_results, echo = F}
wb <- xlsx::createWorkbook(type = "xlsx")
sheets <- xlsx::createSheet(wb, "data")
wb <- loadWorkbook("Analysis/results.xlsx")
sheets <- removeSheet(wb, "data")
sheets <- xlsx::createSheet(wb, "data")
addDataFrame(sheet = sheets, x = Results1)
addDataFrame(sheet = sheets, x = Results2, startRow = nrow(Results1)+2)
addDataFrame(sheet = sheets, x = Results3, startRow = nrow(Results1)+ nrow(Results2) + 4)
xlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, "Analysis/results.xlsx")
After writing to sheet that table data is linked to, I read it back into R, now with all the LaTeX in the cells and in essence I want to cat results so they are LaTeX code, but it prints the data.frame as a long string when I knit:
```{r, echo = F, results='asis'}
wb <- read.xlsx("Analysis/results.xlsx", sheetName = "import", header=F)
row.names(wb) <-NULL
What is the appropriate way to automate this cross platform integration?
I got the example to work in a very "simplistic" manner. Although I dont think its the cleanest code out there, it does work for what I need it to do:
wb <- read.xlsx("Analysis/results.xlsx", sheetName = "import", header=F, stringsAsFactors = F)
wb <- mutate_each(wb, funs(replace(., which(is.na(.)), "")))
```{r, echo = F, results = 'asis'}
for(i in 1:nrow(wb)){
I have sales data in an Excel file in that I have to open in sheet3. I tried below code but am unable to give hyperlinks to sheet3.
wb <- createWorkbook()
sheet1 <- createSheet(wb, "Sheet1")
rows <- createRow(sheet1)
cells <- createCell(rows)
links <- c("[D://r datasets/sales data.xlsx]sheet3!")
names(links) <- c("link1")
for (row in 1:length(links)) {
setCellValue(cells[[row,1]], names(links)[row])
addHyperlink(cells[[row,1]], links[row])
saveWorkbook(wb, "hyperlinks to file.xlsx")
shell.exec("hyperlinks to file.xlsx")
Can anyone help in this regard?
You can do
wb1 <- createWorkbook()
createSheet(wb1, "Sheet1")
createSheet(wb1, "Sheet2")
createSheet(wb1, "Sheet3")
saveWorkbook(wb1, tf1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx"))
wb2 <- createWorkbook()
sheet2 <- createSheet(wb2, "Sheet2")
rows <- createRow(sheet2)
cells <- createCell(rows)
setCellValue(cells[[1,1]], "To Other File")
addHyperlink(cells[[1,1]],sprintf("file:///%s#%s!%s", normalizePath(tf1, "/"), names(getSheets(wb1))[2], "B2"), "FILE")
saveWorkbook(wb2, tf2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx"))
When running Shiny, I get the message that "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" when the download function is called. It works when the data file is smaller; but all of the tables combined should be less than 5,000 rows and 15 columns for the instance I'm looking at. Can someone help me make my downloadHandler functional with this kind of file size?
*# server.R*
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
... (filtering operation on a data frame to create multiple sub tables)
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {paste(input$category,"_raw_token_data.xlsx")},
content = function(file){
fname <- paste(file,"xlsx",sep=".")
wb <- loadWorkbook(fname, create = TRUE)
createSheet(wb, name = "-terms")
createSheet(wb, name = "+terms")
createSheet(wb, name = "-tokens")
createSheet(wb, name = "+tokens")
createSheet(wb, name = "test_stats")
writeWorksheet(wb, raw()$filter_neg, sheet = "-terms")
writeWorksheet(wb, raw()$filter_kw, sheet = "+terms")
writeWorksheet(wb, df()$neg_raw, sheet = "-tokens")
writeWorksheet(wb, df()$rel_raw, sheet = "+tokens")
writeWorksheet(wb, df()$test_raw, sheet = "test_stats")
) # closing for downloadHandler
}) # closing for shinyServer
options(java.parameters = "-Xmx1g") # increase heap size to 1gb