Fit negative binomial distribution in R - r

I have a data set derived from the sport Snooker:
Column "playerRating" can take the values from 0 to 1, and describes how good a player is:
0: bad player
1: good player
Column "suc" is the number of consecutive balls potted by each player with the specific rating.
I am trying to prove 2 things regarding the number of consecutive balls potted until first miss:
The distribution of successes follows a negative binomial
The number of success depends on the player's worth. ie if a player is really good, he will manage to pot more consecutive balls.
I am using the "fitdistrplus" package to fit my data, however, I am unable to find a way of using the "playerRatings" as input parameters.
Any help would be much appreciated!


Conditional Binomial - Does sample space change given previous results?

I am brushing up on some probability using R - and came across the following question:
It is estimated that approximately 20% of marketing calls result in a sale. What is the probability that the last 4 marketing calls made on a day (where 12 calls are made) are the only ones to result in a sale?
My initial thought would be that the probability of the last 4 calls being a sale is independent - ergo its a binomial distribution and can use dbinom(4,12,.2). However after looking at it further - I'm not sure if the sample space changes to just the remaining 4 calls, ergo dbinom(4,4,.2)
Also my understanding of the Binomial PMF
Pz({Z=z})= (n¦z)p^z(1-p)^(n-z)
which i believe that R replicates in the dbinom function, would provide the probability of any 4 successes, not specifically the last 4 items.
Is it a simple case of removing the N Choose Z piece of the PMF function? Is there an equivalent function in R?
Havnt looked at probability in a while so appreciate any assistance!

Metric for evaluating agreement at inter-rater reliability for a single subject by multiple raters

I'm making a rating survey in R (Shiny) and I'm tryng to find a metric that can evaluate the agreement but for only one of the "questions" in the survey. The ratings range from 1 to 5. There is multiple raters and each rater rates a set of 10 questions according to the ratings.
I've used Fleiss Kappa and Krippendorff Alpha for the whole set of questions and raters and it works but when evaluating each question separately these metrics give negative value. I tried calculating them by hand (formulas) and I still get the same results so I guess that they don't work for a small sample of subjects (in this case a sample of 1).
I've looked at other metrics like rwg in the multilevel package but thus far I can't seem to make it work. According to r documentation:
rwg(x, grpid, ranvar=2)
x = A vector representing the construct on which to estimate agreement.
grpid = A vector identifying the groups from which x originated.
Can someone explain me what the rwg function expects from me?
If someone know some other agreement metric that might work better please let me know.

What is the probability of a TERM for a specific TOPIC in Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) in R

I'm working in R, package "topicmodels". I'm trying to work out and better understand the code/package. In most of the tutorials, documentation I'm reading I'm seeing people define topics by the 5 or 10 most probable terms.
Here is an example:
data("AssociatedPress", package = "topicmodels")
lda <- LDA(AssociatedPress[1:20,], k = 5)
so the last part of the code returns me the 5 most probable terms associated with the 5 topics I've defined.
In the lda object, i can access the gamma element, which contains per document the probablity of beloning to each topic. So based on this I can extract the topics with a probability greater than any threshold I prefer, instead of having for everyone the same number of topics.
But my second step would then to know which words are strongest associated to the topics. I can use the terms(lda) function to pull this out, but this gives me the N so many.
In the output I've also found the
which contains the beta per word per topic, but this is a Beta value, which I'm having a hard time interpreting. They are all negative values, and though I see some values around -6, and other around -200, i can't interpret this as a probability or a measure to see which words and how much stronger certain words associate to a topic. Is there a way to pull out/calculate anything that can be interpreted as such a measure.
many thanks
The beta-matrix gives you a matrix with dimension #topics x #terms. The values are log-likelihoods, therefore you exp them. The given probabilities are of the type
P(word|topic) and these probabilities only add up to 1 if you take the sum over the words but not over the topics P(all words|topic) = 1 and NOT P(word|all topics) = 1.
What you are searching for is P(topic|word) but I actually do not know how to access or calculate it in this context. You will need P(word) and P(topic) I guess. P(topic) should be:
Becomes more obvious if you look at the gamma-matrix, which is #document x #topics. The given probabilites are P(topic|document) and can be interpreted as "what is the probability of topic x given document y". The sum over all topics should be 1 but not the sum over all documents.

Error probability function

I have DNA amplicons with base mismatches which can arise during the PCR amplification process. My interest is, what is the probability that a sequence contains errors, given the error rate per base, number of mismatches and the number of bases in the amplicon.
I came across an article [Cummings, S. M. et al (2010). Solutions for PCR, cloning and sequencing errors in population genetic analysis. Conservation Genetics, 11(3), 1095–1097. doi:10.1007/s10592-009-9864-6]
that proposes this formula to calculate the probability mass function in such cases.
I implemented the formula with R as shown here
pcr.prob <- function(k,N,eps){
v = numeric(k)
for(i in 1:k) {
v[i] = choose(N,k-i) * (eps^(k-i)) * (1 - eps)^(N-(k-i))
1 - sum(v)
From the article, suggest we analysed an 800 bp amplicon using a PCR of 30 cycles with 1.85e10-5 misincorporations per base per cycle, and found 10 unique sequences that are each 3 bp different from their most similar sequence. The probability that a novel sequences was generated by three independent PCR errors equals P = 0.0011.
However when I use my implementation of the formula I get a different value.
[1] 5.323567e-07
What could I be doing wrong in my implementation? Am I misinterpreting something?
I think they've got the right number (0.00113), but badly explained in their paper.
The calculation you want to be doing is:
pbinom(3, 800, 1-(1-1.85e-5)^30, lower=FALSE)
I.e. what's the probability of seeing less than three modifications in 800 independent bases, given 30 amplifications that each have a 1.85e-5 chance of going wrong. I.e. you're calculating the probability it doesn't stay correct 30 times.
Somewhat statsy, may be worth a move…
Thinking about this more, you will start to see floating-point inaccuracies when working with very small probabilities here. I.e. a 1-x where x is a small number will start to go wrong when the absolute value of x is less than about 1e-10. Working with log-probabilities is a good idea at this point, specifically the log1p function is a great help. Using:
pbinom(3, 800, 1-exp(log1p(-1.85e-5)*30), lower=FALSE)
will continue to work even when the error incorporation rate is very low.

mathematical model to build a ranking/ scoring system

I want to rank a set of sellers. Each seller is defined by parameters var1,var2,var3,var4...var20. I want to score each of the sellers.
Currently I am calculating score by assigning weights on these parameters(Say 10% to var1, 20 % to var2 and so on), and these weights are determined based on my gut feeling.
my score equation looks like
score = w1* var1 +w2* var2+...+w20*var20
score = 0.1*var1+ 0.5 *var2 + .05*var3+........+0.0001*var20
My score equation could also look like
score = w1^2* var1 +w2* var2+...+w20^5*var20
where var1,var2,..var20 are normalized.
Which equation should I use?
What are the methods to scientifically determine, what weights to assign?
I want to optimize these weights to revamp the scoring mechanism using some data oriented approach to achieve a more relevant score.
I have following features for sellers
1] Order fulfillment rates [numeric]
2] Order cancel rate [numeric]
3] User rating [1-5] { 1-2 : Worst, 3: Average , 5: Good} [categorical]
4] Time taken to confirm the order. (shorter the time taken better is the seller) [numeric]
5] Price competitiveness
Are there better algorithms/approaches to solve this problem? calculating score? i.e I linearly added the various features, I want to know better approach to build the ranking system?
How to come with the values for the weights?
Apart from using above features, few more that I can think of are ratio of positive to negative reviews, rate of damaged goods etc. How will these fit into my Score equation?
Unfortunately stackoverflow doesn't have latex so images will have to do:
Also as a disclaimer, I don't think this is a concise answer but your question is quite broad. This has not been tested but is an approach I would most likely take given a similar problem.
As a possible direction to go, below is the multivariate gaussian. The idea would be that each parameter is in its own dimension and therefore could be weighted by importance. Example:
Sigma = [1,0,0;0,2,0;0,0,3] for a vector [x1,x2,x3] the x1 would have the greatest importance.
The co-variance matrix Sigma takes care of scaling in each dimension. To achieve this simply add the weights to a diagonal matrix nxn to the diagonal elements. You are not really concerned with the cross terms.
Mu is the average of all logs in your data for your sellers and is a vector.
xis the mean of every category for a particular seller and is as a vector x = {x1,x2,x3...,xn}. This is a continuously updated value as more data are collected.
The parameters of the the function based on the total dataset should evolve as well. That way biased voting especially in the "feelings" based categories can be weeded out.
After that setup the evaluation of the function f_x can be played with to give the desired results. This is a probability density function, but its utility is not restricted to stats.
