ERROR: a 'NAMESPACE' file is required - r

I am trying to install some R packages on a Linux machine using
R CMD INSTALL -l <ourRlibrarylocation> <path where I saved the packagename.tar.gz file>
and I see an error message:
ERROR: a 'NAMESPACE' file is required
I am using R 3.0.1. Please help, I am new to R and just downloaded these packages for customers.
One example:
R CMD INSTALL -l /abcde/R/R-3.0.0/library /home/RFILES/PKG/UScensus2000tract_0.03.tar.gz
* installing *source* package âUScensus2000tractâ ...
ERROR: a 'NAMESPACE' file is required
* removing â/abcde/R/R-3.0.0/library/UScensus2000tractâ

According to the R documentation for writing extensions, all packages destined for version 3.0.0 and later must contain a NAMESPACE file. If you download an R package that gives you the above error, here's what you should try:
Untar the package:
tar -xvf the_package.tar.gz
Add a NAMESPACE file with the line exportPattern( "." ):
cd the_package
echo 'exportPattern( "." )' > NAMESPACE
cd ..
Re-tar the package:
tar -zcf the_package.tar.gz the_package
Try and install it again.
Hope that helps.

I actually just hit the same thing when compiling R-3.0.1. It looks to be that the package version that I was using was out of date. This was for proto:
# /var/local/R-3.0.1/bin/R CMD INSTALL -l /var/local/R-3.0.1/lib64/R/library proto_0.3-9.2.tar.gz
* installing *source* package ‘proto’ ...
ERROR: a 'NAMESPACE' file is required
* removing ‘/var/local/R-3.0.1/lib64/R/library/proto’
But there was a newer version for proto (0.3-10) which worked fine:
# ../var/local/R-3.0.1/bin/R CMD INSTALL -l ../var/local/R-3.0.1/lib64/R/library proto_0.3-10.tar.gz
* installing *source* package ‘proto’ ...
** package ‘proto’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** R
** demo
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded
* DONE (proto)
I had an older install of R (2.15), which the older proto package worked with:
# /var/local/R-2.15.0/bin/R CMD INSTALL -l /var/local/R-2.15.0/lib64/R/library proto_0.3-9.2.tar.gz
* installing *source* package 'proto' ...
** Creating default NAMESPACE file
** R
** demo
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded
It looks like the older version of R actually creates the missing NAMESPACE file, but the new version bails. Hope this helps you!

I found the following link more useful:
How should I deal with "package 'xxx' is not available (for R version x.y.z)" warning?
6. The package is out of date
It may have been archived (if it is no longer maintained and no longer passes R CMD check tests).
In this case, you can load an old version of the package using install_version()
install_version("foobarbaz", "0.1.2")
An alternative is to install from the github CRAN mirror.

One can now use remotes::install_url() or remotes::install_local().
It installs dependencies and generates the NAMESPACE file automatically.


Cannot mannually install package in R

I am trying to install package using:
However, I got error:
Error: Failed to install 'RMTL' from GitHub:
schannel: failed to receive handshake, SSL/TLS connection failed
Any advise, please?
It installs fine for me (on Linux). As the output shows, I also have a GITHUB_PAT but I do not think that should be required for a public repository.
$ installGithub.r s-conner/rmtl/rpackage
Using github PAT from envvar GITHUB_PAT
Downloading GitHub repo s-conner/rmtl#HEAD
── R CMD build ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
✔ checking for file ‘/tmp/remotes16a2746ead7197/s-conner-rmtl-c2fb188/rpackage/DESCRIPTION’ ...
─ preparing ‘rmtl’:
✔ checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ...
─ checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
─ checking for empty or unneeded directories
Omitted ‘LazyData’ from DESCRIPTION
─ building ‘rmtl_0.0.0.9000.tar.gz’
Installing package into ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
* installing *source* package ‘rmtl’ ...
** using staged installation
** R
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (rmtl)
(where installGithub.r is a simple convenience wrapper for remotes::install_github from my littler CRAN package.)
So I guess you need to work out why the https handshake to GitHub fails for you. It would seem that GitHub serves the repository just fine.
you can also source the 3 functions in the package at the start of your code
You can also download the 3 r scripts files and source them

How can I install knitr in Rhel8

Seeing below error while trying to install knitr_1.2.tar.gz This is on RHEL 8 and R version 3.4.3. Installing a old version of the package to satisfy user requirement.
R CMD INSTALL knitr_1.2.tar.gz
* installing to library ‘/opt/R/3.4.3/lib/R/library’
* installing *source* package ‘knitr’ ...
** package ‘knitr’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** R
** demo
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Error : object ‘tidy.source’ is not exported by 'namespace:formatR'
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘knitr’
* removing ‘/opt/R/3.4.3/lib/R/library/knitr’
knitr 1.2 was released in 2013, and personally I strongly discourage your user from using such an old version. I'd like to know why they have to use it before trying to install it. If they must use it, this version of knitr requires formatR::tidy.source to be available, which in turn requires a very old version of formatR (before v1.0), because this function has been deprecated in formatR v1.0 and removed in v1.4. You may try to install formatR v0.10 before installing knitr v1.2. Again, strongly not recommended.

I can't install 'loadR' (climate4R) from github in R

I use Windows 10 and the version of R is 4.0.2. I have tried with Windows and Ubuntu but the problem is the same. Also with other versions of R (3.6.1 and 3.6.3).
The message about the error is as follows:
* installing *source* package 'loadeR' ...
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Error: package 'climate4R.UDG' 0.1.1 was found, but >= 0.2.0 is required by 'loadeR'
Ejecución interrumpida
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'loadeR'
What could be the solution?
Thank you!
Uninstalling the packages then installing from github appears to overcome this issue. E.g.
I know this is an old thread, but just in case someone else has the same issue:
It wouldn't install for me either, so I went to:
and chose the 'Oracle jdk' download and then chose the appropriate Java product to download, then the code below was successful installing:

R - devtools - Build - ZIP failure?

I have been trying to build a package in R using the package devtools and the build function but it keeps failing on the zip element despite having the zip package installed?
* installing to library
* installing *source* package 'simTools' ...
** R
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
converting help for package 'simTools'
finding HTML links ... done
sampleFromData html
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded
*** arch - i386
*** arch - x64
* MD5 sums
Warning in system(paste(shQuote(ZIP), "-r9Xq", filepath, paste(curPkg,
collapse = " "))) :
'"zip"' not found
running 'zip' failed
* DONE (simTools)
[1] "D:/R/"
My guess is that zip is referring to the Linux zip command and not the zip package.
Do you have R-tools installed? That includes a number of Linux commands and is necessary for building packages on Windows. It also needs to be included to your PATH (System Properties -> Environment Variables). You can check if it is properly set up using devtools::find_rtools().

No vignettes found by browseVignettes where they actually are there

I have a package on a github repository with 2 vignettes in the vignettes/ directory.
I tried to download if with devtools package like this
> if (!require(devtools)) {
+ install.packages("devtools")
+ require(devtools)
+ }
> install_github("MarcinKosinski/RTCGA", build_vignettes=TRUE)
Downloading github repo MarcinKosinski/RTCGA#master
Installing RTCGA
"D:/R-32~1.2/bin/x64/R" --no-site-file --no-environ --no-save --no-restore CMD INSTALL \
"C:/Users/Marcin/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmpg1Kbfy/devtools3cf47f1f6731/MarcinKosinski-RTCGA-0d91d7c" \
--library="C:/Users/Marcin/Documents/R/win-library/3.2" --install-tests
* installing *source* package 'RTCGA' ...
** R
** tests
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded
Reloading installed RTCGA
Welcome to the RTCGA (version: 0.99.6).
but when I try to browse Vignettes it appears they were not build.
> library(RTCGA)
> browseVignettes("RTCGA")
No vignettes found by browseVignettes("RTCGA")
I've seen some old issue where people suggested to use build_vignettes=TRUE, but as you see it didn't help OR to add move Vignettes to remove inst/doc/ directory from .Rbuildignore file. But this must be and old issue, because I haven't seen such directory in a binary source after installation of the package.
I've also seen this answer on a similar question, but when I built source and then install package from a source it appears to have the same issue: No vignettes found by browseVignettes("RTCGA").
Any idea on how to make this work?
According to Martin's answer
I've addedthis fragment of code to vignettes' YAML
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Integrating TCGA Data - RTCGA Tutorial}
I've edited YAML of 2 of my vignettes
I've added code to the beggining of YAML - this file
Just in case I once added new information to the end of YAML - this file
but still there appears there are no vignettes available after installation from github
> devtools::install_github("MarcinKosinski/RTCGA")
Downloading github repo MarcinKosinski/RTCGA#master
Installing RTCGA
'/usr/lib/R/bin/R' --vanilla CMD INSTALL \
'/tmp/Rtmpk34Zbr/devtools531845716f54/MarcinKosinski-RTCGA-5571117' \
--library='/home/mkosinski/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2' --install-tests
* installing *source* package ‘RTCGA’ ...
** R
** tests
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded
> library(RTCGA)
Welcome to the RTCGA (version: 0.99.6).
> browseVignettes("RTCGA")
No vignettes found by browseVignettes("RTCGA")
Of course I've forgoten to add parameter buildVignettes = TRUE but after this it looks like vignettes are seen but there is some problem with their compilation during build:
devtools::install_github("MarcinKosinski/RTCGA", build_vignettes=TRUE)
Downloading github repo MarcinKosinski/RTCGA#master
Installing RTCGA
'/usr/lib/R/bin/R' --vanilla CMD build \
'/tmp/RtmpA7il1Q/devtools5fc871b48f57/MarcinKosinski-RTCGA-e47bdf6' \
--no-resave-data --no-manual
* checking for file ‘/tmp/RtmpA7il1Q/devtools5fc871b48f57/MarcinKosinski-RTCGA-e47bdf6/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* preparing ‘RTCGA’:
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing the package to build vignettes
* creating vignettes ... OK
* checking for LF line-endings in source and make files
* checking for empty or unneeded directories
Removed empty directory ‘RTCGA/ghPage’
Removed empty directory ‘RTCGA/inst’
* building ‘RTCGA_0.99.6.tar.gz’
'/usr/lib/R/bin/R' --vanilla CMD INSTALL \
'/tmp/RtmpA7il1Q/RTCGA_0.99.6.tar.gz' \
--library='/home/mkosinski/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2' \
* installing *source* package ‘RTCGA’ ...
** R
** tests
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
Warning in file(con, "w") :
cannot open file '/home/mkosinski/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/RTCGA/doc/index.html': No such file or directory
Error in file(con, "w") : cannot open the connection
ERROR: installing vignettes failed
* removing ‘/home/mkosinski/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/RTCGA’
* restoring previous ‘/home/mkosinski/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/RTCGA’
Error: Command failed (1)
From Writing R Extensions, section 1.4.2, your vignettes need to have a line
in them; a common paradigm is to add the following to the yaml at the top of the vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Integrating TCGA Data}
VignetteIndexEntry provides a convenient title for R's help system. Remember the BiocStyle package for creating vignettes with a consistent look.
I only could solve this, using:
Of course, then uploading the new files by git
