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Closed 9 years ago.
When I login to wordpress and I have the admin bar at the top, the footer (the wooded area) sits perfectly at the bottom of the website. When I view the website when I am not logged in I then see the footer end and the body content (background) come back in (with a tiny little smiley face on the bottom left).
Any ideas? Thank you in advance!
The smiley face is displaying on its own line. Simply remove the smiley face and the footer will stay at the bottom.
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Closed 9 years ago.
I have uploaded the website to the internet so you can see what i mean, if you click on the My CV link you will notice that the pagewrap div jumps to the left slightly.
Many thanks!
Its because of the vertical scroll that's added after you visit the link, if that's what you are asking.
Simple answer. The content of that page is longer, so the scrollbar on the right side jumps in, taking some space. So the content jumps left.
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Closed 10 years ago.
I inspect the elements of it and the body is 745 and the sidebar is something like 120 - so how can it look so wide?
It "looks wide" because the sidebar on the left is set to a fixed postion on the left of the screen so when presented on a wider monitor the sidebar always stays to the far left of the screen while the main div does some reactive sizing and stays in the center.
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Closed 10 years ago.
Nothing I found in the archives has worked for me, so hopefully you can help me find a solution. I created my template in Dreamweaver, and have almost successfully transferred it all over to a wordpress theme, but now wordpress has added a small margin below the footer.
The margin doesn't appear on the original layout:
But it IS on the template:
Any insight?
Nothing to do with wordpress. Pure css: your body element has a padding-bottom of 40px you need to remove. Inspect it with Chrome Dev Tools
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Closed 10 years ago.
I have done something less brilliant but no matter how much i check in Firebug, i can't see any style that causes the buttons to get this weird margin on the left side. In fact, they don't even flash (on mouse over) except at the leftmost edge.
The question is twofold. What did the evil computer did?
And, more importantly, how does one trace the source of this weird layout?
The demo page can be found here.
input[type="button"], input[type="submit"] has a left margin of 120px.
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Closed 11 years ago.
I just can't figure out why there is extra grey space on the right of my website. When you minimize your window and horizontally scroll, you will see that there is extra grey space to the right that I obviously do not want. Any coding tips or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Your ul with the menu items in it has a width: 550px which is pushing to the right of the page in smaller screens.