Mathematica: integrate symbolic vector function - vector

I wrote a program that defines two piecewise functions "gradino[x_]" and "gradino1[x_]", where x is a vector of m components.
I'm not able to write these functions explicitly using the x_i, I need to keep x as a vector.
I need to measure the distance between these two function doing:
but it's not working.
Any idea how to do this? Remembering that I can't simply express gradino[x1_,x2_ etc...].

re: "its not working" posting the actual error message is usually a good idea,
in this case "Part specification x[[1]] is longer than depth of object.".. tells you exactly what the problem is. If x is not already defined as a list you cannot use list elements as integration variables.
f[y_] := y[[1]] y[[2]];
Integrate[ f[x] , {x[[1]], 0, 1}, {x[[2]], 0, 1}]
(* error Part specification x[[1]] is longer than depth of object. *)
If you first define x as a list, then it works:
x = Array[z, 2];
Integrate[ f[x] , {x[[1]], 0, 1}, {x[[2]], 0, 1}]
Note you can not do this with nintegrate:
NIntegrate[ f[x] , {x[[1]], 0, 1}, {x[[2]], 0, 1}]
(*error Tag Part in x[[1]] is Protected *)
you need to use the explicit elements:
NIntegrate[ f[x] , {z[1], 0, 1}, {z[2], 0, 1}]
(* 0.25 *)

According to the model above, with
x = Array[z, 2];
why the following is ok:
f[y_] := NIntegrate[y[[1]] y[[2]] t, {t, 0, 1}];
NIntegrate[f[x], {z[1], 0, 1}, {z[2], 0, 1}]
but the following is not:
f[y_] := NIntegrate[y[[1]] y[[2]] Exp[t], {t, 0, 1}];
NIntegrate[f[x], {z[1], 0, 1}, {z[2], 0, 1}]
The only difference is changing t in the inner integration into Exp[t].


Why I generated wrong Taylor series?

I want to prove the expression Limit[Sin[x*x] *Exp[-x*x]*x, x -> Infinity] ==0
So I do this Normal[ Series[ Sin[x*x] *Exp[-x*x]*x, {x, 0, 40}]].And the result
imply the expression will be infinity.
That is odd, and I make some change. Let t=x^2, then the expression will be Limit[Sin[t] *Exp[-t]*Sqrt[t], t -> Infinity]. I try again Normal[ Series[Sin[x] *Exp[-x]*Sqrt[x], {x, 0, 40}]]. That's the answer I need.
The right series
I can't figure out what's wrong. Why I can't generate series directly?
I wnat to say thay f, f1 and f2 should be the same, but they looks like this:
f=f1,but f2 diffuse
Normal[Series[Sin[x*x]*Exp[-x*x]*x, {x, 0, 40}]]
with t = x^2 is equivalent to
Normal[Series[Sin[t]*Exp[-t]*x, {x, 0, 40}]]
because x != Sqrt[x^2] e.g. for `x = -2
Results for negative t are not plotted.
Plot[Sin[t]*Exp[-t]*Sqrt[t], {t, -8, 8}]

Mathematica plotting based on all previous equation results

I have a plot
Plot[40500*x^(-0.1), {x, 1, 100}, PlotRange -> {0, 50000}]
I'm trying to plot the cumulative of these y values. I'll try to explain with an example:
I'm trying to get
for x=1: 40500*1^(-0.1)
for x=2: 40500*(2^(-0.1)+1^(-0.1))
for x=3: 40500*(3^(-0.1)+2^(-0.1)+1^(-0.1))
and so on up to x=100.
Is there a way to do that?
Running some examples for x = 3
for x=3: 40500*(3^(-0.1)+2^(-0.1)+1^(-0.1))
This can be found using Sum:
Sum[40500*i^(-0.1), {i, 3}]
or using Fold
Fold[#1 + 40500*#2^(-0.1) &, 0, {1, 2, 3}]
FoldList outputs the intermediate steps.
FoldList[#1 + 40500*#2^(-0.1) &, 0, {1, 2, 3}]
{0, 40500., 78287.8, 114574.}
Accumulating to 100 and discarding the initial zero value:
ListLinePlot[Rest[FoldList[#1 + 40500*#2^(-0.1) &, 0, Range[100]]]]

cant plot derivate from differential equation

Suppose this code in Mathematica:
w[w1_] := NDSolve[{y''[x] + y[x] == 2, y'[0] == 0, y[0] == w1},y[x], {x, 0, 30}];
Manipulate[Plot[Evaluate[{y[x], y'[x]} /. w[w1]], {x, 0, 30}], {w1, -2, 3}]
The code works this way: A slidebar (in Manipulate) controls one initial condition (value of y[0]) of differential equation saved in variable w and when it is changed, the solution is plotted. This works fine, but I have a problem with plotting the first derivative of the solution (y'[x]). Instead of a function graph there is just simply blank space and nothing is plotted, even I checked it in Mathematica help, where the example code
s = NDSolve[{y''[x] + Sin[y[x]] y[x] == 0, y[0] == 1, y'[0] == 0}, y, {x, 0, 30}]
Plot[Evaluate[{y[x], y'[x], y''[x]} /. s], {x, 0, 30},PlotStyle -> Automatic]
works. Does anybody know where's the problem?
I found the problem, it is just in NDSolve it is needed to write
w[w1_] := NDSolve[{y''[x] + y[x] == 2, y'[0] == 0, y[0] == w1},y, {x, 0, 30}]
y instead of y[x] and everything works.

Numerical Solution for a specified parameter in NDSolve (Mathematica)

I am working on a solution to solve a Partial Differential Equation, Fick's Second Law of Diffusion to be exact.
I was able to produce a 3D Plot using the NDSolve and Plot3D functions.
Code used:
NDSolve[{D[c[t, h], t] == 1*D[c[t, h], h, h],
c[0, h] == Erfc[h/(2*81.2)],
c[t, 0] == 1,
c[t, 4000] == 3.08*^-18}, c, {t, 0, 900}, {h, 0, 274}]
Instead of a graphical representation, I would like to find numerical points of the graph at t = 900.
I would like to know how to put in t = 900 into NDSolve (or other functions) so as to generate detailed numerical points of the solution.
Try saving the solution in a variable first:
e = NDSolve[{D[c[t, h], t] == 1*D[c[t, h], h, h], c[0, h] == Erfc[h/(2*81.2)], c[t, 0] == 1, c[t, 4000] == 3.08*^-18}, c, {t, 0, 900}, {h, 0, 274}]
Then we can Evaluate this expression for our desired variables:
Evaluate[c[900, 10] /. e]
Or to make it more versatile, we can use Manipulate:
Manipulate[Evaluate[c[t, h] /. e], {t, 0, 900}, {h, 0, 274}]
Considering the information I received from the comments below; we can define a function like q[t,h] which will give us the solution as a function:
q[t_, h_] := Evaluate[c[t, h] /. e]
q[900, 10]

How do I write an Euler function in Mathematica?

I programmed a Euler function but misread the instructions, so now I have to make a new one, but I can't figure it out.
I have made the following automatic Euler function.
f[x_, y_] := -x y^2;
x0 = 0;
y0 = 2;
xend = 2;
steps = 20;
h = (xend - x0)/steps // N;
x = x0;
y = y0;
eulerlist = {{x, y}};
For[i = 1, i <= steps, y = f[x, y]*h + y;
x = x + h;
eulerlist = Append[eulerlist, {x, y}];
But it just generates the list I have specified.
I would like to have a Euler function which is able to generate this form:
Euler[y, 2, -x y^2, {x, 0, 2}, 20]
I don't seem to get any further.
It is not clear what you are asking, but if what you want is to be able to input
Euler[y, 2, -x y^2, {x, 0, 2}, 20]
and get
Then you need to write a function definition like this:
Euler[y0_, f_, {x0_, xend_}, steps_Integer?Positive] := (* body *)
Notice the underscores to denote patterns, the := to denote delayed evaluation and the pattern specification Integer?Positive.
As for the body of the function -- oh my goodness could you have picked a less Mathematica-style approach? Perhaps not. Procedural loops and Append are almost never the best way to do anything in Mathematica.
Here is a better solution.
Euler[y_, y0_, f_, {x_, x0_, xend_}, steps_Integer?Positive] :=
With[{h = N[(xend - x0)/steps], ff = Function[{x, y}, f]},
NestList[{#[[1]] + h, ff[#[[1]], #[[2]]]*h + #[[2]]} &, {x0, y0},
Euler[y, 2, -x y^2, {x, 0, 2}, 20]
{{0, 2}, {0.1, 2.}, {0.2, 1.96}, {0.3, 1.88317}, {0.4,
1.77678}, {0.5, 1.6505}, {0.6, 1.51429}, {0.7, 1.37671}, {0.8,
1.24404}, {0.9, 1.12023}, {1., 1.00728}, {1.1, 0.905822}, {1.2,
0.815565}, {1.3, 0.735748}, {1.4, 0.665376}, {1.5, 0.603394}, {1.6,
0.548781}, {1.7, 0.500596}, {1.8, 0.457994}, {1.9, 0.420238}, {2.,
If you want something that outputs Euler[y, 2, -x y^2, {x, 0, 2}, 20], then typing it into the notebook is the quickest method.
