simple membership provider in mvc -

How to make simple Membership provider from empty web application template in ASP.NET MVC4
I searched a lot on google, bing and many others, but I din't get positive responce about membership provider
can some one tell me basic of membership provider?

I followed these steps:
So before starting I am assuming you have setup your database models including a users model which we will use for simple membership. Go ahead and add a "username" column and an "id" column (if you don't already have one) in the model and create the database. Remember already having a database is necessary if you want to use simple membership with your existing user's table. Simple membership will add it's table to your existing database.
1.Install Webmatrix.webdata and from Nuget Packet manager.
2.In your web.config enable simple membership by
<add key="enableSimpleMembership" value="true" />
in appsettings
3.Next step is to define profile, role and membership providers in system.web by
<profile defaultProvider="SimpleProfileProvider">
<add name="SimpleProfileProvider" type="WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleMembershipProvider, WebMatrix.WebData" connectionStringName="YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING" applicationName="/" />
<membership defaultProvider="SimpleMembershipProvider">
<add name="SimpleMembershipProvider" type="WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleMembershipProvider, WebMatrix.WebData" />
<roleManager enabled="true">
<add name="SimpleRoleProvider" type="WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleRoleProvider, WebMatrix.WebData" />
4.Next step is to connect your user table with simple membership. Now the Internet Application Template which is being provided by default uses a filter but we're going to skip it. We're going to directly initialize simple membership in global.asax by
if (!WebSecurity.Initialized)
WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection("YOUR_DB_CONTEXT", "USER_TABLE", "ID_COLUMN", "USERNAME_COLUMN", true);
And you are done with the setup.
Now to actually create users, there are two options, Create User and Account and Create Account only. How the create user and account works is that it will you will provide the user's information and it will create a user in your user table and then create a membership account. I personally use the latter, which means I create the users separately, and then create a membership account for that user using

Just create an Internet template, and copy the code out of it into your empty project.. although, honestly at that point you've essentially got the Internet template anyways, other than the default layout.
There's a lot of code that goes into supporting the Membership system, so study the Internet template and it will tell you everything you need to know.

When you create the new project, select the Internet Template.
When you register your first user it will automatically create the table structure in your db

So you want to use simple membership in MVC4 .
Follow the steps mentioned in this tutorial : Simple Membership
This will provide the all the basic information of how to setup simple membership in mvc4.


ASP.NET MembershipProvider membership info (usernames, passwords) not being stored? How would I implement this system in a networked environment?

I am working on a project in ASP.NET using MembershipProvider for my login system. Our issue is that the ASPNETDB file generated by ASP.NET upon creation of the login system seems to be empty or is not properly storing member information. Our project is a Web Site project, and we ran into a weird case of not being able to maintain login info. I gave my colleague my ASPNETDB file, he overwrote his and yet the login system was still using his old member information, it would not recognize the new ASPNETDB file. So I'm assuming the issue is that the member information is not being stored in that specific file as I was expecting.
How do we remedy this? We need to install this system for a client, so we will probably host the site sometime soon, how do we localize the membership information so that it's consistent across multiple workstations? Right now the membership info seems to be tied to specific computers. And when we go into the ASPNETDB file there doesn't seem to be anything there.
Can anyone shine some light on this? Its been happening for a while now.
I still don't know how to make it so that it always pulls from the
same location (project directory) instead of SQL server.
In ASP.NET Membership, connection strings for memership and roleManager are in web.config. You just need to update them accordingly.
<remove name="SqlConnection"/>
<add name="SqlConnection" connectionString="..."/>
<add connectionStringName="SqlConnection" ... />
<roleManager enabled="true">
<add connectionStringName="SqlConnection" ../>

MVC4 Simple Membership Provider setup

I would like to use mvc4 Simple membership provider. So I set up a new MVC4 internet application. Click Debug and I see that db and tables were created for me.
Is this all I need to do?.
Some articles:
tell me to add
<membership defaultProvider >...
section. is this necessary?
I can't get ASP.Net configuration tool to work. It says "An error was encountered. Please return to the previous page and try again. "
If you created a new MVC 4 web application using the Internet template it should have wired up SimpleMembership for a basic log-on/log-off functionality. It should have already updated your web.config with the proper settings. It should have setup the membership and roles and they should looks something like this.
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="SimpleRoleProvider">
<add name="SimpleRoleProvider" type="WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleRoleProvider, WebMatrix.WebData"/>
<membership defaultProvider="SimpleMembershipProvider">
<add name="SimpleMembershipProvider" type="WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleMembershipProvider, WebMatrix.WebData" />
SimpleMembership does not use the ASP.NET Configuration Tool used with the traditional ASP.NET membership. You have to create your own web pages for managing roles and users.
The Internet template just creates the basic functionality for authentication and authorization in your application. But SimpleMembership is very extensible. For example it is fairly easy to customize what type of information you want to capture in the user profile or setup email confirmation of new users.

Custom Role Provider with ActiveDirectory Authentication

I'm creating a custom Role provider based on the ASP.NET Role provider. I have 3 tables. One for Users, one for Roles, one for UsersInRoles.The Users table has no password column because the users are authenticated with ActiveDirectory. That's my approach so far. I can't get the cusstom Role Provider to work, anyone has the same situation like me. How do you make a custom Role provider works with AD?
What I did: create a class which inherits from System.Web.Security.RoleProvider, and choose "Implement abstract class" from the context menu when clicking on : Roleprovider. I only implemented the method GetRolesForUser (the other methods throw NotImplementedException).
At a certain point I thought I also needed to implement the MembershipProvider, but a simple addition to web.config fixed it (since the assembly is not in the GAC, in the type-attribute, you only need to mention the namespace+type-name; not the assembly name and other parameters):
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="MyRoleProvider">
<clear />
<add name="MyRoleProvider" type="Namespace.To.MyRoleProvider" />
There is no need to implement the ValideUser method on a MembershipProvider.
You should be able to write the role provider in a manner to where you override the ValidateUser() method and force it to perform the AD lookup there. After that, most of the built in stuff should take over.

Where are my Roles being stored?

I've enabled Roles in my ASP.NET web application, but I'm slightly confused as to where they are being stored. In my old project, each Role would appear in the ASP.NET Roles table, and I could see them. However, in my new project, I can't see any Roles in the database table. The strange thing is, I can still use them (and the default Roles/Membership API) and everything works fine. Any ideas why they are not appearing the database table itself, and where they are actually being stored?
My web.config file has this:
<roleManager enabled="true" />
Using the ASP.NET configuration tool, my default Role provider is AspNetSqlRoleProvider.
I added this explicitly in my web.confg
<roleManager enabled="true" >
<add connectionStringName="myDBConnectionString" name="AspNetSqlRoleProvider"/>
By default, it does use the local database unless the role provider points to a database using a different database connection.
If you setup the tables in your own custom database and not the ASPNETDB.mdf file, then you will have to setup a custom provider definition pointing to the SQLroleprovider, and provide a custom connection string reference to where the database is.
In your membership database are two tables: aspnet_Roles contains the roles and aspnet_UsersInRoles contains the association of users with roles.
it will build it’s OWN database in the App_Data folder and create the required tables there

How do I deploy an custom MembershipProvider?

I've written a custom MembershipProvider that uses a custom database schema for storing the members, but I am having trouble figuring out how to deploy the provider. My target server is running IIS7, and I am able to navigate to a dialog for a adding a .NET User Provider, but instead of allowing me to select the assembly containing the provider & then the class, it provides a drop-down with a couple of MS written providers.
Do I need to drop my assembly in a specific location so that my MembershipProvider class is discovered by IIS? If so, what where does the .dll need to go? Otherwise, how do tell ASP.Net to use my MembershipProvider? Every example I've seen simply references the fully qualified class name, but makes no mention of how the file needs to be deployed.
If you look in the web.config file for your application, you should have a section called system.web. Within that there is a membership element with a list of providers. You should be able to add your provider and set a default provider there. Once your membership provider is registered in this way, you should be able to select it as a default for that application from IIS as well.
<membership defaultProvider="MyMembershipProvider"
<add name="MyMembershipProvider"
type="Common.Auth.MyMembershipProvider, Common"
writeExceptionsToEventLog="false" />
The providers element allows you to register multiple providers to choose from. Another feature is that you can clear out membership providers registered in other configuration files on the machine. This can make configuring your application less error prone later on. To do so, add the <clear/> element before the first membership provider (the <add/> element) in the list.
<membership defaultProvider="MembershipProvider1">
<clear />
<add name="MembershipProvider1" ... />
<add name="MembershipProvider2" ... />
If you want to register the same provider with multiple web applications just using IIS Manager, you will need to put the assembly in the GAC and add the provider to one of the machine config files instead. This is usually more work for little benefit when deploying a single application.
